
Consideracions taxonòmiques sobre les espècies ibèriques del gènere Euchloe (Hübner [1819]) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)


A la península Ibèrica habiten quatre espècies del gènere Euchloe Hübner [1819]: E crameri (Butler, 1869), E. Simplonia (Boisduval, 1828), E. Tagis (Hübner, [1804]) i E. Belemia (Esper, 1799) les tres primeres es troben també a Catalunya. E. ausonia (Hübner, [1804]), malgrat publicacions recents que la citen com a ibèrica, no es troba a la península, essent pròpia de la regió sudoriental d'Europa. Aquesta confusió entre els autors s'explica en bona part per l'enrevessada taxonomia del grup i la dificultat de separar les espècies del complex «ausonia» que inclou ausonia, crameri i simplonia.Remarks on (he taxonomy of (he lberian species of the genus Euchloe Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Four species belonging to the genus Euchloe Hübner (1819) occur in the lberian Peninsula: E. Crameri (Butler, 1869), E. Simplonia (Boisduval, 1828), E. Tagis (Hübner, [1804]) and E. Belemia (Esper, 1799), the first three also occuring in Catalonia. E. ausonia, despite recent publications that mention it as an iberian element, does not occur in the Peninsula, inhabiting in fact southeastern Europe. This confusion among authors is mostly explained by the puzzly taxonomy of the group as well as by the difficulty identifying the species belonging to the «ausonia» group: ausonia, crameri, and simplonia. Research by Back (1979) and Geiger & Scholl (1982) helped clarifying this complex issue. In Catalonia, E. Simplonia was recorded for the first time from the Pyrenees by Segarra (1912), quoting it as Euchloe bel ja var. simplonia. E. Crameri was first recorded as Pieris Belja by Salvatià (1870) from the Maresme area (NE Barcelona city). The first record for E.tagis, the rarest in Catalonia, was by the french author Bernardi (1945) from Juneda (Lleida)

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