121 research outputs found

    Hauerwas and the Law: Framing a Productive Conversation

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    Background: Meal-Q and its shorter version, MiniMeal-Q, are 2 new Web-based food frequency questionnaires. Their meal-based and interactive format was designed to promote ease of use and to minimize answering time, desirable improvements in large epidemiological studies. Objective: We evaluated the validity of energy and macronutrient intake assessed with Meal-Q and MiniMeal-Q as well as the reproducibility of Meal-Q. Methods: Healthy volunteers aged 20-63 years recruited from Stockholm County filled out the 174-item Meal-Q. The questionnaire was compared to 7-day weighed food records (WFR; n=163), for energy and macronutrient intake, and to doubly labeled water (DLW; n=39), for total energy expenditure. In addition, the 126-item MiniMeal-Q was evaluated in a simulated validation using truncated Meal-Q data. We also assessed the answering time and ease of use of both questionnaires. Results: Bland-Altman plots showed a varying bias within the intake range for all validity comparisons. Cross-classification of quartiles placed 70%-86% in the same/adjacent quartile with WFR and 77% with DLW. Deattenuated and energy-adjusted Pearson correlation coefficients with the WFR ranged from r=0.33-0.74 for macronutrients and was r=0.18 for energy. Correlations with DLW were r=0.42 for Meal-Q and r=0.38 for MiniMeal-Q. Intraclass correlations for Meal-Q ranged from r=0.57-0.90. Median answering time was 17 minutes for Meal-Q and 7 minutes for MiniMeal-Q, and participants rated both questionnaires as easy to use. Conclusions: Meal-Q and MiniMeal-Q are easy to use and have short answering times. The ranking agreement is good for most of the nutrients for both questionnaires and Meal-Q shows fair reproducibility.QC 20130709</p

    RÄvaror eller förberedda livsmedel? -En kartlÀggning av förÀdlade livsmedels inverkan pÄ personalresturangers ekonomiska lönsamhet

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    DÄ lönsamheten inom storköksbranschen varit relativt lÄg de senaste Ären sÄ efterfrÄgade sÄvÀl tillverkare som grossister men framförallt personalrestauranger en utredning om ifall det Àr möjligt förbÀttra lönsamheten inom branschen genom att anvÀnda mer förÀdlade livsmedel. Tidigare studier inom Àmnet har gjorts men i begrÀnsat antal och dÄ har frÀmst pÄverkan pÄ kundtillfredsstÀllelse, svinn, förÀndring av logistik och personalförÀndringar beaktats. VÄr studie har dÀremot fokuserat pÄ huruvida en övergÄng mot mer förberedda livsmedel pÄverkar den ekonomiska lönsamheten eller ej. Resultatet som berÀknats Àr ett absolut tal vilket innebÀr att vÄr uppsats bidrar med den finansiella information som tidigare saknats gÀllande den ekonomiska lönsamhetens pÄverkan vid en övergÄng. Uppsatsens syfte var att utreda hur en personalrestaurangs lönsamhet pÄverkas av en övergÄng till mer förberedda livsmedel och studera vilka hinder som kan uppstÄ vid en eventuell övergÄng

    Human shoulder anatomy: new ultrasound, anatomical, and microscopic perspectives

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    This study aimed to describe the shoulder anatomy, together with the anatomical relationships in adults and early stages of development. The shoulder muscles were studied from ultrasound, anatomical, and microscopic perspectives in a sample of 34 human shoulders. Thickness measurements were taken of the tendons and fasciae of the subscapularis, long head tendon of the biceps brachii, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor. Ultrasound and dissection techniques are strongly correlated. However, the measurements obtained from the dissection technique were superior to those obtained from the ultrasound in all cases, except for the thickness of the long head tendon of the biceps brachii, the teres minor tendon, and the fascia thickness of the infraspinatus. In addition, the study of shoulder anatomy revealed no differences between females and males. Relevant findings from dissection included a clear overlap between the infraspinatus and supraspinatus, which shared tendon fibers, and a similar connection between the transverse ligament of the long head tendon of the biceps brachii and the subscapularis, which created a more interconnected shoulder function. The study of the anatomical measurements shows an underestimation of the shoulder measurements in the ultrasound compared with the dissection technique, but a high correlation between the measurements made by the two techniques. We present reference values for the tendon and fascia thicknesses of the rotator cuff, with no differences observed by gender. The relationships between shoulder structures described in the anatomical study imply as well that, in the event of an injury, adjacent tissues may be affected. This extended information may facilitate future optimal clinical explorations

    What Is New about the Semimembranosus Distal Tendon? Ultrasound, Anatomical, and Histological Study with Clinical and Therapeutic Application

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    The semimembranosus muscle inserts into several tendons that are associated with some pathologies. Although ultrasound is useful for studying, diagnosing, and managing these pathologies, the correct interpretation of any images requires a clear knowledge of the related anatomical structures and the inter-related functions. We studied 38 cryopreserved non-paired knees from adult anatomical specimens and 4 non-paired knees from 29 to 38-week-old fetuses. The semimembranosus muscle and its tendons were located, observed, and injected under ultrasound guidance. The macroscopic anatomy was studied using dissection and anatomical cuts and the tendons were analyzed histologically. Measurements of muscle were taken 10 cm from the medial epicondyle and just before the tendon divided. The ultrasound facilitated the identification of the different divisions of the tendon of semimembranosus muscle and the rotation of the muscle and tendon from medial to posterior. An anatomical study confirmed this rotation and revealed an average width, thickness, and diameter of 38.29 mm, 14.36 mm, and 112.64 mm, respectively. Important relationships were observed between the divisions of the main tendons and the medial collateral ligament, the posterior side of the knee and popliteus muscle. This information can help to explain knee pathologies and facilitate rehabilitation after surgery

    High-resolution ultrasound of spigelian and groin hernias: a closer look at fascial architecture and aponeurotic passageways

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    From the clinical point of view, a proper diagnosis of spigelian, inguinal and femoral hernias may be relevant for orienting the patient's management, as these conditions carry a different risk of complications and require specific approaches and treatments. Imaging may play a significant role in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspected abdominal hernias, as the identification and categorization of these conditions is often unfeasible on clinical ground. Ultrasound imaging is particularly suited for this purpose, owing to its dynamic capabilities, high accuracy, low cost and wide availability. The main limitation of this technique consists of its intrinsic operator dependency, which tends to be higher in difficult-to-scan areas such as the groin because of its intrinsic anatomic complexity. An in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of the lower abdominal wall is, therefore, an essential prerequisite to perform a targeted ultrasound examination and discriminate among different types of regional hernias. The aim of this review is to provide a detailed analysis of the fascial architecture and aponeurotic passageways of the abdominal wall through which spigelian, inguinal and femoral hernias extrude, by means of schematic drawings, ultrasound images and video clips. A reasoned landmark-based ultrasound scanning technique is described to allow a prompt and reliable identification of these pathologic conditions

    Probing the extragalactic fast transient sky at minute timescales with DECam

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    Searches for optical transients are usually performed with a cadence of days to weeks, optimised for supernova discovery. The optical fast transient sky is still largely unexplored, with only a few surveys to date having placed meaningful constraints on the detection of extragalactic transients evolving at sub-hour timescales. Here, we present the results of deep searches for dim, minute-timescale extragalactic fast transients using the Dark Energy Camera, a core facility of our all-wavelength and all-messenger Deeper, Wider, Faster programme. We used continuous 20s exposures to systematically probe timescales down to 1.17 minutes at magnitude limits g>23g > 23 (AB), detecting hundreds of transient and variable sources. Nine candidates passed our strict criteria on duration and non-stellarity, all of which could be classified as flare stars based on deep multi-band imaging. Searches for fast radio burst and gamma-ray counterparts during simultaneous multi-facility observations yielded no counterparts to the optical transients. Also, no long-term variability was detected with pre-imaging and follow-up observations using the SkyMapper optical telescope. We place upper limits for minute-timescale fast optical transient rates for a range of depths and timescales. Finally, we demonstrate that optical gg-band light curve behaviour alone cannot discriminate between confirmed extragalactic fast transients such as prompt GRB flashes and Galactic stellar flares.Comment: Published in MNRA

    Liikenne- ja viestintÀministeriön vastuullisuusraportti 2022 : Ministeriön vuoden 2022 toimet kestÀvÀn kehityksen Agenda2030-tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi

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    Liikenne- ja viestintÀministeriön vastuullisuusraportissa kerrotaan, miten ministeriö on edistÀnyt YK:n kestÀvÀn kehityksen Agenda2030-tavoitteiden saavuttamista vuonna 2022. KestÀvÀn kehityksen edistÀminen ja vastuullisuus ovat mukana kaikessa liikenne- ja viestintÀministeriön toiminnassa. Ekologisen kestÀvyyden parantamisessa ja ilmastonmuutoksen hidastamisessa liikenteen, etenkin tieliikenteen, pÀÀstöjen vÀhentÀminen on keskeistÀ. Toimenpiteet liittyvÀt fossiilisten polttoaineiden korvaamiseen, autokannan uudistamiseen ja liikennejÀrjestelmÀn tehostamiseen, mikÀ tarkoittaa muun muassa kestÀvien liikkumismuotojen osuuden lisÀÀmistÀ ja logistiikan tehostamista tiedon avulla. Taloudellisen kestÀvyyden nÀkökulmasta digitaalisilla yhteyksillÀ, liikenteellÀ ja viestinnÀllÀ on keskeinen merkitys elinkeinoelÀmÀn kilpailukyvylle ja uudistumiselle sekÀ koko Suomen elinvoimalle ja hyvinvoinnille. Sosiaalisen kestÀvyyden kannalta ministeriön työ varmistaa ihmisten perustarpeiden toteutumista. Toimet liittyvÀt esimerkiksi liikenneturvallisuuteen ja liikenne- ja digitaalisten palveluiden esteettömyyteen. Valtiokonttori suosittaa kaikkia valtion virastoja laatimaan toiminnastaan vastuullisuusraportin vuosittain. Agenda2030-tavoitteet ovat Valtiokonttorin ohjeistaman vastuullisuusraportoinnin perusta

    Sex bias in biopsy samples collected from free-ranging dolphins

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in European Journal of Wildlife Research 56 (2010): 151-158, doi:10.1007/s10344-009-0299-7.Biological samples of free-ranging dolphins are increasingly used to gain information on population structure and ecology. In small cetaceans, the gender of individuals usually cannot be determined at sea, and population sex ratio has to be inferred indirectly. We used molecular sexing to determine the gender of 340 biopsy samples of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis, and common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, collected around the Azores and Madeira. Sex ratio was globally skewed in favor of males, and differed between species and archipelagos. Skew was probably influenced by the selectivity of biopsy collectors and seasonal or year-round predominance of males in natural populations. Skew was also influenced by sampling duration and intensity. In the Azores, when several samples were successively collected within the same group, the proportion of female samples decreased as a function of sample order. This trend indicated a tendency for females to increasingly avoid the boat while samples were being collected. It showed that males and females reacted differently to the perturbation caused by the biopsy sampling process (i.e. sample collection and driving style).Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the FEDER program for funding the CETAMARH (POCTI/BSE/38991/01) and the GOLFINICHO (POCI/BIA-BDE/61009/2004) projects, S.Q.'s post-doctoral grants (IMAR/FCT- PDOC-006/2001-MoleGen and SFRH/BPD/19680/2004), M.A.S.'s doctoral (SFRH/BD/8609/2002) and post-doctoral (SFRH/BPD/29841/2006) grants, S.M.'s investigation assistant grant (CETAMARHII/POCTI/BSE/38991/2001) and I.C.'s investigation assistant grants (IMAR/FCT/GOLFINICHO/001/2005 and IMAR/FCT/GOLFINICHO/004/2006). FCT for its pluri-annual funding to Research Unit #531 and the EU funded program Interreg IIIb for funding the MACETUS project (MAC/4.2/M10) as well as R.P. and S.M.’s grants (IMAR/INTERREGIIIb/MACETUS/MAC1/2)

    MITF has a central role in regulating starvation-induced autophagy in melanoma.

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    The MITF transcription factor is a master regulator of melanocyte development and a critical factor in melanomagenesis. The related transcription factors TFEB and TFE3 regulate lysosomal activity and autophagy processes known to be important in melanoma. Here we show that MITF binds the CLEAR-box element in the promoters of lysosomal and autophagosomal genes in melanocytes and melanoma cells. The crystal structure of MITF bound to the CLEAR-box reveals how the palindromic nature of this motif induces symmetric MITF homodimer binding. In metastatic melanoma tumors and cell lines, MITF positively correlates with the expression of lysosomal and autophagosomal genes, which, interestingly, are different from the lysosomal and autophagosomal genes correlated with TFEB and TFE3. Depletion of MITF in melanoma cells and melanocytes attenuates the response to starvation-induced autophagy, whereas the overexpression of MITF in melanoma cells increases the number of autophagosomes but is not sufficient to induce autophagic flux. Our results suggest that MITF and the related factors TFEB and TFE3 have separate roles in regulating a starvation-induced autophagy response in melanoma. Understanding the normal and pathophysiological roles of MITF and related transcription factors may provide important clinical insights into melanoma therapy

    Differential regulation of Knotted1-like genes during establishment of the shoot apical meristem in Norway spruce (Picea abies)

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    Establishment of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) in Arabidopsis embryos requires the KNOXI transcription factor SHOOT MERISTEMLESS. In Norway spruce (Picea abies), four KNOXI family members (HBK1, HBK2, HBK3 and HBK4) have been identified, but a corresponding role in SAM development has not been demonstrated. As a first step to differentiate between the functions of the four Norway spruce HBK genes, we have here analyzed their expression profiles during the process of somatic embryo development. This was made both under normal embryo development and under conditions of reduced SAM formation by treatment with the polar auxin transport inhibitor NPA. Concomitantly with the formation of an embryonic SAM, the HBK2 and HBK4 genes displayed a significant up-regulation that was delayed by NPA treatment. In contrast, HBK1 and HBK3 were up-regulated prior to SAM formation, and their temporal expression was not affected by NPA. Ectopic expression of the four HBK genes in transgenic Arabidopsis plants further supported similar functions of HBK2 and HBK4, distinct from those of HBK1 and HBK3. Together, the results suggest that HBK2 and HBK4 exert similar functions related to the SAM differentiation and somatic embryo development in Norway spruce, while HBK1 and HBK3 have more general functions during embryo development
