501 research outputs found

    Nutrition Awareness Level of Al-Balqa Applied University Students

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    This study is intended to find out the Nutrition Awareness level of al-Balqa Applied University Students. It surveys the perspective of  sample of a seventy-two students  of Ajluon University College/Al-Balqa Applied University  in Jordan .The study indicates that the students’ awareness ranges between low and medium. It shows that there are statistically significant differences among the variables of the study instrument ,specifically the students’ majors   which are  higher for science students, whereas there are no significant differences related to the year of study. The study comes up with a set of recommendations. Key words: awareness level, nutrition awareness, malnutrition, nutritio

    Amino Acids Changes during Citrus Storage

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    This study  investigates the effect on of  storage  on the citrus fruits . The Brix scale is used to measure  the amounts  of the amino acids  in the citrus juice . Seventy- four samples and  six major  amino acids have been  tested and analyzed  The study  showed while the  amounts of  proline, butiric,  arginine,  aspartic acids  increased, the amounts of  serine and glumatic acids decreased.  Some of the changes are attributed to errors in the freezing dehydration. The analysis results have confirmed fraud in the commercial grapefruit juice . Therefore the study recommends that the citrus chemo-graphic analysis of the free amino acids to discover the fraud . Pasteurization of the sample at a high temperature degree we can detect the existence of ammoniac. The study showed an evident storage effect on the concentration of amino acids in the lemon between December and May. There was a decrease in the concentrations of Serine, Arginine, and Aspartic amino acids in Jaffa oranges whereas there was an increase in the Alinine amino acid. In the storage period between May and October the Valencia type witnessed an increase in the amounts of the Asparagine acid and the Aspartic acid

    Real-time human detection in urban scenes: Local descriptors and classifiers selection with adaboost-like algorithms

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    This paper deals with the study of various implementations of the AdaBoost algorithm in order to address the issue of real-time pedestrian detection in images. We use gradient-based local descriptors and we combine them to form strong classifiers organized in a cascaded detector. We compare the original AdaBoost algorithm with two other boosting algorithms we developed. One optimizes the use of each selected descriptor to minimize the operations done in the image (method 1), leading to an acceleration of the detection process without any loss in detection performances. The second algorithm (method 2) improves the selection of the descriptors by associating to each of them a more powerful weak-learner – a decision tree built from the components of the whole descriptor – and by evaluating them locally. We compare the results of these three learning algorithms on a reference database of color images and we then introduce our preliminary results on the adaptation of this detector on infrared vision. Our methods give better detection rates and faster processing than the original boosting algorithm and also provide interesting results for further studies. 1

    O Brasil no Espectro de uma Guerra Híbrida

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    O recente livro do antropólogo Piero Leirner se dedica à análise do fenômeno das guerras híbridas, tendo como princípio a desnaturalização da ideia do Estado como máquina de domesticação da guerra. No livro o autor demonstra como as batalhas invadem o campo da política, não por ser uma anomalia desta, mas por estarem umbilicalmente atreladas. A partir disto, o etnólogo, pioneiro no estudo de campo entre militares, investiga como a participação das Forças Armadas nos bastidores na política brasileira, seria a causa e não a consequência da supracitada “polarização” política do presente

    Image Registration by Combining Thin-Plate Splines With a 3D Morphable Model

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    Registering images of a deforming surface is a well-studied problem. It is common practice to describe the image deformation fields with Thin-Plate Splines. This has the advantage to involve small numbers of parameters, but has the drawback that the 3D surface is not explicitly reconstructed. We propose an image deformation model combining Thin-Plate Splines with 3D entities – a 3D control mesh and a camera – overcoming the above mentioned drawback. An original solution to the non-rigid image registration problem using this model is proposed and demonstrated on simulated and real data

    Grammatical Errors of Writing in EFL Class

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    The current paper is descriptive qualitative research which aimed at describing grammatical errors of students\u27 writing in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Class. Data were gained from documents written by students of State Polytechnic in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia. The results have shown that the highest percentage of grammatical errors occurred in using the verb group. It consisted of 65.0 %. Following these errors, students made errors in the use of prepositions (12.8 %). The third errors that were usually made by students were the errors in the use of pronouns. It took 9.8 %. After errors in the use of pronouns, students made errors in pluralization (5.1 %). The next lower frequency of errors made by students were errors in the use of articles. It took 4.3 % of the whole text. Following that, students made errors in the use of conjunctions. The errors occurred at 1.7 %. The last errors made by students were errors in the use of subject-verb agreement. The errors occurred only 1.3 %. The results of the current analysis are hoped to be a reflection of EFL lecturers in Indonesia. Furthermore, EFL lecturers of State Polytechnic Kupang are hoped to focus more on teaching the use of verbs in writing class

    The Blockade Imposed on Qatar from the Perspective of International Treaties and Resulting Responsibilities

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     لا شك أن صدور القرار المفاجئ لمجموعة الدول الأربع، السعودية والإمارات والبحرين ومصر، بمقاطعة دولة قطر وفرض نوعٍ من الحصار البري والبحري والجوي والدبلوماسي عليها، أثار قضايا عدّة تتعلّق بالعلاقات الدَّوليَّة وعلاقات الجوار والأعراف والتقاليد، وترتب عليه انتهاك الكثير من حقوق دولة قطر، الاقتصَاديَّة والاِجتمَاعيَّة والأمنية والسياسية وغيرها، أقرتها المواثيق الدولية والإقليمية. أوضحت الدراسة أن حالة دولة قطر تُعد حصارًا وليس مقاطعة طبقًا لدلالات الحصار في اللغة والفقه الدولي، وأن دول الحصار افتقرت إلى المرجعيات الدولية خاصة فيما تضمنه الفصل السابع من ميثاق منظمة الأمم المتحدة الذي أعطى مجلس الأمن وحده دون غيره سلطة إصدار أي قرار من هذا النوع بموجب المادة 41؛ يأمر فيه باتخاذ التدابير المناسبة ضدّ الدولة أو الدول المعتدية أو المهدّدة للسلم والأمن الدوليين، وبـوقف الصلات الاقتصَاديَّة والمواصلات الحديدية والبحرية والجوية والبريدية والبرقية واللاسلكية وغيرها من وسائل المواصلات وقفًا جزئيًّا أو كليًّا، وبقطع العلاقات الدبلوماسية. من ثم فإن حصار الدول الأربع لدولة قطر ينتهك ويخالف تمامًا قواعد القانون الدولي وكافة المواثيق الدولية وخاصة مواثيق الشرعة الدولية لحقوق الإنسان والمواثيق الدولية المعنية بمكافحة الإرهاب، كذلك المواثيق الإقليمية ومنها ميثاقا جامعة الدول العربية ومجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية الذي يضم في عضويته أربع دول خليجية منها ثلاث دول تقوم بالحصار؛ هي السعودية والإمارات والبحرين، والرابعة هي دولة قطر التي يقع عليها الحصار. على هذا الأساس توافرت شروط المسؤولية الدولية تجاه دول الحصار نتيجة ما أحدثه سلوكها غير المشروع من وقوع أضرار كبيرة على دولة قطر، وهو الأمر الذي يجيز للأخيرة تحريك المسؤولية الدولية تجاه دول الحصار، والحصول على التعويض المناسب لما وقع على الدولة ومؤسساتها ومواطنيها والمقيمين عليها من أضرار جسام.No doubt that the surprising and sudden decision taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Egypt to boycott and impose a land, sea, air and diplomatic blockade on Qatar raises many issues relating to international relations, neighborhood relationships, and customs and traditions. The blockade imposed on Qatar resulted in many violations of the country’s economic, social, security and political rights, which are guaranteed by the international and regional treaties. This study demonstrates that the case of Qatar is a real blockade and not a boycott according to the definition of the term “blockade” from the linguistic and international jurisprudence perspectives. It shows that the blockading countries are lacking international references, mainly the Article 7 of the Charter of the United Nations that provides the Security Council solely the authority of taking such a decision according to the Article 41, ordering to take the necessary measures against the aggressing state(s) or those threatening the international peace and security. The Council may order the suspension of economic, rail transportation, maritime, air, postal, communication and telecommunication relations, partially or totally, or the suspension of diplomatic relations with such countries. Therefore, the blockade imposed on Qatar by the four countries is a clear violation of the international law and treaties, especially those relating to human rights and combatting terrorism. It also violates the regional treaties such as the Charter of the League of Arab States and the GCC, which includes three states imposing the blockade, namely KSA, UAE and Bahrain, and the fourth state, Qatar, which is the victim of the blockade. In this regard, the international responsibility of the blockading states is obvious because of the damaging effects of their act on the State of Qatar, which provides Qatar the right to set up a case of international responsibility against these countries and claim compensation due to the huge damage caused by the blockade on its institutions, citizens, and residents

    Variabilidade, parâmetros genéticos e caracterização agronômica e molecular de genótipos de cevada nua (Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum Hook. f.) sob irrigação no Cerrado.

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    RESUMO: A cultura da cevada (Hordeum vulgare L.) tem se mostrado com alto potencial para integrar sistemas de produção do Cerrado irrigado em razão da sua capacidade agronômica de adaptação e pela crescente demanda por essa commodity. Todavia, apenas a cevada tradicional ou com casca, com viés cervejeiro, vem sendo explorada pelos melhoristas brasileiros. Nos últimos anos, a cevada nua ou ??Hulless barley??, tem despertado um grande interesse devido as suas propriedades físico-químicas relacionadas à saúde. Essas características podem ser aproveitadas tanto para malteação como na alimentação animal e humana, dando oportunidade e oferta ao negócio agrícola, de forma a incluir novas oportunidades comerciais. Nesse sentido, ações de pesquisa e desenvolvimento são necessárias para gerar informações moleculares e agronômicas de diferentes acessos de cevada nua e, posteriormente, utilizar a variabilidade genética para o desenvolvimento de cultivares adaptadas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se quantificar e caracterizar a variabilidade genética de 18 acessos de cevada nua com base em marcadores moleculares e caracteres agronômicos, além de selecionar acessos com características agronômicas desejáveis para cultivo no sistema de produção irrigado no Cerrado. Foram avaliados 18 acessos de cevada nua, além de três acessos de cevada com grãos cobertos que serviram como referência. Os experimentos foram realizados em dois locais no Distrito Federal: na Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina-DF, situada a 15º35?30?? de latitude Sul e 47º42?30?? de longitude Oeste, numa altitude de 1.007 m; e na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado (SPM), localizada em Recanto das Emas-DF a 15°54?53?? de latitude Sul e 48°02?14?? de longitude Oeste, em uma altitude de 1.254 m, ambos irrigados via pivô central, de maio a Setembro de 2012. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. As características avaliadas foram: rendimento de grãos, classificação comercial de primeira, segunda e terceira classe, peso de mil sementes, altura de plantas, grau de acamamento, ciclo de espigamento, peso hectolítrico e teor de proteína no grão. A caracterização molecular foi realizada com base em 157 marcadores moleculares RAPD e nos dez caracteres agronômicos. Foram obtidas as matrizes de distância genética entre os genótipos com base em marcadores moleculares e características quantitativas. Foram realizadas análises de agrupamento e dispersão gráfica dos acessos. Foi constatada alta variabilidade genética molecular e agronômica entre os acessos, possibilitando a utilização das mesmas pelo programa de melhoramento genético. Observou-se tendência de agrupamento dos genótipos etíopes e uma significativa dispersão dos genótipos brasileiros, os quais apresentaram maior variabilidade genética molecular. Com base nas características agronômicas, foram verificados dois agrupamentos mais consistentes, um com os materiais dísticos e outro com os hexásticos. Os genótipos mais divergentes foram os dísticos CI 13453, CN Cerrado 5, CN Cerrado 1 e CN Cerrado 2. Os genótipos PI 356466, CN Cerrado 1, PI 370799 e CI 13453 apresentaram características 8 agronômicas de interesse e foram distintos geneticamente, sendo indicado para a base de cruzamentos visando à seleção de genótipos promissores, maximizando os efeitos heteróticos e a complementaridade gênica dentro do programa de melhoramento genético da cevada nua irrigada no Cerrado. Os dados obtidos na caracterização agronômica foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias agrupadas entre si pelo teste de Tukey. Foram detectadas diferenças significativas a 1% entre os acessos para todas as características avaliadas. Há possibilidade de se obter ganhos genéticos devido aos elevados valores do coeficiente de variação genotípico. Foi observada alta herdabilidade para todas as características, exceto para teor de proteína, possibilitando a transferência de características de interesse dos genitores para seus descendentes. Os acessos CI 13453, CN Cerrado 1, CN Cerrado 2, CN Cerrado 5 e PI356466 destacaram-se dos demais em relação as características agronômicas, rendimento de grãos, classificação comercial de primeira, acamamento e proteína. ABSTRACT: The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) has shown a high potential for integrating irrigated production systems in the Brazilian Savanna due to its agronomic adaptability and to the increasing demand for this commodity. However, only the traditional or covered barley, with brewing characteristics, has been explored by Brazilian breeders. In recent years, the naked barley, or hulless barley, has aroused great interest due to its physical and chemical properties related to health. These characteristics can be availed for both malting and human or animal feeding, providing opportunity and supply to the agriculture business, in a way to include new commercial opportunities. In this sense, actions in research and development are needed to generate molecular and agronomic information from different barley accessions and, posteriorly, use the genetic variability for the development of adapted cultivars. In this study, it was aimed to quantify and characterize the genetic variability of 18 accessions of hulless barley based on molecular markers and agronomic traits, and select accessions with desired agronomic traits for cultivation in irrigated production system in the Brazilian Savanna. Eighteen accessions of hulless barley were evaluated, and three accessions of covered barley served as reference. The experiments were performed in two sites in Distrito Federal: Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina-DF, 15º35?30?? latitude south and 47º42?30?? longitude West, 1.007 meters high; and Embrapa Produtos e Mercado (SPM), Recanto das Emas-DF, 15°54?53?? latitude South and 48°02?14?? longitude West, 1.254 meters high, both irrigated via central pivot, from May to September of 2012. It was used the randomized blocks experimental design with three replicates. The evaluated characteristics were: grain yield; commercial classification of first, second, and third class; thousand seeds weight; plant height; lodging level; earing cycle; hectoliter weight; and grain protein content. The molecular characterization was performed based on 157 RAPD molecular markers and on the ten agronomic traits. Matrices of genetic distance among the genotypes were obtained based on molecular markers and quantitative traits. Graphic grouping and dispersion analysis of the accessions were made. High molecular and agronomic genetic variability were found among the accessions, enabling their use by the breeding program. It was observed a tendency to grouping among the Ethiopian genotypes and a significant dispersion among the Brazilian genotypes, which presented higher molecular genetic variability. Based on the agronomic characteristics, two more consistent groupings were identified, one with the two-rowed materials and another with the six-rowed materials. The more divergent genotypes were the two-rowed CI 13453, CN Cerrado 5, CN Cerrado 1, and CN Cerrado 2. The PI 356466, CN Cerrado 1, PI 370799, and CI 13453 genotypes presented agronomic traits of interest and were genetically different, being indicated for the crossing base aiming promising genotypes selection, maximizing the heterotic effects and the genic complementarity inside the breeding program of the hulless irrigated barley in the Cerrado. 10 The data obtained in the agronomic characterization were subjected to the statistical analysis of variance and the grouped means where analyzed by the Tukey test. Significant differences were observed at 1% among the accessions for all the evaluated traits. There?s the possibility of obtaining genetic gains due to the high values of the genotypic variation coefficient. High heritability was found for all the characteristics, except protein content, enabling the trait of interest transfer from the parents to the descendants. The accessions CI 13453, CN Cerrado 1, CN Cerrado 2, CN Cerrado 5, and PI356466 stood out among the others in relation to the agronomic traits, grain yield, commercial classification of first class, lodging, and protein content.Dissertação (Mestrado) ? Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Brasília, 2014. Orientador: Fábio Gelape Faleiro. Coorientador: Renato Fernando Amabile

    An analysis of pulverized coal injection in blast furnaces by rist diagram / Uma análise sobre a injeção de carvão pulverizado em altos-fornos por meio do diagrama de rist

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    The reduction process in blast furnace involves the higher cost of a steel company. The operational stability of the reduction process should be accompanied by low fuel rate and a good productivity. Thus, it is extremely important to control the main parameters of this process as the ratio between the direct and indirect reduction, the efficiency of the stack, the temperature of the Thermal Reserve Zone and energy balance of the Elaboration Zone. This analysis was performed using the Rist diagram, to assess the operational changes of operation All Coke in relation to the use of pulverized coal injection in a blast furnace 1 at ArcelorMittal Tubarão. The Rist diagram was effective in to relate the parameters studied with these operational changes