44 research outputs found

    Re- hacer paisajes reconstrucción del territorio de explotación minera del cerrejón en la Guajira

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    Re-hacer paisajes se basa en la problemática relacionada con las energías fósiles (explotación minera de carbón) a la que se ha visto enfrentada el mundo desde hace varios años, por la destrucción, transformación y contaminación que estas actividades crean en los lugares donde se llevan a cabo. Así mismo, el daño que causa el paso transitorio de grandes multinacionales mineras por territorios generalmente biodiversos, que trae como consecuencia fuertes problemáticas ambientales, sociales y económicas a regiones que dependen casi en su totalidad de estas actividades extractivasRe-make landscapes is based on the problems related to fossil fuels (coal mining) that the world has been facing for several years like the destruction, transformation, destruction, and pollution that these activities create in places where they take place. Also, the damage caused by transient step of multinational coal corporations on biodiverse areas, which results in severe environmental, social and economic problemas on regions that depend almost entirely of these extractive activitiesArquitecto (a)Pregrad

    Effects of great bustard (Otis tarda) gut passage on black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) seed germination

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    Birds are important seed dispersers for fleshy fruits through their transportation of ingested seeds. The seeds of many species germinate faster and in greater proportions after passing through a digestive tract, although the effects of this passage vary amongst bird and plant species. Many factors determine the germination success of ingested seeds, such as seed scarification during the digestion process, the fertilizing effect of droppings and the removal of pulp surrounding the seeds. In central Spain, the great bustard (Otis tarda) may act as a disperser of European black nightshade (Solanum nigrum). We analysed the germination success of ingested and non-ingested S. nigrum seeds. The fertilizing effect of bustard droppings and the disinhibition effect of the removal of Solanum pulp on final germination percentage, germination speed and viability were also assessed. Although ingested seeds germinated faster than non-ingested seeds, the former showed a lower germination percentage than the latter: 80‚Äì87% versus 99%. Droppings and fruit pulp showed no effect on germination enhancement, except in one aspect: the germination speed of non-ingested seeds decreased when they were sprayed with a fruit extract. We confirm that seeds ingested by great bustards had lower germination success than non-ingested seeds. Although seed ingestion by great bustards reduced seedling emergence, the number of emerged seedlings was still quite large. Thus, great bustards may play a role as a S. nigrum seed dispersal vector.Financial support was provided by the Dirección General de Investigación, Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, under projects CGL2008-02 567 and CGL2011-24 871. C.B. was supported by a Henarsa-CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) contract.Peer reviewe

    Diseño, implementación y validación de un sistema de traducción semántica para el sistema operativo de robots ROS

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    El coste de integración en tiempo y dinero es una de las dificultades que se presenta hoy en día para la robotización a gran escala de pequeñas y medianas empresas. Con demasiada frecuencia, es necesario reprogramar código fuente existente por actualizaciones o cambios en piezas de hardware o software, porque los nuevos elementos no siguen los formatos de datos utilizados por sus antecesores por motivos técnicos o comerciales. Semánticamente esos datos representan la misma información, pero las salidas y entradas de los nuevos módulos no son compatibles. En este proyecto se diseña una solución alternativa a la estandarización tradicional, para el sistema operativo de robots ROS, cumpliendo las premisas de creación de una herramienta de traducción semántica (STT) robusta y extensible, que funciona en un entorno industrial ROS, y es integrable con la plataforma drag&bot. Dicha plataforma es una herramienta creada para facilitar la programación gráfica y modular de robots industriales, orientada a trabajadores sin conocimientos previos de informática, con el objetivo de reducir costes en las fábricas que utilizan entornos de ROS-Industrial, el framework de ROS para aplicaciones industriales. Se ha realizado siguiendo la metodología de desarrollo incremental, llegando a la implementación y validación de una herramienta práctica, que permite añadir en tiempo de ejecución nuevas transformaciones e información semántica para datos del sistema, y une de forma robusta diversos componentes a priori incompatibles por formato de datos, pero con entradas y salidas de datos que semánticamente representan la misma información. Al finalizar el prototipo, este ha sido integrado por el equipo de drag&bot en su herramienta. El proyecto se ha realizado para el grupo de Automatización de Montaje del departamento de Robótica y Sistemas de Asistencia del instituto Fraunhofer IPA para la Automatización de la Producción en Stuttgart

    Evaluación de la refracción binocular para diferentes métodos disociadores

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    Se realiza una comparación entre diferentes técnicas de refracción (monocular, biocular y binocular). Se busca conocer que ventajas puede presentar la refracción binocular frente a la refracción monocular.<br /

    Transcriptomic Profiling Explains Racial Disparities in Pterygium Patients Treated With Doxycycline

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    Citation: Larrayoz IM, RúaÓ, Velilla S, Martínez A. Transcriptomic profiling explains racial disparities on pterygium patients treated with doxycycline. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Lipidomic signatures from physically frail and robust older adults at hospital admission

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    Identifying serum biomarkers that can predict physical frailty in older adults would have tremendous clinical value for primary care, as this condition is inherently related to poor quality of life and premature mortality. We compared the serum lipid profile of physically frail and robust older adults to identify specific lipid biomarkers that could be used to assess physical frailty in older patients at hospital admission. Forty-three older adults (58.1% male), mean (range) age 86.4 (78–100 years) years, were classified as physically frail (n = 18) or robust (n = 25) based on scores from the Short Physical Performance Battery (≤ 6 points). Non-targeted metabolomic study by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) analysis with later bioinformatics data analysis. Once the significantly different metabolites were identified, the KEGG database was used on them to establish which were the metabolic pathways mainly involved. Area under receiver-operating curve (AUROC) analysis was used to test the discriminatory ability of lipid biomarkers for frailty based on the Short Physical Performance Battery. We identified a panel of five metabolites including ceramides Cer (40:2), Cer (d18:1/20:0), Cer (d18:1/23:0), cholesterol, and hosphatidylcholine (PC) (14:0/20:4) that were significantly increased in physically frail older adults compared with robust older adults at hospital admission. The most interesting in the physically frail metabolome study found with the KEGG database were the metabolic pathways, vitamin digestion and absorption, AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications, and insulin resistance. In addition, Cer (40:2) (AUROC 0.747), Cer (d18:1/23:0) (AUROC 0.720), and cholesterol (AUROC 0.784) were identified as higher values of physically frail at hospital admission. The non-targeted metabolomic study can open a wide view of the physically frail features changes at the plasma level, which would be linked to the physical frailty phenotype at hospital admission. Also, we propose that metabolome analysis will have a suitable niche in personalized medicine for physically frail older adults.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was funded by a Gobierno de Navarra project Resolución grant 2186/2014 and acknowledged with the 'Beca Ortiz de Landázuri' as the best research clinical project in 2014, as well as by a research grant PI17/01814 of the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ISCIII, FEDER). A.G.-H. is a Miguel Servet Fellow (Instituto de Salud Carlos III – CP18/0150). N.M.-V. received funding from 'la Caixa' Foundation (ID 100010434), under agreement LCF/PR/PR15/51100006. R.R.-V. is funded in part by a Postdoctoral Fellowship Resolution ID 420/2019 of the Universidad Pública de Navarra

    Functional and structural deficiencies of Gemin5 variants associated with neurological disorders

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    Dysfunction of RNA-binding proteins is often linked to a wide range of human disease, particularly with neurological conditions. Gemin5 is a member of the survival of the motor neurons (SMN) complex, a ribosome-binding protein and a translation reprogramming factor. Recently, pathogenic mutations in Gemin5 have been reported, but the functional consequences of these variants remain elusive. Here, we report functional and structural deficiencies associated with compound heterozygosity variants within the Gemin5 gene found in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders. These clinical variants are located in key domains of Gemin5, the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like dimerization module and the noncanonical RNA-binding site 1 (RBS1). We show that the TPR-like variants disrupt protein dimerization, whereas the RBS1 variant confers protein instability. All mutants are defective in the interaction with protein networks involved in translation and RNA-driven pathways. Importantly, the TPR-like variants fail to associate with native ribosomes, hampering its involvement in translation control and establishing a functional difference with the wild-type protein. Our study provides insights into the molecular basis of disease associated with malfunction of the Gemin5 protei

    Agar de capa delgada: una opción costoefectiva para el diagnóstico rápido de tuberculosis multirresistente

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    Objetivo Realizar un análisis de costo efectividad comparando el método de cultivo en agar de capa delgada y el método estándar de proporciones múltiples, utilizados en el diagnóstico de Tuberculosis Multi-drogorresistente (TB MDR).Métodos Estudio de evaluación económica en el cual se evalúan los costos y la efectividad de dos pruebas diagnósticas, ejecutado en la Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas-CIB en Medellín, Colombia.Resultados Se evaluaron 100 pacientes, encontrando una prevalencia de resistencia a la Rifampicina de 10,8 % y resistencia a Isoniazida de 14,3 %. Se presenta un análisis en términos de costo-efectividad mediante el diseño de un árbol de decisiones (Treeage Pro®), resultando ser la prueba basada en cultivo en agar de capa delgada más costo-efectiva; con valores de sensibilidad, especificidad y predictivos del 100 % para detectar resistencia a Rifampicina e Isoniazida. El valor del método de las proporciones múltiples fue calculado en US71,conunamediadetiempoparaserreportadode49dıˊasversusUS 71, con una media de tiempo para ser reportado de 49 días versus US 18 y 14 días respectivamente para el cultivo en agar de capa delgada.Discusión Se han desarrollado nuevas tecnologías para el diagnóstico de Tuberculosis, aparentemente más rápidas y efectivas, que deben ser evaluadas no solo en sus características operativas, sino también en términos de costo-efectividad. El presente estudio establece que el empleo de la capa delgada es menos costoso, igualmente efectivo, y puede aportar resultados más rápidamente; cuando se compara con el método tradicional. Esto implica, entre otros aspectos, que el paciente pueda recibir más oportunamente el tratamiento dirigido para TB MDR

    Smoking and age-related macular degeneration: review and update

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the main socioeconomical health issues worldwide. AMD has a multifactorial etiology with a variety of risk factors. Smoking is the most important modifiable risk factor for AMD development and progression. The present review summarizes the epidemiological studies evaluating the association between smoking and AMD, the mechanisms through which smoking induces damage to the chorioretinal tissues, and the relevance of advising patients to quit smoking for their visual health