1,724 research outputs found


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    The Daily Learning Implementation Plan describes the procedures and organization of learning activities that will be carried out to achieve a basic competency that has been defined in the content standards and described in the Daily Activity Plan. This research is a School Action Research which aims to improve teacher performance in preparing the Daily Learning Implementation Plan. The results of this study indicate that in the pre-cycle implementation, the participants were only able to get an average score of 64 to 72 for each individual, this means that in the Kokop sub-district, the participants have not been able to prepare the Daily Learning Implementation Plan properly. While in the first cycle it was found that the teacher's performance began to increase, this can be seen from the results of the implementation of the first cycle, the participants were able to get an average score of 70 to 80 for each individual, meaning that they had not been able to make the Daily Learning Implementation Plan well and did not meet the criteria set out in the first cycle. expected, therefore the training was continued in the next cycle. Based on the results of the implementation of the second cycle, the participants were able to get an average score of 80 to 90 for each individual. From the results of the second cycle, the objectives of the training were achieved, therefore the cycle was stopped

    Estimation of capital and operation costs of backhoe loaders

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    Accurate estimation of equipment costs is a key factor in feasibility study and evaluation of design alternatives of mining projects. In this paper, capital and operation costs of backhoe loaders are estimated using multiple linear regression (MLR), based on principle component analysis (PCA). These cost functions are consisted of five independent variables; bucket size, digging depth, dump height, weight and horse power. The MLR is conducted in two steps. At the first correlation between independent variables is omitted using PCA technique. Thereafter, MLR functions are established using selected significant PCs and total cost functions are constituted as functions of initial variables. At the end, accuracy of functions are evaluated using mean absolute error rate method

    Gender Needs Awareness and Gender Asymmetry: An Analysis of a Rural Women Survey in Mountainous Areas of South-eastern Spain

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    Achieving gender symmetry in rural areas is an important target for the European Union. There is no shortage of talent, ideas and energy amongst women in rural areas, nor are there legal constraints. However, a range of cultural obstacles still stand in the way of their full participation in rural development (the persistence of traditional views about women's and men's roles in society, etc.) particularly in the Mediterranean areas. The integration of equal opportunities will no longer be a choice, but it will be an obligation in the design and implementation of rural development programmes and projects. Some European initiatives (NOW, EQUAL, LEADER, etc.) have already been taken to improve rural women's opportunities to participate more actively in economic and public life. In this context, surveying and the data collection will be considered an important preliminary step in the implementation of gender symmetry-focused development policies. In this paper, after briefly discussing the different gender paradigms in rural development, some results of a survey conducted on 304 rural women living in mountainous rural areas of the province of Granada (Southern Spain) are presented. The position of rural women as regards employment, family, socio-cultural, institutional matters, etc., is described. Then women's perception and awareness regarding both practical and strategic gender needs in the area are analysed. Factors related to how women stand with respect to gender needs have been identified using the probit regression model. From the above results, some conclusions have finally been drawn that could be helpful for designing strategies to achieve a better level of gender symmetry in the region, focusing sustainable rural development on a "gender planning" approach.gender needs, rural development, gender asymmetry, Southeastern Spain, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Labor and Human Capital, O18, Q01, R13,

    The environmental feature in consumer purchasing preferences: The case of Genetically Modified foods

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    Progress in Biotechnology (Gene Revolution) tends to be compared with that of the Green Revolution in the sixties and seventies. This process is developing in a context of increasing concern by the consumers for food safety and environmental conservation, stirring controversy in the scientific community and society about the potential benefits and possible risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In this context, the purpose of the present study is to estimate consumer preferences in relation to genetically modified (GM) foods, emphasizing the relative importance of environmental attribute, to develop an understanding of the factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions.Genetically Modified Foods, Consumers’ Preferences, Conjoint Analysis., Consumer/Household Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Control of Multiple Remote Servers for Quality-Fair Delivery of Multimedia Contents

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    This paper proposes a control scheme for the quality-fair delivery of several encoded video streams to mobile users sharing a common wireless resource. Video quality fairness, as well as similar delivery delays are targeted among streams. The proposed controller is implemented within some aggregator located near the bottleneck of the network. The transmission rate among streams is adapted based on the quality of the already encoded and buffered packets in the aggregator. Encoding rate targets are evaluated by the aggregator and fed back to each remote video server (fully centralized solution), or directly evaluated by each server in a distributed way (partially distributed solution). Each encoding rate target is adjusted for each stream independently based on the corresponding buffer level or buffering delay in the aggregator. Communication delays between the servers and the aggregator are taken into account. The transmission and encoding rate control problems are studied with a control-theoretic perspective. The system is described with a multi-input multi-output model. Proportional Integral (PI) controllers are used to adjust the video quality and control the aggregator buffer levels. The system equilibrium and stability properties are studied. This provides guidelines for choosing the parameters of the PI controllers. Experimental results show the convergence of the proposed control system and demonstrate the improvement in video quality fairness compared to a classical transmission rate fair streaming solution and to a utility max-min fair approach

    Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Prespektif Hadits (The Concept Of Character Education In Hadith Perspective)

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    Pendidikan dan Karakter merupakan dua aspek yang selalu berkesinambungan dan tak dapat dipisahkan. Proses pendidikan yang baik akan membentuk karakter yang baik, begitu juga dengan penanaman karakter yang hebat merealisasikan pendidikan yang hebat pula. Bangsa ini membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, oleh karenanya proses yang diperlukan untuk melahirkan generasi penerus bangsa yang berkualitas juga harus lebih berkelas dan berkualitas. Dilihat dari segala sudut pandang, pendidikan karakter menempati elemen teratas dalam unsur mendidik dan kependidikan. Pendidikan karakter tidak lepas dari besarnya peran pendidik yang menjadi ruang lingkup dalam tantangan ini. Proses ini merupakan proses yang akan terus berkelanjutan dan tidak akan pernah berakhir. Islam telah memberikan banyak ilmu pengetahuan serta tauladan dalam mendidik anak berkarakter baik seperti yang dilakukan Rasulullah SAW semasa beliau mendidik anak-anaknya, para sahabat, dan seluruh umat sekalian. Sehingga, pembahasan ini mengupas bagaimana penjabaran pendidikan, karakter dan hubungan keduanya dalam perspektif Hadits shahih Nabi Muhammad SAW

    The Foregrounding Of Al-Sam’ For Al-Basr And Their In Singular And Plural Form (Analytical Study Of The Quranic Simantics)

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    Al-Quran merupakan mu’jizat dan sebagai sumber pengetahuan bagi umat manusia. Di antara kemukjizatannya adalah dari segi bahasa terutama susunan kalimat seperti kalimat sama’ yang selalu mendahului kalimat bashar  begitupun juga perbedaanya dalam segi mufrad dan jama’nya. Maka dari situ, akan muncul pertanyaan bagi orang yang membacanya, kenapa kalimat sama’  selalu menadahului kalimat bashar  dan juga kenapa kalimat sama’ selalu dalam bentuk mufrad sedangkan kalimat bashar  selalu berbentuk jama’, apakah di situ ada sesuatu di baliknya atauakah itu hanya susunan biasa?. Maka dari permasalahan ini, penulis ingin mengetahui semuanya agar terungkap semua rahasia Al-Qur’an. Maka peneliti ingin mebahasnya secara mendalam. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif pustaka dalam mencari data yang diperlukan dari segi simantik al-Qur’an. setelah melalui proses panjang penulis menemukan hasil tentang kalimat sama’  yang selalu mendahului kalimat nashar, dan juga perbedaan keduannya dalam segi mufraddan jama’nya. Dari situ diketahui, bahwa kalimat pendengaran adalah panca indra yang selalu aktif dan juga panca indra yang pertama kali berfungsi ketika dilahirkan. Sedangkan kalimat sama’ yang selalu berbentuk mufrad dan juga bashar  yang selalu berbentuk jama’ dalam Al-Qur’an kecuali dalam satu ayat saja, ialah bahwa pendengaran (Sama’) tidak bisa mendengar banyak objek sedangkan penglihatan (bashar) bisa melihat beberapa objek dalam satu waktu. Dari situ jelas bahwa kalimat sama’yang selalu berada sebelum bashar dan juga perbedaan dalam bentuknya kalimatnya merupakan rahasia al-Qur’an yang diturunkan.&nbsp


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    Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni rupa banyak siswa kelas yang belum menguasai kemampuan menggambar bentuk. Penulis melakukan upaya meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menggambar bentuk dengan menggunakan Teknik Contextual Teaching and Learning.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri  2 Palimanan sebanyak 36 siswa. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri  2 Palimanan dalam menggambar bentuk pada mata pelajaran Seni Rupa dengan menggunakan teknik Contextual Teaching and Learning. Penelitian dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus, dengan hasil Penggunaan teknik Contextual Teaching and Learning dalam pembelajaran menggambar bentuk dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri  2 Palimanan pada materi menggambar bentuk
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