49 research outputs found

    Reduction and Simultaneous Removal of 99Tc and Cr by Fe(OH)2(s) Mineral Transformation.

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    Technetium (Tc) remains a priority remediation concern due to persistent challenges, including mobilization due to rapid reoxidation of immobilized Tc, and competing comingled contaminants, e.g., Cr(VI), that inhibit Tc(VII) reduction and incorporation into stable mineral phases. Here Fe(OH)2(s) is investigated as a comprehensive solution for overcoming these challenges, by serving as both the reductant, (Fe(II)), and the immobilization agent to form Tc-incorporated magnetite (Fe3O4). Trace metal analysis suggests removal of Tc(VII) and Cr(VI) from solution occurs simultaneously; however, complete removal and reduction of Cr(VI) is achieved earlier than the removal/reduction of comingled Tc(VII). Bulk oxidation state analysis of the final magnetite solid phase by XANES shows that the majority of Tc is Tc(IV), which is corroborated by XPS measurements. Furthermore, EXAFS results show successful, albeit partial, Tc(IV) incorporation into magnetite octahedral sites. Cr XPS analysis indicates reduction to Cr(III) and the formation of a Cr-incorporated spinel, Cr2O3, and Cr(OH)3 phases. Spinel (modeled as Fe3O4), goethite (α-FeOOH), and feroxyhyte (δ-FeOOH) are detected in all reacted final solid phase samples analyzed by XRD. Incorporation of Tc(IV) has little effect on the spinel lattice structure. Reaction of Fe(OH)2(s) in the presence of Cr(III) results in the formation of a spinel phase that is a solid solution between magnetite (Fe3O4) and chromite (FeCr2O4)

    The Deep Water Abundance on Jupiter: New Constraints from Thermochemical Kinetics and Diffusion Modeling

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    We have developed a one-dimensional thermochemical kinetics and diffusion model for Jupiter's atmosphere that accurately describes the transition from the thermochemical regime in the deep troposphere (where chemical equilibrium is established) to the quenched regime in the upper troposphere (where chemical equilibrium is disrupted). The model is used to calculate chemical abundances of tropospheric constituents and to identify important chemical pathways for CO-CH4 interconversion in hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. In particular, the observed mole fraction and chemical behavior of CO is used to indirectly constrain the Jovian water inventory. Our model can reproduce the observed tropospheric CO abundance provided that the water mole fraction lies in the range (0.25-6.0) x 10^-3 in Jupiter's deep troposphere, corresponding to an enrichment of 0.3 to 7.3 times the protosolar abundance (assumed to be H2O/H2 = 9.61 x 10^-4). Our results suggest that Jupiter's oxygen enrichment is roughly similar to that for carbon, nitrogen, and other heavy elements, and we conclude that formation scenarios that require very large (>8 times solar) enrichments in water can be ruled out. We also evaluate and refine the simple time-constant arguments currently used to predict the quenched CO abundance on Jupiter, other giant planets, and brown dwarfs.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, with note added in proof. Accepted for publication in Icarus [in press

    Aqueous Synthesis of Technetium-Doped Titanium Dioxide by Direct Oxidation of Titanium Powder, a Precursor for Ceramic Nuclear Waste Forms

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    Technetium-99 (Tc) is a problematic fission product that complicates the long-term disposal of nuclear waste due to its long half-life, high fission yield, and the environmental mobility of pertechnetate, its stable form in aerobic environments. One approach to preventing Tc contamination is through incorporation into durable waste forms based on weathering-resistant minerals such as rutile (titanium dioxide). Here, the incorporation of technetium into titanium dioxide by means of simple, aqueous chemistrydirect oxidation of titanium powder in the presence of ammonium fluorideis achieved. X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy indicate that Tc­(IV) replaces Ti­(IV) within the structure. Rather than being incorporated as isolated Tc­(IV) ions, Tc is present as pairs of edge-sharing Tc­(IV) octahedra similar to molecular Tc­(IV) complexes such as [(H<sub>2</sub>EDTA)­Tc<sup>IV</sup>]­(μ–O)<sub>2</sub>. Technetium-doped TiO<sub>2</sub> was suspended in deionized water under aerobic conditions, and the Tc leached under these conditions was followed for 8 months. The normalized release rate of Tc (LR<sub>Tc</sub>) from the TiO<sub>2</sub> particles is low (3 × 10<sup>–6</sup> g m<sup>–2</sup> d<sup>–1</sup>), which illustrates the potential utility of TiO<sub>2</sub> as waste form. However, the small size of the as-prepared TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles results in an estimated retention of Tc of 10<sup>4</sup> years, which is only a fraction of the half-life of Tc (2.1 × 10<sup>5</sup> years)

    Precipitates of Al(III), Sc(III), and La(III) at the Muscovite–Water Interface

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    The interaction of Al­(III), Sc­(III), and La­(III) with muscovite–water interfaces was studied at pH 4 and 10 mM NaCl using second harmonic generation (SHG) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). SHG data for Sc­(III) and La­(III) suggest complete and/or partial irreversible adsorption that is attributed by XPS to the growth of Sc­(III) and La­(III) hydroxides/oxides on the muscovite surface. Al­(III) adsorption appears to coincide with the growth of gibbsite (Al­(OH)<sub>3</sub>) deposits on the muscovite surface, as indicated by the magnitude of the interfacial potential computed from the SHG data. This interpretation of the data is consistent with previous studies reporting the epitaxial growth of gibbsite on the muscovite surface under similar conditions. The implication of our findings is that the surface charge density of mica may change (and in the case of Al­(III), even flip sign from negative (mica) to positive (gibbsite)) when Al­(III), Sc­(III), or La­(III) is present in aqueous phases in contact with heterogeneous geochemical media rich in mica-class minerals, even at subsaturation conditions