783 research outputs found

    Phoenicians on Displays: a Comparative Analysis of Perceptions of Phoenicians in Museums

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    Phoenician archaeology has a long history of being defined and redefined. Up until today, academics and institutions often have variable approaches to and perceptions of Phoenician material culture. This history has impacted the treatment of this material culture in museums, resulting in very different approaches from one museum to the other. This paper presents a comparative approach to Phoenician collections on display in museums of different scales and in different countries, taking into considerations cues such as frequency and importance played by the Phoenicians within the larger context of the museum, the variable definitions of the word in each museum, and curatorial choices with the aim of understanding whether the scale of the museum is a key factor in its presentation of Phoenician collections

    A practical method for in-situ thermal characterization of walls

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    AbstractA practical and fast method for thermal characterization of walls based on complex Fourier analysis is proposed to determine the thermal capacitance (defined as the product of density and specific capacity) and the thermal conductivity for a building wall using the monitored inner/outer surface temperatures and outer heat flux. This method is useful for in-situ determination of walls’ thermal properties in stochastic regimes and therefore does not require any particular constraints in boundary condition.The minimum measurement duration was analyzed by determining the relative deviation between consecutive optimal values for R and C in order to reduce as much as possible the monitoring duration for energy auditors without losing accuracy

    Synthetic biology guidelines for diffusion based molecular communication

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    Nanotechnology is widely seen as having huge potential to bring benefits to many areas of research and application. Nowadays, research studies are focusing on realizing nano-machines on the order of nanometers in size. A nano-machine is capable of performing simple tasks such as computing, data storing, sensing, and actuation. The capability for such nano-machine to communicate with each other would considerably expand their potential. Thereby, in order to fulfill more complex tasks nano-networks are needed. Indeed, nanonetworks are the connection and cooperation of millions of nano-machines. However, the traditional mechanisms used in traditional communication networks have been found inappropriate at the nano-scale. Thus, to enable this cooperation between nano-machines, several communication mechanisms have been proposed. Among the different methods for interconnecting nano-machines, Molecular Communications (MC) system is considered one of the most promising mechanisms, which is biologically plausible and occurs in living beings. MC uses physical molecules as information carriers. By employing molecules as information carriers, MC has quickly emerged as a bio-inspired approach. The exchange of information between the transmitter and an intended receiver is carried out via the transmission, propagation, and reception of molecules. The communication range of molecular communications can range from short-range to long-range. The focus of this Ph.D. thesis is on the most fundamental type of molecular communication, namely, Diffusion-based Molecular Communication (DMC) where the propagation of information molecules between a transmitter and a receiver is realized through free diffusion in a fluid environment. It begins by investigating and modeling the neuronal physical layer (layer 1) to understand better through simulation, and then to derive the appropriate performance metrics imposed by a point-to-point neuron neighboring receivers link, as well as by the Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) network. Following that, the aim is to caracterize the physical channel of the neuron-to-neuron communication system, and to analyze the effect of the toxic proteins aggregation on the brain since this accumulation turns out to be the main reason behind chronic neurodegenerative disorder as in Alzheimer’s disease, then ultimately to come up with a complete sense-actuation closed-loop system vision for fighting this neurodegenerative disorder. Lastly, the goal is to build a mathematical model to track the movement of spermatozoa during the process of chemotaxis, to describe better through simulation, to understand by quantifying the communication problem, then to investigate the effect of varying the appropriate metrics on the arrival time of the spermatozoa and then to propose new treatments which are more reliable, and less expensive than the existing one. It is concluded that the proposed study will provide to synthetic biology design oriented guidelines. In addition, this study presents new solutions for treating diseases which establish a new vision of dealing with them, as well as serve as guidelines for the medical committee.Des de fa un cert temps, s'està veien que la nanotecnologia té un gran potencial per a la seva aplicació en molts camps de recerca . En l'actualitat els temes de recerca d'aquests camps se centren en la realització de nanomàquines i xarxes de nano-màquines. Essent una nano-màquina, aquell giny capaç de realitzar tasques senzilles de computació, d'emmagatzematge de dades, de detecció (actuant com a sensors) i l'actuació d'altres dispositiu, que quan tenen la possibilitat de poder-se comunicar entre elles augmenten considerablement el seu potencial. D'aquesta manera, per a realitzar tasques més complexes és oportú utilitzar nano-xarxes, entenent per nano-xarxes la interconnexió de milions de nano-màquinessón per cooperar entre elles. En aquest sentit, però, els mecanismes tradicionals utilitzats en les xarxes de computadors s'han trobat inadequats a escala nanomètrica, de manera que per poder portar a terme la cooperació entre nano-màquines, s'estan proposant mecanismes de comunicació alternatius. D'entre les xarxes de nano-màquines que es considera més prometedores són els sistemes de Comunicacions Moleculars (CM) que són biològicament plausible i es produeix en els éssers vius. En les Comunicacions Moleculars s'utilitzen molècules físiques com a portadores d'informació, per la qual cosa les MolCom es consideren bio-inspirades. Així, l'intercanvi de portadores d'informació entre un transmissor i un receptor es realitza via transmissió, propagació i recepció de molècules. Essent els possible abast de les comunicacions moleculars de tres rangs possibles, curt, mitjà i llarg abast. Aquesta tesi doctoral se centre en els sistemes bàsics de comunicació molecular, és a dir, en la Comunicació Molecular basada en la difusió (DMC), on la propagació de molècules d'informació entre un transmissor i un receptor es realitza mitjançant la seva lliure difusió en medi fluid. En primer lloc, per comprendre-la millor, s'investiga i es modela la capa física neuronal (capa 1) a través de la simulació, i es deriven les mètriques de rendiment apropiades per a dos casos diferents, un enllaç punt a punt amb els receptors veïns i una xarxa d'un sol transmissor i múltiples receptors. A continuació, es caracteritza el canal físic d'un sistema de comunicació entre neurones i s'analitza l'efecte de l'agregació de les proteïnes tòxiques al cervell, ja que aquesta acumulació resulta ser la raó principal de trastorns neurodegeneratius crònics com ara la malaltia de l'Alzheimer. Finalment, proposem una actuació sensorial completa, basada en un sistema de circuit tancat, per combatre aquest desordre neurodegeneratiu. La tesi conclou amb la construcció d'un model matemàtic molt preliminar que permeti fer un seguiment del moviment d'espermatozoides durant el procés de quimiotaxis. L'objectiu és obrir el tema per a la comunitat científica, ajudar a descriure millor el problema mitjançant un primer conjunt de simulacions per, a continuació, investigar l'efecte de variar els intervals d'arribada dels espermatozoides a les cèl·lules mare i després proposar nous tractaments, més fiables i menys costosos que els existents, per millorar la fertilitat.La Nanotechnologie est désormais largement reconnue comme ayant un énorme potentiel pouvant apporter de considérables avancées dans de nombreux domaines d'investigation et application. De nos jours, les principales études et recherches se concentrent sur la réalisation de Nano-Machines ou machines moléculaires à l’échelle du nanomètre. Une nano-machine est capable de réaliser de simples tâches telles que des calculs, du stockage de données, détection ou activation de mouvement. On imagine donc que la capacité qu’auraient de telles machines à communiquer entres elles augmenterait considérablement leur potentiel. Il est alors indispensable de passer par la création de nanoréseaux afin de pouvoir enfin voir la complexité et diversité de leurs tâches effectuées s’améliorer. Un nanoréseau n’est autre que la connexion et coopération de milliers de nano-machines entres elles, cependant, aucun des mécanismes traditionnels précédemment utilisés dans la science des réseaux ne s’est avéré adapté à l’échelle du nanomètre. Par conséquent, afin de pouvoir avancer sur la recherche, de nombreux systèmes de communication ont déjà été proposés, parmi lesquels la Communication Moléculaire (CM) ou Communication Cellulaire qui reste encore aujourd’hui considérée comme le système d’intercommunication le plus prometteur, ce qui est biologiquement plausible et est présent chez les êtres vivants. La Communication Moléculaires (CM) utilise nos propres molécules comme directs porteurs d’information. Cette approche inédite de la CM sur le sujet a vite été mise en avant pour son inspiration biologique (bio-inspiration). L’échange d’information des porteurs de données avec les transmetteurs et les récepteurs est réalisé entre la transmission, la propagation et la réception des molécules, tout en sachant que la portée de ces connexions entre molécules se situe entre courte, moyenne et longue distance. Cette thèse finale de Doctorat est axée sur le principal type de la Communication Moléculaire, c’est à dire plus précisément sur la diffusion basique de la CM où la propagation de l’information des molécules entre transmetteurs et récepteurs passe par sa libre diffusion via un fluide. C’est en vue de réussir à mieux comprendre le processus lors de simulations et de pouvoir ensuite trouver la dérivation des indicateurs métriques imposés par, d’une part le lien établi point par point des neurones récepteurs voisins, et d’autre part le réseau SIMO ( Single Input Multiple Output - Entrée unique/Multiples Sorties) qu’il est nécessaire de passer par l’étude et la modélisation du premier niveau physique du neurone (niveau 1). L’objectif est donc de caractériser le cheminement physique complet du système de communication liant un neurone à un autre, pour ensuite analyser l’effet des groupes de protéines toxiques trouvés dans le cerveau tout en sachant que ces accumulations s’avèrent être la principale cause des maladies neurodégénératives chroniques telle qu’Alzheimer. À terme, cela permet de reproduire le schéma complet de ce circuit fermé complexe et ainsi d’avoir la possibilité de combattre ces problèmes neurodégénératifs. Dans un second point, l’objectif est de réussir à créer un schéma mathématique capable de suivre la progression des mouvements des spermatozoïdes au cours de la chemotaxis. Cela donnera tout d’abord une vision précise lors des simulations, et de comprendre et chiffrer les problèmes de communication rencontrés pour finalement pourvoir étudier l’effet des variables métriques adéquates à l’arrivée des spermatozoïdes jusqu’à leur destination. La finalité de cette étude est ainsi de réussir à créer de nouveaux traitements plus fiables et abordables que ceux déjà proposés. En conclusion, cette étude se veut de proposer de nouvelles lignes directives et recommandations aux conceptions biologiques synthétiques. Elle permet de présenter des solutions innovantes pour traiter certaines maladies en proposant une vision actuelle et moderne. Un tel projet et point de vue inédit met à disposition un éventail de nouveaux moyens au traitement de certaines maladies, mais aussi un nouvel outil et de nombreuses possibilités pour le monde médical.Postprint (published version

    Effects of Dormex (Hydrogen Cyanamide) on the performance of three seedless table grape cultivars grown under greenhouse or open - field conditions

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    ArticleGreenhouse cultivation of table grapes is still limited to some experimental trials at Lebanese coast. One major constraint facing this type of cultivation is the lack of enough chilling hours causing irregular bud - break and yield reductions. Dormex, with Hydrogen Cyanamide as active ingredient, is an effective mean for dormancy release adopted in warm winter regions. The work investigated separate and combined effects of two factors: greenhouse cultivation and Dormex application on vine buds (following win ter pruning) on three - year old seedless cultivars (ARRA15, ARRA18, and ARRA19). Control consisted of non - treated plants grown in open - field. Results showed that Dormex application under greenhouse induced budburst uniformity, increased budburst percent (by 60%), number of flowers and fruits per shoot (by 83%) and vine productivity (by 90%) in all cultivars compared to control. Bud formation was increased under greenhouse and was reduced by Dormex treatment. Under greenhouse, elongation of current season sho ots was delayed and shoot length was reduced in treated plants, harvest was earlier by 7, 14, and 30 days in non - treated plants of ARRA18, ARRA19 and ARRA15 respectively and full fruit set (100%) occurred for all plants. Dry weight of shoots was improved b y Dormex application in both cultivation systems. All ARRA cultivars responded similarly to experimental factors except ARRA 19 under greenhouse where shoot length was enhanced in all plants while bud formation only in treated plants. Finally, treating vin e by Dormex under greenhouse was found as efficient tool to improve bud break and advance harvest under the specific Lebanese coastal conditions

    La dynamique temporelle de l'epistolaire chez Rousseau /

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    Adaptation of Syrah wine grape cultivar to changing climatic conditions of the Bekaa valley, Lebanon

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    Received: February 7th, 2023 ; Accepted: October 25th, 2023 ; Published: November 6th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] factors play a key role in determining the suitability of a given region for specific cultivars and wine types and the responses of individual grapevine cultivars to climate are of utmost importance for activity planning and decision making in viticulture. The study investigated the effect of climate conditions from 2006 till 2018 on the performance of cv. Syrah cultivated in two vineyards in Lebanon; Kanafar (at 1,020 m.a.s.l) and Mansoura (at 850 m.a.s.l). Cluster analysis based on climate indicators divided years into two clusters; in Kanafar (cluster 1: 2006–2015, cluster 2: 2016–2018) and in Mansoura (cluster 1: 2006 to 2008, cluster 2: 2009 to 2018). Solar radiation (May-June) and average wind speed (July-August-September) were the most influential predictors in Kanafar and Mansoura, respectively. In Kanafar, average yield and weight of 200 berries decreased by 21% and 22.7 g respectively in cluster 2, but in Mansoura only average yield increased by 3.7% in cluster 2. Total soluble solids and titratable acidity were not significantly affected by the shift in climate conditions at both vineyards, however total anthocyanin potential was significantly lower in Kanafar (by 114.2 mg kg-1 ) and higher in Mansoura (by 353.4 mg kg-1 ) in cluster 2. Total polyphenolic richness was only affected in Kanafar (reduction by 42 mg GAE g-1 in cluster 2). Syrah performance was more negatively affected by the changing climate conditions at Kanafar rather than Mansoura vineyards and it seems to better adapt to climate conditions of Mansoura overcoming the shift in climate that occurred after 2008 there

    Elusive Phoenicians: Perceptions of Phoenician identity and material culture as reflected in museum records and displays

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    This project aims to investigate the part played by different historical and modern perceptions of Phoenician culture and identity in the presentation and interpretation of what is (and has been over the last 100-150 years) regarded as Phoenician material culture in different Mediterranean and European museums. Given the chequered history of perceptions of Phoenicians in different national and intellectual contexts from antiquity until relatively recently, it seems likely that perspectives on what constitutes objects of Phoenician material culture will also have varied from place to place and from time to time. The research is based on an appreciation of accounts of, and attitudes to, Phoenicians from antiquity onwards, which have undoubtedly fed into more modern European views. This is gained from key ancient (Greek, Roman and Biblical) sources, as well as more modern (especially 19th and 20th century) European writings, both literary and archaeological/historical. The core of the research focuses on museum displays and records pertaining to Phoenician material culture. Museum displays and archives are investigated to see what is identified as Phoenician, why it is identified as such, and how it is interpreted, as well as whether views of what is Phoenician have changed over time. The project therefore focuses on interpretation aspects at the level of the museum, tracking mappable trends, at the level of the labelling tracking stereotypes, and at the level of artefacts tracking stylistic definitions of the term Phoenician. It lays these patterns against the literary perceptions, showing the importance of contextuality within the framework of defining and interpreting Phoenician identity

    Provincia de Monte-Líbano : Estudio regional y ordenación de la zona alta desde Wadi de Jamajim hasta el norte

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    Tesis Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEProQuestpu

    Foucault en l’entretien

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