177 research outputs found

    Role of business administration in the process of formation of post-industrial economy

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    The purpose of the article is to determine the role of business administration in the process of formation of post-industrial economy. The research is based on statistical analysis of time rows. With the help of the method of correlation and regression analysis, the author distinguishes the role of entrepreneurship in the process of formation of post-industrial economy through analysis of dependence between the level of development of business and level of development of post-industrial economy in the countries of the world. For provision of representation of the data, the objects of the research are countries from various geographical and socio-economic regions of the world: Sweden, the USA, Russia, China, and India. The author determined the role of business administration in formation of the foundations of post-industrial economy and offered the corresponding model that allows for maximization of business administration’s contribution into the process of formation of post-industrial economy.peer-reviewe

    The Publishing Policy of the Moscow Print Yard: From the Book on Faith to Anthologion

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    The article was submitted on 04.04.2022.Анализируется работа Московского печатного двора в последние годы патриаршества Иосифа и в годы управления московской кафедрой патриархом Никоном. Традиционное представление о том, что реформа патриарха Никона кардинально изменила издательскую программу Печатного двора, основано прежде всего на новшествах, внесенных в богослужебные книги, но такие же перемены признаются и в репертуаре изданий, не имеющих отношения к церковному и частному богослужению. Цель исследования – показать преемственность и неразрывность основной линии издательской программы Печатного двора на основе сопоставительного анализа четьих сборников, вышедших в последние годы до реформы и после нее. Материалом для исследования послужили готовившиеся к печати труды западно-русского автора иеромонаха Гедеона – «Книга о вере», вышедшая в 1648 г., и «Альфа и Омега» – издание, не осуществленное в XVII в., но напечатанное впоследствии старообрядческими типографиями. Также к анализу привлекаются «Скрижаль» (1655–1656) и «Анфологион» (1660, сборник, вышедший после ухода Никона с патриаршей кафедры, но представляющий задачи и принципы работы с текстами, которым следовали никоновские справщики). В составе двух последних сборников были напечатаны новые переводы неизвестных редакций памятников агиографии и византийского святоотеческого наследия, которые, как правило, атрибутируются Арсению Греку. Новые материалы, представленные в статье, свидетельствуют, что при подготовке этих книг были использованы более ранние переводы с европейских новогреческих изданий, в том числе бытовавшие в рукописях, имеющих отношение к Печатному двору последних дореформенных лет. К таким текстам относится трактат Гавриила Филадельфийского «О семи тайнах церковных», напечатанный в «Скрижали», а также гномологии «Книга, глаголемая Рай» Нила (Иоанна Геометра) и «Четверострочия» Григория Богослова, переводы которых до недавних пор были известны только по публикации в составе «Анфологиона». На основании анализа тематики, состава и источников сборников делается вывод, что линия, направленная на катехизацию и духовно-нравственное воспитание московского общества, которая отчетливо проявляется в издательской программе Печатного двора с конца 40‑х гг. XVII в., последовательно продолжается в первые годы пореформенной программы с закономерной переориентацией на новые источники, к которым обращались книгоиздатели этого времени. Это направление в издательской программе государевой типографии связано с деяниями «ревнителей древлего благочестия». Работа по изданию книг осуществлялась при непосредственном участии царского духовника Стефана Внифантьева и поддержке его царем Алексеем Михайловичем. Интерес московской просвещенной элиты к сочинениям юго-западнорусской книжно-рукописной традиции способствовал появлению в Москве в дореформенные годы новых памятников византийского наследия и образцов европейского богословия.This article analyses the work of the Moscow Print Yard in the last years of the patriarchate of Joseph and during the tenure of Patriarch Nikon. The traditional idea that the reform of Patriarch Nikon radically changed the publishing programme of the Print Yard is based primarily on innovations made to liturgical books, but the same changes may also be observed in the repertoire of publications not related to public or private worship. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the reader miscellanies printed in the years immediately before the reform and after it in order to show the continuity of the publishing programme of the Print Yard during this decade. The material for this study consists, on the one hand, of the works of the Ruthenian author Hieromonk Gideon, which were being prepared for publication: the Book on Faith, printed in 1648, and the Alpha and Omega – a work that remained unpublished in the seventeenth century but was subsequently printed by Old Believer publishing houses. On the other hand, the analysis also involves the Skrizhal (1655–1656) and the Anthologion (1660), a miscellany that, even though printed after Nikon left the patriarchal throne, represents the goals and principles of editing texts followed by the Nikonian scribes. The latter two miscellanies consisted mainly of new translations of unknown versions of hagiographical works and Byzantine patristic heritage; these new translations have been usually attributed to Arsenius the Greek. The new materials presented in the article testify to the fact that in the preparation of these books, earlier translations from European modern Greek editions were used, including those that existed in manuscripts that circulated at the Print Yard during its last years before the Nikonian reform. These texts include the treatise of Gabriel of Philadelphia On the Seven Mysteries of the Church published in the Skrizhal, as well as the gnomology Chapters… from the Book Named Paradeisos by Nilus (John Geometres) and Tetrastichae sententiae of Gregory the Theologian, whose translation was until recently known only in the form that was printed as part of the Anthologion. Based on the analysis of the themes, composition, and sources of these miscellanies, it is concluded that the general aims manifested by the printing programme of the Print Yard in the 1640s – catechesis and the theological and moral education of Muscovite society – were consistently followed in the first years of the post-reform programme, though with a natural reorientation toward new sources. This set of aims of the publishing programme of the sovereign’s Print Yard is associated with the work of the circle of zealots of ancient piety, in which the future Patriarch Nikon was an active participant. Work on the publication of books was carried out with the direct participation of the royal confessor Stefan Vonifantiev and with the support of Tsar Alexei. The interest of the representatives of the Muscovite enlightened elite close to the court in the works of the Ruthenian book and manuscript tradition contributed to the appearance in Moscow, already in the pre-reform years, of new sources of Byzantine patristic heritage and examples of European theology.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ, грант № 20-18-00171

    Особливості надання стоматологічної допомоги та професійного спілкування з хворими на наркоманію

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    The article discusses the features of organization of dental treatment of drug addicts. It is noted that during the drug treatment of patients having problems with their unpredictable behavior and communication difficulties indicates the need for the formation of physicians, dentists communicative culture, the ability and willingness of the patient to understand and help him. It is emphasized that it is the active involvement of dentists to promote a healthy lifestyle, to prevention of drug abuse can not only improve the anti-drug work among the population of Ukraine, but also to change it to a more conscious attitude to their dental health.У статті розглянуто проблему підвищення ефективності та якості стоматологічного обслуговування хворих на наркоманію. Зазначається, що привернення уваги лікарів-стоматологів до осіб, які вживають наркотичні препарати, зумовлено значною кількістю цієї категорії хворих в Україні, стійкою тенденцією до підвищення їх чисельності, вкрай негативним впливом наркотиків на стоматологічний статус людини. Значну увагу в статті приділено організації проведення стоматологічного лікування та її особливостям, ігнорування яких призводить до погіршення медичних результатів, чи взагалі унеможливлює його здійснення у даної категорії хворих. Підкреслюється, що саме активне залучення лікарів-стоматологів до пропаганди здорового способу життя, до профілактики наркоманії, здатне не тільки покращити антинаркотичну роботу серед населення України, але й змінити на більш свідоме ставлення людей до свого стоматологічного здоров’я

    Grammatical Interference in the Hindish Language

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    Исследование посвящено изучению феномена грамматической интерференции в условиях языкового контакта английского и индийского (и его диалектов) в романе А. Гоша «Маковое море». В работе сравниваются грамматические системы двух языков, анализируются типичные отклонения от нормы.This report studies the phenomenon of grammatical interference in the conditions of language contact between English and Indian (and its dialects) in the novel “Sea of Poppies” by A. Gosha. The paper compares the grammatical systems of the two languages, analyzes typical deviations from the norm

    Крым в акварелях московского художника Д.М. Струкова

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    The article describes the versatile personality of D.M. Strukov - the artist, architect, archaeologist, restorer, teacher. There are briefly presented the main milestones of his biography. Special attention is paid to the work of Strukov in the Crimea and to his watercolors "Drawings of the historical monuments of Christianity in Taurida", created in the process of archaeological research in 1867-1892. The author gives the general characteristics and description of the works devoted to ancient temples, in particular to cave cities (Inkerman, Tepe-Kermen, Mangup-Kale and others) and to gravestone monuments.Рассказывается о многогранной личности Д.М. Струкова - художника, архитектора, археолога, реставратора, педагога. Кратко рассмотрены основные вехи его биографии. Особое внимание уделено работе Струкова в Крыму и его акварелям «Рисунки древних памятников христианства в Тавриде», созданным в процессе археологических изысканий в 1867-1892 годах. Автор дает общую характеристику и описание работ, посвященных древним храмам, в частности пещерным городам (Инкерман, Тепе-Кермен, Мангуп-Кале и др.), надгробным памятникам

    Semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight in young infertile men with pathozoospermia, postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history

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    Background: Considering the negative impact of visceral obesity on fertility, it is important to study semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight.Aims: Evaluation of semen quality indicators associated with reduced body weight in patients with infertility, postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history.Materials and methods: 33 infertile men under 30 years with post-pubertal and alimentary visceral obesity were included into retrospective case-control study. All patients have been followed through a six month weight loss program (hypocaloric diet, daily aerobic physical activity). The waist circumference, blood lipid levels, seminal antioxidant capacity and scanning electron microscopy analysis were determined before and after weight loss program. At the end of the study, patients were divided into two groups according to weight loss. The first group reduced their body weight by 5% or more (n=16), second group didn’t achieve the goal (n=17).Results: Statistically significant differences were identified in the ejaculate parameters between patients of two groups. Though at the time of initiation of medical intervention two groups were comparable except for body mass, after six months in the first group the number of sperm in 1 ml ejaculate, morphologically normal forms and the total antioxidant capacity of ejaculate increased while the number of sperm DNA integrity decreased.Conclusion: In young men with postpubertal visceral obesity and normal andrological history clinically significant body weight reduction is associated with improved semen quality indicators

    Physical activity in preshoolers’ values system: questionnare survey

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    Objective of the study was to analyze the preschoolers’ values system and role of physical activity in the values syste

    The effect of a complex of active metabolites of vitamin D3 with vikasol on the periodontal state of rats

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    Purpose of the study. The study of the periodontoprotective properties of the complex of a mixture of active metabolites of cholecalciferol - 1,25 (OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 with a synthetic analogue of vitamin K - vikasol in experimental periodontitis in rats. Materials and methods The study was carried out on 18 white male rats for 1.5 months. age, divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (4 individuals) comprised intact rats. In the rats of the 2nd and 3rd groups (7 individuals each), the parodontitis model was reproduced by oral administration of a 10% solution of pelentane, and also by replacing drinking water with a 2% solution of EDTA ad libitum. In group 3, rats were injected daily with a mixture of hormonal forms of vitamin D3 (1,25 (OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3) against a background of combined effects of pelentane and EDTA. The duration of the experiment was 60 days. Results and conclusions. It is established that the complex of a mixture of two hormonal-active forms of cholecalciferol with vikasol has significant periodontoprotective properties. The obtained data substantiate the inclusion of vitamin D3 in the composition of perioodontoprotective agents in the treatment of periodontitis

    Cooperative hydration effect on the binding of organic vapors by a cross-linked polymer and beta-cyclodextrin

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    A cooperative hydration effect being favorable for the binding of organic vapors by cross-linked poly(N-6-aminohexylacrylamide) and beta-cyclodextrin was observed in ternary systems in the absence of liquid phase. For these systems the vapor sorption isotherms were determined by the static method of headspace gas Chromatographic analysis at 298 K. The obtained isotherms show an increase of binding affinity for vapor of hydrophobic sorbates above a threshold value of receptor hydration. Further hydration gives a saturation of this affinity for the studied hydrophilic polyacrylamide derivative, while the affinity of beta-cyclodextrin for the hydrophilic sorbate ethanol even decreases. A similar behavior of this polymer and beta-cyclodextrin at the change of their hydration helps to explain the observed cooperative hydration effect in terms of clathrate formation

    Radial-piston pump for drive of test machines

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    The article reviews the development of radial-piston pump with phase control and alternating-flow mode for seismic-testing platforms and other test machines. The prospects for use of the developed device are proved. It is noted that the method of frequency modulation with the detection of the natural frequencies is easily realized by using the radial-piston pump. The prospects of further research are given proof