1,819 research outputs found

    Towards a Semantic Gas Source Localization under Uncertainty

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    Towards a Semantic Gas Source Localization under Uncertainty.Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 855), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91479-4_42This work addresses the problem of efficiently and coherently locating a gas source in a domestic environment with a mobile robot, meaning efficiently the coverage of the shortest distance as possible and coherently the consideration of different gas sources explaining the gas presence. The main contribution is the exploitation, for the first time, of semantic relationships between the gases detected and the objects present in the environment to face this challenging issue. Our proposal also takes into account both the uncertainty inherent in the gas classification and object recognition processes. These uncertainties are combined through a probabilistic Bayesian framework to provide a priority-ordered list of (previously observed) objects to check. Moreover the proximity of the different candidates to the current robot location is also considered by a cost function, which output is used for planning the robot inspection path. We have conducted an initial demonstration of the suitability of our gas source localization approach by simulating this task within domestic environments for a variable number of objects, and comparing it with an greedy approach.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A seasonal three-dimensional ecosystem model of nitrogen cycling in the North Atlantic Euphotic Zone

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    A seven-component upper ocean ecosystem model of nitrogen cycling calibrated with observations at Bermuda Station “S” has been coupled to a three-dimensional seasonal general circulation model (GCM) of the North Atlantic ocean. The aim of this project is to improve our understanding of the role of upper ocean biological processes in controlling surface chemical distributions, and to develop approaches for assimilating large data sets relevant to this problem. A comparison of model predicted chlorophyll with satellite coastal zone color scanner observations shows that the ecosystem model is capable of responding realistically to a variety of physical forcing environments. Most of the discrepancies identified are due to problems with the GCM model. The new production predicted by the model is equivalent to 2 to 2.8 mol m−2 yr−1 of carbon uptake, or 8 to 12 GtC/yr on a global scale. The southern half of the subtropical gyre is the only major region of the model with almost complete surface nitrate removal (nitrate<0.1 mmol m−3). Despite this, almost the entire model is nitrate limited in the sense that any addition of nitrate supply would go predominantly into photosynthesis. The only exceptions are some coastal upwelling regions and the high latitudes during winter, where nitrate goes as high as ∼10 mmol m−3

    State-of-the-art of spatial arch bridges

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    The paper describes a new form of bridge called a spatial arch bridge. This bridge type was developed in response to the demand for landmark structures, which have started to appear in the modern urban landscape to provide a symbol of originality, innovation and progress. Spatial arch bridges are defined as bridges in which the vertical deck loads produce bending moments and shear forces not contained in the arch plane, owing to their geometrical and structural configuration. Moreover, the arch itself may not be contained in a plane. The different variables and geometries that create such a structural configuration have been studied and classified. A wide compilation of examples of this bridge type has been made in chronological order, according to their construction date, from Maillarts first concrete spatial arch bridges to the latest designs and materials

    Un método cuantitativo para analizar redes neuronales marcadas por histoquímica para acetilcolinesterasa

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    Enzyme histochemistry is frequently used in classical morphological studies for the qualitative analysis of neuronal networks. However, this procedure does not readily provide quantitative results. Two new alternative approaches based on digital image processing techniques were explored and the data quality compared. The preliminary results explored the feasibility of these approaches in the applied setting.El análisis cualitativo de las redes neuronales por histoquímica enzimática se usa comúnmente en los estudios morfológicos tradicionales. Una limitante de este tipo de estudios consiste en la dificultad de obtener resultados cuantitativos. Este artículo presenta dos técnicas originales de procesamiento de imágenes para realizar estudios cuantitativos y un análisis comparativo entre ellas. Los resultados preliminares presentados permiten verificar la utilidad de la metodología aplicada

    Sodium–Gold Binaries: Novel Structures For Ionic Compounds From An Ab Initio Structural Search

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    Intermetallic compounds made of alkali metals and gold have intriguing electronic and structural properties that have not been extensively explored. We perform a systematic study of the phase diagram of one binary system belonging to this family, namely NaxAu1−x, using the ab initio minima hopping structural prediction method. We discover that the most stable composition is NaAu2, in agreement with available experimental data. We also confirm the crystal structures of NaAu2 and Na2Au, that were fully characterized in experiments, and identify a candidate ground-state structure for the experimental stoichiometry NaAu. Moreover, we obtain three other stoichiometries, namely Na3Au2, Na3Au and Na5Au, that could be thermodynamically stable. We do not find any evidence for the existence of the experimentally proposed composition NaAu5. Finally, we perform phonon calculations to check the dynamical stability of all reported phases and we simulate x-ray diffraction spectra for comparison with future experimental data