11 research outputs found

    La religiosidad de la mujer en Castilla durante la época pretridentina

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    La sexualidad en el mundo católico de la contrarreforma

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    One may think that the essential concept to explain sexuality for the western society from the XVII to the XIX century war repression. On the contrary, M. Foucault states that the incitation to speak about sex is more important in this age. If we observe the part that sexuality palys in the catholic pastoral of the Counter Reformation, we must recognize that the Roman Catholic Church was one of teh most concerned institutions in speaking about sex. On one hand this Church builts up a theoretical knowledge about sexuality, on the other, its faithfuls are required to explain in dtail their sexual behavior in the sacramtent of penance. The incapacity to subjugate the sexuality through the word is shown in the existence of sollicitatio ad turpia, term that refers to the actions of some confessors to provoke, incite or seduce their penitents.Mientras que, para algunos, el concepto fundamental a la hora de explicar la sexualidad en la sociedad occidental de los siglos XVII al XIX es el de represión, M. Foucault mantiene que la incitación en hablar del sexo es más importante en ese período. Si observamos el papel que la sexualidad tuve en la pastoral católica de la Contrarreforma, hemos de reconocer que la iglesia católica fue una de las instituciones que más se preocuparon de hablar del sexo. Por un lado elaboró un saber teórico acerca de la sexualidad, por otro exigió a sus fieles que expresen detalladamente su vida sexual en el sacramento de la penitencia. La incapacidad de someter la sexualidad a través de la incapacidad de someter la sexualidad a través de la palabra se pone de manifiesto en la existencia de la sollicitatio ad turpia, término que hace referencia a las acciones que algunos confesores realizaban con el fin de provocar, incitar o seducir a sus penitentes

    Sexualidad y confesión: los procesos de solicitación en el Tribunal de la Inquisición de Cuenca (siglos XVI-XIX)

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Historia Moderna. Fecha de lectura: 23-6-9

    "El censo-guía de archivos en la provincia de Toledo: una experiencia positiva"

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    Ideas religiosas del Maestro Bartolomé Jiménez Patón (1569-1640) en <i>El Virtuoso Discreto</i> [c.1629-1631]

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    In the manuscript of El virtuoso discreto [The Virtuous Discreet Man], the humanist and grammarian Bartolomé Jiménez Patón reveals himself to be a zealous defender of orthodoxy. This work, formulated as a complement to his pedagogical duties as Professor of Eloquence, manifests its author’s purpose of participating in the religious controversy of his times, particularly in those fundamental aspects that distance Tridentine Catholicism from Lutheranism. Thus, part of the work is dedicated to a reflection on the concept of the Church, free will and theological justification, the doctrine of which was central to the development of the Council of Trent and the seven sacraments. No less important in this manuscript is Patón’s impassioned condemnation of illuministic heresy, the only genuinely Spanish doctrine of this sort in the Modern Age, whose members were also known in Spanish as alumbrados or agapetas.En el ms. de El virtuoso discreto, el humanista y gramático Bartolomé Jiménez Patón se muestra como un receloso defensor de la ortodoxia. La obra, concebida como un complemento a su enseñanza en su cátedra de Elocuencia, evidencia el propósito de su autor de participar en la controversia religiosa de su tiempo, particularmente en aquellos aspectos fundamentales que distancian al catolicismo tridentino del luteranismo. Así, parte de la obra se ocupa en reflexionar sobre el concepto de Iglesia, el libre albedrío y la justificación, cuya doctrina fue central en el desarrollo del concilio de Trento, y los siete sacramentos. No menor importancia presenta su apasionada condena de la herejía iluminista, la única genuinamente española en la Edad Moderna, cuyos miembros fueron también conocidos como alumbrados o agapetas

    Persistent pulmonary hypertension in corrected valvular heart disease : Hemodynamic insights and long-term survival

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    Altres ajuts: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Consorcio de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV).BACKGROUND: The determinants and consequences of pulmonary hypertension after successfully corrected valvular heart disease remain poorly understood. We aim to clarify the hemodynamic bases and risk factors for mortality in patients with this condition. METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyzed long-term follow-up data of 222 patients with pulmonary hypertension and valvular heart disease successfully corrected at least 1 year before enrollment who had undergone comprehensive hemodynamic and imaging characterization as per the SIOVAC (Sildenafil for Improving Outcomes After Valvular Correction) clinical trial. Median (interquartile range) mean pulmonary pressure was 37 mm Hg (32-44 mm Hg) and pulmonary artery wedge pressure was 23 mm Hg (18-26 mm Hg). Most patients were classified either as having combined precapillary and postcapillary or isolated postcapillary pulmonary hypertension. After a median follow-up of 4.5 years, 91 deaths accounted for 4.21 higher-than-expected mortality in the age-matched population. Risk factors for mortality were male sex, older age, diabetes mellitus, World Health Organization functional class III and higher pulmonary vascular resistance-either measured by catheterization or approximated from ultrasound data. Higher pulmonary vascular resistance was related to diabetes mellitus and smaller residual aortic and mitral valve areas. In turn, the latter correlated with prosthetic nominal size. Six-month changes in the composite clinical score and in the 6-minute walk test distance were related to survival. CONCLUSIONS: Persistent valvular heart disease-pulmonary hypertension is an ominous disease that is almost universally associated with elevated pulmonary artery wedge pressure. Pulmonary vascular resistance is a major determinant of mortality in this condition and is related to diabetes mellitus and the residual effective area of the corrected valve. These findings have important implications for individualizing valve correction procedures. REGISTRATION: URL: https://www.clini caltr ials.gov; Unique identifier: NCT00862043