289 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses the use of Javanese in its speech community. Nowadays more and more families use national language in their daily communication. Most parents (middle to high economic conditions) tend to use Indonesian to their children relating to the feeling of as educated and modern people. This circumstances lead to weaknesses of Javanese use among prospective Javanese speakers, children. Besides, fewer formal traditional social meetings make use of Javanese. This makes Javanese becoming much less common in its speech community. People feel more comfortable and secure using Indonesian in expressing their ideas because they lack of Javanese communicative competence in delivering their mind in terms of social norms and affective value. Finally Indonesian government hasn’t made an optimal effort to save indigenous language. It can be seen from school curriculums which determine Javanese as local content


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    Di dalam penyusunan komposisi karawitan ini sebenarnya tidak dapat lepas dari komposisi karawitan yang sudah ada, seperti halnya dalam menyusun komposisi 'Bebondhetan' bahwa penggarapannya berpijak dari gending Bondhet laras pelog patet nem. Tujuan penggunaan gending pijakan ini agar karya yang dibasilkan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah, sehingga penata tidak asal menyusun motif-motif lagu tanpa adanya dasar atau pedoman penggarapan. Sebuah karya komposisi karawitan dalam penyusunannya tidaklah semudah seperti yang dibayangkan. Selama proses penggarapan ternyata muncul masalah-masalah yang bangat kompleks. Permasalahan yang paling mendasar yaitu belum adanya contoh penggarapan karya komposisi karawitan di jurusan Karawitan, yang digunakan untuk mengakhiri jenjeng sarjana. Pengalaman seperti ini tidak membuat kecil hati, namun justru memberi tantangan untuk lebih mempersiapkan dan mematangkan diri, sehingga penata dapat menyelasaikan masalah yang dihadap

    Text-marking, an Alternative Way in Teaching Reading Report Text

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    This study is conducted to identify 1) the students' skill improvement in reading report text and 2) class situation in which text-marking is implemented in the reading class at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015. The method used in this action research was classroom action research. The research was conducted from February 1st until May 22nd 2015. Every research cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The qualitative data were collected by interviewing, surveying, and observing whereas the quantitative data were collected by designing pre-test and post-test. The findings showed that the implementation of text-marking could improve students' skill in reading report text and classroom situation. The students' mean score improved in five basic reading' skill indicators as 1) finding main idea and topic, 2) determining reference, 3) determining word meaning based on context, 4) finding explicit and detailed information, and 5) finding implicit information increased. The improvements of class situation included 1) students focused to their learning, 2) students became active and enthusiast, so that classroom situation was conducive, 3) students were willing to discuss about learning difficulty with their friends and the teacher. The mean score had the advancement from 63.4 in the pre-test, 77.7 in the post-test 1, and 81.5 in the post-test 2

    Text-marking, an Alternative Way in Teaching Reading Report Text

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    This study is conducted to identify 1) the students\u27 skill improvement in reading report text and 2) class situation in which text-marking is implemented in the reading class at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015. The method used in this action research was classroom action research. The research was conducted from February 1st until May 22nd 2015. Every research cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The qualitative data were collected by interviewing, surveying, and observing whereas the quantitative data were collected by designing pre-test and post-test. The findings showed that the implementation of text-marking could improve students\u27 skill in reading report text and classroom situation. The students\u27 mean score improved in five basic reading\u27 skill indicators as 1) finding main idea and topic, 2) determining reference, 3) determining word meaning based on context, 4) finding explicit and detailed information, and 5) finding implicit information increased. The improvements of class situation included 1) students focused to their learning, 2) students became active and enthusiast, so that classroom situation was conducive, 3) students were willing to discuss about learning difficulty with their friends and the teacher. The mean score had the advancement from 63.4 in the pre-test, 77.7 in the post-test 1, and 81.5 in the post-test 2

    Efektivitas Blended Learning Model Problem Based Learning dan Discovery pada Mata Kuliah Matematika Bisnis

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    Rendahnya pemahaman konsep Matematika menyebabkan peserta didik sulit untuk mendapat hasil belajar yang baik, diperlukan suatu model mengajar yang dapat meningkatkan peserta didik untuk dapat terlibat aktif dan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk membandingkan efektivitas dua model pembelajaran yang melibatkan keaktifan dan berpikir kritis melalui pembelajaran blended learning yaitu model Problem Based Learning dan Discovery Learning. Melibatkan 2 kelas sebagai kelas kontrol dan eksperimen yang diambil secara acak, dengan instrument pretest postest sebanyak 10 soal dan analisis data uji multivariat menggunakan Hotelling’s Trace T2 dengan taraf signifikansi 5% diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kedua populasi pada saat pretest mempunyai pemahaman konsep dan hasil belajar yang sama, perubahan terjadi ketika model PBL dan discovery learning diterapkan.  Melalui uji rata-rata disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran blended learning model PBL lebih baik diterapkan dibandingkan dengan discovery learning pada mata kuliah Matematika Bisnis

    Information Technology Adoption Process within Indonesian SMEs: An Empirical Study

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    IT adoption within SMEs has been covered extensively within literature, most of which have considered IT adoption from narrow perspective such as drivers and barriers of IT adoption. IT adoption is better defined as a process which involves organisation and its components, stakeholders external to the organisation, and interactions within organisation and between organisation and its stakeholders. This paper uses multi perspective in IT adoption to build model of IT adoption. A field study involving 35 Indonesian SMEs was conducted in the form of semi structured interviews. The result from this field study were analysed and used to refine the proposed model

    Factors Influencing iPad Acceptance in Mandatory Conditions by Students: Cross-Classes Analysis

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    This article is investigating the acceptance of the iPad among new students at a university. IPad usage is compulsory, and the purchase is part of the new student admission package. Two previous surveys using UTAUT have shown mixed results.  The author decided to use survey results from both studies and reanalyze the questionnaire's answers. Data analysis was conducted using the SEM-PLS tool. The result showed only Anxiety and Self-Efficacy influencing Intention to Use while Intention to Use and Facilitating Condition influencing the use of iPad. The relation between Self-Efficacy and Intention to Use was moderated by gender, while the relationship between Intention to Use and Usage was moderated by experience in using a tablet.This article is investigating the acceptance of the iPad among new students at a university. IPad usage is compulsory, and the purchase is part of the new student admission package. Two previous surveys using UTAUT have shown mixed results.  The author decided to use survey results from both studies and reanalyze the questionnaire's answers. Data analysis was conducted using the SEM-PLS tool. The result showed only Anxiety and Self-Efficacy influencing Intention to Use while Intention to Use and Facilitating Condition influencing the use of iPad. The relation between Self-Efficacy and Intention to Use was moderated by gender, while the relationship between Intention to Use and Usage was moderated by experience in using a tablet


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    The objectives of the research are: (1) to know to what extent of the students’ vocabulary mastery improvement by using puzzle in the sixth grade students’ class (2) to identify the class situation when puzzles are implemented in the sixth grade students’ class of SD Negeri Sidoharjo 2, Sragen of the academic year 2011/2012. The study is a classroom action research that is carried out in two cycles from March 9th to March 30rd 2012. The subject of the research is the students of the sixth grade that consist of 29 students, 18 males and 11 females. The data were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected by interview, questionnaire, students’ diary, and field note, while quantitative data were collected by test (pre test and posttest). The qualitative data are analyzed by using Burn method, analyzing action research data consisting of assembling, coding, comparing, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes while quantitative data are analyzed by using descriptive statistic method. The research finding shows that the use of puzzle improves the students’ vocabulary mastery in four aspects and English class situation The objectives of the research are: (1) to know to what extent of the students’ vocabulary mastery improvement by using puzzle in the sixth grade students’ class (2) to identify the class situation when puzzles are implemented in the sixth grade students’ class of SD Negeri Sidoharjo 2, Sragen of the academic year 2011/2012. The study is a classroom action research that is carried out in two cycles from March 9th to March 30rd 2012. The subject of the research is the students of the sixth grade that consist of 29 students, 18 males and 11 females. The data were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected by interview, questionnaire, students’ diary, and field note, while quantitative data were collected by test (pre test and posttest). The qualitative data are analyzed by using Burn method, analyzing action research data consisting of assembling, coding, comparing, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes while quantitative data are analyzed by using descriptive statistic method. The research finding shows that the use of puzzle improves the students’ vocabulary mastery in four aspects and English class situatio
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