254 research outputs found

    Malaysian Sikhs and gender issues

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    Sikhism advocates gender equality between men and women in all aspects of their social life. The role and status of women has always been the concern of Sikhism, which asserts the equality of humankind. Based on my observation in Malaysia, I found that, in practice, Sikh women’s status is lower than men. Therefore, the ten Guru’s teachings of equality between men and women have never been fully practiced. Why this is so shall be explored in this paper. It could be suggested that this inequality exist because of the influence of the male majority in the Sikh community, which is a minority in the larger Malaysian context. Therefore, the Sikh male’s unwillingness to give up this dominant role and hence, the women continues to suffer prejudices. It is seems that the male-dominant ideology in the Sikh society is not only found in Malaysia, but throughout the diaspora, and even in their homeland in India

    Using the multiliteracies approach to promote English literacy in higher education / Sarjit Kaur and Gurnam Kaur Sidhu

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    Higher education teachers who teach English proficiency courses to undergraduates often make the assumption that if learners work hard on content taught to them, they would have acquired literacy in all aspects relating to the language. Do learners’ abilities to read well or write well in English depend on their context? To discern the appropriate path for their learners, higher education teachers must be knowledgeable about “language and literacy, be adept at seeking and critically evaluating information and be able to relate these understandings to their daily working knowledge of their learners” (Heydon, Hibbert & Iannaci, 2005: 312). Many definitions of the term ‘literacy’ seem to focus too much on skill to the exclusion of will (Padak & Bardine, 2004). The concepts of promoting ‘engaged learners’ and ‘literacy empowerment’ in higher education contexts should incorporate some of the following aspects: motivation, strategies, knowledge and social interaction. This paper discusses the design and framework of the Multiliteracies Approach advocated by The New London Group and argues that it is a viable teaching strategy that embraces literacy abilities, literacy choices and attitudes. Additionally, it recognizes that meaningful learning can take place if there is bridging between theory and practice


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    This action research was conducted in order to investigate the students experience and perception towards using the video making assessment approach when presenting their oral communication assessment. This was to see the impact on the students compared to presenting the traditional way in-class. Forty-five (45) respondents undertaking DUE 3012 - Communicative English 2 in Polytechnic Balik Pulau, Information Technology Department, participated in this study. The respondents had to make a video based on Chapter 1- Product and Services whereby it will be evaluated as their oral presentation assessment. A Likert Scale questionnaire was distributed and the data were tabulated using descriptive statistics. The outcome of the study was that the respondents had a positive perception towards this approach and it helped them to build their confidence level to use the English Language. Besides that, the respondents felt that this approach of assessment was successful and beneficial in helping them to understand the chapter better

    Textbook reading strategies and its relationship to reading test performance

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    Research studies on reading strategy use among ESL/EFL readers are increasingly becoming one of the most attended topics for researchers and educators. This study investigated the reading strategies used by 290 Chinese EFL second year undergraduates and examined the relationship between their reading strategy use and reading test performance. The participants reported their use of reading strategies through the Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) in three categories: global reading strategies (GLOB), problem solving strategies (PROB) and support reading strategies (SUP). Students’ reading test performance was measured by using the national College English Test Band-4 (CET-4). Results showed that students used overall reading strategies at a medium frequency level. They used PROB strategies most frequently (at a high level), followed by GLOB strategies (at a medium level). The least frequently used were SUP strategies (at a medium level). The most frequently used individual strategies were re-reading, regaining concentration and guessing the content of the text. The least frequently used strategies included reading aloud, questioning, paraphrasing, and translating. There was no significant relationship between students’ overall reading strategy use and their general reading test performance. However, significant relationship was found between some individual reading strategies and different test formats. Students’ banked cloze test performance was positively correlated to GLOB strategies. SUP strategies were negatively correlated to students’ skimming and scanning performance. Most PROB strategies were related to student performance in fast reading either positively or negatively. Pedagogical implications are discussed in relation to the Chinese EFL context

    Perkahwinan campur peranakan Punjabi di Sabah

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    This report begins with a definition of the term peranakan. It then goes on to discuss the process that leads to the creation of a peranakan Punjabi society in Sabah, namely through intermarriages among the Sikh men and the local women. This report is based on interviews and fieldwork in April 2001. Observation in four gurdwara undertaken shows that the peranakan Punjabi possess a unique cultural identity that distinguishes them from Sikhs in Peninsular Malaysia. Nevertheless, they display a commitment towards Sikhis

    Investigating Academic Acidevement And Student Evaluation Of Teacidng Effectiveness In Higher Education: A Case Study

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    Pada asasnya, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti penilaian para pelajar dewasa dan matang mengenai keberkesanan pengajaran di peringkat pengajian tinggi di Malaysia. Kajian ini juga meninjau samada faktor demograflk seperti umur, jantina dan kaum mempengaruhi penilaian pelajar tentang keberkesanan pengajaran, pencapaian akademik pelajar dan persepsi pelajar mengenai kemahiran akademik mereka. Perhubungan antaq penilaian keberkesanan pengajaran para pelajar dan persepsi kemahiran akademik pelajar juga dikaji. This study is primarily an investigation into adult and young adult students' evaluation of teaching effectiveness (SETE) in a Malaysian higher education setting. The study also examines whether demographic factors such as age, gender and ethnicity relate to SETE, students' academic achievement and their perceptions of their academic skills. The possible relationship between SETE and students' academic achievement is also investigated

    Oral english communication difficulties and coping strategies of Diploma of Hotel Management Students at UiTM

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    Being able to communicate effectively is a much sought after skill by employers in today’s globalised work contexts. This article examines the types of oral communication difficulties faced by Diploma level ESL learners. This study also analysed the types of communication strategies used by the students to cope with speaking and listening problems during English oral communication activities. With these research objectives, a questionnaire known as the Oral Communication Strategies Inventory (OCSI) was distributed to 100 Diploma of Hotel Management students at the UiTM branch campus in Penang. Following that, 16 students from the total population were interviewed and they also took part in a journal writing activity to explain the difficulties they encounter when engaging in English conversation with others. The results revealed that difficulties occurred due to learners’ lack of English language knowledge. It was also found that learners are keen to get involved in English oral communication activities and most of them negotiate meaning with the interlocutors to understand the intended messages. The implications of this study suggest that teachers should be more creative in constructing interactive learning experiences for their students and teach coping strategies as part of students’ repertories of oral communication skills

    Rickshaw writings - A real mirror to Pakistani society

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    Cultural diversity can be seen in many forms.One specific area of interest would be the use of language in expressing opinions related to many aspects of a society.This particular study reports on the use of culturally influenced language, in order to express opinions as reflected on auto rickshaws in Lahore, Pakistan.Data was gathered by observations while travelling to various areas in Lahore, Pakistan.The qualitative analysis of the written discourse showed various aspects of life of the Lahorites, through different modes as were reflected by the writings on the rickshaws plying throughout the town

    British Policy Towards the Panjab, 1844-1849.

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    This thesis is a study of British Policy towards the Panjab between Hardinge's arrival in India as Governor-General and its annexation by his successor. The fundamental question to be answered is whether the British had a coherent plan to meet the problems posed by the lack of stability in the formerly useful buffer State between the Afghans and the British Empire in India. Policy was carried out through the North Western Agency and was much affected by the persons who held office there. Whether the Panjab was to remain an effective buffer State depended on the strength and disposition of the Darbar and the Chiefs. This in turn was affected by the Jagir and Revenue policies pursued by the British in the Jalandhar Doab as well as in the Lahore State. They have, therefore, been studied in some detail. The Summary Settlement and the other reforms accompanying it, which were effected after the Treaty of Bhairowal, in the Lahore State itself have been analysed. The consequences of their being effected by the British resident through the agency of British assistants when the old administrative machinery stood intact have been noted. The failure of policy as revealed in the course of the Second Sikh War has been traced. The circumstances that led Dalhousie to conclude that annexation was the only alternative left have been examined. The last Chapter in Cunningham's History of the Sikhs, which is a strong criticism of Hardinge's Policy towards the Panjab has been critically examined. The thesis has been written in the light of the Ripon, Peel and Broughton Papers in the British Museum, and of the Henry Lawrence and Broughton Papers in the India Office Library. Extensive use has also been made of the unpublished records in the India Office Library