63 research outputs found

    Durabilité et territoire. Une lecture selon les catégories vitruviennes

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    [EN] In architecture, the concept of sustainability with regard to the territorial dimension is expressed in its criteria for the organization and management of the territory and refers to the use of land and its resources, the preservation of historical, landscape and natural heritage, the control of the hydrogeological system, as well as the strategies for productive, cultural and economic development. These issues, which regulate the location, construction and transformation of entire settlements, infrastructures, facilities and environmental reserves, can be managed from the act of composition, with a careful approach both in terms of form and in terms of the space and environment that are being modified. By breaking down the syntactic process of four Italian design proposals developed between the 1970s and the beginning of the current century, it is possible to deduce within them the application of the six Vitruvian categories: ordinatio (preparing specifications), dispositio (designing the forms) distributio (allocating the costs), eurythmnia (dynamics), symmetria (commensurability) and decor (functionalism) which, tending towards the optimization of the design effort, are revealed as operational foundations that intrinsically contain the authentic principles of sustainability. Indeed, to compose well is to compose sustainably , on all scales of building, since it includes in its own design questions of an environmental nature related to the economy of resources and space as well as their of use and modification.[CA] En arquitectura, el concepte de sostenibilitat atenent la dimensió territorial s’expressa en els criteris d’organització i gestió del territori i es refereix a l’ús del sòl i als recursos, a la preservació del patrimoni històric, paisatgístic i natural, al control del sistema hidrogeològic , així com a les estratègies de desenvolupament productiu, cultural i econòmic. Aquestes qüestions, que regulen la ubicació, la construcció i la transformació d’assentaments sencers, infraestructures, equipaments i reserves mediambientals, poden ser controlades des de l’acte compositiu, amb un enfocament curós tant en el pla de la forma quant a l’espai i al medi ambient que es modifiquen. A través de la descomposició del procés sintàctic de quatre propostes projectuals italianes elaborades entre els anys setanta i principis del segle actual, és possible deduir-ne l’aplicació de les sis categories vitruvianes (ordinatio, dispositio, eurythmia, symmetria, decor i distributio) que, tendint a l’optimització de l’esforç projectual, es revelen com a fonaments operatius que contenen intrínsecament els autèntics principis de la sostenibilitat. De fet, un “compondre bé” és un “compondre sostenible”, a totes les escales del construir, ja que engloba en propis gestos també qüestions de caràcter mediambiental, relatives a l’economia dels recursos i de l’espai i dels seus processos d’ús i de modificació.[ES] En arquitectura, el concepto de sostenibilidad a la gran dimensión se expresa en los criterios de organización y gestión del territorio y se refiere al uso del suelo y a sus recursos, a la preservación del patrimonio histórico, paisajístico y natural, al control del sistema hidrogeológico, a las estrategias de desarrollo productivo, cultural y económico. Estas cuestiones, que regulan la ubicación, la construcción y la transformación de enteros asentamientos, infraestructuras, equipamientos y reservas medioambientales, pueden ser controladas desde el acto compositivo, con un enfoque cuidadoso tanto en el plano de la forma cuanto en referencia al espacio y al medioambiente que se modifican. A través de la descomposición de los procesos sintáctico-proyectuales de una serie de proyectos contemporáneos, es posible deducir dentro de ellos la aplicación de las seis categorías vitruvianas que, tendiendo a la optimización del esfuerzo proyectual, se revelan como fundamentos operativos que contienen intrínsecamente los principios auténticos de la sostenibilidad. De hecho, un componer bien es un componer sostenible , en todas las escalas del construir, ya que engloba en propios gestos también cuestiones de carácter medioambiental, relativas a la economía de los recursos y del espacio y de sus procesos de uso y de modificación.[FR] En architecture, le concepte de durabilité considérant la dimension territoriale s’exprime moyennant les critères d’organisation et de gestion du territoire et concerne l’emploi du sol et les ressources, la préservation du patrimoine historique, paysager et naturel, le contrôle du système hydrogéologique, ainsi que les stratégies de développement productif, culturel et économique. Ces questions, qui règlent la localisation, la construction et la transformation de peuplements entiers, d’infrastructures, d’équipements et de réserves environnementales, peuvent être contrôlées à partir de l’acte compositionnel, avec une approche soigneuse soit sur le pan de la forme soit sur l’espace et l’environnement qui se modifient. À travers la décomposition du processus syntactique de quatre propositions de projets italiennes élaborées entre les années soixante-dix et le début du siècle actuel, il est possible d’en déduir l’application des six catégories vitruviennes (ordinatio, dispositio, eurythmia, symmetria, decor et distributio) ), lesquelles, visant à l’optimisation de l’effort de projet, s’avèrent être des fondements opératifs contenant intrinsèquement les principes authentiques de la durabilité. En fait, un « composer bien » est un « composer durable », à toutes les échelles de la construction, puisque cela englobe aussi, avec des gestes propres, des questions à caractère environnemental, relatives à l’économie des ressources et de l’espace et des processus d’emploi et de modification.Margagliotta, LS. (2023). Sostenibilitat i territori. Una lectura d acord amb les categories vitruvianes. ANUARI d Arquitectura i Societat. (3):268-298. https://doi.org/10.4995/anuari.2023.20297268298

    Turismo accessibile a Mondovì: proposte per il miglioramento dell’accessibilità

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    Mondovì Piazza, the ancient center of the city of Mondovì (CN), constitutes architectural and cultural heritage of considerable interest, which, despite its considerable potential for tourism development, is undergoing a significant demographic decline. The Italian Network of Accessibility Lab in cooperation, promoted, in 2016, an international workshop regarding ideas to improve the accessibility to services of a morphologically complex area, with the aim of collaborating with the local Municipality in an overall action for tourism enhancement with a focus on accessibility. During the workshop students in architecture and design from the universities participating in the accessibility Lab network, tackled an immersive design experience centered on accessibility issues with an original approach, face to face with the problems, the stakeholders, and a team of experts. The immersive workshop training experience was better than ordinary university courses, and allowed students to understand better the complexity of architecture and urban design and to learn a design approach based on real needs. The paper illustrates the results of the workshop both in terms of design proposals and learning outcomes, suggesting this kind of experience as the most appropriate to deal with cultural heritage accessibility issues

    Association of NAFLD and Insulin Resistance with Non Metastatic Bladder Cancer Patients: A Cross-Sectional Retrospective Study

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    Among risk factors (apart from smoking) likely involved in bladder cancer (BCa), metabolic syndrome (MS), obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been explored with contrasting results. In spite of these studies, there is little data on the association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), its main driver, i.e., insulin resistance (IR), and BCa. Implanting a cross-sectional retrospective study we tried to investigate both NAFLD and IR prevalence in a hospital based population of BCa patients. We studied laboratory data from 204 patients with histologically confirmed non metastatic BCa and 50 subjects with no BCa, but with bladder diseases (no Ca BD). We evaluated the presence of NAFLD by the triglycerides/glucose Index (TyG Index), using a cut-off of 0.59 and by the Aspartate Aminotransferase/Alanine Aminotransferase AST/ALT ratio. IR was assessed by the same TyG Index (cut-off 4.68) and the triglycerides/High-Density Lipoprotein HDL ratio (cut-off 2.197). The diagnosis of impaired fasting glucose (IFG), condition of prediabetes, as well as that of T2DM was assessed according to canonical guidelines. The TyG Index predicted NAFLD presence in both groups (p = 0.000), but the BCa group showed a major percentage of NAFLD cases with respect to no Ca BD group (59% versus 40%). A greater proportion of IR (47%) in BCa group than in no Ca BD one (37%) was evidenced by the TyG Index with its median value significantly different (p = 0.0092). This high rate of IR in the BCa group was confirmed by the triglycerides/HDL ratio (p = 0.02). Prediabetes and T2DM were more prevalent in the BCa group than no Ca BD group (p = 0.024). In this study a consistent NAFLD presence was found in BCa patients. This is an important comorbidity factor that deserves further consideration in prospective studies. The higher prevalence of NAFLD, IR, prediabetes and T2DM in the BCa group evidences the need that these disorders should be reckoned as adjunct factors that could impact on this cancerous disease

    Experimental investigation on camera calibration for 3D photogrammetric scanning of micro-features for micrometric resolution

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    [EN] Recently, it has been demonstrated that photogrammetry can be used for the measurement of small objects with micro-features, with good results and lower cost, compared to other established techniques such as interferometry, conoscopic holography, and 3D microscopy. Calibration is a critical step in photogrammetry and the classical pinhole camera model has been tested for magnifications lower than 2×. At higher magnification levels, because of the reduction of the depth of field (DOF), images can lead to calibration data with low reprojection errors. However, this could lead to bad results in the 3D reconstruction. With the aim of verifying the possibility of applying the camera model to magnifications higher than 2×, experiments have been conducted using reflex cameras with 60 mm macro lens, equipped with the combination of three extension tubes, corresponding to 2.06, 2.23, and 2.4 magnification levels, respectively. Experiments consisted of repeating calibration five times for each configuration and testing each calibration model, measuring two artifacts with different geometrical complexity. The calibration results have shown good repeatability of a subset of the internal calibration parameters. Despite the differences in the calibration reprojection error (RE), the quality of the photogrammetric 3D models retrieved was stable and satisfying. The experiment demonstrated the possibilities of the photogrammetric system presented, equipped to very high magnification levels, to retrieve accurate 3D reconstruction of micro-features with uncertainties of few micrometers, comparable with industry s expensive state-of-the-art technologies.Percoco, G.; Guerra, MG.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Galantucci, LM. (2017). Experimental investigation on camera calibration for 3D photogrammetric scanning of micro-features for micrometric resolution. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 91(9-12):2935-2947. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-016-9949-6S29352947919-12Uhlmann E, Mullany B, Biermann D, Rajurkar KP, Hausotte T, Brinksmeier E (2016) Process chains for high-precision components with micro-scale features. CIRP Ann - Manuf Technol 65:549–572. doi: 10.1016/j.cirp.2016.05.001Savio E, De Chiffre L, Schmitt R (2007) Metrology of freeform shaped parts. CIRP Ann - Manuf Technol 56:810–835. doi: 10.1016/j.cirp.2007.10.008Rodríguez-martín M, Lagüela S, González-aguilera D, Rodríguez-gonzálvez P (2015) Optics & Laser Technology Procedure for quality inspection of welds based on macro-photogrammetric three-dimensional reconstruction;73:54–62Xu Z, Toncich D, Stefani S (1999) Vision-based measurement of three-dimensional geometric workpiece properties. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 15:322–331. doi: 10.1007/s001700050074Galantucci LM, Lavecchia F, Percoco G (2013) Multistack close range photogrammetry for low cost submillimeter metrology. J Comput Inf Sci Eng 13:44501. doi: 10.1115/1.4024973Maté González, M.T., Yravedra, J., González-Aguilera, D., Palomeque-González, J.F., Domínguez-Rodrigo, M. Micro-photogrammetric characterization of cut marks on bones (2015) Journal of Archaeological Science, 62, pp. 128-142. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2015.08.006Brown DC (1971) Close-range camera calibration. Photogramm Eng 37:855–866 doi: R, Fritsch D (2013) Correlation analysis of camera self-calibration in close range photogrammetry. Photogramm Rec 28:86–95. doi: 10.1111/phor.12009Agisoft LLC (2011) Agisoft PhotoScan User Manual :37.Jcgm JCFGIM (2008) Evaluation of measurement data—guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement- annex B "general metrological terms"- B.2.14. Int Organ Stand Geneva ISBN 50:134. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2003.030528Yanagi, H., Chikatsu, H. Performance evaluation of macro lens in digital close range photogrammetry (2009) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7447, art. no. 74470J, doi: 10.1117/12.825817Galantucci LM, Pesce M, Lavecchia F (2015) A stereo photogrammetry scanning methodology, for precise and accurate 3D digitization of small parts with sub-millimeter sized features. CIRP Ann - Manuf Technol 64:507–510. doi: 10.1016/j.cirp.2015.04.016Galantucci LM, Pesce M, Lavecchia F (2015) A powerful scanning methodology for 3D measurements of small parts with complex surfaces and sub millimeter-sized features, based on close range photogrammetry. Precis Eng. doi: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2015.07.010Percoco G, Sánchez Salmerón AJ (2015) Photogrammetric measurement of 3D freeform millimetre-sized objects with micro features: an experimental validation of the close-range camera calibration model for narrow angles of view. Meas Sci Technol 26:95203. doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/26/9/095203Gallo A, Muzzupappa M, Bruno F (2014) 3D reconstruction of small sized objects from a sequence of multi-focused images. J Cult Herit 15:173–182. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2013.04.009Stamatopoulos C, Fraser CS, Cronk S (2010) On the self-calibration of long focal length lenses. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spat Inf Sci Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 2010 XXXVIII:560–564Atkinson KB (1996) Close range photogrammetry and machine vision. Whittles PublishingLuhmann T, Fraser C, Maas HG (2016) Sensor modelling and camera calibration for close-range photogrammetry. ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens 115:37–46. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.10.006Tsai RY (1986) An efficient and accurate camera calibration technique for 3D machine vision. Proc IEEE Conf Comput Vis Pattern Recognition 1986Ricolfe-Viala C, Sanchez-Salmeron A-J (2011) Camera calibration under optimal conditions. Opt Express 19:10769–10775. doi: 10.1364/OE.19.010769Wang L, Wang W, Shen C, Duan F (2016) A convex relaxation optimization algorithm for multi-camera calibration with 1D objects. NeurocomputingRicolfe-Viala C, Sanchez-Salmeron A. Lens distortion models evaluation. Appl Opt 2010;49:5914–5928.Percoco G, Lavecchia F, Salmerón AJS (2015) Preliminary study on the 3D digitization of millimeter scale products by means of photogrammetry. Procedia CIRP 33:257–262. doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.06.046Bradski G (2000) The OpenCV Library. Dr Dobb’s J Softw ToolsRicolfe-Viala C, Sanchez-Salmeron A-J (2011) Optimal conditions for camera calibration using a planar template. 2011 18th IEEE. Int Conf Image Process, IEEE 2011:853–856. doi: 10.1109/ICIP.2011.6116691Lowe DG (1999) Object recognition from local scale-invariant features. Proc Seventh IEEE Int Conf Comput Vis 2:1150–1157. doi: 10.1109/ICCV.1999.790410Triggs B, Mclauchlan P, Hartley R, Fitzgibbon A, Triggs B, Mclauchlan P, et al. (2010) Bundle adjustment—a modern synthesis to cite this version: bundle adjustment—a modern synthesisCignoni P, Callieri M, Corsini M, Dellepiane M, Ganovelli F, Ranzuglia G (2008) Meshlab: an open-source mesh processing tool. Eurographics Ital Chapter Conf 2008:129–136Besl P, McKay N (1992) A method for registration of 3-D shapes. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 14:239–256. doi: 10.1109/34.12179

    The Comet Interceptor Mission

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    Here we describe the novel, multi-point Comet Interceptor mission. It is dedicated to the exploration of a little-processed long-period comet, possibly entering the inner Solar System for the first time, or to encounter an interstellar object originating at another star. The objectives of the mission are to address the following questions: What are the surface composition, shape, morphology, and structure of the target object? What is the composition of the gas and dust in the coma, its connection to the nucleus, and the nature of its interaction with the solar wind? The mission was proposed to the European Space Agency in 2018, and formally adopted by the agency in June 2022, for launch in 2029 together with the Ariel mission. Comet Interceptor will take advantage of the opportunity presented by ESA’s F-Class call for fast, flexible, low-cost missions to which it was proposed. The call required a launch to a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 point. The mission can take advantage of this placement to wait for the discovery of a suitable comet reachable with its minimum ΔV capability of 600 ms−1. Comet Interceptor will be unique in encountering and studying, at a nominal closest approach distance of 1000 km, a comet that represents a near-pristine sample of material from the formation of the Solar System. It will also add a capability that no previous cometary mission has had, which is to deploy two sub-probes – B1, provided by the Japanese space agency, JAXA, and B2 – that will follow different trajectories through the coma. While the main probe passes at a nominal 1000 km distance, probes B1 and B2 will follow different chords through the coma at distances of 850 km and 400 km, respectively. The result will be unique, simultaneous, spatially resolved information of the 3-dimensional properties of the target comet and its interaction with the space environment. We present the mission’s science background leading to these objectives, as well as an overview of the scientific instruments, mission design, and schedule

    Il disegno della forma del territorio

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    The term construction indicates to the territorial and geographical dimension a practice that is not exclusively about building, but about the meaning and value of a process of reinterpretation and formal restructuring of the existing. In relation to the space to be represented, therefore, the type of representation of space changes, which must describe not only different scales but also the elements and relationships that define it, as well as communicate, even at the big scale, a spatial form and idea of space. The canonical drawings and urbanistic representations give way to the invention of an almost biographical writing, aimed at describing intentions, interpretations and relationships between forms through the use of an expressive code that lies somewhere between concept and image.Il termine costruzione indica alla dimensione territoriale e geografica una pratica che non riguarda esclusivamente l’edificazione, ma il senso ed il valore di un processo di reinterpretazione e ristrutturazione formale dell’esistente. In relazione allo spazio da rappresentare cambia pertanto il tipo di rappresentazione dello spazio, che deve descrivere non solo scale differenti ma anche gli elementi e le relazioni che lo definiscono, nonché comunicare, anche alla grande scala, una forma spaziale e un’idea di spazio. I disegni canonici e le rappresentazioni di tipo urbanistico allora lasciano il posto all’invenzione di una scrittura quasi biografa, volta a descrivere intenzioni, interpretazioni e relazioni tra forme mediante l’utilizzo di un codice espressivo che si pone a metà strada tra concetto e immagine

    La forma in costruzione

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    I momenti dello scavo, della realizzazione delle fondazioni e della struttura sono le operazioni più rappresentative della costruzione di un edificio, fondamentali per il suo nascere, per il suo fissarsi, per il suo esistere e persistere. Esse costituiscono le tre azioni con le quali un'architettura si materializza, traducendo la forma – esito di un processo intellettuale e compositivo – in costruito, mediante l'impianto sul suolo della forma stessa e il suo sottoporsi alle leggi fisiche. A partire dalla lettura di queste fasi si vuole analizzare il rapporto tra Architettura e Costruzione, inteso quale aspirazione alla forma e tensione verso la sua costruzione: una relazione continua e reciproca in cui anche l'edificio torna ad essere pura forma, a supporto dell'architetto verso nuove composizioni

    Progettare dentro l’architettura

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    L’esperienza storica mostra come la forma architettonica è più duratura di qualsiasi sua utilizzazione. La sua permanenza non dipende dagli usi legati ad una cultura o società, ma da un’autonomia formale che ingloba e supera ogni definizione utilitaristica e la cui finalità è quella di essere scenario delle attività umane. Accade spesso, infatti, che diverse architetture modificano nel tempo le proprie funzioni pur mantenendo inalterata la propria struttura formale. Vi sono altri casi in cui, invece, al fine di interpretare nuove esigenze, le architetture accolgono al loro interno organismi autonomi determinando una configurazione finale di coesistenza tipologica. Non si ha quindi una modificazione della forma originaria che conserva immutata la propria fisionomia; le due strutture non si fondono, ma si ha l’introduzione di un elemento con il quale l’architettura storica stabilisce un’interazione dialettica. Ne derivano nuove relazioni spaziali e la rivisitazione dei concetti di percorso e luogo, in cui direzionalità e centralità, i due principi basilari nell’organizzazione dello spazio fisico che si ripropongono in modo ricorrente in ogni epoca e cultura, si mescolano e si sovrappongono generando nuove strutture spaziali. Non si tratta in questi casi di contaminazioni o incroci tipologici, ma della convivenza di differenti tipi che determinano nuove gerarchie spaziali. A partire dalla vocazione insita nella natura dei luoghi e nel valore icastico e simbolico che ha acquisito il preesistente, l’architettura storica accoglie il nuovo dando vita a inattese soluzioni spaziali. Ciò dimostra ancora una volta la permanenza del tipo che non si modifica con il cambiare degli usi ma interagisce con l’introduzione di nuove forme, dalle quali derivano nuove gerarchie. Questi interventi dentro l’architettura storica riguardano sia l’esperienza passata che quella contemporanea in cui si instaura un particolare dialogo fra antico e nuovo