386 research outputs found
Peran guru begitu sentral dalam mencapai proses pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, maka guru dituntut untuk lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Penggunaan model pembelajaran discovery learning dalam proses pembelajaran akan menumbuhkan minat, konsentrasi dan semangat belajar siswa yang sebelumnya kurang motivasi belajar. Penggunaan model pembelajaran discovery learning akan meningkatkan cara berpikir kritis siswa. Pendidik menuangkan kemampuan kreatifnya dalam membuat rancangan kegiatan pembelajaran, sedangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dilihat saat kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung. Melihat hal tersebut maka model discovery learning digunakan dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks berorientasi pola hubungan antarperistiwa dalam meningkatkan cara berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan penggunaan model discovery learning dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks berorientasi pola hubungan antarperistiwa dan untuk mengetahui dari dampak peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis pada siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode campuran (mixed method) dengan tipe desain penyisip (the embedded design). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 4 Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah tes berupa lembar soal, lembar observasi, angket skala sikap, serta wawancara sebagai pendukung keterlaksanaan penggunaan model discovery learning dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks berorientasi pola hubungan antarperistiwa untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis pada siswa. Instrumen tersebut dikategorikan valid setelah dilakukan analisis oleh expert judgment dan uji statisti (validitas dan realibilitas). Perhitungan penelitian ini melalui uji rata-rata pretest dan posttest, mengetahui nilai minimum dan maksimum, dan menguji hipotesis dengan ANOVA satu jalur dan uji independent sample t-test. Hasil penelitian untuk kelas eksperimen menunjukkan ada peningkatan dengan nilai sebelumnya rata-rata 30,83, sedangkan hasil rata-rata setelah dilakukan treatment rata-rata menjadi 77,64, terjadinya peningkatan sebesar 46,81. Berdasarkan data uji homogenitas dengan pengujian Homogenitas of Varians (Levene Statistic), bahwa nilai signifikansi adalah sebesar 0,129 > 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa varians data posttest kelas eksperimen dan posttest kelas kontrol adalah sama atau homogen. Berdasarkan perhitungan bahwa menunjukkan taraf signifikan perbedaan peningkatan (n-gain) kemampuan berpikir kritis 0,236 > 0,05, berdasarkan uji hipotesis maka dapat disimpulkan adanya perbedaan keterampilan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran menulis teks eksplanasi kompleks berorientasi pola hubungan antarperistiwa antara yang mendapatkan perlakuan model discovery learning dengan pembelajaran model konvensional.
The Catalytic Decarbonylation of Unstrained Ketones mediated by Platinum(II) Complexes
Cyclohexanone, an unstrained ketone, was found to undergo decarbonylation in the presence of soluble platinum(II) complexes of the general formula [Pt(tolpy)Cl(L)] (where tolpy is 2-(4-tolyl)pyridine and L is a neutral ligand) to afford the platinum carbonyl complex [Pt(tolpy)Cl(CO)] as well as carbon monoxide, methane and butane. As such, the activation of the cyclohexanone must proceed via the cleavage of three carbon–carbon bonds. However, the stoichiometric balance of the reaction required additional hydrogen, which implied a coupled transfer hydrogenation step.
As part of a mechanistic investigation, a number of novel cycloplatinated complexes were prepared and characterised and their ability to catalyse the decarbonylation reactions was investigated. Many of them were identified as active catalyst precursors and, in particular, this was found to be true for [Pt(tolpy)Cl(CO)], suggesting that the reaction is catalytic. It was commonplace for reactions to be accompanied by decomposition to what was assumed to be colloidal platinum.
In addition to cyclohexanone, a range of other carbonyl-containing substrates were investigated and examples of cyclic and acyclic ketones as well as aldehydes were found undergo decarbonylation under the conditions employed. A mechanistic investigation was undertaken involving in situ spectroscopic studies, dynamic light scattering, deuterium labelling and mercury poisoning experiments. A mechanism for the decarbonylation of cyclohexanone is proposed whereby fragmentation and transfer hydrogenation take place to afford acetaldehyde, which then undergoes decarbonylation to afford methane.
For the family of complexes of formula [Pt(tolpy)Cl(L)] prepared to study the mechanism, a combination of spectroscopic and computational techniques were employed to study the structural and bonding properties of the complexes and the relative trans-influence of the ligands. An ordered series for the trans-influence of the ligands was identified using bond lengths obtained from analyses of single crystal X-ray data and this trend was also consistent with quantum chemical calculations. The trend was also analysed for possible correlations with chemical shifts and coupling constants obtained from 1H, 13C{1H}, 15N and 195Pt{1H} NMR spectroscopy
The Catalytic Decarbonylation of Unstrained Ketones mediated by Platinum(II) Complexes
Cyclohexanone, an unstrained ketone, was found to undergo decarbonylation in the presence of soluble platinum(II) complexes of the general formula [Pt(tolpy)Cl(L)] (where tolpy is 2-(4-tolyl)pyridine and L is a neutral ligand) to afford the platinum carbonyl complex [Pt(tolpy)Cl(CO)] as well as carbon monoxide, methane and butane. As such, the activation of the cyclohexanone must proceed via the cleavage of three carbon–carbon bonds. However, the stoichiometric balance of the reaction required additional hydrogen, which implied a coupled transfer hydrogenation step.
As part of a mechanistic investigation, a number of novel cycloplatinated complexes were prepared and characterised and their ability to catalyse the decarbonylation reactions was investigated. Many of them were identified as active catalyst precursors and, in particular, this was found to be true for [Pt(tolpy)Cl(CO)], suggesting that the reaction is catalytic. It was commonplace for reactions to be accompanied by decomposition to what was assumed to be colloidal platinum.
In addition to cyclohexanone, a range of other carbonyl-containing substrates were investigated and examples of cyclic and acyclic ketones as well as aldehydes were found undergo decarbonylation under the conditions employed. A mechanistic investigation was undertaken involving in situ spectroscopic studies, dynamic light scattering, deuterium labelling and mercury poisoning experiments. A mechanism for the decarbonylation of cyclohexanone is proposed whereby fragmentation and transfer hydrogenation take place to afford acetaldehyde, which then undergoes decarbonylation to afford methane.
For the family of complexes of formula [Pt(tolpy)Cl(L)] prepared to study the mechanism, a combination of spectroscopic and computational techniques were employed to study the structural and bonding properties of the complexes and the relative trans-influence of the ligands. An ordered series for the trans-influence of the ligands was identified using bond lengths obtained from analyses of single crystal X-ray data and this trend was also consistent with quantum chemical calculations. The trend was also analysed for possible correlations with chemical shifts and coupling constants obtained from 1H, 13C{1H}, 15N and 195Pt{1H} NMR spectroscopy
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Perbedaan Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani
Siswa Kelas IV dan V SD Negeri daerah datar dengan SD Negeri daerah tinggi
Kecamatan Pituruh Kabupaten Purworejo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
diskriptif komparatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan test dan
pengukuran menggunakan TKJI.
Subyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas IV dan V
SD Negeri Daerah Datar ( SDN Megulungkidul, SDN Brengkol, SDN Sutogaten)
yang berjumlah 104 siswa, sedangkan SD Negeri daerah tinggi (SDN 1
Kaligintung, SDN 2 Kaligintung) yang berjumlah 74 siswa, dengan jumlah siswa
seluruhnya 178 siswa. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah TKJI menggunakan teknis
analisis data uji (uji t).
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan
tingkat kebugaran jasmani antara siswa kelas IV dan V SD Negeri daerah datar
dan siswa SD Negeri daerah tinggi Kecamatan Pituruh Kabupaten Purworejo.
Tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa SD Negeri daerah datar lebih tinggi dengan ratarata
16,30 daripada siswa SD Negeri daerah tinggi dengan rata-rata 15,47.
Berdasarkan bahwa t hitung > t tabel (2,177 > 2,00) dan p < α (0,031 < 0,05)
berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan, dimana tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa
SD Negeri yang terletak di dataran rendah lebih baik dari pada siswa SD Negeri
yang terletak di dataran tinggi.
Kata kunci: Kebugaran jasmani, daerah datar, daerah tingg
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena underpricing yang sering terjadi di pasar modal Indonesia pada saham perdana (IPO) akan ditawarkan pada pasar perdana. Sehingga dampak adanya underpricing menyebabkan dana yang diperoleh oleh perusahaan tidak maksmimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) gambaran reputasi underwriter yang diukur dengan diproksikan sepuluh besar penjamin emisi berdasarkan frekuensi yang diubah menjadi variabel dummy, 2) gambaran underpricing yang diukur dengan initial return (IR), 3) pengaruh reputasi underwriter terhadap underpricing. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi variabel dummy.Objek dalam penelitian ini perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2012-2014. Sampel penelitian 61 perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel reputasi underwritermemiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap underpricing yang diukur dengan analisis regresi variabel dummy, artinya apabila reputasi underwriter meningkat maka tingkat underpricing akan menurun. Begitu pula sebaliknya apabilareputasi underwriter menurun maka tingkat underpricing meningkat.; This research wasmotivated by theunderpricingphenomenonthatoften occursinIndonesian capitalon stockmarketwill be offeredonthe primary market.So the impact of theunderpricingcausedthe funds obtainedby the companywas unoptimally.This studyaims to find out1) The description of underwriter reputationmeasured by proxytop tenunderwritersbased onthe frequency ofwhich is convertedinto adummyvariable, 2) The description ofunderpricing measured byinitial return(IR),3) The influence ofunderwriter reputationtoward underpricing. Research methods used in the study is descriptive and analytical methods of analysis verification. The analysis method that is used is a dummy variable regression analysis.The object of this research is companies listed on the Stock Exchange 2012-2014.The sample of this research is 61 companies.The results showedunderwriter reputationvariableshave anegative effect on theunderpricingas measured bydummy variable regression analysis, that’s meansif theunderwriter reputation increases,the level ofunderpricingwill decrease. Likewiseif theunderwriter reputationdecreasesthe level ofunderpricingincreases
Exploring the Dimensions of Health-related Stigma:Insights from narratives of people with stigmatized health conditions in Indonesia
Health-related stigma is associated with a diversity of communicable and non-communicable diseases and has a resounding effect on the lives of the persons affected, their families, and the society-at-large. In order to effectively address the issue of health-related stigma, it is important to acknowledge its multidimensionality in regards to its existence in a diversity of diseases, the complex intersection of its experiences with that of other social oppressions, and the presence of positive agency among those who are stigmatized. Further, there is a wider call to bring together the knowledge and resources on stigma response from different disease-specific silos to build a unified and integrated stigma reduction approach. Through the exploration of lived experiences of people living with four stigmatized health conditions (HIV, leprosy, schizophrenia and diabetes) in Indonesia, this study aimed to answer the following research question: How can the multi-dimensionality of health-related stigma be understood across the different health conditions, and what is the possibility of a common response to address stigma across different health conditions in Indonesia? This thesis adopted a transdisciplinary research (TDR) approach based on the interactive learning and action (ILA) framework. The studies in this thesis used Socioecological model (SEM) as an overarching multi-level framework to explore the multidimensionality of stigma. The studies and their findings within this thesis have been presented in three parts: Part 1: Understanding the experience of health-related stigma Part 1 of this thesis looked into filling the evidence gap on comprehensive understanding of the experience of health-related stigma across different health conditions, and its intersection with other social inequalities and oppressive identities. First, it showed that people living with the four NCDs can also experience stigma owing to their health condition. Second, it found that stigma originates in the macro and meso levels, while manifests as personal experience in the micro level. It also found that the origin of stigma may be different across health conditions owing to the disease-specific features, the prevalent norms and stereotypes surrounding the disease, and the systemic conditioning that perpetuate and reinforce it. Third, it found that adversities related to gender, socioeconomic status religion, age, comorbidity, disability, and sexuality of participants intersected with health-related stigma in different socioecological levels. Part 2: Overcoming health-related stigma Part 2 of this thesis focused on personal agency and explored the strategies employed by positive deviants to avert stigma in their lives and improve their health-related quality of life. First, the findings uncovered the existence of problem-solving ability and personal agency among stigmatized individuals living with the four health conditions in the form of positive deviance. Second, it found that positive deviance was a determinant of physical, psychological, and social QoL of people living with stigmatized health conditions in Indonesia. Part 3: Prospects of common health-related stigma reduction response Part 3 investigated the prospects of a common response to address health-related stigma across different health conditions by investigating the cross-perspectives of individuals with different health conditions, and finally designing and implementing an intergroup training to foster understanding, collaboration and stigma reduction. First, it found that people living with stigmatized health conditions saw value in coming together for a common cause, and expressed willingness to participate in a common stigma reduction intervention. Second, the training was helpful in improving intergroup perception, willingness to collaborate, and mitigation of felt-stigma among the participants . Conclusion The prospects of collective action and agency among people living with stigmatized health conditions, combined with multifaceted initiatives from the government, civil society, and public health agencies seem to be the way forward to effectively combating health-related stigma in Indonesia, and possibly elsewhere
Evaluation of the design of national car’s seat belt for comfort of pregnant women or big size driver
This project presents the factors that are crucial in improving the design of seat belt based on the specific related measurement and others. The problem arises in the usage of seat belt if the driver’s body deviates from average anthropometric measurements may cause the driver feel not comfortable during driving task also feel not comfortable and for pregnant woman they feel discomfort, fear of harming the fetus when seat belt on. Anthropometric data is playing a main role in the design development to create an ergonomic product which is seat belt in the car. Appropriate use of anthropometry in design may improve well being, health, comfort, and safety. Understanding the fundamental and get detailed information about seat belt design with part involved in Viva car that produced by PERODUA by a visit to the national car company, PERODUA and safety belt supplier, Autoliv Hirotako. The structured interview was involved with the gynaecologist to obtain information on the correct way to wear a car seat belt for pregnant women and determine the other parameters that important for pregnant woman using a seat belt when driving. A total of 30 respondents were asked or interviewed to determine the level of comfort when wearing a seat belt in certain areas and also to understand how pregnant women wear seat belts and any problems they experienced while driving. The data on 95 th percentile female Malaysian citizen will be compared with the data of 95 thpercentile American Male (AM). The result will generate guidelines and an information resource for designers in the automotive industry of national car seat belt and their supplier in order to improve the quality life of pregnant women or big size driver. In this project, a new design of a device had been designed by using CATIA software
Anti-viral and in-vitro free radical scavenging activity of leaves of rubia cordifolia
The aim of this research was to develop the pharmacognostical parameters and phytochemical screening along with histological studies and the leaf powder of Rubia cordifolia. The dried leaves of Rubia cordifolia. (Family: Rubiaceae) were subjected to standardization by following pharmacognostical and phytochemical screening methods. Rubia cordifolia was investigated for preliminary phytochemical analysis and characterization by various instrumental techniques. Methanolic extracts of Rubia cordifolia leaves was very good antibacterial activity and also minimum inhibitory concentrating of different virus using HEL cell cultures, HeLa cell cultures and Vero cell cultures but MIC of Herpes simplex - 1 and 2, vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis and Herpes simplex-1 (TK ACVI) were observed very good antiviral activity of Rubia cordifolia leaves DMSO extracts has good minimum cytotoxic concentration activity and also screening for various pharmaceuticals activities. Such as anti oxidant and microbial activities. Keywords: Antiviral and Microbial activity, Phytochemical and Pharmacognostical screening, DPPH, free radical scavenging activity, Rubia cordifolia
Compounds of Uranyl Chloride with Monoamines
Compounds of uranyl chloride with monoamines were prepared in non-aqueous solvents. Their properties have been studied and structure discussed
Pendidikan: matlamat dan fungsinya
Artikel ini menyentuh mengenai matlamat pendidikan dan fungsinya yang mempengaruhi ketamadunan sebuah bangsa. Pendidikan dipelajari dan boleh diterima secara pendidikan formal juga pendidikan tidak formal. Hal ini demikian kerana, melalui pendidikan berkualiti boleh memandu manusia ke jalan kebenaran menggunakan sumber pendidikan yang berkualiti berlandaskan kepad Al-Quran dan Al-Sunah. Malahan pendidikan yang diterima dapat menjana dan melahirkan individu yang berpendidikan dan berketerampilan yang tinggi akhlaknya. Bagi memastikan matalamat ini tercapai masyarakat perlulah bekerjasama dan mengembeling tenaga bersama-sama demi memastikan pendidikan yang diterima oleh generasi kini dapat membina insan yang seimbang dari segi jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intektual. Melalui pendidikan yang dimiliki dapat memberi panduan dan bimbingan kepada individu untuk membina kehidupan yang sejahtera dan menghadapi cabaran arus globalisasi yang bersifat universal
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