66 research outputs found

    Terapi Suportif Berpengaruh terhadap Keputusasaan dan Perilaku Stroke Survivor

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    Stroke merupakan penyakit tidak menular tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang mempunyai disfungsi dan dapat menyebabkan disabilitas. Disabilitas ini menimbulkan dampak psikososial bagi klien antara lain keputusasaan dan depresi.  Klien paska stroke atau stroke survivor yang mempunyai sakit berlangsung lama, harga dirinya rendah, akan dapat berlanjut ke kondisi keputusasaan, depresi bahkan tindakan suicide. Terapi suportif termasuk salah satu model psikoterapi yang digunakan di masyarakat dan di Rumah sakit untuk memberikan motivasi dan perubahan perilaku individu termasuk keputusaaan klien stroke survivor. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh terapi suportif  terhadap keputusasaan dan perilaku stroke survivor. Metode penelitian ini adalah Quasi experimental pre-post test with kontrol group. Sampel adalah 56 stroke survivor diambil menggunakan purposive sampling kemudian dikelompokan menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok intervensi(n=29) dan kelompok kontrol (n=29). Hasil analisa penelitian ini ada pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap keputusasaan stroke survivor dengan nilai p value 0,000 dan tidak ada pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap perilaku dengan p value 0,09. Sumber koping yang menjadi pilihan utama stroke survivor pada saat kondisi keputusasaan adalah dukungan keluarga dalam hal ini keluarga inti yaitu istri, suami atau anak-anaknya

    Recovery, self-stigma, quality of life, and the determinants among people with schizophrenia: a systematic review

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    Recovery and quality of life for people with schizophrenia (PWS) are persisting challenges in mental health services. Therefore, this research aims to investigate factors contributing significantly to PWS recovery for quality-of-life enhancement. A comprehensive search across six databases, including Scopus, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, SpringerLink, Web of Science, and CINAHL generated 196, 122, 134, 79, 51, and 113 articles, respectively, for screening. These 695 articles focused on patients diagnosed with schizophrenia in recovery, as well as comprised journal publications from 2019 to 2023 and quantitative or qualitative research published in English. A total of 22 articles that met the inclusion criteria were subject to a review process. The results showed that PWS recovery was influenced by coping strategies, illness severity, treatment compliance, hope, spirituality, social support, and partnerships, while self-stigma hindered recovery and quality of life. However, spirituality was found to significantly foster hope, self-confidence, self-control, and meaning for PWS. Health profesional played an important role in the recovery process through the establishment of partnerships, provision of coping skills, and empowerment of patients


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    Background: The role of adolescents will be balanced if the task of adolescent development goes well. Adolescents are required to change their attitudes and behavior in accordance with applicable norms. While a person's behavior is much influenced by his concept. Therefore education about self-concept can be done as a means to help adolescents recognize themselves in the process of development.Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of self-concept education to improve knowledge of adolescent development.Methods: The study used a research design Quasy Experiment with  non randomized contol group pretest posttest. This study uses two groups. The sample of this study is adolescents aged 12-14 years. The sampling technique used is non probability sampling with a purposive sampling method, and consisted of  94 sample / groups. Mann-whitney was conducted to determine the effect of self-concept education in increasing knowledge of adolescent development in the treatment and control groups.Results: Based on the results of the mann-whitney obtained p value = 0.000 (p 0.005), which means that H0 is rejected so that there is an effect of self-concept education on increasing knowledge of adolescent development. Conclusion: Based on the research, it was found that there was a significant effect on the effect of self-concept education on increasing the knowledge of adolescent development in SMP N 21 Semarang. Educating self-concept in early adolescents is expected so that adolescents understand more about the concepts in themselves according to the stage of their development

    Nutritional Content of Functional Herbal Drinks Made from Palm Sugar Powder and Spice Powder

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    In all regions of the world, including Indonesia, there is a change in the patterns of disease from infectious diseases to degenerative diseases and non-communicable diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic has also raised awareness of the need to continually strengthen the immune system. Increasing the body's resistance can benefit from the use of traditional herbs with medicinal capabilities. Some biological plants such as red ginger, alang-alang root, galangal which are known to the public for their spices, can become herbal drinks when formulated with the addition of palm sugar. These three plants have been studied on a laboratory scale to identify nutrients and bioactive compounds that are beneficial for health. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional content of functional herbal drink products made from palm sugar and spice powder (red ginger, alang-alang root, and galangal). The research method was carried out using hedonic organoleptic tests on 3 prepared formulas, phytochemical screening, and proximate test (nutritional content) The results of the organoleptic test showed that respondents preferred a formula containing ginger (500 g), alang-alang root (200 g), galangal (100 g,) and palm sugar (200 g). Phytochemical screening showed each component (ginger, galangal, alang-alang, palm sugar, and the developed formula) was positive for flavonoids and alkaloids. Only ginger was positive for tannins, all negative components were steroids/triterpenoids and only galangal was positive for saponins. Carbohydrate, protein, fat, moisture, and ash contents were 4.49%, 4.38%, 3.95%, 47.68%, and 9.76%. The results showed that a functional herbal drink made from palm sugar and spices has health benefits and the potential to be a functional drink


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    Hipertensi disebut silent disease karena biasanya pasien tidak sadar bahwa dirinya mengalami hipertensi. Hipertensi dapat menyerang siapa saja dari berbagai kelompok umur maupun kelompok sosial ekonomi. Pengobatan Hipertensi tidak harus menggunakan tidakan farmakologis, namun hipertensi dapat diobat menggunakan terapi non farmakologis berupa terapi yang berbentuk meditasi berupa terapi yoga. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian terapi yoga terhadap penurunan kecemasan dan tekanan darah pada penderita Hipertensi. Metode ini adalah desain Quasi-eksperimental dilakukan di Kelurahan Pedalangan RW 01. Sampel adalah 60 penderita hipertensi primer, yang secara acak dikelompokkan menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok intervensi (n = 30) dan kelompok kontrol  (n = 30). Hasil Analisa penelitian ini menunjukkan pada tekanan darah sistole dengan nilai p value 0,001 (p <0.05) dan tekanan darah diastole dengan nilai p value 0,000 (p <0.05) pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol setelah dilakukan yoga. Ada pengaruh yoga terhadap penurunanmtekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Peneliti menyarankan kepada semua tenaga kesehatan untuk menerapkan terapi yoga kepada pasien hipertensi karena yoga mampu menurunkan  tekanan darah. Kata kunci: Yoga, tekanan darah, hipertensi Abstract The effect of yoga therapy to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Hypertension is called the silent disease, it’s usually caused an patient not be aware that they was being hypertension. Hypertension can affect anyone of various age groups and socio-economic groups. Hypertension can treatment should not used pharmacological, measure, however hypertension can treatment by nonpharmacologycal teraphy a form of transcedental meditation or yoga. The purpose of this research is conducted to determine the effect of yoga therapy to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This  method design Quasi-experimental done in Pedalangan village RW 01. The sample was 60  subject primary hypertension, who were randomized include 2 groups: there was intervention group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). Analysis result Man Whitney experiment systolic blood pressure  p value 0.001 (P <0.05) and diastolic blood pressure with p value 0.000 (p <0.05) in the intervention and control groups after yoga. There is the influence of yoga to lowering blood pressure in  hypertensive patients. Researchers suggest to all health workers to apply yoga therapy to patients with hypertension because yoga can lower blood pressure.Keywords: Yoga, blood pressure, hypertensio

    The Response of Physical, Cognitive, Emotional in Patients with Mental Disorders Who Performed The Action Restraint

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    Background: Handling is often done in mental hospitals is binding or restraint. Restraint is the act of someone using a rope bridle are made to control aggressive behavior arising from maladaptive response in the patient, control patients with severe mental disorders, prevent injuries, and reduce agitation and aggressive behavior.Purpose: The study aims to describe the response of physical, cognitive, emotional in patients with mental disorders who performed the action restraint in UPIP Prof.Dr.Soerojo Magelang.Methods: The study design was used descriptive explorative. Samples taken by total sampling as many as 51 patients. Research tool using a questionnaire responses of physical, cognitive, emotional in patients with mental disorders who do act restraint Data was analyzed by univariate. emotions on mental patients who do act restraint consisting of 6 physical response questions, 8 questions cognitive responses, and 7 questions emotional response.Results: The results of this study with the respondent amounted to 51 patients showed early adult aged respondents were 19 patients (37.3%), male sex were 51 patients (100%), the majority of elementary education by 25 patients (49%). Physical responses in patients with mental disorders who do restraint that is included in the heavy physical response by 36 patients (70.6%), cognitive responses indicate cognitive responses were 28 patients (54.9%), emotional responses indicate emotional responses were as many as 23 patients (45.1%).Conclusion: Patients with mental disorders are at high risk for behaving amuck which is a form of aggressive behavior, patient amok need more specialized treatment


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    ABSTRACT. Garden City is an urban planning concept that adopted from of Ebenezer Howard who developed the idea of garden cities as a way towards a better and brighter civilization. This article discuss the Garden City concept as associated to planning evolution and describes the later changes in approach to planning better cities in current circumstances. Based on arguments from some experts and evidence derived from practice, Garden City is the novel idea that has a unique presentation because of its simplicity and range of details which consist of three main elements including decentralization, garden and city or in simple terms are location, physical design and community ownership. These days, while in some extent the Garden City idea is still attractive especially in terms of the idea of green design and social city model, the appropriateness of the Garden City idea to contemporary planning seems invalid. The Garden City concepts such as decentralization, low density, self-containment communities, new settlements and proportion of population to land are not anymore fit with current situation which is urban population growth rapidly imbalance with land availability.  Urban concept today tends to consider environmental approach in order to gain sustainable goals such as ‘compact city’ concept in planning the better city. The Garden City has a valuable contribution to evolution of urban and regional planning approach, but it is not entirely relevant to the contemporary planning approach.  Keywords: Garden City, Contemporary Planning ABSTRAK. Garden city adalah salah satu konsep perencanaan perkotaan yang diadopsi dari karya Ebenezer Howard yang mengembangkan ide ‘kota taman’ sebagai langkah menuju sebuah peradaban yang lebih baik. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan konsep Garden City terkait perkembangan perencanaan kota dan menjelaskan perubahan terkini dalam pendekatan perencanaan kota yang lebih baik. Berdasarkan pendapat beberapa ahli dan hasil penerapan yang pernah dilakukan, Garden city adalah sebuah konsep awal yang memiliki sebuah keunikan dikarenakan kesederhanaannya dan detil yang beragam. Konsep Garden city terdiri dari 3 (tiga) elemen utama, yaitu: desentralisasi, garden dan city atau dengan istilah lain adalah lokasi, desain fisik, dan kepemililkan masyarakat (community ownership). Konsep Garden City sampai saat ini cukup mendapat perhatian terkait dengan konsep green design dan social city model. Tetapi, beberapa konsep lainnya dari Garden City seperti, disentralisasi, tingkat kepadatan yang rendah, masyarakat mandiri, pemukiman baru, dan proporsi jumlah penduduk terhadap lahan tidak sesuai dengan situasi saat ini dimana pertumbuhan penduduk kota yang sangat cepat tidak seimbang dengan ketersediaan lahan. Konsep perkotaan masa kini cenderung mempertimbangkan pendekatan lingkungan untuk mencapai sustainable goals seperti, konsep compact city dalam merencanakan kota yang lebih baik. Konsep Garden City memiliki kontribusi yang bernilai terhadap perkembangan pendekatan perencanaan kota dan wilayah, tetapi tidak secara keseluruhannya relevan pada pendekatan perencanaan masa kini. Keywords: Kota Taman, Perencanaan masa kin

    Hopelessness Experience Among Stroke Survivor in Semarang

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    Introduction: Hopelessness was a negative feelings about goal achievement and powerlessness feeling against an expectation. Hopelessness in stroke survivors can occur due to prolonged disability and neurologic defi cit. This condition can lead to emotional and mental disorders even a suicide action. Therefore, it was a need to explore hopelessness experience in stroke survivors. Method: This study was a qualitative descriptive phenomenology with 6 participants. Results: 7 themes were revealed in this study, (1) Physical changes as a response on hopelessness, (2) Loss response as a hopelessness stressor, (3) Dysfunction of the family process, (4) Loss of meaning of life, (5) Self support and motivation as a coping resource against hopelessness, (6) The spiritual meaning behind hopelessness, (7) Can go through a better life. Discussion: This study suggests to develop a nursing care standards in hopelessness, encourage a family support and family psychoeducation for stroke survivors


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    Abstract: The Application of Explicit Instruction Model Using Natural Resources Media in Improving SBK Learning about Embossed Printing for the Second Grade Students of Elementary Schools. The objectives of this research is to improve SBK learning about embossed printing. This research is a collaborative Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted within three cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The result of this research shows that the application of Explicit Instruction model using natural resources media can improve SBK learning about embossed printing. It was proven by the increase of learning process and outcomes respectively in the first cycle 60% and 45.72%, in the second cycle 88.89% and 86.11%, and in the third cycle 100% and 100%. The conclusion of this research is the application of Explicit Instruction model using natural resources media can improve SBK learning about embossed printing for the second grade students of SD Negeri 2 Karangsari in the academic year of 2015/2016.Keywords: Explicit Instruction, natural resources media, SBK Abstrak: Kata kunci: Explicit Instruction, Media Bahan Alam, SBK Penerapan Model Explicit Instruction dengan Media Bahan Alam dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran SBK tentang Mencetak Timbul pada Siswa Kelas II SD. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran SBK tentang mencetak timbul. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan model Explicit Instruction dengan media bahan alam dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran SBK tentang mencetak timbul. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari dari hasil penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa pada siklus I persentase siswa yang memenuhi capaian target penilaian proses yaitu 60%,  siklus II 88,89%, dan siklus III 100%. Sedangkan persentase hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I = 45,71%, siklus II = 86,11% dan siklus III = 100%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan model Explicit Instruction dengan media bahan alam dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran SBK tentang mencetak timbul pada siswa kelas II  SD N 2 Karangsari tahun ajaran 2015/2016.