38 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Waktu Produksi, Jumlah Produksi, Dan Jalur Distribusi Pada Oulet Lazatto di Karawang

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    The development of the food and beverage business is still recorded as a number of high developments in this world, the types of food and beverage in various forms have increased because food is one of the basic needs that must be met. Lazatto is a food industry that is engaged in various fields of fast food restaurants by producing processed chicken. The problems that occur at Lazatto are the inability to maximize the amount of chicken production, optimize the production time for employees, and the distribution channel to determine the shortest route to utilize raw materials. The purpose of this research is to analyze the optimization of working time using the Hungarian method or assignment, the amount of production using the Branch and Bound method, and the distribution line using the Minimum Spanning Tree method. The results showed that the optimal working time is 83 minutes or 1 hour 23 minutes / one time production, the amount of production in one production is 23 pieces with a combination of 5 pieces of geprek chicken, 4 pieces of sadas chicken, and 14 pieces of fried chicken, with The optimal total distance for the distribution of raw materials is 137.6 km

    Analisa Optimalisasi Waktu Kerja Karyawan dengan Menggunakan Metode Hungarian (Studi Kasus Bengkel Jaya Battery Motor)

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    Jaya Battery Motor (JBM) is a workshop for two or more vehicles, and there are several services available in that place, such as servicing, changing oil, changing batterymulators, changing tires and others. The problem that is being faced by the workshop is that the distribution of tasks to employees is still carried out randomly, so that a lot of time is wasted. Workshop owners still do not know how to divide employee duties so that the time needed to do something can be said to be optimal. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal time of work for employees using the Hungarian method, as well as to provide completion of employee placement in doing work. Based on the research that has been done, the results of the division of tasks for the Jaya Battery Motor workshop employees can be said to be optimal if the division of tasks is as follows: Ridwan changes the car oil in 15 minutes, Asep replaces the car accumulator with 20 minutes, Candra replaces the car spark plug with 30 minutes time. The results obtained in the form of a total work time before using the Hungarian Method is 75 minutes, while using the Hungarian Method is 65 minutes. So the time efficiency obtained is 10 minutes.Jaya Battery Motor (JBM) merupakan sebuah bengkel kendaraan dua atau lebih, dan terdapat beberapa pelayanan yang ada ditempat tersebut seperti melakukan servis, ganti oli, ganti akumulator, ganti ban dan lainnya. Permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi bengkel tersebut adalah pembagian tugas terhadap karyawan masih dilakukan secara acak, sehingga banyak waktu yang terbuang. Pemilik bengkel masih belum mengetahui bagaimana cara pembagian tugas karyawan agar waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengerjakan sesuatu bisa dikatakan optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui waktu optimal pekerjaan para karyawan dengan menggunakan Metode Hungarian, serta memberikan penyelesaian penempatan karyawan dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang sudah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil pembagian tugas karyawan bengkel Jaya Battery Motor dimana sudah bisa dikatakan optimal apabila pembagian tugasnya adalah sebagai berikut: Ridwan mengganti oli mobil dengan waktu 15 menit, Asep mengganti akumulator mobil dengan waktu 20 menit, Candra mengganti busi mobil dengan waktu 30 menit. Didapatkan hasil berupa total waktu pekerjaan sebelum menggunakan Metode Hungarian yaitu 75 menit, sedangkan jika menggunakan Metode Hungarian yaitu 65 menit. Terjadi efisiensi waktu sebesar 10 menit


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    Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya mengguncang sektor indutri dan pariwisata, namun juga sektor Pendidikan di Dunia. UNESCO memberikan solusi pembelajaran jarak jauh bagi sistem Pendidikan, kehadiran industry 4.0 membuat transformasi digital semakin cepat yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh berupa pemanfaatan aplikasi video conference. Zoom merupakan aplikasi yang dirasa efektif dalam membuat interaksi setiap peserta secara visual, tulisan dan lisan. Aplikasi video conference dapat memberikan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang interaktif dan real-time sehingga dapat menjadi media pengganti tatap muka. Maka dari itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan sosialisasi aplikasi video conference bagi Dosen dan Mahasiswa dengan menggunakan metode video edukasi yang disebarkan melalui platform youtube untuk menunjang pembelajaran daring/jarak jauh di masa pandemic Covid-19. Proses pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan secara daring disebarkan pada grup WhatsApp Dosen dan Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Unsika, Dosen Magang UGM-2018, Dosen TMI 2013 dan grup Facebook Ikatan Dosen Republik Indonesia (IDRI) dan Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia (ADI), dengan 234 responden yang mengisi kuesioner. Hasil menujukkan adanya peningkatan penggunaan aplikasi Zoom dari 53% menjadi 94,9% setelah dilakukannya sosialisasi, serta dapat diketahui 94% aplikasi yang banyak digunakan setelah sosialisasi dari video di youtube merupakan aplikasi zoom. Selain itu, pengabdian ini memberikan dampak pada minat perilaku pada penggunaan aplikasi, pemahaman aplikasi, menambah informasi fitur-fitur aplikasi, menimbulkan ketertarikan, rekomendasi dan efektivitas, sehingga video conference khususnya aplikasi zoom dapat diterapkan untuk menunjang pembelajaran jarak jauh.Abstract:  The Covid-19 pandemic has not only shaken the industry and tourism sector, but also the education sector in the world. UNESCO provides distance learning solutions for the education system, the presence of industry 4.0 makes digital transformation faster which can be used for distance learning in the form of using video conferencing applications. Zoom is an application that is considered effective in making the interaction of each participant visually, in writing and orally. Video conferencing applications can provide interactive and real-time distance learning so that it can become a face-to-face replacement medium. Therefore, this service aims to disseminate the video conference application for lecturers and students by using the educational video method distributed through the YouTube platform to support online / distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The process of implementing activities carried out online is distributed to the WhatsApp group for Lecturers and Students of the Unsika Faculty of Engineering, UGM Internship Lecturers-2018, 2013 TMI Lecturers and the Facebook group of the Indonesian Lecturer Association (IDRI) and the Indonesian Lecturer Association (ADI), with 234 respondents filling out questionnaires . The results show an increase in the use of the Zoom application from 53% to 94.9% after the socialization, and it can be seen that 94% of applications that are widely used after socializing from videos on YouTube are zoom applications. In addition, this service has an impact on behavioral interest in application use, understanding applications, adding information to application features, generating interest, recommendations and effectiveness, so that video conferencing, especially zoom applications, can be applied to support distance learning

    Analisis Strategi Bersaing Merek Mie Instan Menggunakan Teknik Markov Chain Dan Game Theory (Studi Kasus Mie I Vs Mie S)

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    The Markov chain hypothesis is the hypothesis discussed in stochastic interactions, and has several applications. This strategy is always coordinated with future situations whose whereabouts cannot be known with certainty, so the community tries to carry out exercises with future directions full of vulnerabilities. Hypotheses are numerical ways of dealing with competitive planning situations and the struggles between different interests. This hypothesis is designed to examine the dynamic cycle of various serious states and includes at least two interests. In this situation, the information obtained from the voting results is then assessed for its legitimacy and quality by using the SPSS program. The consequence of counting with Markov chain's S Noodle items reduces the share of the entire industry by 5.8%, while the fun noodle items expands a portion of the entire industry by 41%, the side effect of the game hypothesis being specific. namely X1 with probability 0.5, X2 with probability 0.5 and X3 with probability 3.16. Meanwhile, to limit misfortune, Indomie consolidates three systems, namely Y1 with likelihood - 0.1, Y2 with likelihood 0.5 and Y3 with likelihood 1


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    The growth of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia is now increasingly rapid, one of which is in the food and beverage sector. PT. XYZ is one of the beverage industries that has problems, namely the high cost of distribution due to the irregular distribution of distribution from the Factory to the Regional Sales Office (KPW). This study uses the transportation method with the initial solution, namely the Vogell Approximation (VAM) method, the Least Cost, North West Corner (NWC) method and the optimum solution using the Modified Distribution (MODI) method. In addition, a comparison was made with the results of the POM - QM software. The purpose of this research is to optimize distribution costs and allocate distribution of tea products in boxes (tetra pak) with a volume of 250 ml and analyze the optimal distribution costs after the application of transportation methods in distributing 250 ml Sosro Tetra Pak tea products at PT. XYZ. After doing the analysis and calculations, it is concluded that the application of transportation methods using POM - QM software can optimize distribution costs and allocate distribution of 250 ml Sosro Tetra Pak tea products at PT. XYZ. Then After calculating the transportation method, the optimal distribution cost is Rp. 2,059,460,017. There was a decrease in costs of up to Rp. 140,539,983 so the company will save up to 6.39%

    Analisa Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Menggunakan Metode HIRARC di PT. Byung Hwa Indonesia

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    In the work environment of a company, it cannot be denied that the risk of possible work accidents can occur. The number of work accidents in Indonesia shows an increase every year until 2018 which is the highest accident rate in the last 28 years. Historical data of PT. Byung Hwa Indonesia, which is engaged in manufacturing which produces electronic and automotive components, has recorded a number of work accidents that have occurred up to 2019. The data shows that many work accidents are caused by hazards that are not optimally controlled. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the hazard identification process with a risk assessment which aims to identify the factors that can cause work accidents and provide suggestions for controlling the factors that can cause work accidents. The research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach and risk management used in the hazard identification process, namely Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC). From the results of the study it can be concluded that, in the activities carried out by the operator on the injection machine there are 12 factors out of 5 activities that can cause work accidents and on the shootblast machine there are 5 factors from 1 activity that can cause work accidents. The total factors that can cause work accidents are 17 factors and the possibility of a work accident occurring at the low level is 24%, medium 41%, and high 35%. There are several ways to minimize the occurrence of work accidents from these 17 factors, namely by providing Personal Protective Equipment (APD) in the form of glasses, safety shoes, earplugs, gloves and arm protectors. Furthermore, socializing the application of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in work and engineering by redesigning the layout of the existing machines on the production floor

    Analisis Tingkat Kecacatan Produk Lever Assy Parking Brake Menggunakan Metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

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    The company always tries to meet customer demands, so it must be able to provide good product quality. Quality control is always carried out by manufacturing companies for the creation of zero defects. Lever Assy Parking Brake is part of the cars spare parts produced by manufacturing company X and must have a zero defect product quality level. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of product defect using the Statistical Quality Control (SQC) method. Data was carried out with process control procedures. This study showed that the product defect rate of Lever Assy Parking Brake with Statistical Quality Control (SQC) method in March 2018 was very large. As seen from the 22 data production processes, 13 production process data (59 percent) were out-of-control but still fell within the specification limit of 9 ± 0.5 mm. Meanwhile, only 9 data production processes (41 percent) were in control. So there is a need to analyze causes and corrective actions. R control chart shows the process that has been stable or under control has a UCL (Upper Control Limit) value of 0.21, the LCL (Lower Control Limit) value of 0 and a value of CL (central line) of 0.10. Whereas ̅ chart shows the control limit with UCL value of 9.39, LCL value is 9.27 and CL value is 9.33


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    Abstrak: Sektor pertanian telah memberikan kontribusi besar bagi nilai ekspor Indonesia. hasil pertanian tersebut salah satunya yaitu minyak atsiri. Atsiri merupakan cairan yang diperoleh dari pengolahan tanaman serai wangi. Sentra penghasil minyak atsiri dari serai wangi serta merupakan mitra pengabdian ini yaitu kelompok tani serai wangi Desa Sukajaya, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta. Dalam proses pemanenan, petani desa mengalami permasalahan dimana alat yang digunakan untuk panen masih berupa alat konvensional. Sehingga menyebabkan biaya yang dikeluarkan cukup tinggi dan proses panen membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari adanya pengabdian ini yaitu untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan edukasi guna meningkatkan keterampilan kelompok tani serai wangi saat proses panen, serta menambah wawasan mengenai teknologi ALSINTAN (alat mesin pertanian). Metode pengabdian dilakukan melalui sosialisasi, edukasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Berdasarkan rata-rata hasil pre-test capaian pengetahuan mitra sebesar 41,6% dan post-test 96,8%, sehingga mengalami peningkatan sebesar 55,2% terkait pemahaman dan keterampilan petani dalam memanfaatkan teknologi alat mesin pertanian untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas hasil tani serai wangi. Melalui penerapan teknologi ALSINTAN, petani dapat mempercepat, memperpendek proses panen tanaman serai wangi, dan meminimalisir biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar 85,7%.Abstract: The agricultural sector has made a major contribution to the value of Indonesia's exports. One of these agricultural products is essential oil. Essential oil is a liquid obtained from processing citronella plants. The center that produces essential oils from citronella and is a partner for this service is the citronella farmer group in Sukajaya Village, Sukatani District, Purwakarta Regency. In the harvesting process, village farmers experience problems where the tools used for harvesting are still conventional tools. So that the costs incurred are quite high and the harvesting process takes a long time. Therefore, the purpose of this service is to provide socialization and education in order to improve the skills of citronella farmer groups during the harvesting process, as well as add insight into ALSINTAN technology (agricultural machinery). The service method is carried out through outreach, education, training, and mentoring. Based on the average results of the pre-test, the achievement of partner knowledge is 41.6% and the post-test is 96.8%, so that there is an increase of 55.2% regarding the understanding and skills of farmers in utilizing agricultural machine tool technology to be able to increase the productivity of agricultural products citronella. Through the application of ALSINTAN technology, farmers can speed up, shorten the process of harvesting citronella plants, and minimize costs incurred by 85.7%.