26 research outputs found

    Interpolation Cryptanalysis of Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Low Degree Round Functions

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    Arithmetisierungs-Orientierte Symmetrische Primitive (AOSPs) sprechen das bestehende Optimierungspotential bei der Auswertung von Blockchiffren und Hashfunktionen als Bestandteil von sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung, voll-homomorpher Verschlüsselung und Zero-Knowledge-Beweisen an. Die Konstruktionsweise von AOSPs unterscheidet sich von traditionellen Primitiven durch die Verwendung von algebraisch simplen Elementen. Zusätzlich sind viele Entwürfe über Primkörpern statt über Bits definiert. Aufgrund der Neuheit der Vorschläge sind eingehendes Verständnis und ausgiebige Analyse erforderlich um ihre Sicherheit zu etablieren. Algebraische Analysetechniken wie zum Beispiel Interpolationsangriffe sind die erfolgreichsten Angriffsvektoren gegen AOSPs. In dieser Arbeit generalisieren wir eine existierende Analyse, die einen Interpolationsangriff mit geringer Speicherkomplexität verwendet, um das Entwurfsmuster der neuen Chiffre GMiMC und ihrer zugehörigen Hashfunktion GMiMCHash zu untersuchen. Wir stellen eine neue Methode zur Berechnung des Schlüssels basierend auf Nullstellen eines Polynoms vor, demonstrieren Verbesserungen für die Komplexität des Angriffs durch Kombinierung mehrere Ausgaben, und wenden manche der entwickelten Techniken in einem algebraischen Korrigierender-Letzter-Block Angriff der Schwamm-Konstruktion an. Wir beantworten die offene Frage einer früheren Arbeit, ob die verwendete Art von Interpolationsangriffen generalisierbar ist, positiv. Wir nennen konkrete empfohlene untere Schranken für Parameter in den betrachteten Szenarien. Außerdem kommen wir zu dem Schluss dass GMiMC und GMiMCHash gegen die in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Interpolationsangriffe sicher sind. Weitere kryptanalytische Anstrengungen sind erforderlich um die Sicherheitsgarantien von AOSPs zu festigen

    Tensor Network Simulation of compact one-dimensional lattice Quantum Chromodynamics at finite density

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    We perform a zero temperature analysis of a non-Abelian lattice gauge model corresponding to an SU(3) Yang Mills theory in 1+1D at low energies. Specifically, we characterize the model ground states via gauge-invariant Matrix Product States, identifying its phase diagram at finite density as a function of the matter-gauge interaction coupling, the quark filling, and their bare mass. Overall, we observe an extreme robustness of baryons: For positive free-field energy couplings, all detected phases exhibit colorless quasiparticles, a strong numerical hint that QCD does not deconfine in 1D. Additionally, we show that having access to finite-density properties, it is possible to study the stability of composite particles, including multi-baryon bound states, such as the deuteron.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    SoK: Gröbner Basis Algorithms for Arithmetization Oriented Ciphers

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    Many new ciphers target a concise algebraic description for efficient evaluation in a proof system or a multi-party computation. This new target for optimization introduces algebraic vulnerabilities, particularly involving Gröbner basis analysis. Unfortunately, the literature on Gröbner bases tends to be either purely mathematical, or focused on small fields. In this paper, we survey the most important algorithms and present them in an intuitive way. The discussion of their complexities enables researchers to assess the security of concrete arithmetization-oriented ciphers. Aside from streamlining the security analysis, this paper helps newcomers enter the field

    Interpolation Cryptanalysis of Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Low Degree Round Functions

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    In recent years a new type of block ciphers and hash functions over a (large) field, such as MiMC and GMiMC, have been designed. Their security, particularly over a prime field, is mainly determined by algebraic cryptanalysis techniques, such as Gröbner basis and interpolation attacks. In SAC 2019, Li and Preneel presented low memory interpolation cryptanalysis against the MiMC and Feistel-MiMC designs. In this work we answer the open question posed in their work and show that low memory interpolation cryptanalysis can be extended to unbalanced Feistel networks (UFN) with low degree functions, and in particular to the GMiMC design. Our attack applies to UFNs with expanding and contracting round functions keyed either via identical (univariate) or distinct round keys (multivariate). Since interpolation attacks do not necessarily yield the best possible attacks over a binary extension field, we focus our analysis on prime fields GF(p). Our next contribution is to develop an improved technique for a more efficient key recovery against UFNs with expanding round function. We show that the final key recovery step can be reduced not only to the gcd but also to the root finding problem. Despite its higher theoretical complexity, we show that our approach has a particularly interesting application on Sponge hash functions based on UFNs, such as GMiMCHash. We illustrate for the first time how our root finding technique can be used to find collision, second preimage and preimage attacks on (reduced round) members of the GMiMCHash family. In addition, we support our theoretical analysis with small-scale experimental results

    The Tip5 Hash Function for Recursive STARKs

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    This paper specifies a new arithmetization-oriented hash function called Tip5. It uses the SHARK design strategy with low-degree power maps in combination with lookup tables, and is tailored to the field with p=264232+1p=2^{64}-2^{32}+1 elements. The context motivating this design is the recursive verification of STARKs. This context imposes particular design constraints, and therefore the hash function\u27s arithmetization is discussed at length

    Cavity QED with a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) describes the coherent interaction between matter and an electromagnetic field confined within a resonator structure, and is providing a useful platform for developing concepts in quantum information processing. By using high-quality resonators, a strong coupling regime can be reached experimentally in which atoms coherently exchange a photon with a single light-field mode many times before dissipation sets in. This has led to fundamental studies with both microwave and optical resonators. To meet the challenges posed by quantum state engineering and quantum information processing, recent experiments have focused on laser cooling and trapping of atoms inside an optical cavity. However, the tremendous degree of control over atomic gases achieved with Bose-Einstein condensation has so far not been used for cavity QED. Here we achieve the strong coupling of a Bose-Einstein condensate to the quantized field of an ultrahigh-finesse optical cavity and present a measurement of its eigenenergy spectrum. This is a conceptually new regime of cavity QED, in which all atoms occupy a single mode of a matter-wave field and couple identically to the light field, sharing a single excitation. This opens possibilities ranging from quantum communication to a wealth of new phenomena that can be expected in the many-body physics of quantum gases with cavity-mediated interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in Nature; updated Fig. 4; changed atom numbers due to new calibratio

    The GEF Trio controls endothelial cell size and arterial remodeling downstream of Vegf signaling in both zebrafish and cell models

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    Arterial networks enlarge in response to increase in tissue metabolism to facilitate flow and nutrient delivery. Typically, the transition of a growing artery with a small diameter into a large caliber artery with a sizeable diameter occurs upon the blood flow driven change in number and shape of endothelial cells lining the arterial lumen. Here, using zebrafish embryos and endothelial cell models, we describe an alternative, flow independent model, involving enlargement of arterial endothelial cells, which results in the formation of large diameter arteries. Endothelial enlargement requires the GEF1 domain of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Trio and activation of Rho-GTPases Rac1 and RhoG in the cell periphery, inducing F-actin cytoskeleton remodeling, myosin based tension at junction regions and focal adhesions. Activation of Trio in developing arteries in vivo involves precise titration of the Vegf signaling strength in the arterial wall, which is controlled by the soluble Vegf receptor Flt1. Arterial flow regulates artery diameter but other mechanisms may also affect this. Here, the authors show that the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Trio and GTPases Rac1 and RhoG, triggers F-actin remodeling in arterial endothelial cells, independent of flow, to enhance lumen diameter in zebrafish and cell models.Peer reviewe

    Simulation-based training – Evaluation of the course concept “Laparoscopic Surgery Curriculum” by the participants

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    IntroductionThe learning curve in minimally invasive surgery is much longer than in open surgery. This is thought to be due to the higher demands made on the surgeon’s skills. Therefore the question raised at the outset of training in laparoscopic surgery is how such skills can be acquired by undergoing training outside the bounds of clinical activities to try to shorten the learning curve. Simulation-based training courses are one such model.MethodsIn 2011 the surgery societies of Germany adopted the Laparoscopic Surgery Curriculum as a recommendation for the learning content of systematic training courses for laparoscopic surgery. The curricular structure provides for four two-day training courses. These courses offer an interrelated content with each course focusing additionally on specific topics of laparoscopic surgery based on live operations, lectures and exercises carried out on bio simulators.ResultsBetween 1 January 2012 and 31 March 2016, a total of 36 training courses were conducted at the Vivantes Endoscopic Training Center in accordance with the Laparoscopic Surgery Curriculum. The training courses were attended by a total of 741 young surgeons and were evaluated as good to very good during continuous evaluation by the participants.ConclusionTraining courses based on the Laparoscopic Surgery Curriculum for acquiring skills in laparoscopic are taken up and positively evaluated by young surgeons