1,936 research outputs found

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of mixtures of compounds containing both hydrogen and deuterium

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    Method allows qualitative and quantitative analysis of mixtures of partially deuterated compounds. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy determines location and amount of deuterium in organic compounds but not fully deuterated compounds. Mass spectroscopy can detect fully deuterated species but not the location

    Stationary Fuel Cell System Composite Data Products: Data Through Quarter 4 of 2012

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    This presentation from the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory includes stationary fuel cell system composite data products for data through the fourth quarter of 2012

    Age-dependent contribution of domain-general networks to semantic cognition

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    Aging is characterized by a decline of cognitive control. In semantic cognition, this leads to the paradox that older adults usually show poorer task performance than young adults despite their greater semantic knowledge. So far, the underlying neural changes of these behavioral differences are poorly understood. In the current neuroimaging study, we investigated the interaction of domain-specific and domain-general networks during verbal semantic fluency in young and older adults. Across age groups, task processing was characterized by a strong positive integration within the multiple-demand as well as between the multiple-demand and the default mode network during semantic fluency. However, the behavioral relevance of strengthened connectivity differed between groups: While within-network functional connectivity in both networks predicted greater efficiency in semantic fluency in young adults, it was associated with slower performance in older adults. Moreover, only young adults profited from connectivity between networks for their semantic memory performance. Our results suggest that the functional coupling of usually anticorrelated networks is critical for successful task processing, independent of age, when access to semantic memory is required. Furthermore, our findings lend novel support to the notion of reduced efficiency in the aging brain due to neural dedifferentiation in semantic cognition

    In My View

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    Age-related reorganization of functional network architecture for language processing

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    Facilitatory stimulation of the pre-SMA in healthy aging has distinct effects on task-based activity and connectivity

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    Semantic cognition is central to communication and our understanding of the world. It is usually well preserved in healthy aging. However, semantic control processes, which guide semantic access and retrieval, decline with age. The present study explored the potential of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) to enhance semantic cognition in healthy middle-aged to older adults. Using an individualized stimulation approach, we applied iTBS to the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and assessed task-specific effects on semantic judgments in functional neuroimaging. We found increased activation after effective relative to sham stimulation only for the semantic task in visual and dorsal attention networks. Further, iTBS increased functional connectivity in domain-general executive networks. Notably, stimulation-induced changes in activation and connectivity related differently to behavior: While increased activation of the parietal dorsal attention network was linked to poorer semantic performance, its enhanced coupling with the pre-SMA was associated with more efficient semantic processing. Our findings indicate differential effects of iTBS on activity and connectivity. We show that iTBS modulates networks in a task-dependent manner and generates remote network effects. Stimulating the pre-SMA was linked to more efficient but not better performance, indicating a role in domain-general semantic control processes distinct to domain-specific semantic control

    Age-related reorganization of functional network architecture in semantic cognition

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    Cognitive aging is associated with widespread neural reorganization processes in the human brain. However, the behavioral impact of such reorganization is not well understood. The current neuroimaging study investigated age differences in the functional network architecture during semantic word retrieval in young and older adults. Combining task-based functional connectivity, graph theory and cognitive measures of fluid and crystallized intelligence, our findings show age-accompanied large-scale network reorganization even when older adults have intact word retrieval abilities. In particular, functional networks of older adults were characterized by reduced decoupling between systems, reduced segregation and efficiency, and a larger number of hub regions relative to young adults. Exploring the predictive utility of these age-related changes in network topology revealed high, albeit less efficient, performance for older adults whose brain graphs showed stronger dedifferentiation and reduced distinctiveness. Our results extend theoretical accounts on neurocognitive aging by revealing the compensational potential of the commonly reported pattern of network dedifferentiation when older adults can rely on their prior knowledge for successful task processing. However, we also demonstrate the limitations of such compensatory reorganization and show that a youth-like network architecture in terms of balanced integration and segregation is associated with more economical processing

    The Practice of Social Work in Legal Services Programs

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    Because the legal difficulties of the poor are frequently symptomatic of longstanding economic, social and personal problems, a small number of legal services programs have hired social workers to collaborate with attorneys. A questionnaire was sent to all social workers employed by legal services programs encountered, job satisfaction and need for continuing education. Data on 48 social workers were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results indicate that social workers can increase the scope and depth of services delivered by legal services programs and also find considerable satisfaction in their work

    Wissenschaftliche Verlage – Versuch einer Prognose

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    Die Emigration deutscher Verleger während der NS-Herrschaft führt zur Gründung neuer wissenschaftlicher Verlage in Großbritannien und den USA. Die Entwicklung des Verlagswesens wurde durch technische Neuerungen stark geprägt. Zunächst revolutionierte seit 1955 die Erfindung des Lichtsatzes die Druckbranche. Der Einsatz von Mikrofilmen und Mikrofiches ermöglichte neue Produkte wie das Deutsche Biographische Archiv. An ihre Stelle traten zunehmend CD-ROM- und Datenbanken im Internet. Dieses ermöglichte Open-Access Publikationen, die vor allem im Bereich der Nachschlagewerke viele erfolgreiche Verlagsprodukte kannibalisierten (z.B. Brockhaus und Pschyrembel: Wikipedia). Auch das self-publishing bedeutet eine zunehmende Gefahr für die Verlage, vor allem, seit der digitale Druck kostengünstige Kleinstauflagen ermöglicht. Dies hat zwar zu einer erheblichen Kostenreduzierung bei den Verlagen geführt, bietet aber auch Dienstleistern wie Books on demand eine Chance, an ihre Stelle zu treten. Die Umsätze auch bei den wissenschaftlichen Großverlagen gehen ohne Berücksichtigung der Zukäufe zurück. Die Prognose für die weitere Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Buchverlage ist schlecht, weil Verluste durch innovative Produkte wie e-books und Hörbücher oder neue Serviceleistungen wie Fortbildungsveranstaltungen nicht ausgeglichen werden können. Man muss mit einem Rückgang von 15% rechnen, der viele Verlage gefährden wird. Einzige Ausnahme bilden die juristischen Verlage, die weiter mit Gewinn arbeiten.The emigration of German publishers during the Nazi regime brought new academic publishing activities to Britain and the USA. The development of the publishing industry was mainly driven by technical innovation. The invention of phototypesetting in 1955 revolutionised the printing industry. Microfilming and microfiching made possible the development of new products such as the Deutsche Biographische Archiv, which were followed by CD-Rom and online databases. Open Access publications such as Wikipedia were able to cannibalise publishing products likeBrockhaus and Pschyrembel. Self publishing has created additional risks for publishers, since digital printing has reduced the costs for short run editions. Although this has considerably reduced publisher costs, it has also allowed service providers such as Books on Demand a chance to replace them. The sales of large academic publishers are also declining if increases via the acquisition of newly bought publishing houses are disregarded. The prognosis for the future is serious. Losses cannot be compensated for by innovative products such as e-books and audiobooks or new services like advanced training courses. Estimated losses of 15% will endanger many publishers. Only legal publishing houses will operate at profit.Peer Reviewe