110 research outputs found

    Anàlisi d'un treball de força explosiva combinant màquines vibratòries i màquines inercials

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    Curs 2011-2012L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és comparar els efectes de dos mitjans de treball sobre la força explosiva en 9 atletes de nivell autonòmic i nacional (19,6 ± 2,6 anys, 1,76 ± 7 m i 68,9 ± 3,5 kg) que entrenaren durant el període competitiu, 6 setmanes amb una freqüència de 2 cops per setmana, seguint una periodització creixent. Els subjectes varen ser dividits en 3 grups de 3 atletes cada un, però utilitzant diferents mitjans d’entrenament: el grup experimental combinant la plataforma vibratòria i les màquines inercials (1), amb un temps d’exposició a la vibració de 30’’, a una intensitat de 45 Hz i una amplitud de 5 mm amb una pausa d’1’. I de 3 sèries de 8 repeticions executades a màxima velocitat en la fase concèntrica i controlant aquesta en la fase excèntrica, amb una pausa de 3’ en les màquines io-io. El grup experimental de pesos lliures (2), va realitzar 4 exercicis: ½ squat, pliometria (CEE), multisalts horitzontals i acceleracions, seguint les pautes d’un treball de força explosiva proposat per Badillo i Gorostiaga (1995). I un grup control (3), que no realitzà cap entrenament de força. Abans i després del període d’intervenció és realitzaren els següents tests: salt sense contramoviment (SJ) i salt amb contramoviment (CMJ). Els resultats indicaren que el grup (1), (2) i (3) disminuïren significativament el SJ i el CMJ. Es conclou que l’entrenament, tant en el de combinació d’estímuls vibratoris amb màquines inercials com el de pesos lliures pareix ser un mitja que s’ha de controlar i perioditzar molt bé ja que en el període competitiu l’atleta acumula uns nivells de fatiga tant muscular com fisiològics molt superiors que en altres períodes de la temporada.The aim of this stydy is to compare the influence of two different working methods on explosive strenght in 9 regional and national level athletes (19,6 ± 2,6 anys, 1,76 ± 7 m i 68,9 ± 3,5 kg) who trained during the competitive period (6 weeks with a frequency of 2 times per week) folowing a growing time period. The subjects were divided into 3 groups with 3 athletes each, but using different training means: The experimental group had to combine the vibration platform with an exposure time to vibration of 30’’, at an intensity of 45 Hz and and amplitude of 5 mm with a break of 1’. Then, 3 sets of 8 repetitions permormed at maximum speed at concentric phase and controlling speed at the eccentric phase, with a 3’ break at the flywheel (1). The experimental group of free weights (2), permormed 4 exercices: squat, pliometria (CEE), horizontal multijump and accelerations following the study of Badillo and Gorostiaga (1995) related to explosive strength. The third group was a control one (3) and did not made any strenght training. They permormed, before and after the intervention period, the following tests: no countermovement jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ). The results showed that the group (1), (2) and (3) meaningfuly decreased the SJ and CMJ. We conclude that training, both combining vibratory stimulation with inertial machines as well as free weights, seems to be a working method to be strictley controlled because of the high level of fatigue, both muscular and physiological, the athlete shows, much higher than in other periods of the season

    Els estudis de Turisme i Hoteleria a la Universitat de les Illes Balears

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    Activació d'hidrocarburs i òxids de carboni mitjançant fotocatàlisi

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    En el contexto de desarrollar combustibles alternativos para transporte, en la presente tésis doctoral se describen métodos de activación fotocatalíticos que permiten la conversión de metano y etano en alcoholes por reacción directa con agua o la reducción de óxidos de carbono a C elemental o metano.Sastre Calabuig, F. (2013). Activació d'hidrocarburs i òxids de carboni mitjançant fotocatàlisi [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31644TESI

    HDL: A molecular view of the "classic" antiatherogenic lipoprotein

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    L'estudi del metabolisme de les HDL (lipoproteïnes de densitat alta) i la seva relació amb l'arteriosclerosi és un tema complex, en el qual, recentment, s'han fet avenços importants. Primer, s'ha demostrat que les HDL tenen una acció antiaterogènica. Segon, s'ha establert que aquesta acció és deguda a fraccions que tenen apoA-I però no apoA-II. Tercer, s'han definit alguns mecanismes clau en l'acció antiaterogènica de les HDL: transport invers de colesterol i prevenció de la modificació oxidativa de les LDL (lipoproteïnes de densitat baixa). És previsible que aquests avenços permetran el desenvolupament d'estratègies efectives, que complementaran les existents per al tractament i la prevenció de les malalties cardiovasculars aterotrombòtiques.HDL metabolism and its relationship to atherosclerosis is a complex topic, though notable advances have been made. First, HDL clearly has an anti-atherogenic action. Second, this action is due to some fraction/s containing apoA-I but not apoA-II. Third, some of the molecular mechanisms involved in two key anti-atherogenic functions of HDL have been defined: reverse cholesterol transport and prevention of LDL oxidative modification. These advances may permit the development of effective strategies, complementing those already available, for treating and preventing atherothrombotic cardiovascular diseases

    Solucions per a la virtualització de servidors

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    Projecte sobre la comparativa de cinc solucions de virtualització centrant-nos especialment en el rendiment de les màquines virtualitzades, extraient informació d'aquestes mitjançant la utilització de benchmarks i posterior anàlisi de les dades obtingudes.Project on the comparison of five virtualization solutions focusing in particular on the performance of virtualised machines, extracting information from those using benchmarks and subsequent analysis of data obtained.Proyecto sobre la comparativa de cinco soluciones de virtualización centrándonos especialmente en el rendimiento de las máquinas virtualizadas, extrayendo información de éstas mediante la utilización de benchmarks y posterior análisis de los datos obtenidos

    Scaling a convolutional neural network for classification of adjective noun pairs with TensorFlow on GPU clusters

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    Deep neural networks have gained popularity in recent years, obtaining outstanding results in a wide range of applications such as computer vision in both academia and multiple industry areas. The progress made in recent years cannot be understood without taking into account the technological advancements seen in key domains such as High Performance Computing, more specifically in the Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) domain. These kind of deep neural networks need massive amounts of data to effectively train the millions of parameters they contain, and this training can take up to days or weeks depending on the computer hardware we are using. In this work, we present how the training of a deep neural network can be parallelized on a distributed GPU cluster. The effect of distributing the training process is addressed from two different points of view. First, the scalability of the task and its performance in the distributed setting are analyzed. Second, the impact of distributed training methods on the training times and final accuracy of the models is studied. We used TensorFlow on top of the GPU cluster of servers with 2 K80 GPU cards, at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). The results show an improvement for both focused areas. On one hand, the experiments show promising results in order to train a neural network faster. The training time is decreased from 106 hours to 16 hours in our experiments. On the other hand we can observe how increasing the numbers of GPUs in one node rises the throughput, images per second, in a near-linear way. Morever an additional distributed speedup of 10.3 is achieved with 16 nodes taking as baseline the speedup of one node.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity under contract TIN2012-34557, by the BSC-CNS Severo Ochoa program (SEV-2011-00067), by the SGR programmes (2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1421 ) of the Catalan Government and by the framework of the project BigGraph TEC2013-43935-R, funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We also would like to thank the technical support team at the Barcelona Supercomputing center (BSC) especially to Carlos Tripiana.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effects of isoinertial or machine-based strength training on performance in tennis players

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    : The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of two 8-week neuromuscular training (NMT) interventions on selected physical indicators in young tennis players. Twenty-four junior male tennis players were assigned to a machine-based (MG) (n = 8), flywheel (FG) (n = 8) or a control training group (CG) (n = 8). Tests at baseline, week 4 and 8 included: countermovement jump (CMJ); speed (S; 5, 10, 15 m); agility (right [AR] and left [AL]); serve velocity (SV) and medicine ball throws (MBT; overhead [O], forehand [FH], backhand [BH]). MG and FG attained large positive effects at week 4 in CMJ, S 10 m; AR, AL and MBT FH only in FG. Regarding inter- to post-test, MG achieved large positive effects in MBT O, FH and both groups in BH. Large negative effects appeared for FG in S 5 and 10 m and AR and AL. Both NMT interventions led to positive effects from baseline to week 4 measures in CMJ, S 5 m, 10 m and agility and at week 8 in MBT. Conducting the same NMT for a longer period of time did not lead to the same improvements and other negative effects in FG appeared. Results indicate that performing these interventions with little exercise variability or load management, especially after technical-tactical sessions, could interpose further beneficial outcomes and initial gains could be impaired

    The Effectiveness of Shoulder Mobility and Strength Programs in Competitive Water-Polo Players

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    Background: Water-polo is the water sport with the highest incidence of injuries, with shoulder pain being the most common one. The understanding of risk factors and guidance on preventive measures is essential in this sport discipline. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a specific 6-week training plan on range of motion (ROM) and joint strength levels in a group of professional water-polo players. Methods: Quasi-experimental study with a sample of 28 participants (age: 20.1 ± 2.5 years; height: 176.9 ± 6.2 cm; body mass: 74.6 ± 8.1 kg). Three study groups, which consisted of one control group and two experimental groups, were established. Two repeated measurements, pre and post intervention, were performed. During these measurements, ROM of the glenohumeral joint was analyzed both in external (ER) and internal (IR) rotation, as well as the maximal isometric strength. Conclusions: The application of a training program improved glenohumeral joint ROM. ER and IR evolve differently in both shoulders. ER improved only in the throwing arm only in the group undergoing intervention but for the non-dominant side, improvements were observed in both ER and IR, regardless of whether or not they had followed the intervention plan. No improvements were observed in either the isometric strength or contralateral asymmetries
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