577 research outputs found

    Formación en coeducación al profesorado de escuelas infantiles y de primaria

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Igualtat i Gènere en l'Àmbit Públic i Privat (Pla de 2013). Codi: SRM042. Curs acadèmic 2017-201

    Contributos da comunicação não-verbal na integração social, cultural e educativa de imigrantes numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade – um estudo de caso

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    O Homem não comunica só com as palavras, mas com todo o seu corpo. Este trabalho visa analisar de que forma a Comunicação Não-verbal pode ou não contribuir para a integração social, cultural e educativa de imigrantes numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade. Trata-se de um estudo de caso no qual participam onze imigrantes provenientes do leste da Europa. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas gravadas em suporte áudio, a seguir transcritas, e obtidos, também, através da observação direta registada em caderno de notas. O trabalho conclui que há contributos positivos e contributos negativos da Comunicação Não-verbal para a integração social, cultural e educativa destes imigrantes, numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade. Os contributos negativos detetados têm que ver, fundamentalmente, com as diferenças culturais. Os mesmos são, contudo, rapidamente ultrapassados pelos imigrantes entrevistados, graças a um processo de aculturação que realizam. Desta forma, deixam de ser um obstáculo para essa sua integração

    Zport to the Children of Kempele. : The production process of a summer sport camp for children aged 7-9- years.

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    Authors: Artema Heini, Autto Mira & Waenerberg Sara Title of the Publication: Zport to the Children of Kempele Degree Title: Bachelor of Sports and Leisure Management Keywords: physical activity, children, event planning, sport camp, project management The purpose of this thesis process was to create a summer sport camp for 7-9-year old children in the municipality of Kempele. The aim of the commissioning party was to increase the amount of supply in supervised physical activity for children during the summer holiday in the municipality of Kempele. The aims of the authors were to create a product which could be re-implemented in the future, to develop their own competence in instructing physical activity to children, and to organize an event successfully. The aim of the thesis project was to develop a sports camp template which could be applied when organizing similar courses in the future. The project also provides a case study which can be used as an example on future courses. The established connections with the industry can also be taken advantage of in the university. This thesis was a product development process. The authors started the process with an idea, developed it into a concrete plan, and finally implemented and evaluated it. The commissioning party of the thesis was the municipality of Kempele. The commissioning party wished to receive a well-organized event with quality activities for the attending children. There was a need for a summer sport camp in this municipality, as nothing similar was offered in this region. The camp was implemented from June 5th to June 8th 2017, lasting four (4) days. The research questions of this thesis were the following: 1. Why should children aged 7-9- years be physically active? 2. How can the authors ensure quality instructing sessions? 3. How can the authors plan, organize, and implement a sport event successfully? The process was based on theory regarding the physical activity of children, key aspects of instructing sports to children, and event planning. Through the theory and the implementation of the event, the authors were able to answer the set research questions. The implementation was successful with twenty (20) attending children. The authors planned and implemented the event from beginning to end. The set goals were met, and the event was successful based on pre-set parameters in the planning stage. The feedback received of this thesis process from the commissioning party, the participating children, and their parents was positive. Based on the feedback and evaluation, the event responded to a demand of such events and offered quality activities for the children of Kempele

    Characterization of volatile production during seed storage

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    This paper contributes to the understanding of factors that regulate seed longevity and mechanisms that cause seed deterioration during storage. The over-all goal is to characterize the types of chemical reactions that occur in dry seeds and to relate these to the properties of the seed glassy matrix and the inevitable decline in seed quality and viability. Oxidation and peroxidation reactions occur in stored seeds and are implicated in chemical degradation. Oxidation of macromolecules gives rise to low molecular weight carbonyl compounds, many of which are volatile and so escape into the airspace of the storage container. The identity of volatile compounds indicates the nature of chemical reactions. Production of volatile compounds from seeds of different species was investigated. Volatile composition produced by seeds differs with the species: species such as Carum carvi were detected to produce large amounts of volatile compounds, while others, such as Eruca sativa, produced low quantities of only a few compounds. Qualitative and quantitative differences in volatile composition were noted as a function of storage RH: above about 30% RH glycolysis-like reactions increase with increasing RH, and below about 30% RH peroxidation-like reactions increase with decreasing RH. Assessment of volatile production from seeds during storage provides a probe to address questions about the nature and kinetics of chemical reactions that occur in the glassy matrix of stored seeds. This information reveals important information about the glass such as the proximity of reacting ligands and inter- or intra-molecular motions required to effect chemical reactions. Moreover, it could be developed as a non-invasive and early detection method of seed ageing rates

    Development of a Genetic Counseling Clinical Supervisor Evaluation Tool

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    A large portion of genetic counseling education is provided through clinical supervision. This project established a refined list of competencies to be used to evaluate supervisor performance by surveying both students and supervisors. Over 92% of supervisors felt that a student could appropriately evaluate them based on each competency. The competencies were believed to be a fair assessment of supervisor abilities by 95% of students. A standard way of evaluating supervisors will create uniform expectations, serve as a reference of skills/behaviors to strive for and provide a platform for student-to-supervisor feedback

    Learning by teaching : action research and teachers professional development

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    Comunicação apresentada no IX Colóquio sobre Questões Curriculares / V Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro, sob o tema "Debater o Currículo e seus Campos - Políticas, Fundamentos e Práticas", realizado no Porto em 21, 22 e 23 de Junho de 2010.Pensar hoje na formação de professores é pensar num processo de desenvolvimento que se prolonga pelo tempo de carreira do professor. A formação inicial deixou de ser o cerne da formação dos professores, perspectivando-se apenas como um marco num percurso de crescimento e construção identitária. Nesta linha, a OCDE (2005) releva a importância de melhorar a articulação entre as etapas da formação inicial, inserção e desenvolvimento profissional, recomendando um maior apoio nos primeiros anos de carreira e a criação de incentivos para um desenvolvimento profissional continuado. São hoje princípios orientadores desse processo: i) a valorização dos professores como sujeitos e agentes activos da sua própria formação; ii) o diálogo entre as experiências, crenças e conhecimentos individuais e os desafios, oportunidades e especificidades contextuais; iv) a orientação para a resolução de problemas e necessidades dos alunos, das escolas, dos professores, com vista à melhoria dos processos pedagógicos e dos resultados da aprendizagem; v) a instituição de dinâmicas de partilha e interacção nas escolas e a criação de comunidades de aprendizagem capazes de gerar sinergias conducentes ao desenvolvimento individual e colectivo dos seus membros; vi) a assumpção de uma perspectiva analítica, reflexiva e crítica; vii) e o envolvimento em processos de investigação orientados para a reconstrução das teorias e práticas pedagógicas dos professores. O projecto ICR (Investigação para um Currículo Relevante) inscreve-se nesta linha de princípios. Visando a transformação do trabalho dos professores com alunos que não encontram no currículo escolar respostas aos seus interesses, expectativas e necessidades individuais, o ICR assenta numa metodologia de investigação-acção colaborativa, potenciadora da autonomia e desenvolvimento individual e colectivo dos intervenientes. Na linha de projectos como o PROCUR (Alonso, 2002), o ICR focaliza nas tarefas concretas de ensino e nas práticas de gestão curricular dos professores, propondo-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento “de práticas reflexivas na selecção de conteúdos curriculares e na abordagem metodológica aos mesmos” e de “metodologias de ensino conducentes a aprendizagens mais reconhecidas pelos alunos como relevantes”. O projecto vai no quarto ano lectivo de desenvolvimento, envolvendo actualmente uma equipa de quatro docentes universitários e dez docentes do 1.º ao 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico de duas ilhas da Região Autónoma dos Açores. Os mais recentes membros do projecto provêm da ilha de S. Miguel e propõem-se aqui partilhar os principais desafios pessoais e profissionais que aquele lhes tem colocado bem como o impacto do mesmo nas suas práticas pedagógicas e no seu processo de formação e desenvolvimento profissional.Centro de Estudos da Criança (CESC) da Universidade do Minh

    Programa de intervención para la mejora de habilidades sociales en niños y niñas con altas capacidades

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    Los niños con Altas Capacidades (AACC) presentan un desarrollo asincrónico, en el ámbito intelectual se encuentran más desarrollados que la media, sin embargo, presentan déficits en las Habilidades Sociales (HHSS). El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general diseñar un programa de intervención para promover la mejora de las habilidades sociales en niños de 6 a 8 años con diagnóstico de Altas Capacidades pertenecientes a la provincia de Alicante. Con esta finalidad, el presente proyecto se compone de 16 sesiones donde se realizarán actividades para la psicoeducación, regulación emocional, empatía, normas sociales, manejo de la ansiedad, asertividad, habilidad para la resolución de conflictos y autoestima. Se prevé que la implementación de un programa de este tipo consiga mejorar las habilidades sociales de dicho colectivo. Se considera relevante la aplicación y la comprobación de la eficacia del presente programa, para conseguir una mejora en las HHSS y prevenir posibles problemas evolutivos en niños con AACC que se encuentran en la primera infancia.Children with High Abilities (AACC) present an asynchronous development, in the intellectual area they are more developed than the average, however, they present deficits in Social Skills (HHSS). The general objective of this work is to design an intervention programme to promote the improvement of social skills in children aged 6 to 8 years with a diagnosis of High Abilities in the province of Alicante. To this end, this project consists of 16 sessions where activities for psychoeducation, emotional regulation, empathy, social norms, anxiety management, assertiveness, conflict resolution skills and self-esteem will be carried out. The implementation of such a programme is expected to improve the social skills of this group. The application and verification of the effectiveness of this programme is considered relevant to achieve an improvement in HHSS and prevent possible developmental problems in children with AACC who are in early childhood

    Seed germination characteristics of Phillyrea angustifolia L. and P. latifolia L. (Oleaceae), two Mediterranean shrub species having lignified endocarp

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    The aim of this study was to determine the germination characteristics of Phillyrea angustifolia L. and P. latifolia L. seeds in order to develop an optimized propagation protocol for Phillyrea species. Seeds of P. angustifolia and P. latifolia were collected from wild plants growing in Cáceres province (CW Spain) and Andalucía (S Spain), respectively. Percentage of water uptake for P. latifolia seeds was calculated. Seeds with and without endocarp were germinated at different constant and alternating temperatures. Seeds without endocarp were soaked in distilled water or gibberellic acid, and then set to germinate. Seeds with endocarp of both species were stratified at 5 ºC for 30 or 90 days and then the endocarp was completely removed from the seeds before they were sowed. Chemical scarification with sulfuric acid and mechanical scarification were tested on P. angustifolia seeds with endocarp. Phillyrea endocarp was permeable to water, since Phillyrea seeds with endocarp imbibed water, but water uptake was faster when the endocarp was removed. Moreover, the encodarp could interfere mechanically in the emergence of the radicle, since seed germination of Phillyrea species was promoted by the complete removal of the lignified endocarp surrounding each seed. Optimal germination temperature for both species was 15 ºC, and lower temperatures produced secondary dormancy. Soaking in distilled water or gibberellic acid did not significantly enhance seed germination. Cold stratification and chemical scarification treatments were detrimental for seed germination. Keywords cold stratification, Phillyrea species, treatments before sowing, seed germination, seed scarification, lignified endocarp

    How Long Do the Dead Survive on the Road? Carcass Persistence Probability and Implications for Road-Kill Monitoring Surveys

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    Background: Road mortality is probably the best-known and visible impact of roads upon wildlife. Although several factors influence road-kill counts, carcass persistence time is considered the most important determinant underlying underestimates of road mortality. The present study aims to describe and model carcass persistence variability on the road for different taxonomic groups under different environmental conditions throughout the year; and also to assess the effect of sampling frequency on the relative variation in road-kill estimates registered within a survey. Methodology/Principal Findings: Daily surveys of road-killed vertebrates were conducted over one year along four road sections with different traffic volumes. Survival analysis was then used to i) describe carcass persistence timings for overall and for specific animal groups; ii) assess optimal sampling designs according to research objectives; and iii) model the influence of road, animal and weather factors on carcass persistence probabilities. Most animal carcasses persisted on the road for the first day only, with some groups disappearing at very high rates. The advisable periodicity of road monitoring that minimizes bias in road mortality estimates is daily monitoring for bats (in the morning) and lizards (in the afternoon), daily monitoring for toads, small birds, small mammals, snakes, salamanders, and lagomorphs; 1 day-interval (alternate days) for large birds, birds of prey, hedgehogs, and freshwater turtles; and 2 day-interval for carnivores. Multiple factors influenced the persistence probabilities of vertebrate carcasses on the road. Overall, the persistence was much lower for small animals, on roads with lower traffic volumes, for carcasses located on road lanes, and during humid conditions and high temperatures during the wet season and dry seasons, respectively. Conclusion/Significance: The guidance given here on monitoring frequencies is particularly relevant to provide conservation and transportation agencies with accurate numbers of road-kills, realistic mitigation measures, and detailed designs for road monitoring programs