317 research outputs found

    A Study on Influence of Personal Profile Variables on Emotional Intelligence Ofarts and Science College Students

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    Purpose: To assess the level of emotional intelligence among Arts and Science College students as well as the influence of personal profile traits on emotional intelligence in those students.   Theoretical framework:  Variables like Education, Area of residence, Gender, Age, Family monthly income, Father Educational Qualification influence the Emotional Intelligence of the Students   Design/methodology/Approach:   Purposive sampling, T- test, F- Test   Findings: This research has added to the body of knowledge about emotion-related personality differences among arts and science college students studying in various streams, and how they differ in various ways   Research, Practical  &  Social  Implications: Emotional intelligence should be taught through various workshops, Community-wide awareness programmes should be organized   Originality/Value: Establishing Emotional Intelligence-based results across several streams can aid in achieving a better balance between a student's personality and their academic stream of choice. Academic success and professional advancement are made easier with this balance. Emotional intelligence testing may also aid in the development of self-reflection and increased understanding of one's own personality

    Use of system identification techniques for improving airframe finite element models using test data

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    A method for using system identification techniques to improve airframe finite element models using test data was developed and demonstrated. The method uses linear sensitivity matrices to relate changes in selected physical parameters to changes in the total system matrices. The values for these physical parameters were determined using constrained optimization with singular value decomposition. The method was confirmed using both simple and complex finite element models for which pseudo-experimental data was synthesized directly from the finite element model. The method was then applied to a real airframe model which incorporated all of the complexities and details of a large finite element model and for which extensive test data was available. The method was shown to work, and the differences between the identified model and the measured results were considered satisfactory

    Use of system identification techniques for improving airframe finite element models using test data

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    A method for using system identification techniques to improve airframe finite element models was developed and demonstrated. The method uses linear sensitivity matrices to relate changes in selected physical parameters to changes in total system matrices. The values for these physical parameters were determined using constrained optimization with singular value decomposition. The method was confirmed using both simple and complex finite element models for which pseudo-experimental data was synthesized directly from the finite element model. The method was then applied to a real airframe model which incorporated all the complexities and details of a large finite element model and for which extensive test data was available. The method was shown to work, and the differences between the identified model and the measured results were considered satisfactory

    A study on Vilampisin Chooranam for Vellai noi and A study on Seenalavana parpam for Soothagavali

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    A STUDY ON VILAMPISIN CHOORANAM - INTRODUCTION : According to Siddha literature Vellai noi is a condition due to the vitiated azhal humour. The pathology of Vellai noi was described in Siddha literature as follows, the derangement of azhal humor results in diminished urine output, accumulation of waste products in blood and debilitation of the patient. Thus “Vilampisin” neutralises the vitiated azhal humor which is the main cause for the “Vellai noi”. Hence the author has selected Vilampisin for the management of Vellainoi AIM AND OBJECTIVES : Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Vilampisin chooranam (Powder of Limonia acidissma gum) in the management of Vellai noi (Leucorrhoea) Objective: The clinical efficacy of Vilampisin chooranam has been evaluated in the following aspects. • Collection of evidences in Siddha aspects. • Collection of evidences in Botanical aspects. • Bio Chemical analysis. • Physical properties. • Preliminary phytochemical screening of plant constituents. • Pharmacological study. Open clinical trial on Vellai noi given orally. MATERIALS AND METHODS : To evaluate the efficacy, Anti – microbial activity of Vilampisin Chooranam in the management of “Vellai noi” (Leucorrhoea). Collection of the Drug: The drug Vilampisin was collected from the indigenous raw drug stores, Tirunelveli and it was identified by the botanist of National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Purification of the raw drug: The drug was cleaned well by removing the waste materials and bark pieces which adhered with it and boiled by steam (Pittavial method and dried) Preparation of Chooranam: The purified gum was fried in ghee and ground well and sieved by sieving cloth. Storage of Chooranam: The fine powder was stored in a clean and dry airtight container. Life span of choornam is 3 months from the date of preparation. It was used within that period. Intended therapeutic dose: 1 gm two times a day with milk. Route of administration :Enteral. CONCLUSION : It is concluded that the drug Vilampisin chooranam is found to be an effective drug for Vellai noi without producing any adverse effects. A STUDY ON SEENALAVANA PARPAM - INTRODUCTION : Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhoea) is one of the common diseases affecting the individuals in their late teens and 20s. More than 70% of teenagers and 20-50% of menstruating women are affected by dysmenorrhoea. According to siddha pathology Soothagavali is caused due to derangement of Vatha kutram. The drug “Seenalavana parpam” is a compound drug having predominantly uppu, inippu and pulippu suvai. It is indicated for soothagavali. Uppu suvai controls vatha humor. As per mentioned in the above text, the compound drug Seenalavana parpam containing uppu, inippu and pulippu suvai controls vatha humor. These literary evidences drove the author to choose the compound drug Seenalavana parpam for the mangement of Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhoea). AIM AND OBJECTIVES : Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Seenalavana parpam in the management of Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhoea). Objective : The clinical efficacy of Seenalavana parpam has been evaluated in the following Aspects: Collection of evidences in siddha aspects, * Collection of evidences in chemical aspects, * Bio- Chemical analysis, * Physical Properties, * Toxicological study, * Pharmacological analysis, * Open clinical trial on Soothagavali given orally. MATERIALS AND METHODS : Preparation of the drug: To evaluate the efficacy of “Seenalavana parpam” for “Soothagavali” (Dysmenorrhoea) has been selected as per siddha literature. Kannusamiyam Paramparai Vaithiam by Kannusamy Pillai. The Ingredients of Seenalavana parpam are, Padikaram, Vediuppu, Induppu, Valaialuppu, Vengaram, Kalluppu, Naatu kalnar, Rasakarpooram. Collection of Drugs: The raw drugs like padikaram, vediuppu, Induppu, valaialuppu, vengaram, kalluppu, Naatukalnar, Rasakarpooram were collected from the indigenous drug shop, Chennai. Method of Preparation: Ingredients: Padikaram (Alumen) - 105g, Vediuppu (Potassium nitrate) - 17.5g, Induppu (Sodium chloride impura) - 17.5g, Valaialuppu (Salt of fullers earth) - 17.5g, Vengaram (Borax) - 17.5g, Kalluppu (Rock salt) - 17.5g, Naatu kalnar (Asbestos) - 17.5g, Raskarpooram (Hydragyrum subchloride)- 2.1g. Purification: To Purify the Padikaram, first dissolve within water, then filter it and melt it in to semisolid consistency and then allow to cool it. RESULTS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS : Seenalavana parpam is statiscally associated with relieving signs and symptoms of Soothagavali. CONCLUSION : From the pharmacological and clinical studies it is concluded that the drug Seenalavana parpam is found to be an effective drug for “Soothagavali’

    Dietary Salt Intake and Hypertension in An Urban South Indian Population – [CURES - 53]

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    Objective : The aim of the study was to determine the mean dietary salt intake in urban south India and to look at its association with hypertension. Methods : The Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES) is an ongoing population based study on a representative population of Chennai city in southern India. Phase 1 of CURES recruited 26,001 individuals aged ≥ 20 years, of whom every tenth subject (n=2600) was invited to participate in Phase 3 for detailed dietary studies and 2220 subjects participated in the present study (response rate : 84.5%). Participants with self-reported history of hypertension, diabetes or heart disease were excluded from the study (n=318) and thus the final study numbers were 1902 subjects. Dietary salt, energy, macronutrients and micronutrients intake were measured using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Diagnosis of hypertension was based on the National Cholesterol Education Programme (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Logistic regression analysis was used to look at the association of dietary salt with hypertension. Results : Mean dietary salt intake (8.5 g/d) in the population was higher than the recommended by the World Health Organization (<5g/d). Higher salt intake was associated with older age and higher income (p for trend<0.0001). Subjects in the highest quintile of salt intake had significantly higher prevalence of hypertension than did those in the lowest quintile (48.4 vs 16.6%, p<0.0001). Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly increased with increase in quintiles of total dietary salt both among hypertensive and normotensive subjects (p for trend p1 teaspoon/day at the dining table was associated with a higher prevalence for hypertension compared to zero added salt (38.5% vs 23.3%, Chi-square = 18.95; p<0.0001). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that even after adjusting for age, gender, body mass index, total energy intake and dietary fat, total dietary salt intake was positively associated with hypertension. [Odds ratio (OR): 1.161, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.115-1.209, p<0.0001]. Conclusion: Intake of dietary salt in urban south India is higher than currently recommended. Increasing salt intake is associated with increased risk for hypertension even after adjusting for potential confounders. This calls for urgent steps to decrease salt consumption of the population at high ris

    In Vitro Anti-plasmodial activity of Trigonella foenum–graecum L.

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    Developing countries, where malaria is one of the most prevalent diseases, still rely on traditional medicine as a source for the treatment of this disease. For the present study, Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) were collected from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. The test plant has been used in India by traditional healers for the treatment of fever as well as other diseases. The active principle was extracted out in different solvent systems to assess the anti-plasmodial potential, with an aim that they can further be utilized to formulate drugs. In vitro anti-plasmodial assay of the extracted fractions of fenugreek leaves was carried out using laboratory adapted chloroquine sensitive and resistant Plasmodium falciparum isolates. Schizont maturation inhibition assay was adopted to analyze the potential of the extracts. Ethanol extract (50%) seemed to possess profound anti-plasmodial activity with IC50 value of 8.75 ± 0.35 µg ml−1 and 10.25 ± 0.35 µg ml−1 against chloroquine sensitive and resistant P. falciparum isolates, respectively. Among the investigated six fractions of the plant extracts, two were found to have significant anti-plasmodial activity with IC50 values <10 µg ml−1, namely ethanol and butanol extracts. Two extracts chloroform and ethyl acetate showed moderate activity with IC50 values ranging from 10 to 20 µg ml−1, and the other two extracts, hexane and water appeared to be inactive with IC50 values >85 µg ml−1. In addition, preliminary phytochemical screening of the various extracts indicated the presence of alkaloids, saponin, tannin like phenolic compounds, flavonoids and steroids

    A novel scheduling algorithm to maximize the D2D spatial reuse in LTE networks

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    In order to offload base station (BS) traffic and to enhance efficiency of spectrum, operators can activate many Device-to-Device (D2D) pairs or links in LTE networks. This increases the overall spectral efficiency because the same Resource Blocks (RBs) are used across cellular UEs (CUEs) (i.e., all UEs connected to BS for both C-Plane and D-plane communication) and D2D links (i.e., where the UEs are connected to BS only for C-plane communication). However, significant interference problems can be caused by D2D communications as the same RBs are being shared. In our work, we address this problem by proposing a novel scheduling algorithm, Efficient Scheduling and Power control Algorithm for D2Ds (ESPAD), which reuses the same RBs and tries to maximize the overall network throughput without affecting the CUEs throughput. ESPAD algorithm also ensures that Signal to Noise plus Interference Ratio (SINR) for each of the D2D links is maintained above a certain predefined threshold. The aforementioned properties of ESPAD algorithm makes sure that the CUEs do not experience very high interference from the D2Ds. It is observed that even when the SINRdrop (i.e., maximum permissible drop in SINR of CUEs) is as high as 10 dB, there is no drastic decrease in CUEs throughput (only 3.78%). We also compare our algorithm against other algorithms and show that D2D throughput improves drastically without undermining CUEs throughput

    Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves prevent Cyclophosphamide-induced micronucleus and DNA damage in mice

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    Chemoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Moringa oleifera Lam leaves was evaluated on cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced genotoxicity in the mouse. Animals were pre-treated with the extract for seven consecutive days at doses of 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg b.w. Micronucleus in bone marrow and comet (DNA damage) in the liver were performed. Cyclophosphamide was administered intra-peritoneally on day 7 and Mice were sacrificed after 24 hours. In CP treated animals, statistically significant induction of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) was recorded. However, in the animals pre-treated with the extract, the percentage of CP-induced MN decreased with increasing concentration of the extract. Results of comet assay showed similar decrease in DNA damage in mice pre-dosed with the extract. These results point out to the presence of chemopreventive phytoconstituents in the crude extract offering protection against CP-induced genotoxicity in the mouse.Keywords: M. oleifera; Anti-genotoxic; Micronucleus assay; Comet assay; Chemoprevention

    Screening of cetirizine for analgesic activity in mice

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    Background: Pain is the most common symptom for which patients approach doctors. We have multitude of drugs for pain relief, but they have serious side effects ranging from peptic ulcer (e.g. NSAIDs) to renal failure. The other group, opioids have well known side effects ranging from sedation to drug dependence. So a search for a drug for analgesia with high therapeutic effect and fewer side effects will be a boon for the patients. The objective of this study was to find whether cetirizine, a second generation antihistaminic drug, has got any analgesic activity in mice.Methods: Ten adult albino mice weighing 20-30 grams of either sex were randomized to two groups (n=5). Group I: control group (Treated with solvent 0.1 ml/kg), Group II: Test group (Cetirizine 1mg/kg). All drugs were given orally. The analgesic activity was evaluated by using tail flick, tail immersion and tail clip methods. Reaction time of animals to pain sensation before and after Cetirizine administration were noted at 0, 15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes time intervals respectively on Day 1, 3, 5, 7, 10.Results: Mean reaction time was expressed as Mean±SEM, and one way ANOVA was used to assess statistical significance. Cetirizine was found to have statistically significant analgesic effect in mice and time dependent increase in analgesic effect were observed in all three pain models and maximum analgesic activity was observed at 60 minutes (p<0.001) after drug administration.Conclusions: Through this study, Cetirizine, a second generation antihistamine, is found to have significant analgesic activity in mice. This effect has to be studied further elaborately in animals as well as in humans

    Genotoxicity Evaluation of Commercially Available Acid Red Dye by Comet Assay in Fish (Cyprinus Carpio)

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    Genotoxicity of commercially available acid red dye on fish was evaluated. Fish were exposed to various concentrations of the dye and gill processed for comet assay. Nucleoids were visually scored and categorized into various damage degrees. Significant increase (p < 0.05) in the percentage and distribution of damaged nucleoids was recorded in all dye-treated groups over control. DNA damage scores (AU) increased with exposure concentrations and dose-response was observed at higher doses. From the results it is concluded that commercially available acid red dye is potentially genotoxic to fish. The results are preliminary and further studies are warranted to acknowledge this effect. Keywords: acid red, commercial dyes, genotoxicity, comet assay