17 research outputs found


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    Fenomena globalisasi telah membawa dampak pada mobilitas tenaga kerja. Mereka bisa melintasi batas-batas negara untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan sesuai dengan kriteria pilihannya. Implikasinya diversitas SDMdi tempat kerja tidak dapat dihindari. Akan tetapi sampai saat ini sebagian besar perusahaan belum mengelola diversitas ini secara optimal sehingga seringkali menghasilkan kinerja yang buruk. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk membahas pendekatan-pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengelola diversitas SDM di tempat kerja. Termasuk paradigma baru yang sedang tumbuh yang memungkinkan perusahaan mendapatkan manfaatmanfaat nyata dari diversitas yang tidak diperoleh dari pendekatan-pendekatan sebelumnya. Selanjutnya diketengahkan tentang per an penting yang dimainkan oleh manajer dalam mengimplementasikan proses diversitas yang berhasil

    Empowering Leadership Terhadap Kinerja Pekerjaan, Keterlibatan Kerja, Dan Keterlibatan Kerja Kreatif: Peran Mediasi Pemberdayaan Psikologis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh dari empowering leadership terhadap kinerja pekerjaan, keterlibatan kerja, keterlibatan kerja kreatif, dan pemberdayaan psikologis sebagai mediasi. Review literatur dilakukan dalam upaya untuk mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel yang digunakan untuk membangun model konseptual. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan metode kuantitatif dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner melalui platform digital. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini diperoleh 100 responden dari seorang karyawan IT. Metode analisis menggunakan SEM-PLS dengan aplikasi SmartPLS versi 4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh hipotesisi didukung dalam penelitian ini

    Pengaruh reward, insentif, pembagian tugas dan pengembangan karier pada kepuasan kerja perawat di rumah sakit ortopedi Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the influence of rewards, incentives, job and career development in the job satisfaction of nurses. This study was included in the category of ex-post facto research. This study uses the individual (individual) for the unit of analysis, answer questions based on the responses of each individual (nurse Orthopaedic Hospital Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta). The data used is primary and secondary data. The population in this study were nurses working in the Field of Nursing totaling 187 people and taken samples of 65 people with accidental sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire with Likert scale. The data analysis includes validation test, reliability and multiple regression analysis. Test model assumptions including normality test, autocorrelation, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. The results showed that reward positive and significant impact on job satisfaction of nurses, incentives positive and significant impact on job satisfaction of nurses, division of positive and significant impact on job satisfaction of nurses, career development positive and significant impact on job satisfaction of nurses, and the rewards, incentives , division tuags and career development have a significant effect on job satisfaction of nurses at the hospital. Orthopedics Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta

    The effects of role stressors and emotional satisfaction on service quality: Moderating role of gender

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    The objective of this research is to find out the effect of role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload,  and work-family conflict on emotional satisfaction, the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality, and gender moderation on the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality. This research was conducted in Dr. Moewardi General Hospital. The research design used in was survey research. The population of this research was all nurses of Dr. Moewardi General Hospital. The sample consisted of 106 nurses taken using purposive sampling technique. The independent variables were role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload, work-family conflict, and emotional satisfaction. The dependent variables were service quality and emotional satisfaction, while gender was a moderating variable. Methods of analyzing data used in this research were multiple regression, simple regression, and subgroup analysis before which the instrument tests were conducted including validity and reliability tests. A multiple regression examined the effect of role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload, and work-family conflict on emotional satisfaction. Simple regression examined the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality and subgroup analysis examined the moderation of gender on the effect of emotional satisfaction on the service quality. The result of this research showed that: (1) Role ambiguity, role overload, and work-family conflict affected the emotional satisfaction significantly and negatively while the role conflict did not affect significantly the emotional satisfaction, (2) The emotional satisfaction affected positively the service quality, (3) Gender did not moderate significantly the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality

    The effects of role stressors and emotional satisfaction on service quality: Moderating role of gender

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    The objective of this research is to find out the effect of role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload,  and work-family conflict on emotional satisfaction, the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality, and gender moderation on the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality. This research was conducted in Dr. Moewardi General Hospital. The research design used in was survey research. The population of this research was all nurses of Dr. Moewardi General Hospital. The sample consisted of 106 nurses taken using purposive sampling technique. The independent variables were role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload, work-family conflict, and emotional satisfaction. The dependent variables were service quality and emotional satisfaction, while gender was a moderating variable. Methods of analyzing data used in this research were multiple regression, simple regression, and subgroup analysis before which the instrument tests were conducted including validity and reliability tests. A multiple regression examined the effect of role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload, and work-family conflict on emotional satisfaction. Simple regression examined the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality and subgroup analysis examined the moderation of gender on the effect of emotional satisfaction on the service quality. The result of this research showed that: (1) Role ambiguity, role overload, and work-family conflict affected the emotional satisfaction significantly and negatively while the role conflict did not affect significantly the emotional satisfaction, (2) The emotional satisfaction affected positively the service quality, (3) Gender did not moderate significantly the effect of emotional satisfaction on service quality


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    This study aimed to examine the importance of justice in students’ performance evaluation which might foster students’ commitment to lecturers, and as a consequence students would perform well. The research was conducted on students from departments of Sebelas Maret University who had undertaken com-petency-based learning; and used stratified sampling. Regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that students’ commitment to lecturers did not significantly influence students’ performance. Distributive and procedural justice in controlled commitment did not significantly influence students’ performance. On the other hand, procedural and distributive justice significantly influenced students’ com-mitment to lecturers


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    This study aims to test the mediating role of satisfaction toward remuneration system on the effect of supervisor support on performance. This study is conducted to 298 people who work as academic staff and administrative staffs. The samples are selected using stratified random sampling. It is hypothesized that, 1) supervisor support affects the satisfaction toward remuneration system, 2) satisfaction toward remuneration system affects employee performance, 3) supervisor support affects employee performance, and 4) satisfaction toward remuneration system mediates the effect of supervisor support on employee performance. The result of regression analysis shows that supervisor support positively and significantly affects satisfaction toward remuneration system. Satisfaction toward remuneration system has positive and significant effect on performance, but supervisor support has no significant effect on performance. The testing on mediation effect shows that satisfaction toward remuneration system fully mediates the effect of supervisor support on employee performance


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    This study aims to test the mediating role of satisfaction toward remuneration system on the effect of supervisor support on performance. This study is conducted to 298 people who work as academic staff and administrative staffs. The samples are selected using stratified random sampling. It is hypothesized that, 1) supervisor support affects the satisfaction toward remuneration system, 2) satisfaction toward remuneration system affects employee performance, 3) supervisor support affects employee performance, and 4) satisfaction toward remuneration system mediates the effect of supervisor support on employee performance. The result of regression analysis shows that supervisor support positively and significantly affects satisfaction toward remuneration system. Satisfaction toward remuneration system has positive and significant effect on performance, but supervisor support has no significant effect on performance. The testing on mediation effect shows that satisfaction toward remuneration system fully mediates the effect of supervisor support on employee performance.

    The Effect of Commitment on Performance Based on Justice in Performance Assessment

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    Competition in the working world tends to be more competitive. This condition demands the education to be able to produce graduates with high competitiveness. Graduates are expected to be competent in accordance with the needs of the users, the competences in their respective fields. This educational program called competency-based education or education with competency-based curriculum. The important issue is the evaluation of learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of fairness in performance assessment of learning outcome perceived by student and then fosters the lecturers, so that students perform well. Research is conducted on students from various faculties who have experienced competency- based learning with stratified sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis is used to test the validity of the instrument, while the Cronbach Alpha reliability is used to test the reliability. Regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses.  lecturers does not significantly affect the performance of the students. Similarly, when distributive justice and procedural justice controlled commitment does not significantly influence the performance of a students. While procedural justice and distributive justice significantly affect the students commitment to the lecturers.

    Gender Diversity Of Leaders On Organizational Performance Through Organizational Culture

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    Objectives - The purpose of this paper is to examine the philosophical aspects, namely the construction of organizational culture which has been the concern of scientists in the fields of human resource management, psychology, and anthropology. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses a literature study approach by mapping previous research related to organizational culture in articles, Scopus indexed journals and Google Scholar over the last five decades. Findings – The antecedents of organizational culture can come from internal factors and external factors such as a sense of achievement and company policies. From the organizational culture are organizational performance, job satisfaction, job performance, and company strategy. Originality – The purpose of this paper is to propose a schematic research model that shows the influence of organizational culture on organizational performance can be moderated by the gender diversity of employees. Keywords - Philosophy of Science, Organizational Culture Type of Writing – Concept writin