14 research outputs found

    Sifat-sifat Mekanik Komposit Serat TKKS-Poliester

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    Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) fiber reinforced polyester composites were prepared using simple technique namely hand lay-up. Alkali treatments were used to enhance the hydrophobicity of the fiber. Lignin and cellulose content of EFB were analysed through chemical composition analysis. The mechanical properties are analyzed by conducting tensile and flexural tests. Macro observation shows fiber bridging on the fracture section. The SEM micrograph also shows a better surface roughness after alkali treatmen. The result shows that bending strength increases with the increases of fiber volume fraction. Tensile strength and elastic modulus of composite were higher than the pure polyester and increases with the increasing of fiber volume fraction although polyester shows low compatibility with the EFB fiber. The failure mechanism as a result of bending and tensile tests had shown a dominant fiber pull-out mechanism and less of fiber breaking mechanism. It suggests that the optimal strength of the composite can be further increases by enhancing the compactibility between fiber and matrix

    Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Poliester Berpenguat Partikel Kayu Jati, Merawan Dan Meranti Merah

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    Komposit poliester dengan bahan penguat dari serbuk kayu jati, merawan dan meranti merah dari limbah industri pengergajian kayu dibuat dengan metode hand lay-up. Komposit dibuat dengan volume fraksi serbuka kayu 4, 8 dan 16%. Pengujian tarik dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan masing-masing komposit serbuk kayu, menunjukan bahwa kekuatan tarik komposit lebih tinggi dari kekuatan tarik polyester murni. Sementara kekuatan tarik komposit menurun seiring dengan naiknya prosentase serbuk kayu. Kekuatan tarik tertinggi didapat pada komposit serbuk kayu merawan diikuti oleh komposit serbuk jati dan serbuk kayu meranti merah. Tingginya kandungan uap air menyebabkan rendahnya kekuatan tarik dari komposit serbuk kayu

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Alkali Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Untuk Digunakan Pada Komposit Serat Tkks

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    Empty Palm bunches (TKKS) is one of the solid waste generated by industrial palm oil plantations which contain lots of fiber and is one of the natural fiber source that the availability of abundant in Indonesia, especially in the province of Lampung. TKKS fiber can be used as an alternative amplifier to composite materials. This research was conducted to determine the influence of the chemical composition of TKKS fiber and know the tensile strength from TKKS fiber by doing a tensile test. Alkaline treatment NaOH 5% given to fiber to separate lignin and contaminants that contained in fiber so that it can increase the tensile strength fibers. TKKS fiber is obtained processing palm oil factory by the process of boiling oil palm fresh fruit bunches with a pressure of 2.5 until 3atm at temperature 130 C during 50 – 60 minutes. TKKS already parsed and then selected and measured with a length of 6 cm and a diameter of 0.2 mm. And then given an alkaline NaOH 5%. In this research on the treatment of alkaline NaOH 5% provided that treatment during 0 hours (without treatment), 2 hour, 4 hour, 6 hour. Results from the study found that fiber tensile strength affected by the chemical composition on the fiber, the higher the tensile strength of the cellulose content is increasingly high. Tensile strength in fiber with alkali treatment 2 hours of 0,03528 Mpa, 0,3996% strain, 0,088288 MPa elasticity modulus, if compared with fiber without alkali treatment of 0,018946 MPa tensile strength, 0,2056% strain, 0,092149 MPa elasticity modulus. This is due to the levels of cellulose fibers with alkali treatment 2 hours increased by 58,2808%, if compared with fiber without alkali treatment by 13,2848

    Kekuatan Tarik Serat Ijuk (Arenga Pinnata Merr)

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    Serat ijuk merupakan serat alami yang ketersediaannya berlimpah, tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Serat ijuk dapat digunakan sebagai penguat alternatif untuk bahan komposit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekuatan tarik dan morphologi serat ijuk melalui hasil pengamatan photo Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).Pengekstrakan serat ijuk dilakukan dengan menggunakan sisir kawat yang berfungsi untuk memisahkan serat ijuk dengan pelepahnya. Dalam penelitian ini, serat ijuk yang dipilih yaitu berdiameter 0.25- 0.35mm, 0.36-0.45mm, dan 0.46-0.55 mm. Selanjutnya dilakukan perendaman C selama 15 menit. Setelah itu dila kukan pengujian tarik dengan standar ASTM D 3379-75.Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa semakin kecil diameter serat, maka kekuatan tariknya semakin tinggi. Kekuatan tarik terbesar pada kelompok serat ijuk berdiameter kecil (0.25-0.35 mm) adalah sebesar 208.22 MPa, regangan 0.192%, modulus elastisitas 5.37GPa dibandingkan kelompok serat ijuk dengan diameter besar (0.46-0.55 mm) sebesar 198.15 MPa, regangan 0.37%, modulus elastisitas 2.84 GPa. Hal ini dikarenakan rongga pada serat berdiameter 0.46-0.55 mm lebih besar dibandingkan serat berdiameter 0.25-0.35 mm menggunakan larutan alkali yaitu NaOH 5% selama 2 jam., kemudian di oven dengan suhu 8

    Pengaruh Variasi Ukuran Partikel Marmer Statuari Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Komposit Partikel Marmer Statuari

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    Manufacture a composite material with a matrix resin epoxy and marble statuary powder as filler is one industry-utilization of waste. Mechanical properties of the composite material is influenced by the particle size of the particles. variations in particle size would form different mechanical properties. This research was conducted to investigate the effect variations in particle size on the mechanical properties of the composite particles. In this research variation in particle size marble statuary used is 60 mesh, 100 mesh, 140 mesh and 200 mesh. Resin used is epoxy resin, and composition of the volume ratio between the matrix and the particles used in research was 80%: 20%. The method is used in the manufacture of composite hand lay-up method. Tests performed in this research is XRD testing on solid marble, bending strength, hardness, and SEM. XRD results obtained from the testing phase identified in the marble statuary are Ca2O5Si , CaCO3, CaO, SiO2 , MgO , MgCO3 , and SiC. Hardness value of composite particles of marble is 22.3 to 48.33 HB, and flexural strength values of composite particles of marble statuary is from 13.89 to 38.89 N/mm . Particle size is good for filler in the composite is 140 mesh particles. Marble composite particles 140 mesh particle size has a flexural strength and hardness highest, because SEM photograph composite of 140 mesh particle distribution in the matrix evenly, and there is a good bond between the matrix and particles of marble statuary

    Fabricating and Testing of Porous Magnesium Through Powder Metallurgy Technique using TWSH (Titanium Wire Space Holder) for Biodegradable Bone Scaffold Material

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    Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys seem to be a potential biodegradable bone scaffold materials as their biocompatibility and mechanical properties fit to natural bone. Magnesium alloys as biomaterials have higher mechanical properties that may close to cancellous bone once composed and produced in a specific production route. Fabricating porous magnesium for bone scaffold material aims to reduce the rigidity and strength of the material by which the porous density can be adjusted to the original nature of the bone. It forms interconnected porosity, has physical and mechanical properties similar to cancellous bone. This paper describes the production and characterization of porous magnesium material for the potential application as bone scaffold through powder metallurgy technique with pieces of Titanium Wire Space Holder. Mg containing titanium pieces were then compacted and sintered before immersed in hydro fluoride acid solution to form a porous magnesium structure. Density and porosity, micro Vickers hardness, micro structure test and SEM-EDX were performed to prove the existing porous structure inside Mg metal. The result finds out that a good cooperation and a potential application for the fabrication of an inter-connected porous magnesium samples for cancellous bone implant

    Pengaruh Ukuran Fly Ash Pada Kekuatan Bending Komposit Resin Epoxy

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    Fly ash is one of the solid waste generated by industries that use coal as a fuel for the production process. Fly ash contains silica or alumina silica that has no adhesive properties (cementation) to himself. The purpose of this research was to determine the bending strength of composites reinforced fly ash (coal waste) through the bending test. In this study, fly ash was sieved with a sieve to obtain a variation of fly ash particle size of 40 mesh, 80 mesh and 120 mesh. Composite manufacturing using hand lay up with a mixture ratio of epoxy resin and hardener 1:1. Next step is mixing matrix and fly ash with mass fraction 60%: 40% use of fly ash particle size variation. Transform and then testing bending and for pure epoxy resin composites with various particle sizes. Photo fracture area with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to analyze the causes of failure in composites. In this study the mechanical properties of the composite bending test in accordance with ASTM D790. The test results showed that the bending strength of the composite teringgi achieved with fly ash particle size of 120 mesh, the bending strength of 59.26 N/mm2 obtained. Factors that affect the bending strength is power tie fly ash particles with the matrix, the distribution and number of particles are evenly distributed in the composite particles. SEM image results in the fracture of composite particles of fly ash shows the tie between the matrix and the particles are quite good

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Komposit Karet Alam/selulosa dengan Variasi Jenis Selulosa

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    Karet alam dan selulosa merupakan dua material yang memiliki kompatibilitas yang sangat berbeda. Karet alam bersifat nonpolar sedangkan selulosa bersifat polar. Kombinasi antara karet alam dengan selulosa diharapkan akan menjadi komposit dengan kekuatan yang lebih tinggi. Konsep penguatan bahan polimer, seperti karet alam dengan bahan pengisi selulosa, terjadi akibat peningkatan interaksi karet-bahan pengisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa jenis selulosa terhadap sifat fisik komposit yang dihasilkannya. Sebanyak tiga jenis selulosa digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu serbuk selulosa dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit, selulosa onggok dari limbah pati singkong, dan CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose). Bahan selulosa digiling dalam mesin giling terbuka bersama dengan karet alam dan bahan-bahan lainnya menggunakan dua jenis bahan penyambung (coupling agent) yaitu hexamine/resorcinol dan anhidrida maleat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CMC memberikan hasil sifat fisik yang relatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan dua jenis selulosa lainnya terutama dalam hal kuat tarik, pampatan tetap, dan ketahanan pantul komposit yang dihasilkannya. Sementara itu hexamine/ resorcinol lebih kompatibel digunakan sebagai bahan penyambung dibandingkan anhidrida maleat

    Properties of nylon-6-based composite reinforced with coconut shell particles and empty fruit bunch fibres

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    yesNovel natural fibre composites of nylon-6 reinforced with coconut shell (CS) particles and empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibres have been investigated. Fillers were alkali treated before melt compounding with nylon-6. Mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of composites were measured. Tensile modulus was found to improve with both fillers up to 16% for nylon-6/CS composite and 10% for nylon-6/EFB composite, whereas a moderate increase in tensile strength was observed only with CS composites. Differences in the strengthening mechanisms were explained by the morphology of the two fillers, empty fruit bunch fibres having a weaker cellular internal structure. Observation of composite morphology using SEM showed that both fillers were highly compatible with nylon-6 due to its hydrophilic nature. Both fillers were found to cause a slight drop in crystallinity of the nylon matrix and to lower melt viscosity at typical injection moulding strain rates. Moisture absorption increased with addition of both fillers