10 research outputs found


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    This paper is an attempt to understand the ways inwhich the Indian Stateresponds to and constructs the issue of domestic violence through collaborationwith civil society organizations. Women’s groups have for a long time attemptedto infuse gender sensitivity into state machineriesin various ways for a betterhandling of women’s cases. For this purpose they have conducted gendersensitization campaigns, workshops and conferenceswith police, lawyers andjudges. Another such attempt is the establishment of women’s cell within thepremises of the police stations. These women’s cells run by Non GovernmentalOrganizations (NGOs) in collaboration with, and within the structure of policesystem aims at helping the police deal with cases of domestic violence in a gendersensitive manner.My paper attempts at an understanding of the functioning of one such women’scell at Orissa, India. The paper looks at the termson which the Orissa policecollaborate with local NGOs and studies the impactof such an initiative uponwomen’s quest for justice. In this effort it is tobe seen whether the statemachinery (i.e. the police system) subsumes the civil society organization (i.e theNGO) or vice versa, or is it mutually beneficial for both. My paper also focuses incritically analyzing the different functions performed by such women’s cells(members of which come from both police force as well as NGOs) especially itseveryday dealing with cases of domestic violence. The attitude of women’s cellpersonnel as regards the issue of domestic violenceis analyzed. Methods such asobservation of cases at women’s cell within policestations, content analysis of themonthly booklet published by such cells and interviews of women’s cellpersonnel is used to collect data for the study. This study brings forth the ways in which women’s cell personnel interpret andimplement existing laws on domestic violence and inthe process construct andreinforce concepts such as ‘women’, ‘marriage’, ‘family’, ‘masculinity’ and‘femininity’. My paper also illustrates that the capacity of the women’s cell tofulfill many of their original objectives is necessarily limited by their problematicposition within the police bureaucracy. Yet in thecurrent social scenario, wheregeneral police stations are dominated by a masculinist culture these women’s celldo provide a more gender friendly environment. Thuswomen complainants mightfind this space more accessible and compassionate than a police station wherethey fear sexual harassment in addition to other problems

    Rendre justice ou renforcer le patriarcat ? Le genre, la loi et la violence domestique

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    La Constitution indienne garantit aux femmes l’égalitĂ© civique et c’est Ă  l’État indien de s’assurer qu’une telle garantie constitutionnelle est respectĂ©e en toute circonstance. La loi constitue l’un des outils principaux permettant Ă  l’État de s’assurer que les femmes bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’un traitement Ă©quitable en tant que citoyennes et que toute discrimination et violence fondĂ©e sur le genre soient bannies. Les exemples prouvent cependant que la loi n’a pas fait la preuve de son efficacitĂ© pour enrayer la myriade de formes de violence Ă  caractĂšre sexiste auxquelles les femmes Ă  travers toute l’Inde se trouvent quotidiennement confrontĂ©es.  Les commissariats de police entiĂšrement fĂ©minins, fruits du combat des mouvements fĂ©ministes, entre autres, n’ont pas permis d’observer de changement substantiel. C’est dans ce contexte que cet article tente de comprendre la relation (Ă  travers la loi) de l’État envers les femmes et son attitude dans leurs problĂšmes quotidiens. Il s’agira de se livrer Ă  un examen attentif des moyens par lesquels l’État indien conçoit, rĂ©pond et Ă©labore la question de la violence Ă  l’égard des femmes. Le prĂ©sent article examine la culture au cƓur de laquelle fonctionne le systĂšme judiciaire indien et dans quelle mesure il affecte la quĂȘte de justice des femmes. On cherchera ici Ă  comprendre plus spĂ©cifiquement la perception, de la part du personnel judiciaire, Ă  l’égard de la violence domestique et des maniĂšres dont celui-ci interprĂšte et met en Ɠuvre les lois existantes afin de se prononcer sur de telles affaires. Les donnĂ©es communiquĂ©es dans cet article ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es dans le cadre de l’appareil judiciaire de l’État d’Odisha, situĂ© dans la partie orientale du pays. Nous nous sommes fondĂ©s sur l’analyse de contenu d’affaires jugĂ©es par la Haute cour de l’Odisha dans les annĂ©es 1988-2009 en lien avec les articles S498A et 304B IPC (Femmes Battues et Meurtre pour Dot), la Loi d’interdiction de la dot 4 & 6 et la Loi de protection des femmes contre la violence conjugale de 2005. Les donnĂ©es proviennent Ă©galement d’observations dans tous les postes de police fĂ©minins ainsi que d’interviews approfondis avec le personnel judiciaire (police, avocats et juges) et un suivi de leurs rĂ©ponses et attitudes quant Ă  la question de la violence domestique. Cette Ă©tude affirme que le personnel judiciaire interprĂšte et applique les articles en question de maniĂšre patriarcale et par lĂ -mĂȘme, renforce des notions sexuellement connotĂ©es telles que « femmes », « sexualité », « famille idĂ©ale », « masculinité » et « fĂ©minité ». Elle conclut qu’en dĂ©pit des amendements, les notions patriarcales telles que « chasteté » et « pureté », « devoir conjugal » » et « rĂŽles genrĂ©s », « Sita et sati » « bonne et mauvaise femme » « famille sacrĂ©e » et autres sont utilisĂ©es pour refuser que justice soit faite aux femmes. Cet article insiste sur le fait qu’alors que des lois ont Ă©tĂ© promulguĂ©es et amendĂ©es de temps Ă  autre (ce qui en soit n’est pas accompli de maniĂšre Ă  tenir compte du genre), c’est surtout dans l’interprĂ©tation et l’application que l’État/la loi faillit. Il prouve comment, plutĂŽt que de constituer un outil de lutte contre la violence faite aux femmes, la loi prend une part active et importante Ă  perpĂ©tuer la discrimination et la violence sexistes, niant par lĂ  aux femmes une Ă©galitĂ© civique.Constitution of India guarantees women equal citizenship and it is upon the Indian state to ensure that such constitutional guarantee is upheld in all circumstances. Law is one of the important tools through which the state aims to ensure that women are treated as equal citizens and any gender based discrimination and violence is not tolerated. However, literature shows that though everyday women across India face myriad forms of gender based violence, law has not proved to be an efficient mechanism to control such violence. The fruits of women's movement such as the establishment of all women's police station and others also have not made a substantial difference. It is in this context that this paper attempts to understand states’ (through law) relationship with women and its attitude towards their everyday issues. An examination of the ways in which the Indian State through its legal system perceives, responds to and constructs the issue of violence against women is taken up. This paper examines the culture within which the Indian legal system functions and how it affects women’s quest for justice. The focus here is on understanding the perception of legal personnel towards domestic violence and the ways in which they interpret and implement existing laws and adjudicate such cases.  Data for this paper has been collected from the legal system of the state of Odisha, situated in the eastern part of India. This paper is based on content analysis of cases judged by the Odisha High Court, for the years 1988-2009 related to sections S498A and 304B IPC (Wife Battering and Dowry Death), Dowry Prohibition Act 4 & 6 and Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act, 2005. Data is also garnered from observations at all women police stations, and in-depth interviews of legal personnel (police, lawyers and judges) tracing their responses and attitudes towards the issue of domestic violence. This paper argues that legal personnel interpret and implement existing sections in patriarchal ways and in the process reinforce gendered notions such as «women», «sexuality» «ideal family» «masculinity» and «femininity». It brings forth how despite amendments patriarchal notions such as «chastity» and «purity», «womanly duties» «gendered roles» «Sita and sati» «good and bad wife» «family as sacred» and others are used to deny justice to women.  This paper emphasizes that while laws have been enacted and amended from time to time (which in itself is not taken up in a gender sensitive manner), it is mainly in their interpretation and implementation that the state/law has failed. The paper also brings to light the ways in which the patriarchal culture of the legal institution itself largely discourages women from accessing it and often victimizes the victim. It shows how rather than being a tool to fight violence against women, law often plays an active and important role in perpetuating gender based discrimination and violence, thus denying women right to equal citizenship

    Rendre justice ou renforcer le patriarcat ? Le genre, la loi et la violence domestique

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    Constitution of India guarantees women equal citizenship and it is upon the Indian state to ensure that such constitutional guarantee is upheld in all circumstances. Law is one of the important tools through which the state aims to ensure that women are treated as equal citizens and any gender based discrimination and violence is not tolerated. However, literature shows that though everyday women across India face myriad forms of gender based violence, law has not proved to be an efficient mechanism to control such violence. The fruits of women's movement such as the establishment of all women's police station and others also have not made a substantial difference. It is in this context that this paper attempts to understand states’ (through law) relationship with women and its attitude towards their everyday issues. An examination of the ways in which the Indian State through its legal system perceives, responds to and constructs the issue of violence against women is taken up. This paper examines the culture within which the Indian legal system functions and how it affects women’s quest for justice. The focus here is on understanding the perception of legal personnel towards domestic violence and the ways in which they interpret and implement existing laws and adjudicate such cases.  Data for this paper has been collected from the legal system of the state of Odisha, situated in the eastern part of India. This paper is based on content analysis of cases judged by the Odisha High Court, for the years 1988-2009 related to sections S498A and 304B IPC (Wife Battering and Dowry Death), Dowry Prohibition Act 4 & 6 and Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act, 2005. Data is also garnered from observations at all women police stations, and in-depth interviews of legal personnel (police, lawyers and judges) tracing their responses and attitudes towards the issue of domestic violence. This paper argues that legal personnel interpret and implement existing sections in patriarchal ways and in the process reinforce gendered notions such as «women», «sexuality» «ideal family» «masculinity» and «femininity». It brings forth how despite amendments patriarchal notions such as «chastity» and «purity», «womanly duties» «gendered roles» «Sita and sati» «good and bad wife» «family as sacred» and others are used to deny justice to women.  This paper emphasizes that while laws have been enacted and amended from time to time (which in itself is not taken up in a gender sensitive manner), it is mainly in their interpretation and implementation that the state/law has failed. The paper also brings to light the ways in which the patriarchal culture of the legal institution itself largely discourages women from accessing it and often victimizes the victim. It shows how rather than being a tool to fight violence against women, law often plays an active and important role in perpetuating gender based discrimination and violence, thus denying women right to equal citizenship

    Fungal endophytes from two orchid species pointer towards organ specificity

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    Fungal endophytes may influence plant communities by altering the host's fitness either positively or negatively. Little is known, however, about their host/organ specificity, life style and role in plantfungus symbiosis under varying environmental conditions. We compared the leaf and root endophyte assemblages of two orchids (Bulbophyllum neilgherrense and Pholidota pallida) from natural forests and greenhouse conditions. Xylariaceae species were consistently associated with leaf and root tissues, while Guignardia and Pestalotiopsis were found predominantly in the leaf tissues of both orchids. Correspondence analysis of the endophyte assemblages showed that the endophytes exhibited distinct organ but little host specificity. More endophytes were shared by the two different orchids growing in the same location when compared to endophyte assemblages of a single orchid from different locations. Considering the influence of endophytes in shaping the host's community, diverse habitats must be screened vigorously to address questions regarding the role of endophytes in hostendophyte interactions. RostlinnĂĄ společenstva mohou bĂœt ovlivněna pĆŻsobenĂ­m houbovĂœch endofytĆŻ, kterĂ© se odrĂĄĆŸĂ­ ve změnĂĄch fitness jejich hostitelĆŻ, aĆ„ uĆŸ pozitivnĂ­ch či negativnĂ­ch. AvĆĄak mĂĄlo je znĂĄmo o hostitelskĂ© či orgĂĄnovĂ© specificitě endofytĆŻ, jejich ĆŸivotnĂ­m stylu a roli v symbiotickĂ©m vztahu s rostlinou pƙi rĆŻz-nĂœch podmĂ­nkĂĄch prostƙedĂ­. Autoƙi srovnĂĄvali společenstva listovĂœch a koƙenovĂœch endofytĆŻ dvou orchidejĂ­ (Bulbophyllum neilgherrense a Pholidota pallida), rostoucĂ­ch v pƙirozenĂœch lesĂ­ch a sklenĂ­-kovĂœch podmĂ­nkĂĄch. Druhy z čeledi Xylariaceae byly pevně spjaty s listovĂœmi i koƙenovĂœmi pletivy, zatĂ­mco druhy rodĆŻ Guignardia a Pestalotiopsis jsou nachĂĄzeny pƙevĂĄĆŸně v listovĂœch pletivech obou orchidejĂ­. KorespondenčnĂ­ analĂœza společenstev endofytĆŻ ukĂĄzala, ĆŸe tyto houby vykazujĂ­ zƙetelnou orgĂĄnovou specificitu, ale nĂ­zkou specificitu hostitelskou. Vice společnĂœch endofytĆŻ měly dvě rĆŻznĂ© orchideje rostoucĂ­ na společnĂ© lokalitě ve srovnĂĄnĂ­ se společenstvy endofytĆŻ jednotlivĂœch rostlin z rĆŻznĂœch lokalit. Vzhledem k vlivu endofytĆŻ na utváƙenĂ­ společenstev svĂœch hostitelĆŻ bude jeĆĄtě potƙebnĂœ dĆŻslednĂœ prĆŻzkum rĆŻznĂœch substrĂĄtĆŻ pro ozƙejmenĂ­ role endofytĆŻ v interakcĂ­ch s jejich hostiteli