A study on Vilampisin Chooranam for Vellai noi and A study on Seenalavana parpam for Soothagavali


A STUDY ON VILAMPISIN CHOORANAM - INTRODUCTION : According to Siddha literature Vellai noi is a condition due to the vitiated azhal humour. The pathology of Vellai noi was described in Siddha literature as follows, the derangement of azhal humor results in diminished urine output, accumulation of waste products in blood and debilitation of the patient. Thus “Vilampisin” neutralises the vitiated azhal humor which is the main cause for the “Vellai noi”. Hence the author has selected Vilampisin for the management of Vellainoi AIM AND OBJECTIVES : Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Vilampisin chooranam (Powder of Limonia acidissma gum) in the management of Vellai noi (Leucorrhoea) Objective: The clinical efficacy of Vilampisin chooranam has been evaluated in the following aspects. • Collection of evidences in Siddha aspects. • Collection of evidences in Botanical aspects. • Bio Chemical analysis. • Physical properties. • Preliminary phytochemical screening of plant constituents. • Pharmacological study. Open clinical trial on Vellai noi given orally. MATERIALS AND METHODS : To evaluate the efficacy, Anti – microbial activity of Vilampisin Chooranam in the management of “Vellai noi” (Leucorrhoea). Collection of the Drug: The drug Vilampisin was collected from the indigenous raw drug stores, Tirunelveli and it was identified by the botanist of National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Purification of the raw drug: The drug was cleaned well by removing the waste materials and bark pieces which adhered with it and boiled by steam (Pittavial method and dried) Preparation of Chooranam: The purified gum was fried in ghee and ground well and sieved by sieving cloth. Storage of Chooranam: The fine powder was stored in a clean and dry airtight container. Life span of choornam is 3 months from the date of preparation. It was used within that period. Intended therapeutic dose: 1 gm two times a day with milk. Route of administration :Enteral. CONCLUSION : It is concluded that the drug Vilampisin chooranam is found to be an effective drug for Vellai noi without producing any adverse effects. A STUDY ON SEENALAVANA PARPAM - INTRODUCTION : Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhoea) is one of the common diseases affecting the individuals in their late teens and 20s. More than 70% of teenagers and 20-50% of menstruating women are affected by dysmenorrhoea. According to siddha pathology Soothagavali is caused due to derangement of Vatha kutram. The drug “Seenalavana parpam” is a compound drug having predominantly uppu, inippu and pulippu suvai. It is indicated for soothagavali. Uppu suvai controls vatha humor. As per mentioned in the above text, the compound drug Seenalavana parpam containing uppu, inippu and pulippu suvai controls vatha humor. These literary evidences drove the author to choose the compound drug Seenalavana parpam for the mangement of Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhoea). AIM AND OBJECTIVES : Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Seenalavana parpam in the management of Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhoea). Objective : The clinical efficacy of Seenalavana parpam has been evaluated in the following Aspects: Collection of evidences in siddha aspects, * Collection of evidences in chemical aspects, * Bio- Chemical analysis, * Physical Properties, * Toxicological study, * Pharmacological analysis, * Open clinical trial on Soothagavali given orally. MATERIALS AND METHODS : Preparation of the drug: To evaluate the efficacy of “Seenalavana parpam” for “Soothagavali” (Dysmenorrhoea) has been selected as per siddha literature. Kannusamiyam Paramparai Vaithiam by Kannusamy Pillai. The Ingredients of Seenalavana parpam are, Padikaram, Vediuppu, Induppu, Valaialuppu, Vengaram, Kalluppu, Naatu kalnar, Rasakarpooram. Collection of Drugs: The raw drugs like padikaram, vediuppu, Induppu, valaialuppu, vengaram, kalluppu, Naatukalnar, Rasakarpooram were collected from the indigenous drug shop, Chennai. Method of Preparation: Ingredients: Padikaram (Alumen) - 105g, Vediuppu (Potassium nitrate) - 17.5g, Induppu (Sodium chloride impura) - 17.5g, Valaialuppu (Salt of fullers earth) - 17.5g, Vengaram (Borax) - 17.5g, Kalluppu (Rock salt) - 17.5g, Naatu kalnar (Asbestos) - 17.5g, Raskarpooram (Hydragyrum subchloride)- 2.1g. Purification: To Purify the Padikaram, first dissolve within water, then filter it and melt it in to semisolid consistency and then allow to cool it. RESULTS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS : Seenalavana parpam is statiscally associated with relieving signs and symptoms of Soothagavali. CONCLUSION : From the pharmacological and clinical studies it is concluded that the drug Seenalavana parpam is found to be an effective drug for “Soothagavali’

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