401 research outputs found
Consideracions taxonòmiques sobre les espècies ibèriques del gènere Euchloe (Hübner [1819]) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
A la península Ibèrica habiten quatre espècies del gènere Euchloe Hübner [1819]: E crameri (Butler, 1869), E. Simplonia (Boisduval, 1828), E. Tagis (Hübner, [1804]) i E. Belemia
(Esper, 1799) les tres primeres es troben també a Catalunya. E. ausonia (Hübner, [1804]), malgrat publicacions recents que la citen com a ibèrica, no es troba a la península, essent pròpia de la regió sudoriental d'Europa. Aquesta confusió entre els autors s'explica en bona part per
l'enrevessada taxonomia del grup i la dificultat de separar les espècies del complex «ausonia» que inclou ausonia, crameri i simplonia.Remarks on (he taxonomy of (he lberian species of the genus Euchloe Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Four species belonging to the genus Euchloe Hübner (1819) occur in the lberian Peninsula: E. Crameri (Butler, 1869), E. Simplonia (Boisduval, 1828), E. Tagis (Hübner, [1804]) and E. Belemia (Esper, 1799), the first three also occuring in Catalonia. E. ausonia, despite recent publications that mention it as an iberian element, does not occur in the Peninsula, inhabiting in fact southeastern Europe. This confusion among authors is mostly
explained by the puzzly taxonomy of the group as well as by the difficulty identifying the species belonging to the «ausonia» group: ausonia, crameri, and simplonia.
Research by Back (1979) and Geiger & Scholl (1982) helped clarifying this complex issue. In Catalonia, E. Simplonia was recorded for the first time from the Pyrenees by Segarra (1912), quoting it as Euchloe bel ja var. simplonia. E. Crameri was first recorded as Pieris
Belja by Salvatià (1870) from the Maresme area (NE Barcelona city). The first record for E.tagis, the rarest in Catalonia, was by the french author Bernardi (1945) from Juneda (Lleida)
Consideracions sobre l'origen de les poblacions de Spodoptera Littoralis Boisduval (Lep. Noctuidae) a Catalunya i Sud-Est de França
Es conclou que les poblacions adultes de Spodootera littoralis Boisduval
(Lep.Noctuidae) que poden trobar-se a Catalunya i sud-est de França, en un període de temps comprès entre el 15-IX al 15- XI, són la generació descendent d'un front migratori d'adults que abandona el sud de la Península ibèrica cap a finals d'Agost. Aquestes poblacions catalanes i del sud-est de França no deixarien descendència capaç de suportar el rigor hivernal d'aquestes latituds més septentrionals depenent per tant llur presència a l'any vinent a les esmentades regions d'un nou front migratori provinent
del sud de la Península ibèrica.It is assumed that adult populations of Snodontera littoralis Boisduval
(Lep. Noctuidae) which are to be found in Catalonia and southeast of France, between September 15th to November 15th, are the offspring generation
of an adult migratory front which left southern Spain about the end of August. These catalan and southeast french populations wouldn't set a strong
enough offspring to resist the rigour of these northener latitudes' winter, so their presence in these regions in the next vear relies upen a new
migratory front coming from south Spain
Kegiatan tenun ATBM di Gamplong menghasilkan air limbah temtama dari proses pewamaan dan proses pemucatan. Bahan pewama mempakan senyawa komplek dan relatif stabil sehingga sulit ditangani. Proses oksidasi lanjut telah terbukti mampu menurunkan kadar bahan pewama dalam air limbah. Penelitian ini mempelajari potensi air limbah pemucatan untuk menurunkan kadar bahan pewarna dalam air limbah pewamaan.
Proses pencampuran air limbah pewama\u27dengan air limbah pemucatan dilakukan di dalam sebuah reaktor batch yang dilengkapi empat lampu UV masing-masing 10 Watt dan sebuah pengaduk magnit. Penurunan kadar zat wama dinyatakan dalam Kebutuhan Oksigen Kimiawi (KOK). Setiap jangka (interval) waktu tertentu, cuplikan air limbah sebanyak 2 mL diambil dari reaktor lalu dianalisis KOKnya. Rasio volume limbah pewamaan terhadap limbah pemucatan adalah 3:1,2:1, 1:1, 1:2, dan 1:3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin kecil nisbah limbah pewamaan dengan limbah pemucatan menghasilkan penurunan KOK semakin besar. Dengan volume limbah total 150 m, potensi oksidasi limbah pemucatan setara dengan sekitar 2 mL hidrogen peroksida 50% dalam 150 mL air limbah.
Traditional weaving activities in Gamplong produce wastewater, mainly from dyeing and bleaching processes. Dyes are complex compounds and realtively stable which is difftcult to be managed. Advanced oxidation processes have proved to be able to decrease dyes content in the wastewater. The aim of this experiment is to study the potency of bleaching wastewater to reduce dyes content in dyeing wastewater.
The mixing process of those wastewater was conducted in a batch reactor which was equipped with 4 UV light of 10 Weach alld a magnetic stirrer. The mixing process was performed at ambient temperature and pressure. Dyes content in the wastewater was expressed in chemical oxygen demand (COD). Each run, total volume of wastewater of dyeing process or mixtures of dyeing process and bleaching process were 150 mL. At a certain time interval, 2 mL of treated wastewater was sucked up from the reactor, and then its COD content was analysed. The volume ratios of dyeing wastewater to bleaching wastewater investigated were 3:1, 2:1. 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3. The experiment results showed that the COD conversion increases with the decreases of the ratio of dyeing wastewater to bleaching wastewater. The more H2O2 addition to the dyeing wastewater, the more COD reduction is. For the ratio of dyeing wastewater to belaching wastwater I: I. the higher the H2O2 50% addition. the higher the reduction of COD is
Perpindahan panas dan massa pada pengembunan campuran etanol-benzen-udara dalam kondensor tegak
Condensation of vapor-gas mixtures is a simultaneous heat and mass transfer processes. The existence of gases in condensation does not only
affect the heat transfer rate, but also the mass transfer rate. Theoretical studies on condensation of vapor and gas mixtures have been done
extensively, but have not given satisfactory results yet. The objective of the research is to determine semi-empirical equations, which are simple and
accurate enough, to estimate the heat and mass transfer coefficients for the ethanol-benzene-air mixture.
The experiment was conducted in a vertical double pipe condenser of 1.7 m length. The inner and outer pipe sizes were, respectively, 1" and 2". The
mixture of vapors and gas was flowing in annulus from the top of the
condenser and cooling water was counter-currently flowing inside the tube. The gas mole fractions used were between 1% and 10 % and the Reynolds number were between 2000 and 20600.
The relationship of heat and transfer coefficients evaluated based on the experimental data using simple mathematical models can be expressed in the following equations
POTENSI PEMANFAATAN AIR LIMBAH PEMUCAT INDUSTRI TENUN ATBM UNTUK MENURUNKAN KEBUTUHAN OKSIGEN KIMIAWI (KOK) AIR LIMBAH PEWARNAAN (The Potency of Using Bleaching Wastewater to reduce Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in Dyeing Wastewater of Traditional Weaving)
ABSTRAKKegiatan tenun ATBM di Gamplong menghasilkan air limbah terutama dari proses pewarnaan dan proses pemucatan. Bahan pewarna merupakan senyawa komplek dan relatif stabil sehingga sulit ditangani. Proses oksidasi lanjut telah terbukti mampu menurunkan kadar bahan pewarna dalam air limbah. Penelitian ini mempelajari potensi air limbah pemucatan untuk menurunkan kadar bahan pewama dalam air limbah pewarnaan. Proses pencampuran air limbah pewarna dengan air limbah pemucatan dilakukan di dalam sebuah reaktor batch yang dilengkapi empat lampu UV masing-masing 10 Watt dan sebuah pengaduk magnit. Penurunan kadar zat warna dinyatakan dalam Kebutuhan Oksigen Kimiawi (KOK). Setiap jangka (interval) waktu tertentu, cuplikan air limbah sebanyak 2 mL diambil dari reaktor lalu dianalisis KOK nya. Rasio volume limbah pewarnaan terhadap limbah pemucatan adalah 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, dan 1:3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin kecil nisbah limbah pewamaan dengan limbah pemucatan menghasilkan penurunan KOK semakin besar. Dengan volume limbah total 150 m, potensi oksidasi limbah pemucatan setara dengan sekitar 2 mL hidrogen peroksida 50% dalam 150 mL air limbah.ABSTRACTTraditional weaving activities in Gamplong produce wastewater, mainly from dyeing and bleaching processes. Dyes are complex compounds and realtively stable which is difficult to be managed. Advanced oxidation processes have proved to be able to decrease dyes content in the wastewater. The aim of this experiment is to study the potency of bleaching wastewater to reduce dyes content in dyeing wastewater. The mixing process of those wastewater was conducted in a batch reactor which was equipped with 4 UV light of 10 W each and a magnetic stirrer. The mixing process was performed at ambient temperature and pressure. Dyes content in the wastewater was expressed in chemical oxygen demand (COD). Each run, total volume of wastewater of dyeing process or mixtures of dyeing process and bleaching process were 150 mL. At a certain time interval, 2 mL of treated wastewater was sucked up from the reactor, and then its COD content was analysed. The volume ratios of dyeing wastewater to bleaching wastewater investigated were 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3. The experiment results showed that the COD conversion increases with the decreases of the ratio of dyeing wastewater to bleaching wastewater. The more H2O2 addition to the dyeing wastewater, the more COD reduction is. For the ratio of dyeing wastewater to belaching wastewater 1:1, the higher the H2O2 50% addition, the higher the reduction of COD is.
Flexible ecoflex®/graphene nanoplatelet foams for highly sensitive low-pressure sensors
The high demand for multifunctional devices for smart clothing applications, human motion detection, soft robotics, and artificial electronic skins has encouraged researchers to develop new high-performance flexible sensors. In this work, we fabricated and tested new 3D squeezable Ecoflex® open cell foams loaded with different concentrations of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) in order to obtain lightweight, soft, and cost-effective piezoresistive sensors with high sensitivity in a low-pressure regime. We analyzed the morphology of the produced materials and characterized both the mechanical and piezoresistive response of samples through quasi-static cyclic compression tests. Results indicated that sensors infiltrated with 1 mg of ethanol/GNP solution with a GNP concentration of 3 mg/mL were more sensitive and stable compared to those infiltrated with the same amount of ethanol/GNP solution but with a lower GNP concentration. The electromechanical response of the sensors showed a negative piezoresistive behavior up to ~10 kPa and an opposite trend for the 10–40 kPa range. The sensors were particularly sensitive at very low deformations, thus obtaining a maximum sensitivity of 0.28 kPa−1 for pressures lower than 10 kPa
Ekstraksi logam berat dalam air dengan TBP dalam kolom (Mixer-Settler Extraction of Heavy Metals in Aqueous Solution Using TBP in A Mixer-Settler Column)
This research investigated extraction of heavy metals in aqueous solution using tri buthyl phosphate (TBP) in a mixer settler column. The heavy metals studied in this research were copper (Cu) and lead (Pb). Kerosene was used as a solvent to dilute TBP. The solution containing Cu or Pb was prepared by dissolving CuSO4.51120 or Pb(NO2)2 in aquadest. The mixer settler column used in this experiment was made of acrylic. The mixer diameter was the same as the diameter of settler it was 12 cm. The mixer height was 7.3 cm while the height of settler was 4.7 cm. Drop coalescer was mounted in the middle of mixer and settler separator. The diameter of drop coalescer was 6 cm with the thickness of 1 cm. The holes diameter of drop coalescer was 1 mm. The stirrer used in this experiment was a cross flat blade having 4 cm diameter and 8 mm width impeller. The relationship between the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the influenced variables for a single stage mixer settler is expressed as:
LanPan 7
PorDi- N C2 or Sh. = K Re.c1Rer2
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The values of constants for the extraction of Cu in aqueous solution are K = 3.41 x 10-", C, = 0.61 and C2 = 1.36. This equation is valid for the range of Reââ = 110.5-511.09 and Re, = 2985.21-7463.01 with the ralative mean arror of 12.85% For the extraction of Pb in aqueous solution, K = 5.86 x 10-9, = 0.67 and C2 = 0.68, and the equation is valid for the range of Reaâ = 110.15-511.09 and Re= 2985.21-7463.01 with the ralative mean arror of 4.99%
Keywords: Heaving metal, settler, volumetric mass transfer coefficient
A New Alien Invasive Longhorn Beetle, Xylotrechus chinensis (Cerambycidae), Is Infesting Mulberries in Catalonia (Spain)
Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552In this paper, the invasion of a new alien beetle species to Europe, the longhorn Xylotrechus chinensis (Chevrolat) (Cerambycidae), originating from East Asia, is revealed. It has settled in Catalonia (Spain), occupying at present an area of at least 44.1 km², where it has been shown to severely infest (ca. 10 to 45%) and eventually kill mulberry trees in private and public grounds. The main objective of this study was to evaluate its impact and provide new significant insights into its life history, seasonality, reproductive capacity (females produce an average of 83.4 ± 9.02 eggs) and the type of damage produced to mulberries. Such damage was thoroughly described to facilitate inspection by others. At least in laboratory conditions, X. chinensis has not used common grape vines as an alternative hostplant. Both plants, mulberries and grape vines, are important in Catalonia and Spain, the former providing shade and ornament to many streets and avenues, and the latter having great economic significance in Mediterranean wine production areas. Possible control methods to hinder its spread are suggested and one local wasp, Stephanus serrator (Stephanidae), was identified as a likely parasitoid. We believe the risk of this beetle widely spreading in Europe is very real
Workers’ exposure assessment during the production of graphene nanoplatelets in r&d laboratory
Widespread production and use of engineered nanomaterials in industrial and research settings raise concerns about their health impact in the workplace. In the last years, graphene-based nanomaterials have gained particular interest in many application fields. Among them, graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) showed superior electrical, optical and thermal properties, low-cost and availability. Few and conflicting results have been reported about toxicity and potential effects on workers’ health, during the production and handling of these nanostructures. Due to this lack of knowledge, systematic approaches are needed to assess risks and quantify workers’ exposure to GNPs. This work applies a multi-metric approach to assess workers’ exposure during the production of GNPs, based on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) methodology by integrating real-time measurements and personal sampling. In particular, we analyzed the particle number concentration, the average diameter and the lung deposited surface area of airborne nanoparticles during the production process conducted by thermal exfoliation in two different ways, compared to the background. These results have been integrated by electron microscopic and spectroscopic analysis on the filters sampled by personal impactors. The study identifies the process phases potentially at risk for workers and reports quantitative information about the parameters that may influence the exposure in order to propose recommendations for a safer design of GNPs production process
Regionalism and alliances in the Middle East, 2011-2021 : from a “Flash in the Pan” of regional cooperation to liquid alliances
Published online: 5 January 2024This article addresses the shifting patterns of regionalism and alliance formation in the Middle East in the decade following the 2011 Arab uprisings. It seeks to explain why regional organizations, most notably the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council, failed to advance any durable regional cooperation, in spite of an initial period of bold activism. Second, the article seeks to shed light on why government-driven, informal and instable regional alignments that also include non-Arab parties and nonstate actors came to prevail instead. Our approach draws on Stephan Walt’s concept of the balance of threats; we posit however that this concept needs to integrate a liberal-constructivist perspective to assess both the nature of threats and the significance of domestic factors. While we consider the Arab uprisings a potential turning point, our explanation of the patterns of cooperation and conflict in the Middle East after the uprisings points to regime (in)security and shifting threat perceptions as key factors. They explain the side-lining of established regional organizations and the priority given to alternative and volatile forms of regional cooperation, that is, the prevalence of “liquid alliances.
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