42 research outputs found

    O fantástico no século XIX: contos escolhidos

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    Mestrado em Estudos EditoriaisEste projecto propõe-se a produzir uma edição de contos literários com o tema do Fantástico no Século XIX. A criação de um produto atraente e coerente foi tentada através da pesquisa de conteúdo apropriado, complementada pela produção de pequenos textos biográficos para o enquadramento dos autores escolhidos nesta edição. Foi ainda incluída uma proposta gráfica de apresentação do livro, compreendendo a concepção da estrutura interna, a paginação e o design da capa. Desta forma, o projecto apresenta tanto o texto e o raciocínio das escolhas e motivações para a sua escolha numa proposta completa para um livro potencialmente publicável.The objective of this project is to create an edition of literary tales focused on the Fantastic in the 19th century. The establishment of a coherent and attractive product has been attempted through research into appropriate content, supplemented subsequently by the production of small biographical texts for the reader to better understand how the authors fit into this edition. In addition, a proposal with respect to the graphic presentation of the book has been included, dealing with the conception of its internal structure and pagination, along with its cover design. In this manner, the project presents both the text and the rationale behind the text as a complete proposal for a potentially publishable book

    Educação : estratégia promotora da qualidade de vida em crianças hospitalizadas

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    Mestrado em Activação do Desenvolvimento PsicológicoO presente trabalho pretende estudar os projectos desenvolvidos nas escolas hospitalares como processos de ensino e aprendizagem não formal em contexto de hospitalização. Sendo objectivo da presente investigação conhecer os espaços, métodos e interacções pedagógicas que promovem a melhoraria da qualidade de vida da criança hospitalizada e a forma de encarar a doença. Foram realizados dois estudos em contexto hospitalar, de modo a identificar as percepções e práticas dos professores, bem como as percepções das crianças hospitalizadas. O Estudo 1 teve como objectivo conhecer a realidade e as práticas das escolas hospitalares e a amostra é constituída por 6 professores responsáveis pelas escolas hospitalares e a recolha de dados foi feita através do questionário Percepções e práticas dos professores responsáveis e de uma entrevista semi-estrutura, de modo a identificarmos as práticas e funcionamento da escola hospitalar. O Estudo 2 teve como objectivo conhecer as percepções e preferências das crianças hospitalizadas face à escola hospitalizada, sendo a amostra constituída por 66 alunos das escolas hospitalares, tendo a recolha de dados sido efectuada através do questionário Percepções das crianças hospitalizada. Para tratamento estatístico foi utilizado o programa S.P.S.S. Na análise da entrevista e da questão aberta foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados salientaram que, na opinião dos professores, as actividades desenvolvidas estão associadas às expressões e às actividades lúdicas, com ênfase na pedagogia individual e grupal. Os alunos da escola hospitalar gostam das actividades desenvolvidas, preferencialmente das actividades lúdicas, do uso das novas tecnologias e das expressões, sentindo que estas os ajudam a esquecer que estão hospitalizados. Como conclusão do estudo foi salientado um trabalho pedagógico multidimensional, dependente de algumas variáveis, devendo o professor nortear o seu trabalho através de actividades que estimulem a expressão das emoções das crianças. Conseguindo, também, perceber que as actividades desenvolvidas ajudam a criança a esquecer que estão hospitalizadas e no ressignificar do espaço hospitalar. São referidas algumas implicações do estudo, nomeadamente a criação de directrizes mais específicas para este contexto educativo, bem como incluir nos curricula escolares dos cursos de formação de professores, bem como nas licenciaturas em enfermagem, disciplinas de educação emocional e de educação para a saúde, promotoras de saúde e bem-estar das crianças. ABSTRACT: This paper aims to study the projects developed in hospital schools as tools for non-formal teaching and learning in hospitalization context. The main objective of this research is to know, in hospital context, the spaces, the teaching methods and the interactions that promote the quality of life of the child in hospital and how to face the disease. There were two exploratory studies in order to identify the perceptions and practices of teachers, as well as the perceptions of the hospitalized children. Study 1 sample was formed by 6 teachers responsible for the hospital schools and the collection of data was made through the questionnaire Perceptions and practices of responsible teachers and a an interview half-structure, in order to identify practices and operation of the hospital school Study 2 sample was formed by 66 students from hospital schools, and the collection of data was conducted by the questionnaire Perceptions of children hospitalized to identify the perceptions and preferences of the students. For statistical treatment was used SPSS. To analyze the interview and the open question was used the technique of content analysis, from which we made the categorization of the content. The results showed that the developed activities are associated with expressions and recreational activities, with emphasis on teaching individual and group. The pupils of the hospital school like those activities mainly the recreational activities, the use of new technologies and expressions, feeling that these help them forget that they are hospitalized. We found that there is no single way to develop pedagogical work in this context, being this dependent on a few variables, the teacher must guide his work through activities that encourage the expression of emotions. We, also, realized that this kind of activities help the child to forget that they are hospitalized. Some implications of the study are mentioned, as if the creation of more specific guidelines for this educational context, as well as including in teacher training courses school curricula, as well as the degrees in nursing, disciplines of emotional education and health education, promoting health and well-being of children

    Anjos, magia, cabala e fé : o seu contributo para a protecção e cura das doenças e a promoção da saúde

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Saúde e Sociedade)Com o advento do ano 2000, emergiu em Portugal uma nova religiosidade, a Angelologia: os anjos reapareceram como um elo que unia as pessoas em torno de sentimentos como o perdão, a igualdade e o amor, e paradigmas simbólicos da tolerância religiosa. Eles fazem a ponte entre diversas religiões: o Zoroastrismo, o Judaísmo, o Gnosticismo, o Islamismo e o Catolicismo. Relacionando os anjos com a minha área de mestrado surgiu o título da minha dissertação. Desta forma, a problemática desta tese consistiu em sabermos, de que modo os anjos, a magia, a cabala e a fé influenciam a cura dos doentes, e qual a contribuição da fé na promoção da saúde. Essa é, aliás, a questão de partida. Por conseguinte, optamos por utilizar a pesquisa qualitativa neste trabalho, que utilizou como técnicas a entrevista semi-estruturada e a análise de conteúdo das mesmas; para tal, abordei seguidores do espiritismo, um ex-umbandista, e um padre Capuchino da Igreja Catolica. Consegui provar a hipótese nula, pois tanto o ex umbandistas como os espíritas crêem que os anjos têm uma influência positiva para a saúde pois inspiram bons pensamentos e auxiliam o próximo através da sua mediunidade. O médium é um mensageiro da entidade, e o anjo um mensageiro de Deus para o todos os credos estudados. Apenas o padre revelou, de forma implícita, conhecer a cabala hebraica e a hierarquia angélica. Existe prática de magia branca, ou do bem na Umbanda no manuseamento de ervas e na defumação. Aquilo que os umbandistas classificam como magia, o padre e os kardecistas designam como milagre. A cura através da fé, ou cura espiritual, a qual recorre à mediunidade como método e utiliza o médium como instrumento, já é aceite por alguns profissionais de saúde como uma medicina alternativa, tendo como exemplo mais eminente, a Religião; esta enuncia a prece como suporte principal de alívio aos enfermos, apaziguando nos momentos de dor e religando o homem Pós-moderno, consigo, com o outro e com Deus. Não se provou que a fé cura, mas sim que a religião, em todas as suas vertentes, pode solucionar casos para os quais a medicina não tem solução. Portanto, constata-se que constitui um suporte emocional, pelo que se pode corroborar que a espiritualidade deve ser incluída na nova definição de saúde da Organização Mundial de Saúde, indo de encontro à opinião do enfermeiro entrevistado, que afirma com ironia que nos momentos de agonia até um ateu clama por Deus.With the advent of 2000, there emerged a new religiosity in Portugal, the angelology: angels reappeared as a link uniting people around feelings of forgiveness, equality and love, and symbolic paradigms of religious tolerance. They form a bridge between different religions: Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Gnosticism, Islam and Catholicism. Relating the angels with my area of MA appeared the title of my dissertation. Thus, the problem of this thesis was to know, how the angels, magic, the kabalah, faith and influence the healing of the sick, and that the contribution of faith in health promotion. Thisis indeed the starting point. Therefore, we chose to use qualitative research in this paper that the techniques used as semi-structured interviews and content analysis of these, for such, I approached followers of spiritualism, a former Umbanda, and a “Capuchinho” priest of the Catholic Church. I was able to prove the null hypothesis, because both the former Umbanda as the Spiritualists believe that angels have a positive influence for the health, good thoughts and help inspire others through his mediumship. The medium is a mensager of the entity, and the angel a mensager of God to all faiths studied. Only the Father revealed, implicitly, to know the Hebrew kabalah and the angelic hierarchy. There is practice of white magic, or just in the handling of Umbanda and smoking herbs. What the Umbanda classified as magic, priest and kardecists designate as a miracle. Healing through faith or spiritual healing, mediumship which uses the method and how to use the medium as a tool, is now accepted by some health professionals as an alternative medicine, with the most prominent example, Religion, states that the prayor as a mainstay of relief to the sick, calming in times of pain and reconnecting the postmodern man, himself, with others and with God. As not been proven that faith healing, but that religion in all its aspects, can resolve cases for which medicine has no solution. Therefore, it appears that is an emotional support, so we can confirm that spirituality should be included in the new definition of health from the World Health Organization, going against the opinion of nurses interviewed, who said with irony that in times of agony until God calls for an atheist

    Estudo de caso sobre a aplicação do balanced scorecard numa empresa do setor público de transportes

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    Classificação JEL: H 830; M 10Na atualidade, o Balanced Scorecard, é um sistema de gestão estratégica que se tem difundido amplamente pelas empresas a nível mundial. Este é definido como um instrumento que implementa a estratégia da empresa, alinhando os desideratos organizacionais com os desideratos das unidades de negócio, mas também que facilita a comunicação e fomenta a aprendizagem e melhoria continuas. Não obstante, em Portugal, esta ferramenta ainda é desconhecida por alguns responsáveis organizacionais, e a sua adoção nas empresas nacionais é um fenómeno relativamente recente. A Carris é uma empresa pública que presta um serviço de transporte de passageiros na área metropolitana de Lisboa, sendo que adota este sistema de gestão de desempenho desde 2004. Dados os prejuízos operacionais constantes e a situação económica e política do país, vários são os desafios que a empresa tem enfrentado nos últimos anos, o que tem afetado o seu desempenho e as decisões estratégicas da entidade. Neste contexto, o presente projeto é um estudo de caso cujo objetivo é investigar a aplicação do Balanced Scorecard na Carris. Pretende-se entender como esta ferramenta foi implementada, qual o seu impacto no desempenho holístico da Carris e nas diversas unidades de negócio, quais os benefícios inerentes suscitados pela sua aplicação, mas principalmente pretende-se perceber qual o relevo do Balanced Scorecard a nível do controlo de gestão e no processo de tomada de decisão na Carris.Currently, the Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management system that has been widely disseminated by companies worldwide. Balanced Scorecard is defined as an instrument that implements the company's strategy, aligning the organizational objectives with the objectives of the business units, but also that facilitates communication and fosters learning and continuous improvement. Nevertheless, in Portugal, this tool is still unknown by some organizational executives, and its adoption in national companies is a relatively recent phenomenon. Carris is a public company that provides a passenger transport service in the metropolitan area of Lisbon, and adopts this performance management system since 2004. Given the ongoing operating losses and the economic situation and the country's politics, there are several challenges the company has faced in recent years, which has affected its performance and strategic decisions of the entity. In this context, this project is a case study that aims investigate the application of Balanced Scorecard on Carris. It intends to understand how this tool has been implemented, its impact in the holistic performance of Carris and the various business units, which the inherent benefits arising from its application, but mainly intends to understand what influence the Balanced Scorecard has in terms of management control and decision-making process on Carris

    Anti-proliferative effects of compounds derived from glucopyranuronamide

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    Chemotherapy is a major cancer treatment option. The synthesis of new compounds with better anti-proliferative properties and higher specificity is a current challenge in drug discovery today. Our goal with this work was to develop compounds derived from D-glucuronic acid and to evaluate their anti-proliferative properties. We have synthetized a library of hydroxyamide derivatives of D-glucuronic acid using amines and aminoalcohols. The synthesis of these compounds were based on the work of El-Nezhawy's group, who have designed some novel D-glucuronic acid acetylated and deacetylated derivatives, which showed interesting results with breast cancer cell lines. Anti-proliferative activity of the newly synthesized compounds was examined against human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) and human colon carcinoma (MDST8) cell lines. Cell growth and viability was analysed by the Cell Counting Kit-8 method. The chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluoroacil was used as a positive control, allowing one to estimate the maximal anti-proliferative action expected in both carcinoma cell lines. All the compounds were studied in the 10-9-10-5M range. The compound N-(ethanol)-α/β D-glucopyranuronamide presented the best anti-proliferative potential with an IC50 (concentration of the compound causing 50% decrease in net cell growth) of 1.4x10-7M in MCF-7 cells. The 1-pheny-l-2-hydroxy-ethane-2-yl and the 1-propanol derivatives evoked weak anti-proliferative effects in MCF-7, with slight growth inhibition of 37% and 35%, respectively, for the highest concentration used (10-5M). On the contrary, the MDST-8 cell growth was not affected by these compounds. On the contrary, the 1-hydroxy-2-isopropyl-ethane-2-yl and 3-phenyl-1-hydroxy-propane-2-yl derivatives, exhibited weak anti-proliferative effects (22% and 40%, respectively) at 10-5M, in the MDST8 cell line, without affecting MCF-7 cell growth. None of the compounds exihibited toxic effects, at least up to 72h exposure, in the concentration range studied. These results show that the ethyl substituent was the most effective N-substituent for glucopyranuronamide for anti-proliferative actions in MCF-7 cell line, whilst in the case of the MDST8 cells, 3-phenyl-1-hydroxy-propane-2-yl was the most effective N-substituent. Moreover, all the glucopyranonamide compounds studied presented selective anti-proliferative effects for the different carcinoma cell lines used

    Impact of different hyperbaric storage conditions on microbial, physicochemical and enzymatic parameters of watermelon juice

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    Hyperbaric storage (HS) of raw watermelon juice, up to 10days at 50, 75, and 100MPa at variable/uncontrolled room temperature (18-23°C, RT) was studied and compared with storage at atmospheric pressure (AP) under refrigeration (4°C, RF) and RT, being evaluated microbiological (endogenous and inoculated), physicochemical parameters, and enzymatic activities. Ten days of storage at 50MPa resulted in a microbial growth evolution similar to RF, while at 75/100MPa were observed microbial load reductions on endogenous and inoculated microorganisms (Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua, whose counts were reduced to below the detection limit of 1.00 log CFU/mL), resulting in a shelf-life extension compared to RF. The physicochemical parameters remained stable at 75MPa when compared to the initial raw juice, except for browning degree that increased 1.72-fold, whilst at 100MPa were observed higher colour variations, attributed to a lycopene content decrease (25%), as well as reductions on peroxidase residual activity (16.8%) after 10days, while both polyphenol oxidase and pectin methylesterase residual activities were similar to RF. These outcomes hint HS as a reliable alternative to RF as a new food preservation methodology, allowing energy savings and shelf-life extension of food products. This is the first paper studying the effect of HS on inoculated microorganisms and on a broad number of physicochemical parameters and on endogenous enzymatic activities, for a preservation length surpassing the shelf-life by RF

    In Campylobacter jejuni, a new type of chaperone receives heme from ferrochelatase

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    Funding Information: JZ is a recipient of the MSCA-IF-2019 Individual Fellowship H2020-WF-02-2019, 101003441. FS acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (grant agreement 803768). This work was also financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal) through PTDC/BIA-BQM/28642/2017 grant (LS), the MOSTMICRO-ITQB R&D Unit (UIDB/04612/2020 and UIDP/04612/2020), and the LS4FUTURE Associated Laboratory (LA/P/0087/2020). Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2023 Zamarreño Beas, Videira, Karavaeva, Lourenço, Almeida, Sousa and Saraiva.Intracellular heme formation and trafficking are fundamental processes in living organisms. Bacteria and archaea utilize three biogenesis pathways to produce iron protoporphyrin IX (heme b) that diverge after the formation of the common intermediate uroporphyrinogen III (uro’gen III). In this study, we identify and provide a detailed characterization of the enzymes involved in the transformation of uro’gen III into heme in Campylobacter jejuni, demonstrating that this bacterium utilizes the protoporphyrin-dependent (PPD) pathway. In general, limited knowledge exists regarding the mechanisms by which heme b reaches its target proteins after this final step. Specifically, the chaperones necessary for trafficking heme to prevent the cytotoxic effects associated with free heme remain largely unidentified. In C. jejuni, we identified a protein named CgdH2 that binds heme with a dissociation constant of 4.9 ± 1.0 µM, and this binding is impaired upon mutation of residues histidine 45 and 133. We demonstrate that C. jejuni CgdH2 establishes protein–protein interactions with ferrochelatase, suggesting its role in facilitating heme transfer from ferrochelatase to CgdH2. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis reveals that C. jejuni CgdH2 is evolutionarily distinct from the currently known chaperones. Therefore, CgdH2 is the first protein identified as an acceptor of intracellularly formed heme, expanding our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying heme trafficking within bacterial cells.publishersversionpublishe