168 research outputs found

    Labour force participation and occupational outcomes among Italian women

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    This thesis is made of three related yet independent empirical studies, exploring the determinants of different labour market outcomes among women, using Italian data. The first study investigates the determinants of the reservation wage gap between unemployed women and men, using data drawn from the Italian Labour Force Survey (LFS). The results indicate that a large part of the gender reservation wage gap is explained by different job preferences between males and females, and by unobserved factors which may be associated with occupational discrimination. These factors shed light on the different employment rates between males and females. The second study uses the Italian Sample Survey on Births to investigate the effect of housework and childcare on female labour force participation, and the relationship between child care and occupational attainment. The findings show that those mothers who receive help with housework and childcare are more likely to be employed three years after the birth of the child. In addition, the use of paid childcare options (nursery or baby-sitters) is positively associated with being employed in managerial positions, but negatively related to non-standard forms of employment such as temporary and part-time employment. In a country characterized by a lack of family-friendly policies, motherhood appears still to be a limiting factor for the career of women. The third study uses the Italian LFS to investigate the determinants of self-employment and different types of self-employment among women. It also examines the determinants of hours worked and satisfaction with respect to hours worked of self-employed females. Our findings show little evidence of gender differences in the determinants of self-employment. However, women are less likely to work in self-employment categories that involve management of other employees. The determinants of hours worked differ between self-employed men and self-employed women. For example, the number of children is inversely associated with the hours worked by self-employed women but positively related to the hours supplied by self-employed men. This is consistent with the traditional division of household work in Italian families. Finally, mothers working as employees are less satisfied with hours when they work long hours compared to those without children, whereas the opposite is found among self-employed women. Self-employment may offer the flexibility that helps Italian women to reconcile career with childcare responsibilities

    Resolvin D1 Halts Remote Neuroinflammation and Improves Functional Recovery after Focal Brain Damage Via ALX/FPR2 Receptor-Regulated MicroRNAs

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    Remote damage is a secondary phenomenon that usually occurs after a primary brain damage in regions that are distant, yet functionally connected, and that is critical for determining the outcomes of several CNS pathologies, including traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. The understanding of remote damage-associated mechanisms has been mostly achieved in several models of focal brain injury such as the hemicerebellectomy (HCb) experimental paradigm, which helped to identify the involvement of many key players, such as inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis and autophagy. Currently, few interventions have been shown to successfully limit the progression of secondary damage events and there is still an unmet need for new therapeutic options. Given the emergence of the novel concept of resolution of inflammation, mediated by the newly identified ω3-derived specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators, such as resolvins, we reported a reduced ability of HCb-injured animals to produce resolvin D1 (RvD1) and an increased expression of its target receptor ALX/FPR2 in remote brain regions. The in vivo administration of RvD1 promoted functional recovery and neuroprotection by reducing the activation of Iba-1+ microglia and GFAP+ astrocytes as well as by impairing inflammatory-induced neuronal cell death in remote regions. These effects were counteracted by intracerebroventricular neutralization of ALX/FPR2, whose activation by RvD1 also down-regulated miR-146b and miR-219a-1-dependent inflammatory markers. In conclusion, we propose that innovative therapies based on RvD1-ALX/ FPR2 axis could be exploited to curtail remote damage and enable neuroprotective effects after acute focal brain damage

    A Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predictive Maintenance

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    Predictive maintenance on infrastructures is currently a hot topic. Its importance is proportional to the damages resulting from the collapse of the infrastructure. Bridges, dams and tunnels are placed on top on the scale of severity of potential damages due to the fact that they can cause loss of lives. Traditional inspection methods are not objective, tied to the inspector’s experience and require human presence on site. To overpass the limits of the current technologies and methods, the authors of this paper developed a unique new concept: a remote visual inspection system to perform predictive maintenance on infrastructures such as bridges. This is based on the fusion between advanced robotic technologies and the Automated Visual Inspection that guarantees objective results, high-level of safety and low processing time of the results

    Dexmedetomidine: current role in burn ICU

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    Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is a relatively recent a2-adrenergic agonist which provides sedation, anxiolysis and analgesia with much less respiratory depression than other sedatives. These characteristics have implemented the use of the drug in the ICUs in order to achieve the target of a “arousable sedation”, thanks to its significant manageability. Its sedative-analgesic properties are also particularly suitable for use in burn ICUs, both adult and pediatric, which is why the current Guidelines have recognized a central role in the management of these categories of patients. Finally, DEX has showed significant anti-inflammatory effect both in animal models and in preliminary clinical trials, reducing vasopressor requirements and main mediators levels of the systemic inflammatory response involved in sepsis and similar processes, suggestingits use for improved outcome in ICU septic patients

    Micromagnetic simulation of electrochemically deposited Co nanowire arrays for wideband microwave applications

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    We study the magnetic properties of arrays of Co nanowires which exhibit zero bias-field ferromagnetic resonance absorptions in a 0-30 GHz range. Columnar arrays of Co nanowires with lengths of 8-15 mu m were electrochemically grown using similar to 20 mu m thick anodic alumina membranes with 50 nm pore diameters. Microstructural, static magnetic, and microwave properties of five different nanowire arrays were characterized. The studied Co nanowires present different crystal structure textures and magnetic properties. The static magnetic loop shapes and the ferromagnetic resonance frequencies of the nanowire arrays were correctly reproduced using the Mumax3 micromagnetic software. For each sample input parameters dependent on the x-ray diffraction and microstructural data, were fine-tuned to allow the best fit of the experimental hysteresis loops and the related microwave spectra. Using this method, it was possible to analyze the rather complex interplay between geometry and magneto-structural features of the different arrays, defining which parameters play a key role in the development of nano-systems with specific microwave properties

    Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma after HCV Clearance by Direct-Acting Antivirals Treatment. Predictive Factors and Role of Epigenetics

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    Abstract: Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) induce a rapid virologic response (SVR) in up to 99% of chronic hepatitis C patients. The role of SVR by DAAs on the incidence or recurrence of carcinoma (HCC) is still a matter of debate, although it is known that SVR does not eliminate the risk of HCC. In this review, we made an updated analysis of the literature data on the impact of SVR by DAAs on the risk of HCC as well as an assessment of risk factors and the role of epigenetics. Data showed that SVR has no impact on the occurrence of HCC in the short–medium term but reduces the risk of HCC in the medium–long term. A direct role of DAAs in the development of HCC has not been demonstrated, while the hypothesis of a reduction in immune surveillance in response to the rapid clearance of HCV and changes in the cytokine pattern influencing early carcinogenesis remains to be further elucidated. HCV induces epigenetic alterations such as modifications of the histone tail and DNA methylation, which are risk factors for HCC, and such changes are maintained after HCV clearance. Future epigenetic studies could lead to identify useful biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Cirrhosis has been identified as a risk factor for HCC, particularly if associated with high liver stiffness and α-fetoprotein values, diabetes and the male sex. Currently, considering the high number and health cost to follow subjects’ post-HCV clearance by DAAs, it is mandatory to identify those at high risk of HCC to optimize management

    How is alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking spread across different types of drinking occasion in Great Britain: An event-level latent class analysis

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    Background This paper aimed to (i) update a previous typology of British alcohol drinking occasions using a more recent and expanded dataset and revised modelling procedure, and (ii) estimate the average consumption level, prevalence of heavy drinking, and distribution of all alcohol consumption and heavy drinking within and across occasion types. Methods The paper uses a cross-sectional latent class analysis of event-level diary data that includes characteristics of 43,089 drinking occasions in 2019 reported by 17,821 adult drinkers in Great Britain. The latent class indicators are characteristics of off-trade only (e.g. home), on-trade only (e.g. bar) and mixed trade (e.g. home and bar) drinking occasions. These describe companions, locations, purpose, motivation, accompanying activities, timings, consumption volume in units (1 UK unit = 8g ethanol) and beverages consumed. Results The analysis identified four off-trade only, eight on-trade only and three mixed-trade occasion types (i.e. latent classes). Mean consumption per occasion varied between 4.4 units in Family meals to 17.7 units in Big nights out with pre-loading. It exceeded ten units in all mixed-trade occasion types and in Off-trade get togethers, Big nights out and Male friends at the pub. Three off-trade types accounted for 50.8% of all alcohol consumed and 51.8% of heavy drinking occasions: Quiet drink at home alone, Evening at home with partner and Off-trade get togethers. For thirteen out of fifteen occasion types, more than 25% of occasions involved heavy drinking. Conversely, 41.7% of Big nights out and 16.4% of Big nights out with preloading were not heavy drinking occasions. Conclusions Alcohol consumption varies substantially across and within fifteen types of drinking occasion in Great Britain. Heavy drinking is common in most occasion types. However, moderate drinking is also common in occasion types often characterised as heavy drinking practices. Mixed-trade drinking occasions are particularly likely to involve heavy drinking

    Validating coronal magnetic field reconstruction methods using solar wind simulations and synthetic imagery

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    We present an ongoing effort within the ESA Modeling and Data Analysis Working Group (MADAWG) to determine automatically the magnetic connectivity between the solar surface and any point in interplanetary space. The goal is to produce predictions of the paths and propagation delays of plasma and energetic particle propagation. This is a key point for the data exploitation of the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus missions, and for establishing connections between remote and in-situ data. The background coronal magnetic field is currently determined via existing surface magnetograms and PFSS extrapolations, but the interface is ready to include different combinations of coronal field reconstruction methods (NLFFF, Solar Models), wind models (WSA, MULTI-VP), heliospheric models (Parker spiral, ENLIL, EUHFORIA). Some model realisations are also based on advanced magnetograms based on data assimilation techniques (ADAPT) and the HELCATS catalogue of simulations. The results from the different models will be combined in order to better assess the modelling uncertainties. The wind models provide synthetic white-light and EUV images which are compared to coronographic imagery, and the heliospheric models provide estimations of synthetic in-situ data wich are compared to spacecraft data. A part of this is work (wind modelling) is supported by the FP7 project #606692 (HELCATS)