4 research outputs found

    Early evolution of plasma soluble TNF-alpha p75 receptor as a marker of progression in treated HIV-infected patients.

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    International audienceAbstract We evaluated the prognostic value of different mediators of inflammation: TNF-alpha and its soluble receptor p75, platelet-activating factor, and glutathione tripeptide in a case-control study nested within a cohort of 1281 patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) started on highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). During the first year of HAART, 16 cases experienced an AIDS-defining event and 6 experienced an evolution of T CD4(+) cell count <100/mm(3). Forty-four controls who did not progress during the same follow-up period were matched for age, baseline CD4(+), and HIV-RNA. In the control group, plasma levels of TNF-alpha and its soluble receptor p75 decreased significantly from baseline to month 4: from 11.0 to 8.7 pg/ml (p < 0.001) and from 27.3 to 22.8 pg/ml (p < 0.003), respectively. Furthermore the decrease of TNF-alpha soluble receptor p75 was larger in nonprogressors than in progressors (p = 0.003). Measurement of TNF-alpha soluble receptor p75 may be of interest as an additional marker of early antiretroviral effect

    Cancer Epidemiol

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    BACKGROUND: Some studies have investigated the role of socio-demographic inequalities in the association between screening and survival. However, in France, no study has been conducted to describe the socio-demographic characteristics and survival of women with breast cancer based on their participation to mass screening. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of socio-demographic inequalities on the association between participation in mass screening program and survival of women with breast cancer. METHODS: Data for 2,244 women aged 50-74 years diagnosed with breast cancer over the period 2008-2010 were obtained from the cancer registry and the screening structure of Gironde. We used the aggregated European Deprivation Index (EDI) to define the deprivation level of women. Net survival rates were estimated with the Pohar-Perme method, with and without correcting for lead-time bias. RESULTS: Survival rates were lower for non-attenders than for screen-detected women (83.8% vs 97.3%, p < 0.0001), even after correcting for lead-time bias. Among the most deprived women, the survival rate was significantly different between non-attenders and screen-detected women (78.1% vs 95.6%, p = 0.0002), suggesting an important effect of mass screening in this group. CONCLUSION: The introduction of incentive actions in deprived areas could play a key role in the adherence of women to mass screening and in improving their survival in case of a breast cancer diagnosis

    Qualité de vie et syndrome lipodystrophique chez les patients infectés par le VIH

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    International audienceCe travail vise à montrer ce qu’une évaluation psychosociale peut apporter à lacompréhension de la subjectivité de la qualité de vie (QDV) des patients infectés par le VIH.Les analyses se sont appuyées sur les données de la cohorte APROCO-COPILOTE, incluantdes patients infectés par le VIH initiant une multithérapie antirétrovirale. Ces nouvellesthérapies ont engendré, pour de nombreux patients, un type particulier d’effet indésirable : leslipodystrophies qui se caractérisent par des troubles de répartition de la masse graisseuse.L’objectif de ce travail est de déterminer les liens entre l’apparition de ce type d’effetsindésirables et la QDV des personnes infectées par le VIH en distinguant selon qu’il s’agissed’hommes ou de femmes. Les analyses effectuées sur un échantillon de 706 patients(ANCOVA) mettent en évidence un impact important mais différent des effets indésirables detype lipodystrophies sur la QDV et cela selon le type d’atteinte : lipodystrophie(accumulation) ou lipoatrophie (absence de graisse) et le sexe de la personne touchée. Ilapparaît que, ajustée sur les caractéristiques socio-démographiques et psychosociales, la QDVdes femmes est davantage affectée par les lipodystrophies alors que pour les hommes il s’agitavant tout des lipoatrophies. Ces résultats, interprétés au regard de la théorie corporo-sociopsychologique,montrent les implications déterminantes de ces effets indésirables quant à laQDV des patients infectés par le VIH. L’analyse des données empiriques a permis de mettreen évidence l’ancrage sociétal de l’évaluation de la QDV de par le rôle de l’entourage social,des soignants et du contexte social