2,362 research outputs found

    Biological wastewater treatment in aeration tanks

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    Development of mathematical model for prediction of output parameters of aeration tank with account of dissolved oxygen, oxygen , sludge, substrate transfer and biological treatment. The mathematical model may be used in predicting the effectiveness of aeration tank under different regimes of work

    Linguistic Means of the Creation of Comic in Humorous Writing: Research Methodology (on the Material of the Works by J. K. Jerome)

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    У статті викладено методику аналізу та огляду мовних засобів і когнітивних механізмів, які використовуються в написанні гумористичного твору, і є безпосереднім джерелом створення комізму. This article presents an attempt of analysis and review of linguistic means and cognitive mechanisms that are used during the creation of the humorous work and that is the direct source of comic creation

    Implementing cognitive architecture plan-image to search tasks in agent models

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    In the article we discuss some questions connected with cognitive structures and behavior algorithms of an artificial social agent. We suggest a cognitive Plan-Image architecture that is based on the concepts of TOTE model by Miller, Galanter and Pribra

    Transillumination imaging through scattering media by use of photorefractive polymers

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    We demonstrate the use of a near-infrared-sensitive photorefractive polymer with high efficiency for imaging through scattering media, using an all-optical holographic time gate. Imaging through nine scattering mean free paths is performed at 800 nm with a mode-locked continuous-wave Ti:sapphire laser

    Method for determining the integrated value of a construction project

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    Method for determining the integrated value of a construction project / M. Nakhimi, O. Savina, O. Haidaienko, O. Bielova // The scientific heritage. – 2021. – № 61 (61), Vol. 1. – P. 63–71.This work is devoted to the peculiarities of using an integrated approach in the management of construction projects. It was shown that the integrated approach is used as a combination of the value approach with the management of the content of construction projects into a single integrated process. The processes of operation of these two control methods are considered and a simplified diagram of possible interaction is built. A simpler way of constructing a diagram for integration of value content management of construction projects was presented as a factor in establishing a clear connection to achieve project goals, in this case, time, value (costs) and content (resources)

    Information support system for regional human resource development

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    In paper suggest a concept of information support system for human resource management at a regional level. We identify the main factors that affect quantitative and qualitative characteristics of regional human resource, including educational system, demographic and migration processes, and present a concept of the Program for its development. As a tool for information support of the Program propose a distributed information system with interfaces for various groups of users: regional administration, population and organization

    Triple molybdates one-, one - and three(two)valence metals

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    The authors thank Ph. D. M. K. Alibaeva, Ph. D. I. A. Gudkova and Ph. D. I. V. Korolkova for participation in the research.The review summarizes experimental data on the phase formation, structure and properties of new complex oxide compounds group - triple molybdates containing tetrahedral molybdate ion, two different singly charged cation, together with tri- or divalent cation. The several structural families of these compounds were distinguished and it shown that many of them are of interest as luminescent, laser, ion-conducting or nonlinear optical materials.The work is executed at partial support of the Russian Foundation for basic research (projects No. 08-03-00384, 13-03-01020 and 14-03-00298)

    The Simulation Modeling of Anti-Crisis Sustainability of Enterprise in the Competitive Environment

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    The article is aimed at studying the issue of simulation modeling of competitive position according to the level of anti-crisis sustainability and the level of system provision of anti-crisis sustainability of enterprise in the competitive environment. The scientific-methodical approach is developed, allowing to form analytical parameters of anti-crisis sustainability of enterprises in two informative aggregates: indicator of competitive position according to the level of anti-crisis sustainability of enterprise and indicator of the level of system provision of anti-crisis sustainability of enterprise. A practical technology of simulation modeling and scenario approach is presented in terms of formation of competitive position according to the level of anti-crisis sustainability and system provision of anti-crisis sustainability of enterprise, including setting of tasks and building a simulation model. A visualization of the simulation model of the competitive position according to the the level of external anti-crisis sustainability and the level of system provision of the external anti-crisis sustainability of enterprise is provided with graphical means of the СКМ Maple. It is substantiated that the use of simulation modeling and scenario approach results in increasing the opportunities for the activities of enterprises and allows to strengthen their positions in the competitive environment

    Semantics of images of animals and birds in the book by N. S. Gumilyov "Zhemchuga"

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    The aim of this article is to analise the semantics and function of animal and birds' images on the basic of some poems to find out the main feature of Gumilyov's lirics in this book.Задача статьи состоит в анализе семантики и функций образов животных и птиц (на материале нескольких, избранных стихотворений) с тем, чтобы выявить характер и особенности лиризма в этой книге Гумилева


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    The characteristic features of engineering products are revealed. Average industry performance indicators of mechanical engineering enterprises in Ukraine were formed. The competitiveness of mechanical engineering enterprises was studied. The integral indicator of the competitiveness of mechanical engineering enterprises in Ukraine was evaluated. It has been established that the competitiveness industry, despite certain profits received by enterprises, is in a systemic, predictable crisis and only individual enterprises that maintain their own line of economic behavior are successful, increase competitiveness and have prospects for further economic growth.Ujawniono charakterystyczne cechy produktów inżynieryjnych. Opracowano średnie wskaźniki wydajności przemysłu przedsiębiorstw inżynierii mechanicznej na Ukrainie. Zbadano konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw przemysłu maszynowego. Oceniono integralny wskaźnik konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw przemysłu maszynowego na Ukrainie. Ustalono, że branża konkurencyjności, pomimo pewnych zysków uzyskiwanych przez przedsiębiorstwa, znajduje się w systemowym, przewidywalnym kryzysie i tylko pojedyncze przedsiębiorstwa, które utrzymują własną linię zachowań gospodarczych, odnoszą sukcesy, zwiększają konkurencyjność i mają perspektywy dalszego wzrostu gospodarczego