9 research outputs found

    Rainfall-driven E. coli transfer to the stream-conduit network observed through increasing spatial scales in mixed land-use paddy farming karst terrain

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    Karst aquifers have distinctive hydrology and supply 25% of the world’s population with drinking water, making them a critical geological setting for understanding and managing microbial water pollution. Rainfall causes elevated concentrations and loading of faecal microorganisms, e.g. E. coli, in catchment surface and groundwater systems, increasing the risk of human exposure to faecally-contaminated water. However, effective management of microbial water quality in complex karst catchments is constrained by limited understanding of E. coli - discharge responses to rainfall. We analysed how rainfall events of varying magnitude (2.4–100 mm) control E. coli-discharge dynamics at increasing spatial scales in a mixed land-use karst catchment in southwest China. During the wet season, hourly water sampling was undertaken throughout five storm events to characterise in high detail E. coli emergence with resulting flow across multiple sites of varying catchment area, stream order, and land-use. E. coli concentration was found to increase by 1–3 orders of magnitude following rainfall events. Maximum E. coli concentration and speed of E. coli recession were influenced by rainfall (amount, intensity), timing of agricultural activities, and position in the hydrological system. For high intensity events ∌90% of the cumulative E. coli export occurred within 48 h. E. coli concentration increased with increasing discharge at all sites. E. coli concentration at low discharge was higher in the headwaters than at the catchment outlet, while the rate of increase in E. coli concentration with increasing discharge appears to follow the opposite trend, being higher at the catchment outlet than the headwaters. This was attributed to the decreasing flow path gradient and increasing degree of development of the fissure network, but further event monitoring at varying catchment scales is required to confirm this relationship. The results provide novel insight into how rainfall characteristics combine with land-use and catchment hydrology to control E. coli export in karst landscapes

    How can we improve understanding of faecal indicator dynamics in karst systems under changing climatic, population, and land use stressors? - Research opportunities in SW China

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    Human exposure to water contaminated with faeces is a leading cause of worldwide ill-health. Contaminated water can be transmitted rapidly in karst terrain as a result of the connectivity of surface and groundwater systems, high transmissivity of aquifers over large areas, and well-developed underground conduit systems. Faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) are the most widely-used indicator of faecal contamination and microbial water quality; however, the conceptualisation of FIO risk and associated sources, pathways, and survival dynamics of FIOs in karst landscapes requires a degree of modification from traditional conceptual models of FIO fate and transfer in non-karst systems. While a number of reviews have provided detailed accounts of the state-of-the-science concerning FIO dynamics in catchments, specific reference to the uniqueness of karst and its influence on FIO fate and transfer is a common omission. In response, we use a mixed methods approach of critical review combined with a quantitative survey of 372 residents of a typical karst catchment in the southwest China karst region (SWCKR) to identify emerging research needs in an area where much of the population lives in poverty and is groundwater dependent. We found that the key research needs are to understand: 1) overland and subsurface FIO export pathways in karst hydrology under varying flow conditions; 2) urban and agricultural sources and loading in mixed land-use paddy farming catchments; 3) FIO survival in paddy farming systems and environmental matrices in karst terrain; 4) sediment-FIO interactions and legacy risk in karst terrain; and 5) key needs for improved hydrological modelling and risk assessment in karst landscapes. Improved knowledge of these research themes will enable the development of evidence-based faecal contamination mitigation strategies for managing land and water resources in the SWCKR, which is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts on water supply and quality of water resources

    Chronic urban hotspots and agricultural drainage drive microbial pollution of karst water resources in rural developing regions

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    Contamination of surface and groundwater systems with human and animal faecal matter leads to exposure of reliant populations to disease causing micro-organisms. This exposure route remains a major cause of infection and mortality in developing countries, particularly rural regions. To meet the UN's sustainable development goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, we need to identify the key controls on faecal contamination across relevant settings. We conducted a high-resolution spatial study of E. coli concentration in catchment drainage waters over 6 months in a mixed land-use catchment in the extensive karst region extending across impoverished southwest China. Using a mixed effects modelling framework, we tested how land-use, karst hydrology, antecedent meteorological conditions, agricultural cycles, hydrochemistry, and position in the catchment system affected E. coli concentrations. Land-use was the best predictor of faecal contamination levels. Sites in urban areas were chronically highly contaminated, but water draining from agricultural land was also consistently contaminated and there was a catchment wide pulse of higher E. coli concentrations, turbidity, and discharge during paddy field drainage. E. coli concentration increased with increasing antecedent rainfall across all land-use types and compartments of the karst hydrological system (underground and surface waters), but decreased with increasing pH. This is interpreted to be a result of processes affecting pH, such as water residence time, rather than the direct effect of pH on E. coli survival. Improved containment and treatment of human waste in areas of higher population density would likely reduce contamination hotspots, and further research is needed to identify the nature and distribution of sources in agricultural land

    Achieving Sustainable Earth Futures in the Anthropocene by Including Local Communities in Critical Zone Science

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    Critical Zone Science (CZS) explores the deep evolution of landscapes from the base of the groundwater or the saprolite-rock interface to the top of vegetation, the zone that supports all terrestrial life. Here we propose a framework for CZS to evolve further as a discipline, building on 1st generation CZOs in natural systems and 2nd generation CZOs in human-modified systems, to incorporate human behaviour for more holistic understanding in a 3rd generation of CZOs. This concept was tested in the China-UK CZO programme (2016–2020) that established four CZOs across China on different lithologies. Beyond conventional CZO insights into soil resources, biogeochemical cycling and hydrology across scales, surveys of farmers and local government officials led to insights into human-environment interactions and key pressures affecting the socio-economic livelihoods of local farmers. These learnings combined with the CZS data identified knowledge exchange (KE) opportunities to unravel diverse factors within the Land-Water-Food Nexus, that could directly improve local livelihoods and environmental conditions, such as reduction in fertilizer use, contributing toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and environmental policies. Through two-way local KE, the local cultural context and socio-economic considerations were more readily apparent alongside the environmental rationale for policy and local action to improve the sustainability of farming practices. Seeking solutions to understand and remediate CZ degradation caused by human-decision making requires the co-design of CZS that foregrounds human behavior and the opinions of those living in human modified CZOs. We show how a new transdisciplinary CZO approach for sustainable Earth futures can improve alignment of research with the practical needs of communities in stressed environments and their governments, supporting social-ecological and planetary health research agendas and improving capacity to achieve SDGsAdditional co-authors: Xinyu Zhang, Tim A. Quine, Susan Waldron, Paul D. Hallet

    Using regional airborne electromagnetic conductivity data to characterise surface water groundwater interaction in the Cooper Creek floodplain in arid central eastern Australia

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    <p>Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data has been acquired at 20 km flight line spacing across much of the Australian continent and electrical conductivity models generated by inverting these data are freely available. Despite the wide line spacing of these data, they are suitable for imaging the shallow subsurface and can greatly assist in understanding groundwater systems. AEM data acquired using a fixed-wing towed system over the Cooper Creek floodplain, an ephemeral, anabranching river system in arid eastern central Australia, were inverted using deterministic and probabilistic methods. We integrate the AEM conductivity data with a range of surface and subsurface data to characterise the hydrogeology of the region and infer groundwater salinity from the shallow alluvial aquifer across an area of more than 14,000 km2. The conductivity data reveal several examples of focused recharge through a river channel forming a freshwater lens within the more regional shallow saline groundwater system. This work demonstrates that regional scale AEM conductivity data can be a valuable tool for understanding groundwater processes at various scales, with implications for water resource management. This work is particularly important in the Australian context, where high quality borehole data is typically sparse, but high quality geophysical and satellite data are often available.</p>Open-Access Online Publication: November 3, 202

    Achieving Sustainable Earth Futures in the Anthropocene by Including Local Communities in Critical Zone Science

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    Acknowledgments The UK team were supported by the Natural Environmental Research Council China CZO and MIDST-CZO projects (NE/S009167/1, NE/S009175/1, NE/S009140/1). The China team were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41571130044, 41571130051). The team also appreciate the research outputs of and discussions with the entire UK-China research team at whole programme meetings. The authors appreciate the generous support for fieldwork from local field stations, local communities, and university students in conducting the social science surveys in China. The team also appreciate C. Gu for transcription and translation of interview data, L. Comber for establishing connections with the field station and local government staff in Changwu and Shaun Pimlott Design for the co-creating the figures with the author team. The team appreciate David Edwards and Deborah Dixon who kindly introduced us to Latour's work on Critical ZonesPeer reviewedPublisher PD