104 research outputs found

    Susceptibility of Riverine Fishes to Anthropogenically-linked Trauma: Strikes from Hydropower Turbine Blades

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    Hydropower accounts for nearly 40% of renewable electricity generation in the US; however, dams significantly impact the surrounding aquatic ecosystems. One of the most visible impacts of hydropower―beyond the dam itself―is the direct negative impacts (injury or death) to fish populations that must pass through hydropower turbines to access desired downstream habitat. During passage, fishes face many potential stressors that can cause severe injuries and often leads to high rates of mortality. In this dissertation, I have focused on quantifying how fishes respond to impacts from turbine blades that may occur during turbine passage. Laboratory research into blade strike impact has a nearly 30-year publication record and observed trends in injury and mortality rates are generally true for most species. Additional research on untested species (American eel, bluegill, paddlefish, American shad, blueback herring, and brook trout) was successfully completed and new biological response models are also available. Quantitative support of surrogacy―applying biological response models for blade strike from one species to represent another species or group of species―was also confirmed. For example, Oncorhynchus and Salvelinus species had approximately the same biological response curves suggesting data from one could be used to infer mortality for the other. Live animal response data are invaluable, but the paucity of data on actual physical forces of turbine blade strike necessitated developing novel technology. A new biomimetic model (i.e., Gelfish) was successfully created using additive manufacturing techniques, ballistic gelatin as a tissue surrogate, and a sensor to detect changes in acceleration during blade strike. Importantly, preliminary blade strike testing also suggested the Gelfish prototype responded in a similar way to live fish. Finally, I compiled an anatomical and morphological fish traits dataset that was used to delineate species into functionally relevant groups. The resulting anatomorphic functional guilds were also found to account for variation in relative flexibility better than purely taxonomic groups among the riverine species studied. Combined, these results suggest that the available biological response models can be used to represent untested species within the same anatomorphic functional guilds, and will help calibrate/validate newer versions of Gelfish that maximize biofidelity

    Rocket Fin Test Fixture Development & Exploration of Rotation Inducing Fin Design

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    The purpose of this senior project was to develop a method of applying rotation inducing rocket fin concepts to rockets for the benefit of the University of Akron Akronauts; the student led rocket design team. The project was performed independently of the team’s current efforts as a research and development endeavor for future team projects. Main project goals were divided into three parts: design a fin test fixture for verification testing in the University’s wind tunnel, develop a parameter-driven software model that could be used to generate design options with theoretical performance data as an output, and run fluid dynamics analyses to offer additional support to findings. At a higher level, this project was chosen as an opportunity to exercise a few of the many different facets of the engineering process. Over the course of the project, our team received valuable experience with: idea generation and brainstorming, concept vetting, technical software programming, process troubleshooting, rapid prototyping, and aerodynamic-related testing

    Taphonomy of a monodominant Gryposaurus sp. bonebed from the Oldman Formation (Campanian) of Alberta, Canada

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    A monodominant Gryposaurus sp. bonebed in the lower unit of the Campanian Oldman Formation of southern Alberta is the oldest hadrosauroid bonebed documented in the province and the first described from the formation. The sedimentology of the locality and the taphonomy of the hadrosaurid material indicates that the bonebed represents an assemblage of juvenile-sized individuals that were probably transported only a short distance from where they died to where they were finally deposited and preserved in a fine-grained mudstone within an overbank sequence. Histological examination of six limb elements confirms that all individuals are juveniles, with two age classes (<1 and <2 years of age at the time of death) that likely died in the same event. Bone microstructure data indicate that Gryposaurus experienced rapid growth over the 2-year life spans documented, equivalent to other Late Cretaceous hadrosaurids in North America. The parautochthonous nature of the bonebed, and the lack of small neonate (newborn) material and almost complete lack of large adult material, suggests that the bonebed represents a segregated group of juveniles. This group of immature individuals may have been an autonomous unit that had separated itself from a larger social grouping, possibly in an effort to increase their survivability

    Distinguishing ecological from evolutionary approaches to transposable elements

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    Considerable variation exists not only in the kinds of transposable elements (TEs) occurring within the genomes of different species, but also in their abundance and distribution. Noting a similarity to the assortment of organisms among ecosystems, some researchers have called for an ecological approach to the study of transposon dynamics. However, there are several ways to adopt such an approach, and it is sometimes unclear what an ecological perspective will add to the existing co-evolutionary framework for explaining transposon-host interactions. This review aims to clarify the conceptual foundations of transposon ecology in order to evaluate its explanatory prospects. We begin by identifying three unanswered questions regarding the abundance and distribution of TEs that potentially call for an ecological explanation. We then offer an operational distinction between evolutionary and ecological approaches to these questions. By determining the amount of variance in transposon abundance and distribution that is explained by ecological and evolutionary factors, respectively, it is possible empirically to assess the prospects for each of these explanatory frameworks. To illustrate how this methodology applies to a concrete example, we analyzed whole-genome data for one set of distantly related mammals and another more closely related group of arthropods. Our expectation was that ecological factors are most informative for explaining differences among individual TE lineages, rather than TE families, and for explaining their distribution among closely related as opposed to distantly related host genomes. We found that, in these data sets, ecological factors do in fact explain most of the variation in TE abundance and distribution among TE lineages across less distantly related host organisms. Evolutionary factors were not significant at these levels. However, the explanatory roles of evolution and ecology become inverted at the level of TE families or among more distantly related genomes. Not only does this example demonstrate the utility of our distinction between ecological and evolutionary perspectives, it further suggests an appropriate explanatory domain for the burgeoning discipline of transposon ecology. The fact that ecological processes appear to be impacting TE lineages over relatively short time scales further raises the possibility that transposons might serve as useful model systems for testing more general hypotheses in ecology

    Background ozone over the United States in summer: Origin, trend, and contribution to pollution episodes

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    Observations indicate that ozone (O3) concentrations in surface air over the United States in summer contain a 20–45 ppbv background contribution, presumably reflecting transport from outside the North American boundary layer. We use a three-dimensional global model of tropospheric chemistry driven by assimilated meteorological observations to investigate the origin of this background and to quantify its contribution to total surface O3 on both average and highly polluted summer days. The model simulation is evaluated with a suite of surface and aircraft observations over the United States from the summer of 1995. The model reproduces the principal features in the observed distributions of O3 and its precursors, including frequency distributions of O3 concentrations and the development of regional high-O3 episodes in the eastern United States. Comparison of simulations with 1995 versus 1980 global fossil fuel emissions indicates that the model captures the previously observed decrease in the high end of the O3 probability distribution in surface air over the United States (reflecting reduction of domestic hydrocarbon emissions) and the increase in the low end (reflecting, at least in the model, rising Asian emissions). In the model, background O3 produced outside of the North American boundary layer contributes an average 25–35 ppbv to afternoon O3 concentrations in surface air in the western United States. and 15–30 ppbv in the eastern United States during the summer of 1995. This background generally decays to below 15 ppbv during the stagnation conditions conducive to exceedances of the 8-hour 0.08 ppmv (80 ppbv) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for O3. A high background contribution of 25–40 ppbv is found during 9% of these exceedances, reflecting convective mixing of free tropospheric O3 from aloft, followed by rapid production within the U.S. boundary layer. Anthropogenic emissions in Asia and Europe are found to increase afternoon O3 concentrations in surface air over the United States by typically 4–7 ppbv, under both average and highly polluted conditions. This enhancement is particularly large (up to 14 ppbv) for O3 concentrations in the 50–70 ppbv range, and would represent a major concern if the NAAQS were to be tightened

    Differentiation theory and the ontologies of regionalism in Latin America

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