201 research outputs found

    Etat de la végétation ligneuse dans trois unités d’utilisation des terres d’une zone agropastorale au Sénégal (région de Kaffrine)

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    L’étude est réalisée dans les parcours communautaires du département de Koungheul. Cette zone constitue la partie centrale d’un axe de transhumance de saison sèche des ruminants. Sa végétation naturelle, ligneuse en particulier, contribue à l’entretien du cheptel durant les mois de saison sèche et du coup, subit d’importantes pressions d’ordres diverses. Ainsi, l’objectif de l’étude est de caractériser la végétation ligneuse dans trois unités d’utilisation occupation des sols en utilisation une méthode d’échantillonnage aléatoire par des relevés de végétation ligneuse, pour une contribution à la prise de décisions, dans le cadre de la gestion des ressources dans la localité. Les résultats montrent au total la présence de 40 espèces ligneuses relevant de 33 genres et 21 familles avec une proportion importante des espèces de la famille des Combretaceae. Les paramètres étudiés montrent une nette différence entre ces entités témoignant de leur hétérogénéité, mais avec un plus grand niveau de stabilité du peuplement dans la forêt. Le peuplement est globalement jeune avec une importante proportion des individus dans les premières classes de diamètre et de hauteur. Les champs présentent la proportion d’individus adultes la plus importante mais la régénération dans cette entité est faible. Développer des moyens participatifs de gestion des ressources par la régénération assistée peut être un atout considérable de conservation des espèces ligneuses et des écosystèmes.Mots clés : Ligneux, champs, jachères, forêt, hétérogénéité, régénération

    In vitro vasorelaxation mechanisms of bioactive compounds extracted from Hibiscus sabdariffa on rat thoracic aorta

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we suggested characterizing the vasodilator effects and the phytochemical characteristics of a plant with food usage also used in traditional treatment of arterial high blood pressure in Senegal.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Vascular effects of crude extract of dried and powdered calyces of <it>Hibiscus sabdariffa </it>were evaluated on isolated thoracic aorta of male Wistar rats on organ chambers. The crude extract was also enriched by liquid-liquid extraction. The various cyclohexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, butanol extracts obtained as well as the residual marc were subjected to Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. The different methanolic eluate fractions were then analyzed by Thin Layer (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and their vascular effects also evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The H. Sabdariffa crude extract induced mainly endothelium-dependent relaxant effects. The endothelium-dependent relaxations result from NOS activation and those who not dependent to endothelium from activation of smooth muscle potassium channels. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phenolic acids in the ethyl acetate extract and anthocyans in the butanolic extract. The biological efficiency of the various studied extracts, in term of vasorelaxant capacity, showed that: Butanol extract > Crude extract > Residual marc > Ethyl acetate extract. These results suggest that the strong activity of the butanolic extract is essentially due to the presence of anthocyans found in its fractions 43-67.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate the vasodilator potential of <it>hibiscus sabdariffa </it>and contribute to his valuation as therapeutic alternative.</p

    Effect of Deep-Fat Frying on Chemical Properties of Edible Vegetable Oils Used By Senegalese Households

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    Deep-fat frying performed at high temperatures under atmospheric pressure is a common method of preparing dishes in Senegalese culinary practices. This operation can lead to deterioration of physical, chemical, nutritional and sensory properties of oil, which affects its frying performance. It also results in the production of volatile products such as aldehydes and non volatile fraction which remains in the frying medium. Some of these remaining products have been implicated in producing adverse health effects. Highly oxidized oils may also produce polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which have carcinogenic effect. This work was intended to evaluate the effect of frying on chemical properties of edible vegetable oils. Frying process was applied to meat, fish and potatoes in Senegalese culinary conditions. Ten (10) oil samples, each of three different brands, were purchased from wholesalers and retailers in different neighborhoods of Dakar. The samples were subjected to frying at 220°C for 40 min and then oils were withdrawn in amber bottles samples of which were taken for analysis. Acid value, peroxide value and total polar components were used to evaluate the quality of these oils after initial determination of the iodine value and the moisture and volatile matter content. Acid value increased after 40 min of frying and values ranged from 0.62 to 1.08 mg/kg after frying fish, while those for meat and potatoes ranged from 0.39 to 0.73 and 0.37 to 0.51 mg/kg, respectively. Peroxide value increased slightly for peanut oil (A) and sharply for peanut oil (B) and sunflower oil (C). Frying fish led to high values of total polar components whereas those obtained after frying meat and potatoes during 40 min did not exceed 15.27% except for peanut oil (A). Therefore, frying affects chemical parameter values of edible vegetable oils, which increase at a level depending on the product to be fried. A sharp Total Polar components increase was obtained after frying fish using the three types of oil with values exceeding, sometimes, the maximum level set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. This latter chemical parameter is considered a good indicator of overall quality of frying oil. Thus in Senegalese culinary practices where frying oil is often reused in families with low-income, such a situation may lead to significant sanitary risks. In view of these results, investigations need to be extended to other types of oil marketed in Senegal.Keywords: edible-oils, quality, frying, fish, mea

    Monitoring anti-tuberculosis treatment response using analysis of whole blood Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific T cell activation and functional markers

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    Background: Blood-based biomarkers have been proposed as an alternative to current sputum-based treatment monitoring methods in active tuberculosis (ATB). The aim of this study was to validate previously described phenotypic, activation, and cytokine markers of treatment response in a West African cohort. Methods: Whole blood immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT-6/CFP-10 (EC) and purified protein derivative (PPD) were measured in twenty adults at baseline and after 2 months of standard TB treatment. Patients were classified as fast or slow responders based on a negative or positive sputum culture result at 2 months, respectively. Cellular expression of activation markers (CD38, HLA-DR), memory markers (CD27), and functional intracellular cytokine and proliferation (IFN-γ, Ki-67, TNF-α) markers were measured using multi-color flow cytometry. Results: There was a significant increase in the proportion of CD4+CD27+ cells expressing CD38 and HLA-DR following EC stimulation at 2 months compared to baseline (p = 0.0328 and p = 0.0400, respectively). Following PPD stimulation, slow treatment responders had a significantly higher proportion of CD8+CD27–IFN-γ+ (p = 0.0105) and CD4+CD27+HLA-DR+CD38+ (p = 0.0077) T cells than fast responders at baseline. Receiver operating curve analysis of these subsets resulted in 80% sensitivity and 70 and 100% specificity, respectively (AUC of 0.82, p = 0.0156 and 0.84, p = 0.0102). Conclusion: Our pilot data show reductions in expression of T cell activation markers were seen with treatment, but this was not associated with fast or slow sputum conversion at 2 months. However, baseline proportions of activated T cell subsets are potentially predictive of the subsequent speed of response to treatment

    The potential for quality assurance systems to save costs and lives:the case of early infant diagnosis of HIV

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    OBJECTIVES: Scaling up of point-of-care testing (POCT) for early infant diagnosis of HIV (EID) could reduce the large gap in infant testing. However, suboptimal POCT EID could have limited impact and potentially high avoidable costs. This study models the cost-effectiveness of a quality assurance system to address testing performance and screening interruptions, due to, for example, supply stockouts, in Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe, with varying HIV epidemics and different health systems. METHODS: We modelled a quality assurance system-raised EID quality from suboptimal levels: that is, from misdiagnosis rates of 5%, 10% and 20% and EID testing interruptions in months, to uninterrupted optimal performance (98.5% sensitivity, 99.9% specificity). For each country, we estimated the 1-year impact and cost-effectiveness (US/DALYaverted)ofimprovedscenariosinavertingmissedHIVinfectionsandunneededHIVtreatmentcostsforfalsepositivediagnoses.RESULTS:Themodelled1yearcostsofanationalPOCTqualityassurancesystemrangefromUS/DALY averted) of improved scenarios in averting missed HIV infections and unneeded HIV treatment costs for false-positive diagnoses. RESULTS: The modelled 1-year costs of a national POCT quality assurance system range from US 69 359 in South Africa to US334 341inZimbabwe.Atthecountrylevel,qualityassurancesystemscouldpotentiallyavertbetween36and711missedinfections(i.e.falsenegatives)peryearandunneededtreatmentcostsbetweenUS 334 341 in Zimbabwe. At the country level, quality assurance systems could potentially avert between 36 and 711 missed infections (i.e. false negatives) per year and unneeded treatment costs between US 5808 and US$ 739 030. CONCLUSIONS: The model estimates adding effective quality assurance systems are cost-saving in four of the five countries within the first year. Starting EQA requires an initial investment but will provide a positive return on investment within five years by averting the costs of misdiagnoses and would be even more efficient if implemented across multiple applications of POCT

    Confirmation of emergence of mutations associated with atovaquone-proguanil resistance in unexposed Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Africa

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    BACKGROUND: In vitro and in vivo resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to atovaquone or atovaquone-proguanil hydrochloride combination has been associated to two point mutations in the parasite cytochrome b (cytb) gene (Tyr268Ser and Tyr268Asn). However, little is known about the prevalence of codon-268 mutations in natural populations of P. falciparum without previous exposure to the drug in Africa. METHODS: The prevalence of codon-268 mutations in the cytb gene of African P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria, Malawi and Senegal, where atovaquone-proguanil has not been introduced for treatment of malaria was assessed. Genotyping of the cytb gene in isolates of P. falciparum was performed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism and confirmed by sequencing. RESULTS: 295 samples from Nigeria (111), Malawi (91) and Senegal (93) were successfully analyzed for detection of either mutant Tyr268Ser or Tyr268Asn. No case of Ser268 or Asn268 was detected in cytb gene of parasites from Malawi or Senegal. However, Asn268 was detected in five out of 111 (4.5%) unexposed P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria. In addition, one out of these five mutant Asn268 isolates showed an additional cytb mutation leading to a Pro266Thr substitution inside the ubiquinone reduction site. CONCLUSION: No Tyr268Ser mutation is found in cytb of P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria, Malawi or Senegal. This study reports for the first time cytb Tyr268Asn mutation in unexposed P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria. The emergence in Africa of P. falciparum isolates with cytb Tyr268Asn mutation is a matter of serious concern. Continuous monitoring of atovaquone-proguanil resistant P. falciparum in Africa is warranted for the rational use of this new antimalarial drug, especially in non-immune travelers

    Nonradioactive heteroduplex tracking assay for the detection of minority-variant chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Madagascar

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Strains of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>genetically resistant to chloroquine (CQ) due to the presence of <it>pfcrt </it>76T appear to have been recently introduced to the island of Madagascar. The prevalence of such resistant genotypes is reported to be low (< 3%) when evaluated by conventional PCR. However, these methods are insensitive to low levels of mutant parasites present in patients with polyclonal infections. Thus, the current estimates may be an under representation of the prevalence of the CQ-resistant <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates on the island. Previously, minority variant chloroquine resistant parasites were described in Malawian patients using an isotopic heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA), which can detect <it>pfcrt </it>76T-bearing <it>P. falciparum </it>minority variants in individual patients that were undetectable by conventional PCR. However, as this assay required a radiolabeled probe, it could not be used in many resource-limited settings.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study describes a digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled chemiluminescent heteroduplex tracking assay (DIG-HTA) to detect <it>pfcrt </it>76T-bearing minority variant <it>P. falciparum</it>. This assay was compared to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and to the isotopic HTA for detection of genetically CQ-resistant parasites in clinical samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty one clinical <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates (15 primary isolates and 16 recurrent isolates) from 17 Malagasy children treated with CQ for uncomplicated malaria were genotyped for the <it>pfcrt </it>K76T mutation. Two (11.7%) of 17 patients harboured genetically CQ-resistant <it>P. falciparum </it>strains after therapy as detected by HTA. RFLP analysis failed to detect any <it>pfcrt </it>K76T-bearing isolates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings indicate that genetically CQ-resistant <it>P. falciparum </it>are more common than previously thought in Madagascar even though the fitness of the minority variant <it>pfcrt </it>76T parasites remains unclear. In addition, HTAs for malaria drug resistance alleles are promising tools for the surveillance of anti-malarial resistance. The use of a non-radioactive label allows for the use of HTAs in malaria endemic countries.</p

    Investigating the association between diet and infection with Trichomonas gallinae in the European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)

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    Trichomonas gallinae, a protozoan parasite infecting a wide range of birds, has been a cause 3 for conservation concern since its recognition as an emerging infectious disease, having had 4 notable impacts on several avian species, including causing widespread mortality in 5 greenfinches (Chloris chloris), and chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs), and hindering the recovery 6 of the endangered pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri). Horizontal transmission between birds 7 congregating at feeding sites, such as those provided for conservation and species management 8 purposes, is an important driver in the spread of T. galliane. Supplementary feeding is a key 9 conservation intervention for the European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur), which is declining 10 across its range, driven at least partially by a loss of natural food resources. Due to the link 11 between T. gallinae transmission and supplementary feeding, we consider the prevalence of 12 this parasite amongst European turtle dove in relation to diet, in the first study to analyse these 13 two factors in the decline of this species together. Using birds sampled from breeding and 14 wintering grounds, the dietary composition of individuals was compared to the presence of T. 15 gallinae, and specific T. gallinae strains. Dietary variation was summarised into two axes using 16 detrended correspondence analysis, neither were associated with the presence of T. gallinae, 17 or any specific strains. The proportion of diet accounted for by cultivated seeds did not affect 18 parasite presence, despite the spread of this parasite being associated with supplementary 19 feeding due to an increase in contact between potentially infected and uninfected birds 20 gathering at high densities at feeding sites. Significant dietary overlap was observed between 21 infected and uninfected individuals in all sites, with almost complete dietary overlap being 22 observed in one breeding site. The level of dietary overlap between individuals infected with 23 specific strains fluctuated between sampling seasons, indicating no consistent relationship 24 between diet and infection status