862 research outputs found

    Exploring the Nature of Strategic Interactions in the Ratification Process of the Kyoto Protocol

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    Do countries interact when they decide whether or not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol? If so, what is the nature of these interactions? To answer these questions, we provide a theoretical analysis based on the notions of strategic substitutability and strategic complementarity. Firstly, we analyze the nature of interactions between countries when they are merely seeking to provide a global public good. Secondly, we argue that countries have ties in several spheres in the real world and we try to shed light on the nature of the strategic interactions generated by geographic proximity, trade flows, and green investment flows. The empirical investigation is realized via the estimation of a parametric survival model, and our data sample covers 164 countries for the period from 1998 to 2009. We find evidence that, while countries' ratification decisions are originally strategic substitutes, they became strategic complements when we focus on the ratification decisions of specific peers.Ratification, Kyoto Protocol, International Environmental Agreements, Spatial survival model

    Propaganda Art in Nazi Germany: The Revival of Classicism

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    El cos com a subjecte a Merleau-Ponty.

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    És una estació indispensable, en la que s'atura tot filòsof, la del tractament de l'status teòric del nostre cos, d'una banda, i el de la consciència, de l'altra. Des de les presentacions cartesianes a aquesta temàtica s'ha buscat desesperadament una solució última a les relacions fàctiques que mostren aquests dos elements de l'existència humana. Merleau-Ponty, evitant postures clàssiques, mostra una nova concepció del cos diferenciant-lo de qualsevol objecte i constituint-lo com a entitat inigualable amb cap altre element real. L'article pretén mostrar, amb més o menys lucidesa, l'engranatge complex que hauria de fer comprendre els principis de l'existència i el coneixement humans

    Exploring the Nature of Strategic Interactions in the Ratification Process of the Kyoto Protocol

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    Do countries interact when they decide whether or not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol? If so, what is the nature of these interactions? To answer these questions, we provide a theoretical analysis based on the notions of strategic substitutability and strategic complementarity. Firstly, we analyze the nature of interactions between countries when they are merely seeking to provide a global public good. Secondly, we argue that countries have ties in several spheres in the real world and we try to shed light on the nature of the strategic interactions generated by geographic proximity, trade flows, and green investment flows. The empirical investigation is realized via the estimation of a parametric survival model, and our data sample covers 164 countries for the period from 1998 to 2009. We find evidence that, while countries' ratification decisions are originally strategic substitutes, they became strategic complements when we focus on the ratification decisions of specific peers

    Usage des jaugeages volants en régionalisation des débits d’étiage

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    Cet article propose de valoriser les jaugeages volants dans un cadre de régionalisation de débits caractéristiques d’étiage. La variable examinée est le débit mensuel minimal annuel de fréquence quinquennale sèche (QMNA5). Le jeu de données est formé de 133 stations hydrométriques réparties dans le bassin Seine-Normandie.La méthode dite « des jaugeages épisodiques » calcule le QMNA5 en un site cible (peu jaugé) en multipliant la valeur de QMNA5 d’une station hydrométrique voisine par un coefficient k. Ce coefficient k est obtenu à partir d’observations concomitantes au site cible et à la station d’appui. Une étude de sensibilité à la stratégie de collecte des jaugeages et au degré de similitude entre le site cible et la station de référence montre une faible sensibilité au nombre de jaugeages volants (le risque d’erreur importante est cependant plus élevé avec peu de données). En outre, il semble préférable d’effectuer les mesures en période d’étiage, de rechercher une station d’appui sur le même linéaire et de calculer k selon le rapport des moyennes des débits synchrones. Cette méthode a été comparée à des méthodes d’interpolation classiques (régression et deux variantes du krigeage). Leur performance a été appréciée par validation croisée sur le jeu de données en considérant tour à tour chaque station comme peu jaugée. Les méthodes géostatistiques, équivalentes en matière d’efficience, sont plus fiables qu’une régression linéaire exploitant des données climatologiques, mais sont surpassées par la méthode des jaugeages volants. Enfin, la méthode des jaugeages épisodiques a été intégrée dans un cadre géostatistique pour extrapoler les valeurs obtenues aux sites peu jaugés. La validation croisée opérée montre que l’exploitation des jaugeages épisodiques, même en nombre réduit dans une méthode régionale, permet donc de mieux apprécier les valeurs de QMNA5.A general framework for improving the use of sporadic measurement data to estimate low flow characteristics is presented. The variable studied is QMNA5, the annual minimum monthly flow with a return period of 5 years. The dataset consists of 133 gauging stations of the Seine-Normandy basin.The method using the sporadic measurement data provides estimates of QMNA5 at a poorly gauged site by multiplying QMNA5 computed at a nearby gauging station by a scale coefficient k. The value of k is obtained through synchronous measurements recorded at the poorly-gauged site and at the nearby station. A sensitivity analysis of the data collection strategy and of the similarity of the two sites indicated a weak sensitivity to the number of sporadic measurement data. However, the risk of a large bias is obviously higher when few measurements are involved. In addition, we recommend collecting measurements during the low flow period, choosing the donor site upstream or downstream from the poorly gauged site, and computing k as the ratio of the average of the synchronous discharges.This method was compared to three regionalization procedures: regression analysis and two variants of kriging. Their efficiency was measured by cross validation. The procedure considered in turn each station from the dataset as a poorly gauged site. Regression analysis performed worse than the two kriging techniques, the efficiencies of which were comparable. The method using sporadic measurement data yielded the best predictive performance even when the collected data were few. This method was introduced into a geostatistical framework to extrapolate the values obtained at the poorly gauged sites. A cross validation was carried out and demonstrated that there was a significant gain in accuracy in the interpolated QMNA5 values, even when using only a few sporadic measurements to supplement regional information

    Exploring the Nature of Strategic Interactions in the Ratification Process of the Kyoto Protocol

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    Do countries interact when they decide whether or not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol? If so, what is the nature of these interactions? To answer these questions, we provide a theoretical analysis based on the notions of strategic substitutability and strategic complementarity. Firstly, we analyze the nature of interactions between countries when they are merely seeking to provide a global public good. Secondly, we argue that countries have ties in several spheres in the real world and we try to shed light on the nature of the strategic interactions generated by geographic proximity, trade flows, and green investment flows. The empirical investigation is realized via the estimation of a parametric survival model, and our data sample covers 164 countries for the period from 1998 to 2009. We find evidence that, while countries' ratification decisions are originally strategic substitutes, they became strategic complements when we focus on the ratification decisions of specific peers.Ratification;Kyoto Protocol;International Environmental Agreements;Spatial survival model

    “Satellite Leisure In Linear Natural Reserves”, A Planning Model For Tourism Resorts. Learnings From The GATCPAC Resting City

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    In this article we explain the landscape and legal resources that characterized the GATCPAC Resting and Vacation City (1931-38) of Barcelona – a never built project – with the aim of depicting a suitable model for other areas. This model, named as “satellite leisure on linear natural reserves”, departs from the premise of placing those settlements that are potentially aggressive to the landscape, such as tourist resorts, in protected zones. The model is specially thought for interior and natural tourism. In the article we will explain the objectives of the GATCPAC project, its characteristics and the relation between those characteristics and other contemporary urban models. After that, we will find out which parameters are still useful for the actual landscape paradigm, drawing up an extrapolation to the Catalan region.En este artículo explicaremos el escenario y los recursos legales que caracterizaron el GATCPAC Ciudad de Descanso y Vacaciones de Barcelona (1931-38) – un proyecto nunca construido – con el objetivo de ilustrar un modelo que se ajuste a otras áreas. Este modelo, llamado “ocio satelital en reservas naturales lineares”, parte de la premisa de situar esos asentamiento potencialmente agresivos para el entorno, tales como resorts turísticos, en zonas protegidas. El modelo está especialmente pensado para turismo de interior y natural. En el artículo explicaremos los objetivos del proyecto GATCPAC, sus características y la relación entre esas características y otros modelos urbanos contemporáneos. A continuación, descubriremos qué parámetros son aún útiles para el entorno paradigmático real, dibujando una extrapolación a la región Catalana. 

    "Satellite leisure in linear natural reserves", a planning model for tourism resorts: learnings from the GATCPAC Resting City

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    In this article we explain the landscape and legal resources that characterized the GATCPAC Resting and Vacation City (1931-38) of Barcelona – a never built project – with the aim of depicting a suitable model for other areas. This model, named as “satellite leisure on linear natural reserves”, departs from the premise of placing those settlements that are potentially aggressive to the landscape, such as tourist resorts, in protected zones. The model is specially thought for interior and natural tourism. In the article we will explain the objectives of the GATCPAC project, its characteristics and the relation between those characteristics and other contemporary urban models. After that, we will find out which parameters are still useful for the actual landscape paradigm, drawing up an extrapolation to the Catalan region.Peer Reviewe