65 research outputs found

    El rol dels terpens en la competència entre plantes invasores i natives a Hawaii

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    Els terpens, hidrocarburs derivats de l'isoprè, són emesos i emmagatzemats per moltes plantes. La seva funció biològica i ecològica és estudiada des de fa uns anys, havent estat proposades diverses possibles funcions, com per exemple la protecció davant dels herbívors o com a mecanisme antiestrès metabòlic. Investigacions realitzades per científics del CREAF a les illes Hawaii han permès detectar diferències en l'acumulació foliar de terpens entre les espècies nadiues i invasives a través de l'screening efectuat en una àmplia mostra de les principals espècies forestals natives i invasives a l'illa d'Oahu. Aquests resultats aporten noves pistes per conèixer els mecanismes que expliquen l'èxit competitiu que permet que moltes espècies introduïdes en un nou hàbitat esdevinguin un problema ecològic per la seva expansió i exclusió competitiva d'espècies nadiues.Los terpenos, hidrocarburos derivados del isopreno, son emitidos y almacenados por muchas plantas. Su función biológica y ecológica está siendo estudiada desde hace unos años, habiendo sido propuestas varias posibles funciones, como por ejemplo la protección frente a los herbívoros o como mecanismo antiestrés metabólico. Investigaciones realizadas por científicos del CREAF en las islas Hawai han permitido detectar diferencias en la acumulación foliar de terpenos entre las especies nativas e invasivas a través del screening efectuado en una amplia muestra de las principales especies forestales nativas y invasivas en la Isla de Oahu. Estos resultados aportan nuevas pistas para conocer los mecanismos que explican el éxito competitivo que permite que muchas especies introducidas en un nuevo hábitat se conviertan en un problema ecológico por su expansión y exclusión competitiva de especies nativas

    Stoichiometry patterns of plant organ N and P in coastal herbaceous wetlands along the East China Sea : implications for biogeochemical niche

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    Background and aims: Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential nutrients for plant growth, and their availability and stoichiometry play pivotal roles in trophic dynamics and community composition. The biogeochemical niche (BN) hypothesis claims that each species should have an optimal elemental composition and stoichiometry as a consequence of its optimal function in its specific ecological niche. Little attention, however, has been given to N and P stoichiometric patterns and test the BN hypothesis in coastal wetland communities from the perspective of organ and species-specific comparisons.Methods: We investigated factors responsible for changes in N and P stoichiometry patterns in different functional groups in coastal wetlands and tested the BN hypothesis by evaluating N and P composition in whole aboveground plants and organs.Results: Both plant N and P concentrations were high in coastal wetlands, indicating that N and P were not likely limiting, although the N:P ratio was slightly lower than the ratio reported in global and Chinese terrestrial flora. N and P concentrations and N:P ratios varied strongly between C₃ and C₄ species, among species, and among organs within species. N and P concentrations were not correlated with latitude, mean annual temperature and precipitation, although N:P ratio was weakly correlated with these factors. The differences in N and P concentrations and N:P ratios along the wetland gradients were mainly because of the species-specific community composition of each site.Conclusions: The results are consistent with the BN hypothesis. First, N and P composition is species-specific (homeostatic component of BN), each species tends to maintain its own composition even growing in different sites with different species composition. Second, different species, despite maintaining their own composition, have distinct degree of composition phenotypic flexibility (flexibility component of BN); this different size of "biogeochemical space" was observed when comparing different species living in the same community and the shifts in species BN space and size was observed when comparing populations of the same species living in different sites

    Phosphorus accumulates faster than nitrogen globally in freshwater ecosystems under anthropogenic impacts

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    Combined effects of cumulative nutrient inputs and biogeochemical processes that occur in freshwater under anthropogenic eutrophication could lead to myriad shifts in nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry in global freshwater ecosystems, but this is not yet well-assessed. Here we evaluated the characteristics of N and P stoichiometries in bodies of freshwater and their herbaceous macrophytes across human-impact levels, regions and periods. Freshwater and its macrophytes had higher N and P concentrations and lower N : P ratios in heavily than lightly human-impacted environments, further evidenced by spatiotemporal comparisons across eutrophication gradients. N and P concentrations in freshwater ecosystems were positively correlated and N : P was negatively correlated with population density in China. These results indicate a faster accumulation of P than N in human-impacted freshwater ecosystems, which could have large effects on the trophic webs and biogeochemical cycles of estuaries and coastal areas by freshwater loadings, and reinforce the importance of rehabilitating these ecosystems

    Leaf water content contributes to global leaf trait relationships

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    Leaf functional traits are important indicators of plant growth and ecosystem dynamics. Despite a wealth of knowledge about leaf trait relationships, a mechanistic understanding of how biotic and abiotic factors quantitatively influence leaf trait variation and scaling is still incomplete. We propose that leaf water content (LWC) inherently affects other leaf traits, although its role has been largely neglected. Here, we present a modification of a previously validated model based on metabolic theory and use an extensive global leaf trait dataset to test it. Analyses show that mass-based photosynthetic capacity and specific leaf area increase nonlinearly with LWC, as predicted by the model. When the effects of temperature and LWC are controlled, the numerical values for the leaf area-mass scaling exponents converge onto 1.0 across plant functional groups, ecosystem types, and latitudinal zones. The data also indicate that leaf water mass is a better predictor of whole-leaf photosynthesis and leaf area than whole-leaf nitrogen and phosphorus masses. Our findings highlight a comprehensive theory that can quantitatively predict some global patterns from the leaf economics spectrum. Leaf functional traits are increasingly used as proxies for plant functions. Here, the authors show that leaf water affects other leaf traits and is a better predictor of whole-leaf photosynthesis and leaf area than leaf nitrogen or phosphorus content

    Efectes ecofisiològics d'una sequera experimental sobre l'alzinar de Prades

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    Coping with iron limitation : a metabolomic study of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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    Iron (Fe) is a key element for all living systems, especially for photosynthetic organisms because of its important role in the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Fe limitation in cyanobacteria leads to several physiological and morphological changes. However, the overall metabolic responses to Fe limitation are still poorly understood. In this study, we integrated elemental, stoichiometric, macromolecular, and metabolomic data to shed light on the responses of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a non-N2-fixing freshwater cyanobacterium, to Fe limitation. Compared to Synechocystis growing at nutrient replete conditions, Fe-limited cultures had lower growth rates and amounts of chlorophyll a, RNA, RNA:DNA, C, N, and P, and higher ratios of protein:RNA, C:N, C:P, and N:P, in accordance with the growth rate hypothesis which predicts faster growing organisms will have decreased biomass RNA contents and C:P and N:P ratios. Fe-limited Synechocystis had lower amounts Fe, Mn, and Mo, and higher amount of Cu. Several changes in amino acids of cultures growing under Fe limitation suggest nitrogen limitation. In addition, we found substantial increases in stress-related metabolites in Fe-limited cyanobacteria such antioxidants. This study represents an advance in understanding the stoichiometric, macromolecular, and metabolic strategies that cyanobacteria use to cope with Fe limitation. This information, moreover, may further understanding of changes in cyanobacterial functions under scenarios of Fe limitation in aquatic ecosystems

    Warming differentially influences the effects of drought on stoichiometry and metabolomics in shoots and roots

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    Plants in natural environments are increasingly being subjected to a combination of abiotic stresses, such as drought and warming, in many regions. The effects of each stress and the combination of stresses on the functioning of shoots and roots have been studied extensively, but little is known about the simultaneous metabolome responses of the different organs of the plant to different stresses acting at once. - We studied the shift in metabolism and elemental composition of shoots and roots of two perennial grasses, Holcus lanatus and Alopecurus pratensis, in response to simultaneous drought and warming. -These species responded differently to individual and simultaneous stresses. These responses were even opposite in roots and shoots. In plants exposed to simultaneous drought and warming, terpenes, catechin and indole acetic acid accumulated in shoots, whereas amino acids, quinic acid, nitrogenous bases, the osmoprotectants choline and glycine betaine, and elements involved in growth (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) accumulated in roots. Under drought, warming further increased the allocation of primary metabolic activity to roots and changed the composition of secondary metabolites in shoots. -These results highlight the plasticity of plant metabolomes and stoichiometry, and the different complementary responses of shoots and roots to complex environmental conditions

    Reassessing global change research priorities in mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems : how far have we come and where do we go from here?

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    Aim: Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems serve as reference laboratories for the investigation of global change because of their transitional climate, the high spatiotemporal variability of their environmental conditions, a rich and unique biodiversity and a wide range of socio-economic conditions. As scientific development and environmental pressures increase, it is increasingly necessary to evaluate recent progress and to challenge research priorities in the face of global change. - Location: Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems. - Methods: This article revisits the research priorities proposed in a 1998 assessment. - Results: A new set of research priorities is proposed: (1) to establish the role of the landscape mosaic on fire-spread; (2) to further research the combined effect of different drivers on pest expansion; (3) to address the interaction between drivers of global change and recent forest management practices; (4) to obtain more realistic information on the impacts of global change and ecosystem services; (5) to assess forest mortality events associated with climatic extremes; (6) to focus global change research on identifying and managing vulnerable areas; (7) to use the functional traits concept to study resilience after disturbance; (8) to study the relationship between genotypic and phenotypic diversity as a source of forest resilience; (9) to understand the balance between C storage and water resources; (10) to analyse the interplay between landscape-scale processes and biodiversity conservation; (11) to refine models by including interactions between drivers and socio-economic contexts; (12) to understand forest-atmosphere feedbacks; (13) to represent key mechanisms linking plant hydraulics with landscape hydrology. - Main conclusions:(1) The interactive nature of different global change drivers remains poorly understood. (2) There is a critical need for the rapid development of regional- and global-scale models that are more tightly connected with large-scale experiments, data networks and management practice. (3) More attention should be directed to drought-related forest decline and the current relevance of historical land use

    Leaf metabolic traits reveal hidden dimensions of plant form and function

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    International audienceThe metabolome is the biochemical basis of plant form and function, but we know little about its macroecological variation across the plant kingdom. Here, we used the plant functional trait concept to interpret leaf metabolome variation among 457 tropical and 339 temperate plant species. Distilling metabolite chemistry into five metabolic functional traits reveals that plants vary on two major axes of leaf metabolic specialization—a leaf chemical defense spectrum and an expression of leaf longevity. Axes are similar for tropical and temperate species, with many trait combinations being viable. However, metabolic traits vary orthogonally to life-history strategies described by widely used functional traits. The metabolome thus expands the functional trait concept by providing additional axes of metabolic specialization for examining plant form and function