94 research outputs found

    Challenges and Approaches in Green Data Center

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    Cloud computing is a fast evolving area of information and communication technologies (ICTs)that hascreated new environmental issues. Cloud computing technologies have a widerange ofapplications due to theirscalability, dependability, and trustworthiness, as well as their abilityto deliver high performance at a low cost.The cloud computing revolution is altering modern networking, offering both economic and technologicalbenefits as well as potential environmental benefits. These innovations have the potential to improve energyefficiency while simultaneously reducing carbon emissions and e-waste. These traits have thepotential tomakecloud computing more environmentally friendly. Green cloud computing is the science and practise of properlydesigning, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers,and associated subsystems like displays,printers, storage devices, and networking and communication systems while minimising or eliminatingenvironmental impact. The most significant reason for a data centre review is to understand capacity,dependability, durability,algorithmic efficiency, resource allocation, virtualization, power management, andother elements. The green cloud design aims to reduce data centre power consumption. The main advantageof green cloud computing architecture is that it ensures real-time performance whilereducing IDC’s energyconsumption (internet data center).This paper analyzed the difficultiesfaced by data centers such as capacityplanning and management, up-time and performance maintenance, energy efficiency and cost cutting, realtime monitoring and reporting. The solution for the identified problems with DCIM system is also presentedin this paper. Finally, it discusses the market report’s coverage of green data centres, green computingprinciples, andfuture research challenges. This comprehensive green cloud analysis study will assist nativegreen research fellows in learning about green cloud concerns and understanding future research challengesin the field

    Validation of a new spectrometer for noninvasive measurement of cardiac output

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    Acetylene is a blood-soluble gas and for many years its uptake rate during rebreathing tests has been used to calculate the flow rate of blood through the lungs (normally equal to cardiac output) as well as the volume of lung tissue. A new, portable, noninvasive instrument for cardiac output determination using the acetylene uptake method is described. The analyzer relies on nondispersive IR absorption spectroscopy as its principle of operation and is configured for extractive (side-stream) sampling. The instrument affords exceptionally fast (30 ms, 10%–90%, 90%–10%, at 500 mL min–1 flow rates), interference-free, simultaneous measurement of acetylene, sulfur hexafluoride (an insoluble reference gas used in the cardiac output calculation), and carbon dioxide (to determine alveolar ventilation), with good (typically ±2% full-scale) signal-to-noise ratios. Comparison tests with a mass spectrometer using serially diluted calibration gas samples gave excellent (R2>0.99) correlation for all three gases, validating the IR system's linearity and accuracy. A similar level of agreement between the devices also was observed during human subject C2H2 uptake tests (at rest and under incremental levels of exercise), with the instruments sampling a common extracted gas stream. Cardiac output measurements by both instruments were statistically equivalent from rest to 90% of maximal oxygen consumption; the physiological validity of the measurements was confirmed by the expected linear relationship between cardiac output and oxygen consumption, with both the slope and intercept in the published range. These results indicate that the portable, low-cost, rugged prototype analyzer discussed here is suitable for measuring cardiac output noninvasively in a point-of-care setting

    A Holistic Study on Work-Family Enrichment of Women Employees in the Indian Electronics Manufacturing Industry

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the status of Work-Life Balance practices and Work-Life expectations and add value by identifying the gaps between the availability and expectations of the WLB.   Theoretical framework: The study identifies the need for designing customized WLBPs according to the requirement of individual employees and their respective industry would be beneficial. The one-size-fits-all policy may not work in the case of work-life problems.   Design/methodology/approach: This study was conducted to assess Authentic Leadership, Coworker support, and Family support as independent variables and Work Satisfaction as well as Family Satisfaction as a Dependent variable in the estimation model. The information gathers from the organization which is a four-factory building. The 5-point Likert scale is used to prepare the questionnaire which was circulated to 800 participants working in the 4 factory buildings at Sal comp Chennai. Overall, 150 respondents completed the survey.   Finding: Overall work-life balance is bonded with family support which reflects in the work that contributes to work satisfaction that will be effective in productivity. An estimation model and way model examination show an unmistakable association with both dependent and independent variables. A measurement model and path model analysis show a strong connection between the variables independent and dependent.   Research, Practical & Social Implication: It contributes to a better consideration of the topic. As a result of a good Work-Life balance, a company's productivity increases, it retains its most talented employees for a long time, it cultivates a conducive work environment, and it is able to meet its goals and objectives to remain competitive.   Originality/value: This study identifies the gap that there is not enough study and literature available especially connected to the Work-Life Balance of Women in the Electronics Industry in India as well as Globally. There is no clear evidence that there exists a distinctive gap between work-life balance issues between different sectors or industries


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    Teachers' can facilitate a life time of successful learning by equipping students with a repertoire of strategies and tools for learning. The teacher plays an important role in the educational process. Effective teaching depends upon the evolution of innovative strategies and also the methodology of teaching. As we gain a more scientifically based understanding about today's novel brain and how it learns, we must rethink about what we do in classroom and school. Neuro scientists are mapping the pathways between body and brain, providing tangible evidence of the benefits of hands-on, experimental learning. Neurocognitive process includes a number of human functions through neuronal networks. Brain cells communicating with each other through on electrochemical process. Neurocognition includes perceiving, recognizing, conceiving, judging and reasoning processes. The neurocognitive approach is based upon certain irrefutable facts concerning brain functions, which are applied to the intervention strategies of student teachers developmental difficulties. The teachers must develop the competencies like content competency, contextual competency, communication competency, classroom management and evaluation competency. In this paper, we discuss how the brain and its functions are helpful to the teachers in teaching and bringing out the dimensions of teaching competency such as induction, content, pedagogy, organisation and assessment. We elucidate the Neurocognitive strategies are how helpful to bring out the secrets of amygdala and hippocampus involving in teaching strategies. We also emphasize that the recent development of designing Neurocognitive programme that focus on both cognitive and social development has theoretical and practical challenges

    Preserving of intercostobrachial nerve relieves breast carcinoma patients from postmastectomy pain syndrome

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    Background: Post-mastectomy pain syndrome (PMPS) is a complication experienced by majority of the patients who undergo breast surgery for cancer. The etiology of this chronic neuropathic pain syndrome seems to be complex and it is still understood below par. Injury to the intercostobrachial (ICB) nerve is presumed to be the dominant one for developing PMPS. This prospective study was designed to appraise the effect of preservation of intercostobrachial nerve on post-mastectomy pain syndrome and also to determine the most common anatomical variation of the intercostobrachial nerve during surgery.Methods: A total of 100 patients were included in this study and were divided into 2 groups. Group A included patients with ICB nerve preserved and Group B patients with ICB nerve sectioned. The patients were evaluated for pain subjectively on the 2nd day, 1 month and in the 3rd month post-operatively by short form of McGill pain questionnaire and visual analog scale. During surgical dissection, anatomical variation of ICB nerve was ascertained each time.Results: After 3 months, 68.2% of the patients were asymptomatic in Group A (ICB nerve preservation group) and 31.8% in the Group B (nerve section group) (chi-square test was applied and p value was 0.002). We found that type 1 anatomical variation was commonest with 87%.Conclusions: Preservation of ICB nerve might greatly decrease the incidence of PMPS. Hence, the insight of the anatomical variations of this nerve is very crucial for the operating surgeons to preserve them and to prevent PMPS

    Emotion Profiling: Ingredient for Rule based Emotion Recognition Engine

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    Emotions are considered to be the reflection of human thinking and decision-making process which increase his/her performance by producing an intelligent outcome. Hence it is a challenging task to embed the emotional intelligence in machine as well so that it could respond appropriately. However, present human computer interfaces still don2019;t fully utilize emotion feedback to create a more natural environment because the performance of the emotion recognition is still not very robust and reliable and far from real life experience. In this paper, we present an attempt in addressing this aspect and identifying the major challenges in the process. We introduce the concept of 2018;emotion profile2019; to evaluate an individual feature as each feature irrespective of the modality has different capability for differentiating among the various subsets of emotions. To capture the discrimination across target emotions w.r.t. each feature we propose a framework for emotion recognition built around if-then rules using certainty factors to represent uncertainty and unreliability of individual features. This technique appears to be simple and effective for these kind of problems

    Vertical propagation characteristics and seasonal variability of tidal wind oscillations in the MLT region over Trivandrum (8.5° N, 77° E): first results from SKiYMET Meteor Radar

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    Tidal activity in the Mesospheric Lower Thermosphere (MLT) region over Trivandrum (8.5° N, 77° E) is investigated using the observations from newly installed SKiYMET Meteor Radar. The seasonal variability and vertical propagation characteristics of atmospheric tides in the MLT region are addressed in the present communication. The observations revealed that the diurnal tide is more prominent than the semi/terdiurnal components over this latitude. It is also observed that the amplitudes of meridional components are stronger than that of zonal ones. The amplitude and phase structure shows the vertical propagation of diurnal tides with vertical wavelength of ~25 km. However, the vertical wavelength of the semidiurnal tide showed considerable variations. The vertical propagation characteristics of the terdiurnal tide showed some indications of their generating mechanisms. The observed features of tidal components are compared with Global Scale Wave Model (GSWM02) values and they showed a similar amplitude and phase structure for diurnal tides. Month-to-month variations in the tidal amplitudes have shown significant seasonal variation. The observed seasonal variation is discussed in light of the variation in tidal forcing and dissipation

    Parallel Navier-Stokes computations on shared and distributed memory architectures

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    We study a high order finite difference scheme to solve the time accurate flow field of a jet using the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. As part of our ongoing efforts, we have implemented our numerical model on three parallel computing platforms to study the computational, communication, and scalability characteristics. The platforms chosen for this study are a cluster of workstations connected through fast networks (the LACE experimental testbed at NASA Lewis), a shared memory multiprocessor (the Cray YMP), and a distributed memory multiprocessor (the IBM SPI). Our focus in this study is on the LACE testbed. We present some results for the Cray YMP and the IBM SP1 mainly for comparison purposes. On the LACE testbed, we study: (1) the communication characteristics of Ethernet, FDDI, and the ALLNODE networks and (2) the overheads induced by the PVM message passing library used for parallelizing the application. We demonstrate that clustering of workstations is effective and has the potential to be computationally competitive with supercomputers at a fraction of the cost


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    The accelerometers used for Inertial Navigation in satellite launch vehicles demand excellent performance in terms of sensitivity, noise immunity, linearity, bias and scale factor stability over time and environmental changes. Detailed and in-depth design of the microstructure by computer simulation is required to ensure structural integrity and reliability of the microstructure. The microstructure of the accelerometer consists of a proof mass suspended from the mounting frame by beam springs. Extensive Finite Element simulation of the silicon microstructure has been carried out to obtain application specific optimum design parameters. Based on the deflection, frequency and stress analyses the optimum geometry and dimensions of the accelerometer have been determined. Noise analysis has been carried out, the performance of the accelerometer has been predicted and its compliance to the expected performance is ensured
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