67 research outputs found

    ANALISIS PENGARUH RASIO KEUANGAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN LABA (Studi Kasus : Perusahaan Food and Beverages yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2009 sampai dengan 2013)

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    Profit growth is the ratio that showed how ability of company increased net profit over the previous year. The higher the ratio of profit growth, more better the company financial performance. This research wants to examine the effects of Current ratio, Debt to Asset ratio, total asset turnover,and net profit margin to profit growth of food and beverages company. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. There are 15 companies that used during the research. Analytical technique used in this research is multiple regression analysis by using SPSS 20. Data sample has tested using with the classical assumption test such as normality test, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and heteroskedasticity test. And the hypothesis test is done by using the F test, T test, and R². The result of this research shows that current ratio, debt to asset ratio, total asset turnover, and net profit margin simultaneously have a significant influence to the profit growth of food and beverages company with a significance level of 0,000. From the research also known that partially Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Total Asset Turnover (TAT), and Net profit margin (NPM), have an influence a positive significant to profit growth of food and beverages company, while Current Ratio(CR) does not have positive significant influence to profit growth of food and beverages company.The value of adjusted R square is 29.3%. This means that 29.3% of profit growth can be explained by independent variable (Current ratio, debt to asset ratio, total asset turnover and net profit margin). While the remaining (70,7%) is explained by other variables or other causes


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    This study discussed the luxurious life style in Kevin Kwan's novel Crazy Rich Asians. The analysis focused on the lifestyle and characteristics of Asian rich people in Singapore. Twelve pieces of data are found, and the quotations are taken from the Crazy Rich Asians novel. It would be good evidence to expose the luxurious lifestyle represented by the Asian rich in Singapore. In collecting data, the theory from Raharjo and Silalahi was used, and some understanding and explanations from another expert. To analyse the data, the qualitative research method was applied. Therefore, this research method is considered very suitable for studying social phenomena such as the luxurious lifestyle depicted in the novel. There are four characteristics of a luxurious lifestyle depicted in Asian rich people.  They are luxurious goods, luxurious activities, convenience, privacy, and exclusivity. Luxury goods as a feature of a luxurious lifestyle can be seen in the penchant of Asian rich people to buy luxury goods and jewellery, and to own luxury properties. Luxurious activity can be seen from the several activities. Convenience as the characteristic of luxurious activity can be seen from the use of luxurious facilities. The exclusive party at young’s family house, and the exclusivity of Nick’s house are presented to show privacy and exclusivity


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    Medical record plays an important role in BPJS program particularly in BPJS patient registration as well as coding and claim. Determination of diagnosis codes patient are obligations, rights and responsibilities of docter (medical personnel) in accordance with the directives contained in the book ICD-10. But in fact, there are still obstacles from officers in determining disease codes for medical record file is incomplete. The purpose of this study was to determine the constraints attendant medical records in determining the disease code to claim BPJS in RSIA Eria Bunda Pekanbaru. The research method used descriptive research with a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Informants are 4 people that officers conducting coding. Techniq and methods of data collection using interviews, observation and review of medical record file. These results indicate that the constraints medical records officers in determining of disease because the docter's diagnosis code is not complete. The high number of incompleteness diagnosis is the final diagnosis (secondary) as many as 46 items. The Human Resources to code patient disease of BPJS is sufficient. Standard Operating Procedure determination of disease codes has been no exists. Facilities and infrastructure already exists and is adequate. The suggestions of this research is a docter should immediately  filling doctor's diagnosis on the medical resume of  patient in order to medical officer was not constrained in determining the disease code because it contains data/information that can be used as a basis for determining rates BPJS claims. Medical records should continue to conduct training on coding and BPJS so that the officers more mastering in coding activities. Than, Standard operating procedures should be made to any standard set. &nbsp


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    AbstractAdvances in technology today have implications for the variety of media used to support the needs of the community. One of them is photography. Indonesia is a multicultural country including religion in it. So, how can Indonesia become the largest Muslim country when Indonesia was colonized for centuries by non-Muslims. The purpose of this study is to prove traces of Islamic civilization can be seen through documentary evidence in the form of photos, by utilizing the art of photography as a form of modern visual art that utilizes art and technology. This research was conducted through descriptive qualitative method. By observing an object to be analyzed. The results of the research itself prove the existence of documentation that can be evidence of the existence of Islam in Indonesia. In conclusion, photography is able to provide views to the public about the differences that exist in each image produced. Both in the form of patterns, colors, shapes, etc. And this proves that Islam was present and united in the archipelago long before the invaders came to the archipelago. In fact, Islam has entered and merged into the culture of the local community.AbstrakKemajuan teknologi saat ini berimplikasi terhadap ragamnya media yang digunakan dalam menunjang kebutuhan masyarakat. Salah satunya fotografi. Negara Indonesia merupakan Negara multikultural termasuk agama didalamnya. Lantas, bagaimanakah Indonesia bisa menjadi Negara muslim terbesar sedangakan Indonesia dijajah selama berabad-abad oleh orang-orang non muslim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk membuktikan jejak peradaban islam dapat dilihat melalui bukti dokumentasi berupa foto, dengan memanfaat seni fotografi sebagai wujud seni visual modern yang memanfaatkan seni dan teknologi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode kualitatif deskriptif. Dengan mengamti sebuah objek untuk dianalisis. Hasil dari pneleitian sendiri membuktikan adanya dokumentasi yang dapat menjadi bukti keberadaan islam di Indonesia. Kesimpulannya, Fotografi mampu memberikan pandangan kepada masyarakaat tentang perbedaan yang ada pada setiap gambar yang dihasilakan. Baik berupa corak, warna bentuk dll. Dan Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa, Islam telah hadir dan menyatu di Nusantara jauh sebelum penjajah mendatangi Nusnatara. Bahkan, islam telah masuk dan bergabung kedalam kebudyaan masyarakat setempat


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    Load balancing is load balancing activities in each phase distribution transformers are not balanced, the goal to reduce the magnitude of the neutral current transformer because inequality between phases. This activity was done by measuring each phase transformer load, calculate the average current in each phase, and shifted the burden of heavily loaded phase to phase which has a lot fewer burdens. Load balancing is done on a regular basis every 6 months. PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bukittinggi perform load balancing on the distribution transformer substation 100 KVA Distribution Tabek Gadang Tower 2 times on Wednesday, 15th May 2013 at 19:30 pm and Thursday, 16 May 2013 at 19:30 pm. First, by moving the load phase T to phase S at 18 A. Second, by moving the burden from phase to phase R T at 9 A. and load phase T to S phase by 11 A. load balancing distribution transformers 100 KVA Substation Tabek Gadang Tower is near parity with the transformer neutral currents in 14.18 A

    The Overview of Employee Management in Medical Record Division toward Employee Performance at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital

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    The management function of POACE (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, and Evaluation) is a system which cannot be separated from hospital management. Therefore, the whole division or unit in hospital should apply the management function itself particularly in medical record division. However, the issue appears on this research is the employee of medical record at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital conduct a double job or extra work, so that, the employee of medical record cannot focused in carry out their duty and pileup of medical records file in assembling activities. This research aim to know about the employee management in medical records division toward employee performance at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital. This research employs qualitative method and analyzed the data by inductively. Data collected by observation and in-depth interview to seven informants. The result of this research found that the employee management in medical record division does not run as expected, in which the human resource planning has not been met optimally, the organizing still using duplicate work (double job), the implementation is not accordance with SOP, the controlling and evaluation has already quite well by conducting customer satisfaction survey. Suggestion, the management of Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital should increase their number of employee in medical records division, conduct training and control and evaluate their performance continuously and sustainably

    ‘Tidak Menang Tampang Doang’: Kombinasi Outer dan Inner Beauty di Kalangan Mahasiswi

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    How women interpret their own body is associated with their social environment since beauty indicators is unique. This article deals with how female student perceive beauty and how this is related to their academic life. To be beautiful is something that is coveted and sought by almost all women, including college female students. For them, campus is not only a place for studying, but also a place for displaying beauty. Beauty is important for female students because it significantly affects one’s self-confidence and provides various advantages, particularly related to administrative and academic affairs. Beauty that is coveted by female students is a combination between outer and inner beauty. While the former is associated with ‘prettiness’ (keindahan) of physical appearance (hair, face, body shape and body skin), the latter is related to ‘attractiveness’ (kemenarikan) of non-physical appearance (intellectual quotient and personality). In the context of academic capability, female students who rely on beauty, but are not smart are considered as students who are ‘menang tampang doang’, not to mention when they haven’t had both. In addition, female students who are not smart, but has good personality will look beautiful. However, those who have the combination of beauty and intelligence are seen as ‘mahasiswi plus-plus’ and are regarded as students who are ‘tidak menang tampang doang’. This underlines the complementarity between inner and outer beauty

    Menulis Berita Dan Feature Keislaman

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    Online media reporting often causes boredom for readers, such as hard news types. One type of news, namely features, is news that fights the stalemate of news structures in general as a complement by prioritizing creativity which involves the imagination of the writer and has aesthetic value in it and can influence the feelings of the reader such as emotion, joy. The human value in the feature gives more interest to readers because human life is interesting to make stories from various sides. The Feature rubric on the Islamic news portal Hidayatullah.com is a special rubric that provides feature works for readers, the purpose of this research is to find out the application of feature human discourse analysis theory to the Islamic news portal Hidayatullah.com Feature rubric. This research method uses a qualitative approach with the method of discourse analysis. The results of this study use the theory of discourse analysis, consisting of three structures, namely the macro structure, super structure and micro structure. The macro structure is used to analyze themes or related to thematic. The superstructure is related to the schematic where the author explains the cohesiveness and structure between paragraphs at the opening, content, and closing. For micro-structures related to syntactic semantics, stylistics is described in a complete and clear manner, the lexicon uses terms that are easy to understand, rhetoric and metaphors are used as message markers to the reader
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