921 research outputs found

    The why, when, and how of computing in biology classrooms [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Many biologists are interested in teaching computing skills or using computing in the classroom, despite not being formally trained in these skills themselves. Thus biologists may find themselves researching how to teach these skills, and therefore many individuals are individually attempting to discover resources and methods to do so. Recent years have seen an expansion of new technologies to assist in delivering course content interactively. Educational research provides insights into how learners absorb and process information during interactive learning. In this review, we discuss the value of teaching foundational computing skills to biologists, and strategies and tools to do so. Additionally, we review the literature on teaching practices to support the development of these skills. We pay special attention to meeting the needs of diverse learners, and consider how different ways of delivering course content can be leveraged to provide a more inclusive classroom experience. Our goal is to enable biologists to teach computational skills and use computing in the classroom successfully

    Clinical and Molecular Characterisation Of Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia In Infants Born Small-For-Gestational Age

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterise the phenotype and genotype of neonates born small-for-gestational age (SGA; birth weight <10th centile) who developed hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia (HH). METHODS: Clinical information was prospectively collected on 27 SGA neonates with HH, followed by sequencing of KCNJ11 and ABCC8. RESULTS: There was no correlation between the maximum glucose requirement and serum insulin levels. Serum insulin level was undetectable in five infants (19%) during hypoglycaemia. Six infants (22%) required diazoxide treatment >6 months. Normoglycaemia on diazoxide <5 mg/kg/day was a safe predictor of resolved HH. Sequencing of KCNJ11/ABCC8 did not identify any mutations. CONCLUSIONS: Serum insulin levels during hypoglycaemia taken in isolation can miss the diagnosis of HH. SGA infants may continue to have hypofattyacidaemic hypoketotic HH beyond the first few weeks of life. Recognition and treatment of this group of patients are important and may have important implications for neurodevelopmental outcome of these patients

    Coincidence of a Novel KCNJ11 Missense Variant R365H With a Paternally Inherited 6q24 Duplication in a Patient With Transient Neonatal Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE—Neonatal diabetes is a heterogeneous group of disorders with diabetes manifestation in the first 6 months of life. The most common etiology in permanent neonatal diabetes is mutations of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel subunits; in transient neonatal diabetes, chromosome 6q24 abnormalities are the most common cause

    Partial diazoxide responsiveness in a neonate with hyperinsulinism due to homozygous ABCC8 mutation

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    We report a case of partial diazoxide responsiveness in a child with severe congenital hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia (CHI) due to a homozygous ABCC8 mutation. A term baby, with birth weight 3.8 kg, born to consanguineous parents presented on day 1 of life with hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia screen confirmed CHI. Diazoxide was commenced on day 7 due to ongoing elevated glucose requirements (15 mg/kg/min), but despite escalation to a maximum dose (15 mg/kg/day), intravenous (i.v.) glucose requirement remained high (13 mg/kg/min). Genetic testing demonstrated a homozygous ABCC8 splicing mutation (c.2041-1G>C), consistent with a diffuse form of CHI. Diazoxide treatment was therefore stopped and subcutaneous (s.c.) octreotide infusion commenced. Despite this, s.c. glucagon and i.v. glucose were required to prevent hypoglycaemia. A trial of sirolimus and near-total pancreatectomy were considered, however due to the significant morbidity potentially associated with these, a further trial of diazoxide was commenced at 1.5 months of age. At a dose of 10 mg/kg/day of diazoxide and 40 µg/kg/day of octreotide, both i.v. glucose and s.c. glucagon were stopped as normoglycaemia was achieved. CHI due to homozygous ABCC8 mutation poses management difficulties if the somatostatin analogue octreotide is insufficient to prevent hypoglycaemia. Diazoxide unresponsiveness is often thought to be a hallmark of recessively inherited ABCC8 mutations. This patient was initially thought to be non-responsive, but this case highlights that a further trial of diazoxide is warranted, where other available treatments are associated with significant risk of morbidity. Learning points: Homozygous ABCC8 mutations are commonly thought to cause diazoxide non-responsive hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. This case highlights that partial diazoxide responsiveness in homozygous ABCC8 mutations may be present. Trial of diazoxide treatment in combination with octreotide is warranted prior to considering alternative treatments, such as sirolimus or near-total pancreatectomy, which are associated with more significant side effects.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher's URL to access the full-text

    Structured Observations Reveal Slow HIV-1 CTL Escape

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    The existence of viral variants that escape from the selection pressures imposed by cytotox- ic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) in HIV-1 infection is well documented, but it is unclear when they arise, with reported measures of the time to escape in individuals ranging from days to years. A study of participants enrolled in the SPARTAC (Short Pulse Anti-Retroviral Thera- py at HIV Seroconversion) clinical trial allowed direct observation of the evolution of CTL es- cape variants in 125 adults with primary HIV-1 infection observed for up to three years. Patient HLA-type, longitudinal CD8+ T-cell responses measured by IFN- γ ELISpot and lon- gitudinal HIV-1 gag , pol , and nef sequence data were used to study the timing and preva- lence of CTL escape in the participants whilst untreated. Results showed that sequence variation within CTL epitopes at the first time point (within six months of the estimated date of seroconversion) was consistent with most mutations being transmitted in the infecting viral strain rather than with escape arising within the first few weeks of infection. Escape arose throughout the first three years of infection, but slowly and steadily. Approximately one third of patients did not drive any new escape in an HLA-restricted epitope in just under two years. Patients driving several escape mutations during these two years were rare and the median and modal numbers of new escape events in each patient were one and zero re- spectively. Survival analysis of time to escape found that possession of a protective HLA type significantly reduced time to first escape in a patient (p = 0.01), and epitopes escaped faster in the face of a measurable CD8+ ELISpot response (p = 0.001). However, even in an HLA matched host who mounted a measurable, specific, CD8+ response the average time before the targeted epitope evolved an escape mutation was longer than two year

    Adjacent mutations in the gating loop of Kir6.2 produce neonatal diabetes and hyperinsulinism

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    K(ATP) channels regulate insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells. Loss- and gain-of-function mutations in the genes encoding the Kir6.2 and SUR1 subunits of this channel cause hyperinsulinism of infancy and neonatal diabetes, respectively. We report two novel mutations in the gating loop of Kir6.2 which cause neonatal diabetes with developmental delay (T293N) and hyperinsulinism (T294M). These mutations increase (T293N) or decrease (T294M) whole-cell K(ATP) currents, accounting for the different clinical phenotypes. The T293N mutation increases the intrinsic channel open probability (Po((0))), thereby indirectly decreasing channel inhibition by ATP and increasing whole-cell currents. T294M channels exhibit a dramatically reduced Po((0)) in the homozygous but not in the pseudo-heterozygous state. Unlike wild-type channels, hetT294M channels were activated by MgADP in the absence but not in the presence of MgATP; however, they are activated by MgGDP in both the absence and presence of MgGTP. These mutations demonstrate the importance of the gating loop of Kir channels in regulating Po((0)) and further suggest that Mg-nucleotide interaction with SUR1 may reduce ATP inhibition at Kir6.2.We thank the Wellcome Trust (076436/Z/05/Z and 081188/A/06/Z), the Royal Society and the European Union (EuroDia, SHM‐CT‐2006‐518513 and EDICT, 201924) for support. FMA is a Royal Society Research Professor. Brittany Zadek was supported by an OXION studentship and Sarah Flanagan by a Sir Graham Wilkins Research Fellowship

    Development of the iCook 4-H Curriculum for Youth and Adults: Cooking, Eating, and Playing Together for Childhood Obesity Prevention

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    The objective was to describe the development process of a curriculum (iCook 4-H) targeted to low-income, rural, and/or diverse youths and their adult primary meal preparer to promote cooking, eating, and playing together. Lessons learned highlighted the importance of grounding the curriculum in Social Cognitive Theory and applying the experiential 4-H learning model using a multiphased, community-based participatory approach with cyclical development and evaluation, and key modifications made for dissemination and distribution. Findings across 4 testing phases over 6 years and 5 states demonstrated the time-intensive, cyclical process that required flexibility with fidelity to form a hands-on, interactive curriculum

    'Reaching the hard to reach' - lessons learned from the VCS (voluntary and community Sector). A qualitative study.

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    Background The notion 'hard to reach' is a contested and ambiguous term that is commonly used within the spheres of social care and health, especially in discourse around health and social inequalities. There is a need to address health inequalities and to engage in services the marginalized and socially excluded sectors of society. Methods This paper describes a pilot study involving interviews with representatives from eight Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations . The purpose of the study was to explore the notion of 'hard to reach' and perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to accessing services for 'hard to reach' groups from a voluntary and community sector perspective. Results The 'hard to reach' may include drug users, people living with HIV, people from sexual minority communities, asylum seekers, refugees, people from black and ethnic minority communities, and homeless people although defining the notion of the 'hard to reach' is not straight forward. It may be that certain groups resist engaging in treatment services and are deemed hard to reach by a particular service or from a societal stance. There are a number of potential barriers for people who may try and access services, including people having bad experiences in the past; location and opening times of services and how services are funded and managed. A number of areas of commonality are found in terms of how access to services for 'hard to reach' individuals and groups could be improved including: respectful treatment of service users, establishing trust with service users, offering service flexibility, partnership working with other organisations and harnessing service user involvement. Conclusions: If health services are to engage with groups that are deemed 'hard to reach' and marginalised from mainstream health services, the experiences and practices for engagement from within the VCS may serve as useful lessons for service improvement for statutory health services

    Mutational analyses of UPIIIA, SHH, EFNB2, and HNF1β in persistent cloaca and associated kidney malformations

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    OBJECTIVES: ‘Persistent cloaca’ is a severe malformation affecting females in which the urinary, genital and alimentary tracts share a single conduit. Previously, a Uroplakin IIIA (UPIIIA) mutation was reported in one individual with persistent cloaca, and UPIIIA, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), Ephrin B2 (EFNB2) and Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1β (HNF1β) are expressed during the normal development of organs that are affected in this condition. HNF1β mutations have been associated with uterine malformations in humans, and mutations of genes homologous to human SHH or EFNB2 cause persistent cloaca in mice. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We sought mutations of coding regions of UPIIIA, SHH, EFNB2 and HNF1β genes by direct sequencing in a group of 20 patients with persistent cloaca. Most had associated malformations of the upper renal tract and over half had impaired renal excretory function. The majority of patients had congenital anomalies outside the renal/genital tracts and two had the VACTERL association. RESULTS: Apart from a previously described index case, we failed to find UPIIIA mutations, and no patient had a SHH, EFNB2 or HNF1β mutation. CONCLUSION: Persistent cloaca is only rarely associated with UPIIIA mutation. Despite the fact that SHH and EFNB2 are appealing candidate genes, based on their expression patterns and mutant mice phenotypes, they were not mutated in these humans with persistent cloaca. Although HNF1β mutations can perturb paramesonephric duct fusion in humans, HNF1β was not mutated in persistent cloaca

    De novo mutations in EIF2B1 affecting eIF2 signaling cause neonatal/early onset diabetes and transient hepatic dysfunction

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    Permanent neonatal diabetes is caused by reduced β-cell number or impaired β-cell function. Understanding the genetic basis of this disorder highlights fundamental β-cell mechanisms. We performed trio genome sequencing for 44 permanent neonatal diabetes patients and their unaffected parents to identify causative de novo variants. Replication studies were performed in 188 patients diagnosed with diabetes before 2 years of age without a genetic diagnosis. EIF2B1 (encoding the eIF2B complex α subunit) was the only gene with novel de novo variants (all missense) in at least three patients. Replication studies identified 2 further patients with de novo EIF2B1 variants. In addition to diabetes, 4/5 patients had hepatitis-like episodes in childhood. The EIF2B1 de novo mutations were found to map to the same protein surface. We propose that these variants render the eIF2B complex insensitive to eIF2 phosphorylation which occurs under stress conditions and triggers expression of stress-response genes. Failure of eIF2B to sense eIF2 phosphorylation likely leads to unregulated unfolded protein response and cell death. Our results establish de novo EIF2B1 mutations as a novel cause of permanent diabetes and liver dysfunction. These findings confirm the importance of cell stress regulation for β-cells and highlight EIF2B1’s fundamental role within this pathway.Includes NIHR and Wellcome Trust. Wellcome Trust 200848/Z/16/