203 research outputs found

    Introvertin oppilaan työskentelyn ja oppimisen tukeminen alakoulussa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa tarkastellaan introversion ilmenemistä koulussa sekä opettajan mahdollisuuksia ohjata ja tukea introverttia lasta koulutyöskentelyssä. Tutkielman tavoitteena on vastata kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen koskien introvertille ominaisia piirteitä erityisesti koulutyöskentelyn valossa sekä edelleen eritellä niitä asioita, joissa introvertti lapsi tarvitsee ohjausta ja tukea. Tutkielma pohjautuu vahvasti tietoon temperamentista, temperamenttipiirteistä ja niiden vaikutuksista oppilaan kaikkeen olemiseen ja tekemiseen koulussa. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jossa aineistoa lukemalla, tutkimalla ja saatuja tietoja vertailemalla, soveltamalla ja yhdistelemällä pyritään lopulta mahdollisimman selkeästi ja johdonmukaisesti vastaamaan määriteltyihin tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tutkimuskysymykset, jotka saivat lopullisen muotonsa hetken kuluttua kirjoittamisen aloittamisesta, ovat seuraavat: 1. Miten oppilaan introvertti temperamentti vaikuttaa työskentelyyn ja oppimiseen koulussa? ja 2. Millaista tukea introvertti oppilas tarvitsee työskentelyssään, ja miten/millä keinoilla opettaja voi vastata oppilaan tarpeisiin? Aineiston tutkiminen osoitti introversioon kuuluvan piirteitä, jotka olennaisella tapaa vaikuttavat oppilaan työskentelyyn ja sitä kautta myös suoriutumiseen koulussa. Temperamentti yleensä osoittautui tärkeäksi koulusuoriutumisen piilovaikuttajaksi, jonka merkitys on opettajana tärkeää tunnistaa ja tiedostaa. Introversiota osoittautui eri temperamenttipiirteistä määrittävän muun muassa korkea häirittävyys, matala sopeutuminen, matala sosiaalisuus ja jossain määrin aineistossa ilmeni viitteitä myös matalaan aktiivisuuteen ja korkeaan sensitiivisyyteen. Kaikki nämä temperamenttipiirteiden ilmentymät voivat väärin ymmärrettyinä hankaloittaa oppilaan työskentelyä ja suoriutumista koulussa. Tutkimus osoitti, ettei tiedetä, kuinka introverttia varsinaisesti tulisi opettajaa, mutta toi esiin samalla useitakin käytännön keinoja, joilla introvertin lapsen temperamentin ja ympäristön välistä yhteensopivuutta voidaan tukea koulussa

    Luokanopettajien kokemuksia kielteisen matematiikkakuvan vaikutuksesta työhön ja työn vaikutuksesta kuvaan matematiikan opettajana

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa selvitettiin matematiikan negatiivisesti kokeneiden luokanopettajien kokemuksia negatiivisen matematiikkasuhteen vaikutuksista opetukseen. Negatiivinen matematiikkasuhde määritellään tutkielmassa sellaisena matematiikkaan suhtautumisena, jossa yksilöllä ilmenee negatiivisia tunteita ja käsityksiä liittyen niin laajemmin matematiikkaan kuin itseen matematiikan osaajana. Negatiivisen matematiikkasuhteen vaikutuksien lisäksi tutkittiin luokanopettajien kokemuksia tekijöistä, joita he ovat tarvinneet työssä tuekseen, ja jotka ovat auttaneet heitä matematiikan opetuksessa. Kolmantena seikkana selvitettiin luokanopettajien kokemuksia työn vaikutuksista käsitykseen itsestä matematiikan opettajana. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu kymmenen (n=10) eri uran vaiheissa olevan luokanopettajan yksilöhaastatteluista. Luokanopettajien työkokemuksen määrä vaihteli yhden ja kolmenkymmenen vuoden välillä. Kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat naisoletettuja. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet opettajat ovat erään suuren sosiaalisen median ryhmän joukosta tutkimukseen osallistumiseen halukkaiksi ilmoittautuneita luokanopettajia, jotka ovat kokeneet matematiikan itselleen vaikeaksi ja suhteensa matematiikkaan enemmän tai vähemmän kielteiseksi. Luokanopettajien kokemusten perusteella opettajan epävarma suhde matematiikkaan sekä haastaa ja rajoittaa opettajan toimintaa työssä että näyttäytyy positiivisena voimavarana. Etenkin uran alussa opettajat ovat kokeneet epävarmuutta ja tarvinneet sekä hakeneet työhön tukea esimerkiksi valmiista oppimateriaaleista ja valmistautumalla opetukseen tarkasti. Negatiivisten kokemustensa vuoksi opettajat haluavat oppilailleen positiivisia kokemuksia matematiikasta. Työssä opettajat vähitellen sekä oppivat itse matematiikkaa että oppivat opettamaan matematiikkaa, ja näkemys matematiikasta sekä itsestä matematiikan osaajana alkaa vahvistua. Epävarmuus vähenee toistojen ja positiivisten kokemusten synnyttämän varmuuden lisääntyessä

    Exhaust emissions of non-road mobile machine : Real-world and laboratory studies with diesel and HVO fuels

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    Exhaust emissions emitted by a non-road mobile machine were studied chasing a tractor in real-world conditions and repeating the same transient tests with a similar engine on an engine dynamometer where additionally, non-road steady state tests were carried out. The engines were equipped with an oxidation catalyst (DOC) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR)system, and they were fuelled by fossil diesel fuel with ultra-low sulphur content and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). By substituting diesel fuel with HVO the on-road emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduced 20% and particle number 44%, the emission factors being EFNOx =1.62 +/- 0.04 g/kWh and EFN = (28.2 +/- 7.8) x 10(13) #/kWh. Similar trend was observed for NOx at laboratory although the emissions were somewhat smaller than on-road. In contrast to real-world, in the laboratory experiment the EFN was only 2% smaller with HVO than with diesel, and these emission factors were almost one order of magnitude smaller than observed on-road. The number size distribution and volatility measurements showed that in real-world experiments small nucleation mode particles were formed during uphill and during downhill in engine braking conditions. These were not observed at laboratory. However, nucleation mode particles were observed in the laboratory experiments at high load steady driving conditions. At steady state tests the emissions strongly depended on engine load and engine speed with both fuels. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    ‘Blindness to the obvious’?: Treatment experiences and feminist approaches to eating disorders

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    Eating disorders (EDs) are now often approached as biopsychosocial problems, but the social or cultural aspects of the equation are often marginalised in treatment - relegated to mere contributory or facilitating factors. In contrast, feminist and socio-cultural approaches are primarily concerned with the relationship between EDs and the social/ cultural construction of gender. Yet although such approaches emerged directly from the work of feminist therapists, the feminist scholarship has increasingly observed, critiqued and challenged the biomedical model from a scholarly distance. As such, this article draws upon data from 15 semi-structured interviews with women in the UK context who have experience of anorexia and/or bulimia in order to explore a series of interlocking themes concerning the relationship between gender identity and treatment. In engaging the women in debate about the feminist approaches (something which has been absent from previous feminist work), the article explores how gender featured in their own understandings of their problem, and the ways in which it was - or rather wasn’t - addressed in treatment. The article also explores the women’s evaluations of the feminist discourse, and their discussions of how it might be implemented within therapeutic and clinical contexts

    Making sense of being at 'high risk' of coronary heart disease within primary prevention

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    types: Journal ArticleCurrent National Health Service policy advocates screening to identify individuals at 'high risk' of cardio-vascular disease (CHD) in primary care. This article utilizes the work of Radley to explore how 'high risk' of CHD patients make sense of their new risk status. Results are presented here from a nested qualitative study within a quantitative randomized trial of a CHD risk intervention in primary care. 'Discovery' interviews were conducted with 'high risk' participants (n = 38, mean age = 55) two weeks after intervention and thematically analysed. In response to perceived threat, many participants sought to both 'minimize' and 'normalize' their risk status. They also reported intentions to act, particularly concerning dietary change and exercise, although less so for smoking amongst the lower socio-economic status participants. Such perceptions and intentions were contextualized within the life-course of later middle-age, so that both being at risk, and being treated for risk, were normalized as part of growing older. Social position, such as gender and SES, was also implicated. CHD risk interventions should be context-sensitive to the life-course and social position of those who find themselves at 'high risk' of CHD in later middle-age

    Radiographers' involvement in research activities and opinions on radiography research: A Nordic survey

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    Introduction: Radiographers' engagement in research is important for the development of evidence-based practice in radiography; however, radiographers' interest in research has rarely been reported. This study sought to ascertain radiographers' opinions about radiography research and investigate their involvement in research activities in four Nordic countries.Methods: This study was conducted in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. A study-specific questionnaire was developed in English and adapted to each language of the study sample, and the content and face validity of the adaptations were evaluated. An online tool was used to collect the study data. The questionnaire link was distributed in September 2019 to radiographers working in clinical settings in four Nordic countries (n = 4572).Results: The overall response rate was 14% (n = 662/4572). Research involvement was reported by 33% of the respondents; data collection was the main type of contribution. Radiographers who contributed to research were more likely to be male, have longer work experience, hold a master's or doctoral degree, work as managers and be employed in university hospitals. Nearly all agreed that radiography research is needed to promote the radiography profession and provide the evidence base for radiographic practice. However, only 14% were aware of the current research evidence regarding their professional field of specialisation, and 19% indicated that they developed current practices based on research evidence.Conclusion: The findings indicate that, although radiographers had positive attitudes towards radiography research, their involvement in research and utilisation of research evidence in practice is low.</p

    Nonfatal Strangulation in a Sample of Domestically Violent Stalkers: The Importance of Recognizing Coercively Controlling Behaviors

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    © 2019 International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology. Strangulation is different to other types of physical violence as it often leaves no visible injuries and is frequently motivated by coercive control. Few studies have explored nonfatal strangulation and coercive control, and no studies have explored these factors within a sample of stalkers. Given that stalking perpetrators exhibit many of the coercively controlling behaviors related to nonfatal strangulation, the current study explored nonfatal strangulation and other coercively controlling behaviors in a stalking sample. A police dataset of 9,884 cases of domestic violence that involved stalking was analyzed. Results revealed that coercive control and related behaviors of excessive jealousy, victim isolation, victim fear, and victim’s belief that the perpetrator will kill them were associated with higher likelihood of having experienced nonfatal strangulation. These results may help first responders to identify victims at risk of nonfatal strangulation and suggest a need for nonfatal strangulation to be a criminal offense

    Input-Adaptive Proxy for Black Carbon as a Virtual Sensor

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    Missing data has been a challenge in air quality measurement. In this study, we develop an input-adaptive proxy, which selects input variables of other air quality variables based on their correlation coefficients with the output variable. The proxy uses ordinary least squares regression model with robust optimization and limits the input variables to a maximum of three to avoid overfitting. The adaptive proxy learns from the data set and generates the best model evaluated by adjusted coefficient of determination (adjR2). In case of missing data in the input variables, the proposed adaptive proxy then uses the second-best model until all the missing data gaps are filled up. We estimated black carbon (BC) concentration by using the input-adaptive proxy in two sites in Helsinki, which respectively represent street canyon and urban background scenario, as a case study. Accumulation mode, traffic counts, nitrogen dioxide and lung deposited surface area are found as input variables in models with the top rank. In contrast to traditional proxy, which gives 20–80% of data, the input-adaptive proxy manages to give full continuous BC estimation. The newly developed adaptive proxy also gives generally accurate BC (street canyon: adjR2 = 0.86–0.94; urban background: adjR2 = 0.74–0.91) depending on different seasons and day of the week. Due to its flexibility and reliability, the adaptive proxy can be further extend to estimate other air quality parameters. It can also act as an air quality virtual sensor in support with on-site measurements in the future

    Input-Adaptive Proxy for Black Carbon as a Virtual Sensor

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    Missing data has been a challenge in air quality measurement. In this study, we develop an input-adaptive proxy, which selects input variables of other air quality variables based on their correlation coefficients with the output variable. The proxy uses ordinary least squares regression model with robust optimization and limits the input variables to a maximum of three to avoid overfitting. The adaptive proxy learns from the data set and generates the best model evaluated by adjusted coefficient of determination (adjR2). In case of missing data in the input variables, the proposed adaptive proxy then uses the second-best model until all the missing data gaps are filled up. We estimated black carbon (BC) concentration by using the input-adaptive proxy in two sites in Helsinki, which respectively represent street canyon and urban background scenario, as a case study. Accumulation mode, traffic counts, nitrogen dioxide and lung deposited surface area are found as input variables in models with the top rank. In contrast to traditional proxy, which gives 20–80% of data, the input-adaptive proxy manages to give full continuous BC estimation. The newly developed adaptive proxy also gives generally accurate BC (street canyon: adjR2 = 0.86–0.94; urban background: adjR2 = 0.74–0.91) depending on different seasons and day of the week. Due to its flexibility and reliability, the adaptive proxy can be further extend to estimate other air quality parameters. It can also act as an air quality virtual sensor in support with on-site measurements in the future

    Membrane-Dependent Binding and Entry Mechanism of Dopamine into Its Receptor

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    Synaptic neurotransmission has recently been proposed to function via either a membrane-independent or a membrane-dependent mechanism, depending on the neurotransmitter type. In the membrane-dependent mechanism, amphipathic neurotransmitters first partition to the lipid headgroup region and then diffuse along the membrane plane to their membrane-buried receptors. However, to date, this mechanism has not been demonstrated for any neurotransmitter-receptor complex. Here, we combined isothermal calorimetry measurements with a diverse set of molecular dynamics simulation methods to investigate the partitioning of an amphipathic neurotransmitter (dopamine) and the mechanism of its entry into the ligand-binding site. Our results show that the binding of dopamine to its receptor is consistent with the membrane-dependent binding and entry mechanism. Both experimental and simulation results showed that dopamine favors binding to lipid membranes especially in the headgroup region. Moreover, our simulations revealed a ligand-entry pathway from the membrane to the binding site. This pathway passes through a lateral gate between transmembrane alpha-helices 5 and 6 on the membrane-facing side of the protein. All in all, our results demonstrate that dopamine binds to its receptor by a membrane-dependent mechanism, and this is complemented by the more traditional binding mechanism directly through the aqueous phase. The results suggest that the membrane-dependent mechanism is common in other synaptic receptors, too