23 research outputs found


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    Digestive disorders rank among the most common problems faced in Indonesia, especially for the Baduy people in Banten Province. Although the Baduy live in water-rich areas, their lack of sanitation facilities and unawareness of methods of disease prevention have prompted high morbidity and mortality rates in their communities, largely due to digestive system disorders that they continue to treat with medicinal plants. This survey was undertaken to document Baduy indigenous medicinal plants that were used to treat and prevent different types of digestive system disorders in their communities using quantitative ethnobotanical approaches. Ethno medicinal data were collected from 30 informants regarding their knowledge on medicinal plants. Quantitative approaches were used to determine the use value and informant consensus factor values of collected data. The results revealed that the Baduy currently use 54 medicinal plant species belonging to 30 families to treat digestive system disorders. Additional research is required, however, to validate the function of the medicinal plants and identify their active compounds

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pada UKM Depo Air Minum Tirta Barokah Dan Bakso Tuna Cintaku

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    Indonesia has a large fishery resource, since most of the area covered by oceans. Therefore, the availability of national fish is enough to support the needs of the fish processing industry. The fishery potential can be a challenge for the people of the coastal area to convert it into a product that has economic value added. The potential of fishery resources in the coastal south, Village Sitiarjo, District Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang district has not received empowerment program well. The majority of people in the region still lags behind economically. The Community Service Program was aimed to make economic empowerment of the target society of SME-based on fish meatballs production and drinking water depots. The implementation methods were carried out in several stages: data collection, planning, implementation, monitoring, feedback, and final evaluation. The model implemented was intensive training and assistance to obtain the maximum output corresponding to the objectives of the community service program. The results of this community service are to encourage the fish processing industry in the area to improve people's welfare and to overcome the problem of the water crisis in the target communities


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    This study aims to examine the competitive advantage analysis through the Porter’s diamond model in Agrotourism Ngringinrejo Bojonegoro. The research method used is descriptive with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are done by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed important determinant in the competitive advantage of Agrotourism Ngringinrejo Bojonegoro, in accordance with the diamond porter model, consist of factor conditions; demand conditions; firms structure, strategy and competition; related and supporting industries; and government roles. The difference of each determinant of competitive advantage has implications for sustainability advantages which based on four main dichotomies, consist of government involvement, ownership structure, market (which is entered by the industry), and expansion of other areas that are not controlled (urban sprawl). The generic strategy formulation that is suitable for Agrotourism Ngringinrejo is a focus strategy, by building capacity to carry out innovations and research beyond increasing agricultural productivity, as well as building artificial tourism facilities to support competitiveness.Keywords:  Tourism Competitive Advantage Models, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Generic Strategie

    Tinjauan Pustaka: Manifestasi Klinis dan Gambaran Dermoskopi pada Karsinoma Sel Basal

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    Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) adalah suatu tumor ganas yang berasal dari sel basal  epidermis, ditandai dengan pertumbuhan tumor yang lambat, tetapi dapat menyebabkan destruksi jaringan sekitarnya. Berdasarkan manifestasi klinis, KSB dibagi menjadi subtipe nodular, pigmentasi, superfisial, morfeaformis, dan fibroepitelioma of pinkus. Suatu lesi dapat dicurigai keganasan jika lesi tersebut mudah rapuh, mudah berdarah, sulit sembuh, dan sering berulang. Dalam membantu menegakkan diagnosis KSB selain dari manifestasi klinis, diperlukan pemeriksaan penunjang seperti dermoskopi. Dermoskopi merupakan salah satu pemeriksaan penunjang yang tidak invasif, mudah dilakukan, murah dan cepat dalam membantu menegakkan diagnosis KSB dengan sensitivitas mencapai 95-97% dan spesifitas mencapai 87-96%. Berdasarkan gambaran dermoskopi, diagnosis KSB harus memenuhi dua syarat yaitu tidak ditemukan gambaran pigment network dan terdapat minimal satu karakteristik gambaran dermoskopi KSB.  Karakteristik gambaran dermoskopi yang dapat ditemukan pada KSB berupa arborizing vessel, superfisial fine telangiectasis, ulserasi, multiple small erosions, blue-gray ovoid nest, multiple blue-gray dots/globules, maple leaf-like areas, dan spoke-wheel areas. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dermoskopi dapat dijadikan suatu pemerikaan rutin pada setiap lesi yang dicurigai keganasan.

    Pembuatan Rangkaian Transfer data Arus melalui Serat Optik

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    Telah dibuat rangkaian transfer data arus dengan men gunakan serat optik. Sistem peralatan ini mempunyai rentang nilai arus antara 10 - 10-5 Ampere. Rangkaian transfer data arus dimulai dari rangkaian pengubah .arus ke tegangan yang menggunakan IC LM 741. Tegangan keluaran dari pengubah arus ke tegangan diubah ke frekuensi menggunakan IC AD 650. Frekuensi keluaran pada V/F converter diubah menjadi pulsa cahaya oleh transmitter kemudian ditransmisikan melalui serat optik. Pulsa cahaya akan diubah menjadi frekuensi oleh receiver. Rangkaian F/V converter akan mengubah kembali frekuensi .menjadi tegangan. Dari hasil pegujian keseluruhan rangkaian menunjukkan hubungan yang tinier antara anus dan tegangan, antara tegangan dan frekuensi, antara frekuensi dan frekuensi, dan antara frekuensi. dan tegangan. Tegangan. keluaran dari percobaan menga1ami pelemahan sebesar (0,09648 ± 0,00386) terhadap tegangan keluaran dari perhitungan. Data transfer circuit of current has been made by using optic fiber. This .circuit system has current range of scale from 104 to le Ampere. Data transfer circuit was . start from I/Vconverter circuit by IC LAI 741. Output voltage of 1/1/ converter was changed to frequency by IC AD .650. Output frequency at V/F converter has been changed to light pulse by transmitter and then transmitted via optic fiber. Receiver will change light pulse to frequency. The F/V converter circuit will change frequency to voltage again. From test at all circuit, we obtained linear relation between current and voltage, between voltage and frequency, between frequency and frequency, and between frequency and voltage. Output voltage from experiment has attenuation of output voltage from equation by an amount (0, 09648 ± 0,00386. )


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    The purpose of writing the end of this task is to obtain a description and understand more procedures in menegenai the provision of raw materials wood with svlk on PT Kharisma Rotan Mandiri as export company that moves on the field of furniture.Penyedeiaan the raw material of wood that certified and legal through svlk aims to give certainty concerning the origin of wood which used.Methods used in this research is a method of observation because writer documents directly see documents until procedures obtain v.legal. The data used is primary data obtained by interview to staff that take care document svlk on pt mandiri kharisma rattan.While secondary data obtained through the book the internet and documents concerned.The research results obtained in the form of lane get v.legal document , benefit gained as well as obstacles suffered by pt mandiri kharisma rattan .In collecting documents to obtain v.legal there are several obstacles in as the complexity of collecting documents , kubikasi calculations and lack of human resources that take care of the documents. The keywords: Svlk, The Supply Of Raw Materials, V.Legal, Productio

    Caractérisation et conception de semiconducteurs à base de nitrures de gallium pour les applications de guidage d'ondes

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    Ce travail de thèse est lié concerne l’étude de composants optoélectroniques à base de nouveaux matériaux semi-conducteurs, les nitrures de gallium (GaN) déposés sur silicium. Les défis qui nous attendent concernent essentiellement la qualité microstructurale des couches et la fabrication de composants fonctionnant à hautes fréquences avec des faibles pertes optiques. Durant ces recherches, il a été nécessaire d’évaluer les propriétés optiques et électro-optiques par la technique du couplage prisme, sur des configurations GaN/Si. Il a été démontré que les indices de réfraction du GaN restent relativement élevés (n0=2.285 à la longueur d’onde λ=1.5µm), assez comparables à ceux obtenus sur le substrat de référence, le saphir. Des analyses en température ont également permis de vérifier la stabilité des indices. Par contre, nous avons pu observer une augmentation des pertes de propagation optique, liées à la forte densité de dislocations dans la couche GaN. Une première démonstration des effets électro-optiques de type Pockels a pu être réalisée au cours de cette thèse. Pour une structure d’épaisseur 1µm, nous avons relevé des coefficients r13 de l’ordre de +1pm/V et r33 de +1.67 pm/V, soit 50% supérieurs à ceux du GaAs. L’ensemble de ces travaux doit permettre la conception de composants de type modulateurs et commutateurs optiques.This research is related to the study of optoelectronic devices based on new gallium nitride semi-conductors (GaN) deposited on silicon. The aim concerns essentially the microstructural quality of the materials and the fabrication of components operating at high frequency with limited optical propagation loss. During this study, we have evaluated the optical properties as well as the electro-optic ones by prism coupling into GaN on Si. We have demonstrated that the refractive index of GaN remains relatively constant to a value of 2.285 at λ=1.5µm, comparable to the index reported for the reference structure, GaN/sapphire. The influence of temperature has been also investigated, showing a relative stability of the index. The increase of optical loss is observed as a consequence of the higher dislocation density in GaN deposited on Si. The investigation of electro-optic effect is proposed here: we report Pockels coefficients r13=+1pm/V and r33=+1.67pm/V: they are higher to 50% than those obtained in well-known GaAs semiconductors. This study will allows us to design and fabricate optical components as modulators and switches

    “Biar Mirip K-pop Idol”: Optimalisasi Penampilan K-pop Dance Cover di Kota Makassar

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    Cosmetic products are important in changing the appearance of the face to look like a K-pop idol. The ideal facial appearance standard that the dance cover wants to achieve is one that reflects glowing, thin cheeks, long and colored hair, and a no makeup, makeup look. Although the existing literature has examined how to look as similar as possible to a dance cover, a few if any, has looked at their references in the selection and use of cosmetic products, and this article fills this gap. Using qualitative approach, this study involves ten informants, consisting of four men and six women. Their age ranges between 19 and 27 years, and they are active members of AEON dance cover who also work in different sectors (freelancers, bank employees/frontliners, models. Data collection was conducted by combining observation and interviews. The study shows that face is the part of individual body for dance cover where make-up is most optimized because face is the most important part of being able to determine how similar the dance covers is to the K-pop idol being played. Cosmetic products play a significant role in optimizing the appearance of dance covers to as much as similar to their K-pop idols. Therefore, to optimize the most similar and the best facial appearance, the totality of dance cover is very important. This totality is not only related to the use of make-up cosmetic products (that are visible on the surface), but also related to the use of facecare cosmetic products behind the make-up). both before and after performing. While cosmetics makeup consists of facial, eye and lip makeup; cosmetic care consists of daily care and plus-plus treatment. However, whatever product is used really depends on skin type and the suitability of the product for individual's face. When the product used is suitable (cocok) for the skin in question, then the use of product will be continued. However, when the product is not suitable, then trying (coba) another product is an alternative, until the dance cover finds a product that suits their facial skin. Coba (trying) and cocok (suitable) are conceptually the basis for getting products that suits individual skin. Although information about cosmetic products is obtained by dance covers from social medias (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, in selecting products, they rely more on YouTube as a valid source of information than other social medias. This is because reviews on YouTube are reviewed by the users themselves, while reviews on other social media (such as TikTok and Instagram) are created by content creators and are intended to promote the products being reviewe