48 research outputs found

    Proposed CTV design reference missions in support of Space Station Freedom

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    Use of design reference missions (DRM's) for the cargo transfer vehicle (CTV) in support of Space Station Freedom (SSF) can provide a common baseline for the design and assessment of CTV systems and mission operations. These DRM's may also provide baseline operations scenarios for integrated CTV, Shuttle, and SSF operations. Proposed DRM's for CTV, SSF, and Shuttle operations envisioned during the early post-PMC time frame and continuing through mature, SSF evolutionary operations are described. These proposed DRM's are outlines for detailed mission definition; by treating these DRM's as top-level input for mission design studies, a range of parametric studies for systems/operations may be performed. Shuttle flight design experience, particularly rendezvous flight design, provides an excellent basis for DRM operations studies. To begin analysis of the DRM's, shuttle trajectory design tools were used in single case analysis to define CTV performance requirements. A summary of these results is presented

    Growth requirements for multidiscipline research and development on the evolutionary space station

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    The NASA Space Station Freedom is being designed to facilitate on-orbit evolution and growth to accommodate changing user needs and future options for U.S. space exploration. In support of the Space Station Freedom Program Preliminary Requirements Review, The Langley Space Station Office has identified a set of resource requirements for Station growth which is deemed adequate for the various evolution options. As part of that effort, analysis was performed to scope requirements for Space Station as an expanding, multidiscipline facility for scientific research, technology development and commercial production. This report describes the assumptions, approach and results of the study

    Evolution user requirements for the restructured space station

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    Space Station Freedom (SSF) is designed to be an Earth orbiting multidisciplinary R&D facility capable of evolving to accommodate a variety of potential uses. In order to identify SSF evolution requirement and define potential growth configurations, NASA-Langley is analyzing user resource requirements for the post-PMC time frame. The analysis goal is to define resource levels, including crew, power, and volume, which allow full utilization of SSF capabilities commensurate with minimum essential user requirements. Multiple scenarios were studied including core R&D and combined SEI plus R&D utilization. An analysis is presented of a core R&D utilization scenario. Included are discussions of resource allocation assumptions for specific R&D disciplines, user requirements trends, and growth resource projections. These preliminary results show total resource requirements of 13 crew, 150 kW power, and additional lab volume equivalent to a second U.S. lab module. Additionally, orthogonal growth structure was identified as required to support SSF systems and users

    Paper Session II-A - Space Station Freedom Accommodation of the Human Exploration Initiative

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    In his July 20th speech commemorating the 20th anniversary of the first Apollo Moon landing, President Bush proposed ...a sustained program of manned exploration of the solar system...and the permanent settlement of space. The President\u27s plan for the future of America\u27s manned space program calls for Space Station Freedom to be operational in the 1990\u27s followed by a return to the Moon for the new century, this time to stay , and then a manned mission to Mars. Space Station Freedom is a fundamental part of this long-range, evolutionary, human exploration initiative. It will support continuous human presence in Earth orbit for the purposes of scientific research and the development of technologies critical to the exploration missions. In addition to serving as a research and development facility in space, Freedom will be used as a spaceport or transportation node to support the assembly, servicing and checkout of space transfer vehicles which will ferry crew and cargo to the lunar surface and on to Mars. A study conducted by NASA during the Autumn of 1989 identified exploration accommodation requirements for the Space Station and formulated plans to implement mission-supporting capabilities. It was determined that the initial Space Station Freedom configuration (termed Assembly Complete) must be augmented to provide additional resources and capabilities. Increases will be required to Freedom crew, power, pressurized volume and truss structure. New capabilities will be required such as spacecraft assembly and servicing. A significant conclusion of the 90-day NASA study was that Space Station is capable of accommodating the necessary additions due to the evolutionary nature of the design

    NASA Langley Research Center Systems Analysis & Concepts Directorate Participation in the Exploration Systems Architecture Study

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    The NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) Systems Analysis & Concepts Directorate (SACD) began studying human exploration missions beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) in the year 1999. This included participation in NASA s Decadal Planning Team (DPT), the NASA Exploration Team (NExT), Space Architect studies and Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts (RASC) architecture studies that were used in formulating the new Vision for Space Exploration. In May of 2005, NASA initiated the Exploration Systems Architecture Study (ESAS). The primary outputs of the ESAS activity were concepts and functional requirements for the Crewed Exploration Vehicle (CEV), its supporting launch vehicle infrastructure and identification of supporting technology requirements and investments. An exploration systems analysis capability has evolved to support these functions in the past and continues to evolve to support anticipated future needs. SACD had significant roles in supporting the ESAS study team. SACD personnel performed the liaison function between the ESAS team and the Shuttle/Station Configuration Options Team (S/SCOT), an agency-wide team charged with using the Space Shuttle to complete the International Space Station (ISS) by the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2010. The most significant of the identified issues involved the ability of the Space Shuttle system to achieve the desired number of flights in the proposed time frame. SACD with support from the Kennedy Space Center performed analysis showing that, without significant investments in improving the shuttle processing flow, that there was almost no possibility of completing the 28-flight sequence by the end of 2010. SACD performed numerous Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM) trades to define top level element requirements and establish architecture propellant needs. Configuration trades were conducted to determine the impact of varying degrees of segmentation of the living capabilities of the combined descent stage, ascent stage, and other elements. The technology assessment process was developed and implemented by SACD as the ESAS architecture was refined. SACD implemented a rigorous and objective process which included (a) establishing architectural functional needs, (b) collection, synthesis and mapping of technology data, and (c) performing an objective decision analysis resulting in technology development investment recommendations. The investment recommendation provided budget, schedule, and center/program allocations to develop required technologies for the exploration architecture, as well as the identification of other investment opportunities to maximize performance and flexibility while minimizing cost and risk. A summary of the trades performed and methods utilized by SACD for the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESAS) activity is presented along with how SACD is currently supporting the implementation of the Vision for Space Exploration

    Dual Mission Scenarios for the Human Lunar Campaign - Performance, Cost and Risk Benefits

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    Scenarios for human lunar operations with capabilities significantly beyond Constellation Program baseline missions are potentially feasible based on the concept of dual, sequential missions utilizing a common crew and a single Ares I/CEV (Crew Exploration Vehicle). For example, scenarios possible within the scope of baseline technology planning include outpost-based sortie missions and dual sortie missions. Top level cost benefits of these dual sortie scenarios may be estimated by comparison to the Constellation Program reference two-mission-per-year lunar campaign. The primary cost benefit is the accomplishment of Mission B with a "single launch solution" since no Ares I launch is required. Cumulative risk to the crew is lowered since crew exposure to launch risks and Earth return risks are reduced versus comparable Constellation Program reference two-mission-per-year scenarios. Payload-to-the-lunar-surface capability is substantially increased in the Mission B sortie as a result of additional propellant available for Lunar Lander #2 descent. This additional propellant is a result of EDS #2 transferring a smaller stack through trans-lunar injection and using remaining propellant to perform a portion of the lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuver. This paper describes these dual mission concepts, including cost, risk and performance benefits per lunar sortie site, and provides an initial feasibility assessment

    Lunar Lander Structural Design Studies at NASA Langley

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is currently developing mission architectures, vehicle concepts and flight hardware to support the planned human return to the Moon. During Phase II of the 2006 Lunar Lander Preparatory Study, a team from the Langley Research Center was tasked with developing and refining two proposed Lander concepts. The Descent-Assisted, Split Habitat Lander concept uses a disposable braking stage to perform the lunar orbit insertion maneuver and most of the descent from lunar orbit to the surface. The second concept, the Cargo Star Horizontal Lander, carries ascent loads along its longitudinal axis, and is then rotated in flight so that its main engines (mounted perpendicular to the vehicle longitudinal axis) are correctly oriented for lunar orbit insertion and a horizontal landing. Both Landers have separate crew transport volumes and habitats for surface operations, and allow placement of large cargo elements very close to the lunar surface. As part of this study, lightweight, efficient structural configurations for these spacecraft were proposed and evaluated. Vehicle structural configurations were first developed, and preliminary structural sizing was then performed using finite element-based methods. Results of selected structural design and trade studies performed during this activity are presented and discussed

    MISSE-X: An ISS External Platform for Space Environmental Studies in the Post-Shuttle Era

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    Materials International Space Station Experiment-X (MISSE-X) is a proposed International Space Station (ISS) external platform for space environmental studies designed to advance the technology readiness of materials and devices critical for future space exploration. The MISSE-X platform will expand ISS utilization by providing experimenters with unprecedented low-cost space access and return on investment (ROI). As a follow-on to the highly successful MISSE series of ISS experiments, MISSE-X will provide advances over the original MISSE configurations including incorporation of plug-and-play experiments that will minimize return mass requirements in the post-Shuttle era, improved active sensing and monitoring of the ISS external environment for better characterization of environmental effects, and expansion of the MISSE-X user community through incorporation of new, customer-desired capabilities. MISSE-X will also foster interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in primary and secondary schools through student collaboration and participation.1,

    Regional Anesthesia for Shoulder and Clavicle Surgery

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    The shoulder joint and clavicle are innervated by the brachial plexus, the cervical plexus, and nerves to muscles around the joint and clavicle. Regional anesthesia is aimed at producing optimal surgical conditions, prolonging postoperative analgesia, being free of complications, reducing costs, and minimizing hospital stay. Regional upper extremity anesthesia can be achieved by blocking the brachial plexus at different stages along the course of the trunks, divisions, cords, and terminal branches. The gold standard of regional anesthesia for shoulder surgery is interscalene brachial plexus block plus cervical plexus block, but it is associated with a high rate of neurological complications and phrenic nerve block. The interest of the anesthesiologist has been directed towards regional blocks avoiding these complications; techniques that approach nerves more distally than interscalene block have been described. These approaches include supraclavicular nerves, upper trunk, suprascapular nerve by anterior approach, axillary nerve block in the axillary fossa, clavipectoral fascia block. The objective of this chapter is to describe the anatomy, sonoanatomy, technique, and the clinical utility of these accesses

    Programa de integraci贸n de equipos de trabajo

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    El objetivo general de este proyecto fue impartir un taller de integraci贸n de equipos de trabajo realizando actividades din谩micas con los colaboradores, en donde puedan observar cu谩les son sus fortalezas, debilidades y puedan lograr un mejor ambiente de trabajo y una mejor comunicaci贸n. El objetivo es que desarrollen y potencialicen sus habilidades comunicativas. El taller engloba los temas de: comunidad de aprendizaje, equipos de trabajo, comunicaci贸n y escucha activa. Dicho taller fue impartido a 3 grupos de colaboradores de la empresa. A lo largo de 9 semanas de sesiones, los colaboradores mostraron inter茅s, participaci贸n y compromiso para aplicar lo aprendido en su d铆a a d铆a. El 94.44% de los participantes quedaron satisfechos con el taller y redactaron individualmente un compromiso personal para mejorar sus habilidades de comunicaci贸n y de esta manera crear un mejor ambiente laboral.ITESO, A.C