30 research outputs found

    Marcs institucionals i conflictes mediambientals: notes sobre una sessió de la conferència anual de l'Institute of British Geographers (Royal Holloway, University of London, 5-8 de gener de 1993)

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    Du 5 au 8 janvier 1993 s'est tenu au Royal Holloway and New Bedford College (Université de Londres) le Congrés Annuel de 1'Institut des Géographes Britanniques (IBG). L'environnement a fait l'objecte d'une séance speciale sur les aspectes administratives et institutionales des conflictes sur l'environnement. Dans cette même séance a été présenté un nouveau groupe de recherche sur l'environnement de I'IBG.The Annual Conference of the Institute of British Geographers (IBG) was held at Royal Holloway and New Bedford College (University of London) between 5th and 8th January 1993. An special session of the Conference was dedicated to the environrnent, and specifically to the institutional and administrative aspects of environmental conflicts. Is this session the creation of the new IBG environmental research group was announced.Del 5 al 8 de enero de 1993 tuvo lugar en el Royal Holloway and New Bedford College (Universidad de Londres) el Congreso Anual del Instituto de Géografos Británicos (IBG). El medio ambiente fue objeto de una sesión especial del congreso, dedicada a la dimensidn institucional y administrativa de los conflictos medioambientales. En esta sesión se presentó también el nuevo grupo de investigación sobre el medio del IBG.Del 5 al 8 de gener de 1993 tingué lloc al Royal Holloway and New Bedford College (Universitat de Londres) el Congrés Anual de l'Institut de Geògrafs Britànics (IBG). El medi ambient fou objecte d'una sessió especial del congrés, dedicada a la dimensió institucional i administrativa dels conflictes mediambientals. En aquesta sessió es presenti també el nou grup de recerca sobre el medi de l'IBG

    Situacions contraposades en l'acceptació social d'instal·lacions de tractament de residus especials a la comarca del Bages

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    L'article tracta de la percepció que pot haver-hi entre la població pel que fa a la localització de determinades infrastructures de gestió de residus industrials, i com en l'origen d'aquesta problematica hi ha tres variables fonamentals: el risc pera la salut humana i ambiental, per a la imatge dels territoris on es localitzen, i la sensació d'injusticia territorial. En el rerafons d'aquesta qüestió hi hauria dos aspectes a considerar: un, que el problema no esta en la decisió del per què i com d'aquestes instal·lacions sinó, més aviat, l'on; i dos, aquest tipus de situacions exemplifiquen l'existencia de dues formes de valoració del risc: la científica i una altra de racional o popular. El Bages - amb els darrers esdeveniments de l'abocador de Cardona i la planta de reciclatge del Pont de Vilomara -, creiem que ha esdevingut una clara mostra d'aquesta problematica

    Discovering the Context of People With Disabilities : Semantic Categorization Test and Environmental Factors Mapping of Word Embeddings from Reddit

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    The World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) conceptualizes disability not solely as a problem that resides in the individual, but as a health experience that occurs in a context. Word embeddings build on the idea that words that occur in similar contexts tend to have similar meanings. In spite of both sharing "context" as a key component, word embeddings have been scarcely applied in disability. In this work, we propose social media (particularly, Reddit) to link them. The objective of our study is to train a model for generating word associations using a small dataset (a subreddit on disability) able to retrieve meaningful content. This content will be formally validated and applied to the discovery of related terms in the corpus of the disability subreddit that represent the physical, social, and attitudinal environment (as defined by a formal framework like the ICF) of people with disabilities. Reddit data were collected from pushshift.io with the pushshiftr R package as a wrapper. A word2vec model was trained with the wordVectors R package using the disability subreddit comments, and a preliminary validation was performed using a subset of Mikolov analogies. We used Van Overschelde's updated and expanded version of the Battig and Montague norms to perform a semantic categories test. Silhouette coefficients were calculated using cosine distance from the wordVectors R package. For each of the 5 ICF environmental factors (EF), we selected representative subcategories addressing different aspects of daily living (ADLs); then, for each subcategory, we identified specific terms extracted from their formal ICF definition and ran the word2vec model to generate their nearest semantic terms, validating the obtained nearest semantic terms using public evidence. Finally, we applied the model to a specific subcategory of an EF involved in a relevant use case in the field of rehabilitation. We analyzed 96,314 comments posted between February 2009 and December 2019, by 10,411 Redditors. We trained word2vec and identified more than 30 analogies (eg, breakfast - 8 am + 8 pm = dinner). The semantic categorization test showed promising results over 60 categories; for example, s(A relative)=0.562, s(A sport)=0.475 provided remarkable explanations for low s values. We mapped the representative subcategories of all EF chapters and obtained the closest terms for each, which we confirmed with publications. This allowed immediate access (≤ 2 seconds) to the terms related to ADLs, ranging from apps "to know accessibility before you go" to adapted sports (boccia). For example, for the support and relationships EF subcategory, the closest term discovered by our model was "resilience," recently regarded as a key feature of rehabilitation, not yet having one unified definition. Our model discovered 10 closest terms, which we validated with publications, contributing to the "resilience" definition. This study opens up interesting opportunities for the exploration and discovery of the use of a word2vec model that has been trained with a small disability dataset, leading to immediate, accurate, and often unknown (for authors, in many cases) terms related to ADLs within the ICF framework

    Stroke Survivors on Twitter : Sentiment and Topic Analysis From a Gender Perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Stroke is the worldwide leading cause of long-term disabilities. Women experience more activity limitations, worse health-related quality of life, and more poststroke depression than men. Twitter is increasingly used by individuals to broadcast their day-to-day happenings, providing unobtrusive access to samples of spontaneously expressed opinions on all types of topics and emotions. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to consider the raw frequencies of words in the collection of tweets posted by a sample of stroke survivors and to compare the posts by gender of the survivor for 8 basic emotions (anger, fear, anticipation, surprise, joy, sadness, trust and disgust); determine the proportion of each emotion in the collection of tweets and statistically compare each of them by gender of the survivor; extract the main topics (represented as sets of words) that occur in the collection of tweets, relative to each gender; and assign happiness scores to tweets and topics (using a well-established tool) and compare them by gender of the survivor. METHODS: We performed sentiment analysis based on a state-of-the-art lexicon (National Research Council) with syuzhet R package. The emotion scores for men and women were first subjected to an F-test and then to a Wilcoxon rank sum test. We extended the emotional analysis, assigning happiness scores with the hedonometer (a tool specifically designed considering Twitter inputs). We calculated daily happiness average scores for all tweets. We created a term map for an exploratory clustering analysis using VosViewer software. We performed structural topic modelling with stm R package, allowing us to identify main topics by gender. We assigned happiness scores to all the words defining the main identified topics and compared them by gender. RESULTS: We analyzed 800,424 tweets posted from August 1, 2007 to December 1, 2018, by 479 stroke survivors: Women (n=244) posted 396,898 tweets, and men (n=235) posted 403,526 tweets. The stroke survivor condition and gender as well as membership in at least 3 stroke-specific Twitter lists of active users were manually verified for all 479 participants. Their total number of tweets since 2007 was 5,257,433; therefore, we analyzed the most recent 15.2% of all their tweets. Positive emotions (anticipation, trust, and joy) were significantly higher (P<.001) in women, while negative emotions (disgust, fear, and sadness) were significantly higher (P<.001) in men in the analysis of raw frequencies and proportion of emotions. Happiness mean scores throughout the considered period show higher levels of happiness in women. We calculated the top 20 topics (with percentages and CIs) more likely addressed by gender and found that women's topics show higher levels of happiness scores. CONCLUSIONS: We applied two different approaches-the Plutchik model and hedonometer tool-to a sample of stroke survivors' tweets. We conclude that women express positive emotions and happiness much more than men

    The impact of COVID-19 on home, social, and productivity integration of people with chronic traumatic brain injury or stroke living in the community

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    Compare community integration of people with stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI) living in the community before and during the coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 disease (COVID-19) when stratifying by injury: participants with stroke (G1) and with TBI (G2); by functional independence in activities of daily living: independent (G3) and dependent (G4); by age: participants younger than 54 (G5) and older than 54 (G6); and by gender: female (G7) and male (G8) participants. Prospective observational cohort study In-person follow-up visits (before COVID-19 outbreak) to a rehabilitation hospital in Spain and on-line during COVID-19. Community dwelling adults (≥18 years) with chronic stroke or TBI. Community integration questionnaire (CIQ) the total-CIQ as well as the subscale domains (ie, home-CIQ, social-CIQ, productivity CIQ) were compared before and during COVID-19 using the Wilcoxon ranked test or paired t test when appropriate reporting Cohen effect sizes (d). The functional independence measure was used to assess functional independence in activities of daily living. Two hundred four participants, 51.4% with stroke and 48.6% with TBI assessed on-line between June 2020 and April 2021 were compared to their own in-person assessments performed before COVID-19. When analyzing total-CIQ, G1 (d = −0.231), G2 (d = −0.240), G3 (d = −0.285), G5 (d = −0.276), G6 (d = −0.199), G7 (d = −0.245), and G8 (d = −0.210) significantly decreased their scores during COVID-19, meanwhile G4 was the only group with no significant differences before and during COVID-19. In productivity-CIQ, G1 (d = −0.197), G4 (d = −0.215), G6 (d = −0.300), and G8 (d = −0.210) significantly increased their scores, meanwhile no significant differences were observed in G2, G3, G5, and G7. In social-CIQ, all groups significantly decreased their scores: G1 (d = −0.348), G2 (d = −0.372), G3 (d = −0.437), G4 (d = −0.253), G5 (d = −0.394), G6 (d = −0.319), G7 (d = −0.355), and G8 (d = −0.365). In home-CIQ only G6 (d = −0.229) significantly decreased, no significant differences were observed in any of the other groups. The largest effect sizes were observed in total-CIQ for G3, in productivity-CIQ for G6, in social-CIQ for G3 and in home-CIQ for G6 (medium effect sizes). Stratifying participants by injury, functionality, age or gender allowed identifying specific CIQ subtotals where remote support may be provided addressing them

    Características del dolor neuropático crónico y su relación con el bienestar psicológico en pacientes con lesión medular

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    Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia del dolor neuropático (DN) en una muestra de pacientes con lesión medular (LM), examinar la relación entre las características clínicas, demográficas y psicológicas con la prevalencia del DN después de una LM y a su vez con los diferentes tipos de DN, y estudiar el valor predictivo de los factores más significativos. Pacientes y métodos. Estudio transversal observacional de un total de 260 pacientes que acudieron a una revisión anual. Las principales medidas de resultados incluyeron presencia/ausencia de DN, índice de bienestar psicológico, historia detallada del dolor y escala de puntuación numérica de 0-10 para la media de intensidad del dolor. Resultados. 93 pacientes (36%) con LM tenían DN. De los pacientes que presentaron DN, un 35% mostró dolor a nivel de la lesión, mientras que un 65% presentó DN por debajo. La única variable con capacidad predictiva sobre la prevalencia del DN fue la edad en el momento de la LM. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la prevalencia del DN y la percepción de bienestar psicológico; el grupo de pacientes con DN fue el que tuvo proporcionalmente un malestar psicológico mayor. En cuanto a los diferentes tipos de DN, las variables con capacidad predictiva sobre la clasificación del DN eran el inicio temprano del dolor en el DN a nivel y el hecho de que la lesión sea incompleta en el DN por debajo. Conclusión. El DN aparece con frecuencia después de la LM y se da de forma más común en aquellos pacientes que han sufrido la lesión a edades más avanzadas. El DN tiene un impacto negativo en la percepción de bienestar psicológicoAIMS. To determine the prevalence of neuropathic pain (NP) in a sample of patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), to examine the relation between clinical, demographic and psychological characteristics with the prevalence of NP after SCI and the different types of NP, and to study predictive factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS. Transversal observational study of 260 patients who attended their annual revision. Main outcome measures included presence/absence of NP, psychological well-being index, detailed pain history and 0-10 numerical rating scale of average pain intensity. RESULTS. 93 patients (36%) with SCI had NP. Of the patients with NP, 35% showed pain at level, while 65% showed NP below the level of injury. The only variable with a predictive value on the prevalence of NP was older age at the time of SCI. Statistically significant differences were observed between the prevalence of NP and the perception of psychological well-being; patients with NP were the ones with more psychological distress. As for the different types of NP, the variables with predictive value on the classification of NP were early onset of pain at level, and incompleteness of the lesion in the below level NP. CONCLUSION. The results of this study show that NP appears frequently after SCI being more prevalent in patients who suffered the injury at more advanced ages. NP has a negative impact on the perception of psychological well-bein

    Análisis de procedimientos administrativos para la simplificación documental en la administración local

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    El artículo presenta los resultados de un proyecto de gestión documental y reingeniería de procesos que ha analizado y diagramado cuatro procedimientos administrativos en tres municipios diferentes y en dos momentos diferenciados (años 2000 y 2011). El análisis comparativo ha permitido detectar notables diferencias entre los casos analizados y, al mismo tiempo, homogeneizar el diseño de los documentos; optimizar y unificar las variables de datos (señalando las imprescindibles y las accesorias); simplificar el proceso a fin de mejorar la eficiencia de las organizaciones; reducir las cargas administrativas innecesarias; y, por último, contribuir a la reducción de los costes de cada proceso. Este estudio integrado del procedimiento, los documentos y los datos permite una óptima implantación de un Sistema de Gestión Documental en un entorno de e-Administración, facilitando enormemente su posible informatización

    Mutational Status of SMAD4 and FBXW7 Affects Clinical Outcome in TP53-Mutated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) provides a molecular rationale to inform prognostic stratification and to guide personalized treatment in cancer patients. Here, we determined the prognostic and predictive value of actionable mutated genes in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Among a total of 294 mCRC tumors examined by targeted NGS, 200 of them derived from patients treated with first-line chemotherapy plus/minus monoclonal antibodies were included in prognostic analyses. Discriminative performance was assessed by time-dependent estimates of the area under the curve (AUC). The most recurrently mutated genes were TP53 (64%), KRAS or NRAS (49%), PIK3CA (15%), SMAD4 (14%), BRAF (13%), and FBXW7 (9.5%). Mutations in FBXW7 correlated with worse OS rates (p = 0.036; HR, 2.24) independently of clinical factors. Concurrent mutations in TP53 and FBXW7 were associated with increased risk of death (p = 0.02; HR, 3.31) as well as double-mutated TP53 and SMAD4 (p = 0.03; HR, 2.91). Analysis of the MSK-IMPACT mCRC cohort (N = 1095 patients) confirmed the same prognostic trend for the previously identified mutated genes. Addition of the mutational status of these genes upon clinical factors resulted in a time-dependent AUC of 87%. Gene set enrichment analysis revealed specific molecular pathways associated with SMAD4 and FBXW7 mutations in TP53-defficient tumors. Conclusively, SMAD4 and FBXW7 mutations in TP53-altered tumors were predictive of a negative prognostic outcome in mCRC patients treated with first-line regimens

    Jardins per a la salut

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia. Assignatura: Botànica farmacèutica. Curs: 2014-2015. Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són el recull de les fitxes botàniques de 128 espècies presents en el Jardí Ferran Soldevila de l’Edifici Històric de la UB. Els treballs han estat realitzats manera individual per part dels estudiants dels grups M-3 i T-1 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos de febrer a maig del curs 2014-15 com a resultat final del Projecte d’Innovació Docent «Jardins per a la salut: aprenentatge servei a Botànica farmacèutica» (codi 2014PID-UB/054). Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pels professors de l’assignatura. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica. També s’ha pretès motivar els estudiants a través del retorn de part del seu esforç a la societat a través d’una experiència d’Aprenentatge-Servei, deixant disponible finalment el treball dels estudiants per a poder ser consultable a través d’una Web pública amb la possibilitat de poder-ho fer in-situ en el propi jardí mitjançant codis QR amb un smartphone