664 research outputs found

    Bimbingan Teknis Transplantasi Spons Laut pada Masa Covid 19 sebagai Prospek Bahan Baku Farmasi

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    Sponges are organisms associated with coral reefs and have potential as pharmaceutical raw materials. One of the problems is that most people are not aware of the importance of this ecosystem and still use fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly, this causes the coral reef ecosystem to also suffer damage. This community service aims to educate and provide technical guidance to the younger generation of Lalowaru Village about the benefits of sponges and how to transplant sea sponges. The youth group was chosen as the target because during this Covid-19 period the youth organization in Lalowaru Village, South Konawe Regency did not go to schools as usual, so this education can provide knowledge that can be applied in protecting the aquatic environment. The implementation method consists of two stages, namely the first stage of field observations including licensing with village officials and preliminary study interviews and the second stage of socialization and transplantation practices. The activity was carried out for two days with 10 participants. Measurement results were concluded through interviews from before carrying out activities and after service activities. The results of the training and mentoring activities show that all target audiences understand the benefits of sponges as pharmaceutical raw materials that can be developed, as well as transplantation techniques. This increase in the knowledge of the young generation of youth organizations occurred after technical guidance through this service.Sponges are organisms associated with coral reefs and have potential as pharmaceutical raw materials. One of the problems is that most people are not aware of the importance of this ecosystem and still use fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly, this causes the coral reef ecosystem to also suffer damage. This community service aims to educate and provide technical guidance to the younger generation of Lalowaru Village about the benefits of sponges and how to transplant sea sponges. The youth group was chosen as the target because during this Covid-19 period the youth organization in Lalowaru Village, South Konawe Regency did not go to schools as usual, so this education can provide knowledge that can be applied in protecting the aquatic environment. The implementation method consists of two stages, namely the first stage of field observations including licensing with village officials and preliminary study interviews and the second stage of socialization and transplantation practices. The activity was carried out for two days with 10 participants. Measurement results were concluded through interviews from before carrying out activities and after service activities. The results of the training and mentoring activities show that all target audiences understand the benefits of sponges as pharmaceutical raw materials that can be developed, as well as transplantation techniques. This increase in the knowledge of the young generation of youth organizations occurred after technical guidance through this service

    Temporal sex ratio, growth patterns and condition factor of the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Northern of Tiworo Strait waters, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Blue swimming crabs Portunus pelagicus occupied Tiworo Strait waters has been experiencing heavy pressure due to high exploitation and damaging its habitat caused by conversion to be a port or jetty particularly in the intertidal and subtidal zones closed to mangrove areas and river mouth. Those zones constitute main habitats of BSCs. The study aimed to analyze temporal sex ratio (SR), growth patterns and condition factor (CF) of BSCs in Tiworo Strait waters which was conducted in June–December 2018. The BSC samples were taken monthly using collapsible pot. Each sample taken was identified its sex, measured its CW and weighed its BW. Monthly SR of male and female was counted, while BW–CW relationship was analyzed using a simple linear regression. Growth patterns and CF were derived and analyzed from BW–CW regression. The results of study showed that monthly BSC SR of male and female showed females preponderated over males, except in November. The growth pattern of male and female was negative allometric (b 3). Data of BSCs CF were mostly influenced by growth coefficient (b), namely the higher b the lower CF. This condition is frequent happening in BSC population dominated by juvenile and mature stages. This study showed most BSCs found in this location were juvenile which indicated as their nursery ground in the intertidal zone dominated by sand substrate closed to mangrove forest

    Dancing the Pluriverse: Indigenous Performance as Ontological Praxis

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    This article discusses ways that Indigenous dance is an ontological praxis that is embodied and telluric, meaning “of the earth.” It looks at how dancing bodies perform in relationship to ecosystems and entities within them, producing ontological distinctions and hierarchies that are often imbued with power. This makes dance a site of ontological struggle that potentially challenges the delusional ontological universality undergirding imperialism, genocide, and ecocide. The author explores these theoretical propositions through her participation in Oxlaval Q'anil, an emerging Ixil Maya dance project in Guatemala, and Dancing Earth, an itinerant and inter-tribal U.S.-based company founded by Rulan Tangen eleven years ago

    #WuhanDiary and #WuhanLockdown: gendered posting patterns and behaviours on Weibo during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Social media can be both a source of information and misinformation during health emergencies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media became a ubiquitous tool for people to communicate and represents a rich source of data researchers can use to analyse users' experiences, knowledge and sentiments. Research on social media posts during COVID-19 has identified, to date, the perpetuity of traditional gendered norms and experiences. Yet these studies are mostly based on Western social media platforms. Little is known about gendered experiences of lockdown communicated on non-Western social media platforms. Using data from Weibo, China's leading social media platform, we examine gendered user patterns and sentiment during the first wave of the pandemic between 1 January 2020 and 1 July 2020. We find that Weibo posts by self-identified women and men conformed with some gendered norms identified on other social media platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic (posting patterns and keyword usage) but not all (sentiment). This insight may be important for targeted public health messaging on social media during future health emergencies

    Manajemen Kerja Mahasiswa Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Halu Oleo Pada PT. Benur Top De Heus

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    Manajemen kerja mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Halu Oleo pada PT. Benur Top De Heus merupakan salah satu kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat terintegrasi Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tematik yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam manajemen kerja perusahaan perikanan. Metode yang dilakukan melalui penerapan program kerja menjadi dua bagian yaitu konektivitas output kerja dengan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Batu Putih. Hasil pengabdian terdapat enam divisi kerja yang terdapat di PT. Benur Top De Heus yaitu divisi water, induk, post larva center, plankton, quality control, dan market. Dalam membangun konektivitas perusahaaan dengan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat melalui pemanfaatan limbah benur udang vannamei (PL 15) dari output kerja yang terdapat di hatchery dalam bentuk kegiatan produktif

    Membentuk Generasi Peduli Wilayah Pesisir dan Laut Melalui Bina Desa dan Gerakan Bulan Cinta Laut, Desa Batu Putih, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

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    Character education and the application of science and technology (IPTEK) regarding the environment of coastal and marine areas need to be introduced early in elementary schools (SD), junior high schools (SMP), and high schools / vocational schools (SMA / K). This effort is one of the answers to encourage and increase awareness and maintain the sustainability of coastal and marine ecosystems which are important habitats for various biological resources, especially fisheries as food sources and provide jobs for coastal communities. The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) of Halu Oleo University organizes a routine program every year on "Village Development". In August - September 2022 FPIK UHO held a "Village Development" program in Batuh Putih Village, South Konawe Regency, which was coupled with the "Month of Love for the Sea (BCL)" movement launched by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries nationally. The activity program is carried out through in-class and field counseling as well as actions "mangrove propagule nursery techniques", "mangrove tree planting competitions along the coast", "plastic waste cleanup competitions on the coast", "socialization of fry stocking techniques in the sea", and "fostering household economy through fishery products". The program is attended by students and teachers of each school, except that the last program involves housewives. This activity is expected to shape the karaktek of students, teachers and communities to become a generation of care and love for the environment of coastal and marine areas and their resources that provide great benefits to coastal communities and preserve them for future generations. Keywords: Village development; coastal and marine ecosystems; The month of love of the sea; younger generation; coaching and counselingPendidikan karakter dan penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) mengenai lingkungan wilayah pesisir dan laut perlu diperkenalkan sejak dini di lingkungan Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), dan Sekolah Menengah Atas/Kejuruan (SMA/K). Upaya ini merupakan salah satu jawaban untuk mendorong dan meningkatkan kesadaran serta menjaga kelestarian ekosistem wilayah pesisir dan laut yang merupakan habitat penting berbagai sumberdaya hayati, terutama sumberdaya perikanan sebagai sumber pangan dan menyediakan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat pesisir. Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK) Universitas Halu Oleo menyelenggarakan program rutin setiap tahun tentang “Bina Desa”. Pada bulan Agustus - September 2022 FPIK UHO menyelenggarakan program “Bina Desa” di Desa Batuh Putih Kabupaten Konawe Selatan yang dirangkaikan dengan gerakan “Bulan Cinta Laut (BCL)” yang dicanangkan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan secara nasional. Program kegiatan yang dilaksanakan melalui penyuluhan dalam kelas dan lapangan serta aksi “teknik pembibitan propagul mangrove”, “lomba penanaman pohon mangrove di sepanjang pesisir”, “lomba bersih sampah plastik di pesisir”, “sosialisasi teknik tebar benur di laut”, dan “pembinaan ekonomo rumah tangga melalui hasil perikanan”. Program tersebut diikuti oleh murid dan guru masing-masing sekolah, kecuali program terakhir melibatkan ibu rumah tangga. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat membentuk karaktek murid, guru dan masyarakat untuk menjadi generasi peduli dan cinta lingkungan wilayah pesisir dan laut serta sumberdayanya yang memberi manfaat besar kepada masyarakat pesisir dan melestarikannya untuk generasi yang akan datang

    Chronic Energy Deficiency Associated with Body Mass Index of Adolescent Girls

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    Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) is a nutritional issue that poses a threat to adolescents in Indonesia, particularly to adolescent girls. According to the 2018 Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas), the proportion of CED among adolescent girls in Indonesia was 36.3%. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with CED among adolescent girls in the catchment area of Poka-Rumah Tiga, Ambon City. The study was conducted in August 2022 and used a cross-sectional approach with total sampling. The respondents were students aged 15-19 years from three high schools/equivalents in the catchment area of Poka-Rumah Tiga Health Center (SMKN 5 Ambon, SMAN 3 Ambon, and MA Al-Mabrur), with a total of 441 respondents. CED was determined based on the mid-upper arm circumference size being less than 23.5 cm. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with CED in adolescent girls. Of the 441 adolescent girls who participated in this study, 45.80% were found to have CED. The odds of CED were lower in adolescent girls with normal BMI (18.5-22.9 kg/m2) (OR=0.09; 95%CI: 0.05-0.15; p<0.001) and overweight (≥23 kg/m2) (OR=0.01; 95%CI: 0.00-0.07; p<0.001) compared to those who were underweight (BMI<18.5 kg/m2). This study highlights the importance of conducting nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions for adolescent girls. This includes raising the awareness and knowledge of adolescent girls, family members, and school teachers regarding the importance of balanced nutrition to reduce CED

    Chiral Polymerization in Open Systems From Chiral-Selective Reaction Rates

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    We investigate the possibility that prebiotic homochirality can be achieved exclusively through chiral-selective reaction rate parameters without any other explicit mechanism for chiral bias. Specifically, we examine an open network of polymerization reactions, where the reaction rates can have chiral-selective values. The reactions are neither autocatalytic nor do they contain explicit enantiomeric cross-inhibition terms. We are thus investigating how rare a set of chiral-selective reaction rates needs to be in order to generate a reasonable amount of chiral bias. We quantify our results adopting a statistical approach: varying both the mean value and the rms dispersion of the relevant reaction rates, we show that moderate to high levels of chiral excess can be achieved with fairly small chiral bias, below 10%. Considering the various unknowns related to prebiotic chemical networks in early Earth and the dependence of reaction rates to environmental properties such as temperature and pressure variations, we argue that homochirality could have been achieved from moderate amounts of chiral selectivity in the reaction rates.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Origins of Life and Evolution of Biosphere

    Low prevalence of significant carotid artery disease in Iranian patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass

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    BACKGROUND: Coronary artery bypass grafting ranks as one of the most frequent operations worldwide. The presence of carotid artery stenosis may increase the stroke rate in the perioperative period. Routine preoperative noninvasive assessment of the carotid arteries are recommended in many institutions to reduce the stroke rate. METHODS: 271 consecutive patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting at Shaheed Madani hospital of Tabriz, Iran (age, 58.5 Y; 73.1% male) underwent preoperative ultrasonography for assessment of carotid artery wall thickness. RESULTS: Plaque in right common, left common, right internal and left internal carotid arteries was detected in 4.8%, 7.4%, 43.2% and 42.1% of patients respectively. 5 patients (1.8%) had significant (<50%) and 3 (1.1%) patients had critical (<70%) stenosis in internal carotid arteries. Plaque formation in common carotid was not significantly different between two genders but the stenosis of left internal carotid was more frequently seen among men. Patients with plaques in right or left internal carotid arteries were significantly older. CONCLUSION: Consecutive Iranian patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery show a very low prevalence of significant carotid artery disease

    School, peer and family relationships and adolescent substance use, subjective wellbeing and mental health symptoms in Wales: a cross sectional study

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    Positive relationships with family, friends and school staff are consistently linked with health and wellbeing during adolescence, though fewer studies explore how these micro-systems interact to influence adolescent health. This study tests the independent and interacting roles of family, peer and school relationships in predicting substance use, subjective wellbeing and mental health symptoms among 11–16 year olds in Wales. It presents cross-sectional analyses of the 2013 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey, completed by 9055 young people aged 11–16 years. Multilevel logistic regression analyses are used to test associations of family communication, family support, relationships with school staff, school peer connectedness, and support from friends, with tobacco use, cannabis use, alcohol use, subjective wellbeing and mental health symptoms. Positive relationships with family and school staff were consistently associated with better outcomes. Support from friends was associated with higher use of all substances, while higher school peer connectedness was associated with better subjective wellbeing and mental health. Better relationships with school staff were most strongly associated with positive subjective wellbeing, and fewer mental health symptoms where pupils reported less family support. Support from friends was associated with higher cannabis use and worse mental health among pupils with lower family support. Relationships with family and school staff may be important in protecting young people against substance use, and improving wellbeing and mental health. Interventions focused on student-staff relationships may be important for young people with less family support. Interventions based on peer support should be mindful of potential harmful effects for pupils with less support from family
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