144 research outputs found


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    The purposes of this study were to revealing correlation between the angles of body in the motor performance and stages take-off (time of phase & push angle) in each phases (hop, step and jump) for elite Algerian in triple jump. Our study based on the kinematic analyzes of the phases triple jump in the collision and push stages, through the Kinovea programmer. For this study, we have chosen the analysis of correlation (the Pearson correlation ”R”) in each of the phases (hop, step and jump) in the collision and push stages. Based on the practices and weaknesses of elites in practice; we confirm: 1) there is a statistically significant the correlation in the collision stage (hop phase; the angle of trunk°) with the time and angle of push, 2) the problem of our elites is in the hop phase, and its relationship with; the step and jump phases, 3) Improve achieve horizontal vertical velocity in hop phase and preservation in next phases (step and jump) as solution.  Article visualizations

    Contribution à l’étude de l’impact d’un site minier abandonné dans la haute Moulouya sur la qualité de l’Oued Moulouya, Maroc

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    Dans le but d’évaluer le degré de contamination chimique des eaux et des sédiments superficiels de l’oued Moulouya (Maroc) qui draine les centres miniers d’Aouli, de Mibladen et de Zaida, abandonnés sans réhabilitation dans haute Moulouya et d’estimer l’extension possible des éléments traces métalliques (ETM) au niveau du secteur aval, des échantillons d’eau et de sédiments ont été prélevés le long de l’oued Moulouya, en vue d’en déterminer les teneurs en ETM : Plomb (Pb), Arsenic (As), Zinc (Zn), Cuivre (Cu) et Cadmium (Cd) en période sèche et en période de pluie, et établir un diagnostic de l’état actuel de la pollution. Dans les sédiments superficiels de l’oued Moulouya, les analyses ont permis de mettre en relief le degré élevé de pollution par le Zn et le Pb dans la station S3 en aval de ces sites miniers dans la haute Moulouya, avec des valeurs maximales respectives de 191,62 et 156,72ppm, dépassant les normes internationales des sédiments des rivières (88ppm pour le Zn) et (22ppm pou le Pb). Par ailleurs, dans les stations situées plus en aval (S8, S10, S11 et S13), les rejets urbains des agglomérations avoisinantes de l’oued Moulouya contribuent aussi à cette contamination par un apport  anthropique qui se traduit par une augmentation des teneurs en ETM. Or, la mise en place du barrage Hassan II sur l’oued Moulouya a toute fois limité les apports en eaux fluviales et par conséquent diminué son pouvoir d’évacuation des polluants émanant des sites miniers de la haute Moulouya vers l’aval de l’oued. En effet, la comparaison des teneurs en As, Pb, Zn, Cu et Cd avec les normes Marocaines, montre que les eaux superficielles de l’oued Moulouya sont de qualité moyenne à excellente. Mais, l’accumulation des ETM dans les sédiments superficiels en teneurs excessives, dont le pourcentage élevé, pourrait être lié aux années qui ont précédé l’édification du barrage, ce qui représente un risque potentiel pour l’écosystème aquatique par relargage de ces éléments, au moindre changement des conditions physico-chimiques du milieu.Mots-clés : Maroc, Oued Moulouya, éléments traces métalliques, contamination, sédiments, eaux, mines, résidus miniers

    Étude de l’impact d’une industrie cimentière sur la composition physico-chimique des eaux de précipitations au niveau de la partie centrale du couloir OujdaTaourirt (Maroc Oriental)

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    Au niveau de la partie centrale du couloir Oujda-Taourirt, la cimenterie Holcim-Oujda constitue la principale unité industrielle pouvant participer à la pollution atmosphérique. Elle est située dans un domaine rural et limité au Nord par les monts de Beni Snassen et au sud par la chaîne des Horsts. Afin de déterminer l’impact de cette unité industrielle sur la composition physico-chimique des eaux de précipitations, nous avons installé 41 capteurs passifs au niveau des sept communes rurales entourant la cimenterie. Les précipitations recueillies durant les périodes pluvieuses de l’année 2001 et 2002 ont été filtrées à 0,45 µm. Les analyses ont porté sur les composantes physico-chimiques suivantes : pH, conductivité et les métaux lourds (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb et Zn). Les résultats des analyses physico-chimiques des eaux de précipitations et leur traitement par le système d’information géographique ont montré que le pH mesuré est supérieur à 5,6, ce qui écarte toute hypothèse de pluies acides au niveau de la zone d’étude. Les valeurs les plus élevées ont été enregistrées à proximité de l’usine, à cause des matières en suspension riches de la chaux vive (CaO). Concernant la conductivité, les valeurs les plus élevées ont été enregistrées à proximité et au sud de l’usine. L’analyse des métaux lourds, a montré qu’il y a absence des éléments traces sauf le Zinc dont l’origine probable était la corrosion de l’entonnoir des capteurs utilisés dans la collecte des précipitations.Mots-clés : pollution atmosphérique, matières en suspension, pH, conductivité, métaux lourds.Study of the cement factory impact on the rainwater physico-chimical composition in the central part of Oujda-Taourirt corridor (Eastern Morocco)In the central part of Oujda-Taourirt corridor (Morocco), Holcim-Oujda cement factory constitutes the main industrial unit can participates in the atmospheric pollution. It is located in the country domain and limited in the north by BeniSassen’s mountain and in the south by Horts’s chain. In order to asses cement factory impact on rainwater composition, we installed 41 passive sensors at the seven country district surrounding the cement factory. The rainwater gatherd during the rainy periods of the 2001 and 2002 years are filtered at 0.45µm. We analysed the following physico-chimical components: pH, conductivity and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn). Obtained results have shown that pH exceeds 5.6. That moves aside any hypothesis of acid rains of area of study. The highest values were recorded near the cement factory because of aerosols riches in ions chlorides and ions ammonium. The conductivity values are higher near and in the south of factory.The analysis of heavy metals, showed that there is absent in the rainwater except the zinc, that the origin is probably the corrosion of the funnel of sensors used in the collection of rainfall.Keywords : atmospheric pollution, fine dusts, pH, conductivity, heavy metals

    La DĂ©couverte De La Fonction Logarithme En Utilisant Les Suites Et Le Logiciel Geogebra

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    Mathematics Logarithmic functions are an important part of the school curriculum. Also, they are important tools for solving problems in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics etc. The teaching of these functions is done in different ways in school curricula. This article focuses on the discovery of logarithmic functions using alternative methods for efficient didactic transposition. Our work focuses on: A bit of history concerning the invention of the logarithm function; Demonstration of the existence of a function which transforms the product in sum; Discover the logarithm function using the GeoGebra software; Explore the parameters of the function f (x) = a logb (x + h) + k using the GeoGebra software; Application of the GeoGebra software to solve problems containing the logarithm function. We concluded this work by clarifying the usefulness of the Geogebra tutorial in the didactic transposition for the teaching of logarithmic functions for the pupil as well as for the teacher. Also, this study assesses students' motivation in learning mathematical concepts. In addition, we propose didactic perspectives of the use of Geogebra in improving the teaching of mathematics

    A new frequency analysis for diagnosis of bearing defects in induction motors using the adaptive lifting scheme of wavelet transforms

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    This work describes a novel and effective application of the adaptive wavelet transform for the detection of bearing faults on induction motor stator current. This transform is based on a three-step nonlinear lifting scheme: a fixed prediction followed by a space-varying update and a no additive prediction. This transformation technique is used in a diversity of applications in digital signal processing and the transmission or storage of sampled data (notably the compression of the sound, or physical measurements of accuracy). Many faults in induction motor have been identified as bearing defects, rotor defects and external defects. Experimental results confirm the utility and the effectiveness of the proposed method for outer raceway fault diagnosis under no load and full load conditions

    Sporting events among the disabled between excellence and ideal in motor performance

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    The identification of mechanical variables in the motor performance trajectory has a prominent role in improving skill performance, error-exceeding, it contributes seriously to solving some problems of learning and training. The study Aims to highlight the indicators of motor performance for Paralympic athletes during the practicing sports between modelling and between excellences in motor performance, this by taking into account the distinction of athlete practicing with special behavioural skills for the Paralympic athletes. In the study we relied on the analysis of some previous research of biomechanical performance indicators during some of the events sports (shooting activities in the Paralympic athletics, shooting skill in the wheelchair basketball). The results of the study highlight the distinction of disabled practitioners of sporting events identified in motor performance during practice, by overcoming some physics indicators in human movement, as a lower centre of body weight, Increase in offset distance, such resistance which requires them to redouble their efforts. However, the results of the study highlighted the strength of the correlation between biomechanical variables of motor performance and the digital level achievement similar to the other practitioners normal

    The impact of cultural intelligence on burnout among practitioners working with migrants: an examination of age, gender, training, and language proficiency

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    Migrants are a vulnerable population that often requires specialized care and support. Practitioners who work with migrants must be knowledgeable about the unique challenges they face. Some first-line practitioners are better equipped to work in intercultural environments because they possess higher cultural intelligence (CQ). This study aims to examine the impact of cultural intelligence on burnout among practitioners working in 15 countries. It also compares levels of CQ in relation to age, gender, education, intercultural training, and language proficiency in the workplace. The participants in the study were professionals working primarily with migrants (N = 258) from 15 countries. The results indicate that motivational cultural intelligence significantly reduces burnout levels, while the cognitive and the behavioural dimensions do not have any effect. Practitioners who have undergone intercultural training have higher levels of cultural intelligence, and this type of training may be effective in improving cultural intelligence. The study provides organizations with insight on how to select and train first-line practitioners, focusing on developing cultural competencies and intrinsic motivation to prevent burnout among their staff and ultimately improve the quality of services

    Resolution Des Problemes Mathematiques En Formation Et Applications

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    Mathematics occupies a privileged place in the educational system. It is one of the main disciplines in a learner's school life that allows him to develop problem-solving strategies and different learning abilities. Indeed, it is very important to make the learner to become active in the learning process of Mathematics. As a result, problem solving has become a crucial aspect. It helps the learner in the development of strategies for problem solving. Also, the learner must be adaptive to new situations from other disciplines or everyday life. In this study, we used the Georges Polya's "How solve it" guide and we applied it to solving some problems by insisting on the importance of applications in the teaching of Mathematics. We talked about the definition of the open problem and its educational objectives according to the IREM of Lyon. Then we discussed the activities by describing some difficulties encountered by the trainee teachers. These activities include: (1) A problem solved by three different methods: analytical geometry, GeoGebra software, and the Maple software to make a comparison of methods by practice; (2) Solving some open problems. We concluded this study by implementing problem-solving strategies and reasoning methods as tools for trainee teachers for "solving some open problems"
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