144 research outputs found

    Роль історизму і шляхи його використання унавчанні фізики

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    (uk) У статті розглянуто особливості історизму, шляхи та форми його використання , а також значення історизму при викладанні фізики.(en) The features of historical method, ways and forms of his use, and also values of historical method, are considered in this article at teaching of physics

    Of Course Ideology Should Matter in Judicial Selection

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    This study is based on motivation theory, communication theory and knowledge about change management and workshop arrangement. The aim of the study is to develop a communication strategy which increases motivation for sustainability work in municipalities. Main focus of this report is to (1) determine whether motivation theory is applicable on a municipality’s sustainability work, in order to gain a willingness to change and (2) decide if workshops are suitable platforms for communication with municipalities. The opinion that global, complex problems require local solutions is a starting point for this study. The role of municipalities is claimed to be of great importance and is furthermore suggested to undergo a change in order to meet the current demands. The developed communication strategy is based on theories from a literature review and informal interviews with experts and was tested in a case study (with a municipality in south of Sweden). The communication strategy is intended to be useful when wanting to motivate any municipality to sustainability work. The communication strategy includes preparations, workshop arrangements and follow-up work. Every step of the strategy is explained, justified and presented in this report. The results from the case study are displayed and serve as a framework for the improvement discussion. The main result of this study consists of de following 11 steps: Background studies of the municipality. Survey of the existing expectations and needs. Identification of suitable workshop participants. Sending out invitations to the participants. Sending out questionnaires to participants. Adaptation of the communication. Implementation of workshop 1. Sending out reminder of the ’micro-task’. Implementation of workshop 2. Evaluation of the results. Follow-up of the municipality’s work. All participants in the case study stated that the workshops inspired to sustainability work and the self-perceived motivation was considered to be higher after the workshops had taken place (on a scale from 1 to 5, the mean value rose from 4,3 to 4,6). The conclusions of the study are: (I) by paying attention to theories of motivation – and applying these theories during contact with the municipality - willingness to change occurred amongst the majority of the participants. (II) Workshops are suitable forums for communication with municipalities. To generalize these conclusions, further studies are required. Studiens bakgrund är motivationsteori, kommunikationsteori, samt kunskap kring förändringsarbete och workshop-arrangemang. Syftet med studien är att utarbeta en kommunikationsstrategi som ökar motivationen till hållbarhetsarbete i en kommun. Fokus ligger på (1) huruvida motivationsteori kan appliceras på en kommuns hållbarhetsarbete för att öka förändringsvilja samt (2) att avgöra ifall en workshop-serie är ett bra forum för kommunikation med kommuner. Som utgångspunkt för studien hävdas att globala, komplexa problem kräver lokala lösningar, varpå kommunens roll i hållbarhetsarbetet är av stor vikt. Vidare utgicks det från att dagens kommunala hållbarhetsarbete inte är tillräckligt, utan kräver förändring. Med en litteraturstudie och informella intervjuer med sakkunniga som bakgrund utvecklades en kommunikationsstrategi som testades på en pilotkommun i södra Sverige. Strategin som presenteras i rapporten är tänkt att kunna användas för att motivera även andra kommuner till hållbarhetsarbete. Kommunikationsstrategin inbegriper förberedelser, workshop-arrangemang och uppföljning. I rapporten motiveras valet av kommunikationsstrategins respektive steg, en presentation sker för hur varje del genomfördes i fallstudien och förbättringsförslag diskuteras utefter fallstudiens utfall. Studiens huvudsakliga resultat består i kommunikationsstrategins 11 steg: Inläsning om kommunen. Undersökning av vilka förväntningar och behov som finns. Identifiering av workshopdeltagare. Utskickning av inbjudan till deltagare. Utskickning av frågeformulär till deltagare. Anpassning av kommunikationen. Genomförande av workshop 1. Utskickning av påminnelse om mikrouppgifter. Genomförande av workshop 2. Utvärdering av resultat. Uppföljning av kommunens arbete. Samtliga deltagare i fallstudien angav att workshopparna inspirerat till hållbarhetsarbete och den självupplevda motivationsgraden ansågs högre hos ett par deltagare efter att workshopparna ägt rum (på en skala från 1 till 5 ökade genomsnittet från 4,3 till 4,6). Slutsatserna i studien är följande: (I) Genom att uppmärksamma teorier om motivation, samt tillämpa dem praktiskt under kontaken med kommunen, uppstod förändringsvilja hos majoriteten av de som deltog i workshop-serien. (II) Ett bra forum för att kommunicera med kommuner är genom att arrangera workshoppar. För att generalisera slutsatserna krävs vidare undersökningar. 

    Arbetsterapeuters upplevelse av arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering för vuxna med ADHD

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    Bakgrund: Personer med diagnosen ADHD beskriver ofta flera aktivitetsproblem kopplade till arbete. Exempel på detta kan vara att de har svårt att strukturera upp arbetet, prioritera arbetsuppgifter och koncentrera sig. Detta bidrar till svårigheter i att behålla arbetet. Studier har visat att det finns en stor kunskapslucka kring vilka interventioner som erbjuds personer med ADHD som är i arbetsförålder och hur samverkan mellan olika arbetslivsinriktade aktörer fungerar. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka arbetsterapeuters upplevelse av vad som är viktigt för en fungerande arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering för vuxna med ADHD. Metod: Studien genomfördes genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med egenkonstruerad intervjuguide. Materialet transkriberades och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats för att organisera huvudkategorier. Resultat: Resultatet genererade fyra huvudkategorier: Att följa arbetsterapiprocessen och samverka med andra professioner, Att ha en förståelse för arbetets betydelse för personer med ADHD, Att vara kompetent och ha ett klientcentrerat förhållningssätt samt Att ta hänsyn till personens svårigheter och behov relaterat till arbetslivet. Slutsats: Studien ger en ökad förståelse över arbetsterapeuternas arbetsprocess och deras samverkan med andra yrkesgrupper. Arbetsterapeuter har en hög kompetens att se behov och förutsättningar hos personen för att ge rätt stöd och bra bemötande i arbetsrehabiliteringen

    Numerical Simulations and Empirical Data for the Evaluation of Daylight Factors in Existing Buildings in Sweden

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    Point Daylight Factor (DFP) has been used for daylighting design in Sweden for more than 40 years. Progressive densification of urban environments, in combination with stricter regulations on energy performance and indoor environmental quality of buildings, creates complex daylight design challenges that cannot be adequately solved with DFP. To support a development of the current and future daylight indicators in the Swedish context, the authors have developed a comprehensive methodology for the evaluation of daylight levels in existing buildings. The methodology comprises sample buildings of various use and their digital replicas in 3D, detailed numerical simulations and correlations of diverse DF metrics in existing buildings, a field investigation on residents\u27 satisfaction with available daylight levels in their homes, and a comparison between the numerical and experimental data. The study was deliberately limited to the evaluation of DF metrics for their intuitive understanding and easy evaluation in real design projects. The sample buildings represent typical architectural styles and building technologies between 1887 and 2013 in Gothenburg and include eight residential buildings, two office buildings, two schools, two student apartment buildings, and two hospitals. Although the simulated DFP is 1.4% on average, i.e., above the required 1%, large variations have been found between the studied 1200 rooms. The empirical data generally support the findings from the numerical simulations, but also bring unique insights in the residences\u27 preferences for rooms with good daylight. The most remarkable result is related to kitchens, typically the spaces with the lowest DF values, based on simulations, while the residents wish them to be the spaces with the most daylight. Finally, the work introduces a new DF metric, denoted DFW, which allows daylighting design in early stages when only limited data on the building shape and windows\u27 arrangement are available

    Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing reconciliation in TRC processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic countries

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    Conflict in its various manifestations continues to be a defining feature in many places throughout the world. In an attempt to address such conflict, various forms of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) have been introduced to facilitate the transition from social conflict to a new dispensation. The introduction and subsequent proceedings of TRCs in South Africa, Canada and Norway are widely regarded as good examples of this approach. Against this background, a number of researchers from VID Specialized University and the University of the Western Cape had an exploratory meeting in Oslo in 2018 where the possibility for a joint research project under the broad theme of ‘discourses on reconciliation’ was first discussed. This led to two further research symposia in Cape Town and Tromsø in 2019. With the inclusion of specialists working on the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation process, these meetings demonstrated common ground and a shared understanding of the issues at stake. Moreover, it pointed to the differences between the South African, Canadian and Norwegian Commissions. In comparing the South African, Canadian and Norwegian experiences, researchers identified that these countries were, in fact, at different stages of their respective truth and reconciliation processes. This has prompted scholars to revisit and problematise these processes in relation to ongoing societal challenges. In all cases, it is quite apparent that reconciliation between individuals and groups remains a significant challenge

    Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing reconciliation in TRC processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic countries

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    Conflict in its various manifestations continues to be a defining feature in many places throughout the world. In an attempt to address such conflict, various forms of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) have been introduced to facilitate the transition from social conflict to a new dispensation. The introduction and subsequent proceedings of TRCs in South Africa, Canada and Norway are widely regarded as good examples of this approach. Against this background, a number of researchers from VID Specialized University and the University of the Western Cape had an exploratory meeting in Oslo in 2018 where the possibility for a joint research project under the broad theme of ‘discourses on reconciliation’ was first discussed. This led to two further research symposia in Cape Town and Tromsø in 2019. With the inclusion of specialists working on the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation process, these meetings demonstrated common ground and a shared understanding of the issues at stake. Moreover, it pointed to the differences between the South African, Canadian and Norwegian Commissions. In comparing the South African, Canadian and Norwegian experiences, researchers identified that these countries were, in fact, at different stages of their respective truth and reconciliation processes. This has prompted scholars to revisit and problematise these processes in relation to ongoing societal challenges. In all cases, it is quite apparent that reconciliation between individuals and groups remains a significant challenge

    Supporting Pharmacovigilance Signal Validation and Prioritization with Analyses of Routinely Collected Health Data: Lessons Learned from an EHDEN Network Study

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    Introduction: Individual case reports are the main asset in pharmacovigilance signal management. Signal validation is the first stage after signal detection and aims to determine if there is sufficient evidence to justify further assessment. Throughout signal management, a prioritization of signals is continually made. Routinely collected health data can provide relevant contextual information but are primarily used at a later stage in pharmacoepidemiological studies to assess communicated signals. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility and utility of analysing routine health data from a multinational distributed network to support signal validation and prioritization and to reflect on key user requirements for these analyses to become an integral part of this process. Methods: Statistical signal detection was performed in VigiBase, the WHO global database of individual case safety reports, targeting generic manufacturer drugs and 16 prespecified adverse events. During a 5-day study-a-thon, signal validation and prioritization were performed using information from VigiBase, regulatory documents and the scientific literature alongside descriptive analyses of routine health data from 10 partners of the European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN). Databases included in the study were from the UK, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands and Serbia, capturing records from primary care and/or hospitals. Results: Ninety-five statistical signals were subjected to signal validation, of which eight were considered for descriptive analyses in the routine health data. Design, execution and interpretation of results from these analyses took up to a few hours for each signal (of which 15–60 minutes were for execution) and informed decisions for five out of eight signals. The impact of insights from the routine health data varied and included possible alternative explanations, potential public health and clinical impact and feasibility of follow-up pharmacoepidemiological studies. Three signals were selected for signal assessment, two of these decisions were supported by insights from the routine health data. Standardization of analytical code, availability of adverse event phenotypes including bridges between different source vocabularies, and governance around the access and use of routine health data were identified as important aspects for future development. Conclusions: Analyses of routine health data from a distributed network to support signal validation and prioritization are feasible in the given time limits and can inform decision making. The cost–benefit of integrating these analyses at this stage of signal management requires further research

    Role of T198 Modification in the Regulation of p27Kip1 Protein Stability and Function

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    The tumor suppressor gene p27Kip1 plays a fundamental role in human cancer progression. Its expression and/or functions are altered in almost all the different tumor histotype analyzed so far. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the tumor suppression function of p27 resides not only in the ability to inhibit Cyclins/CDKs complexes through its N-terminal domain but also in the capacity to modulate cell motility through its C-terminal portion. Particular interest has been raised by the last amino-acid, (Threonine 198) in the regulation of both protein stability and cell motility