33 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Penetapan Nomor Urut Calon Legislatif Dprd Provinsi Riau Daerah Pemilihan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus pada Partai Persatuan Pembangunan)

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    Political parties today is conducted openly at the crawl stage but in the selection of candidates and their establishment of Political Parties that do tend to be closed. Political parties only involve a number of elite administrators regional level without involving the participation of the community in the form of opportunities for the public to participate in assessing candidates to be promoted, as is known by consensus agreement of the Chairman of DPW PPP PPP Number: 074 / PPP.IX / NO.URUT / 2012 on Technical Guidelines for Determination of Number of Riau Provincial Council Member Candidates PPP it is known in article 3, said determination sequence number of candidates in the set based on the position and the positions in the party organization and further discussed in the Congress Party, the next can be seen in the following table Candidate name DPRD Pekanbaru based Dapil I Pekanbaru. To find out how the mechanism penetepan serial number by the United Development Party Determination of the serial number of candidates for legislators Riau Province of PPP it is done by way of deliberation and consensus which seuanya carried out according to the rules, among others, as contained in article 3 of the Technical Guidelines for the Determination of Number of Candidates Riau Provincial Assembly Members To find out how the mechanism penetepan serial number by the United Development Party Determination of the serial number of candidates for legislators Riau Province of PPP it is done by way of deliberation and consensus which seuanya carried out according to the rules, among others, as contained in article 3 of the Technical Guidelines for the Determination of Number of Candidates Riau Provincial Assembly Members Keywords: Mechanisms, Determination, Serial Number, Legislative Candidates Keywords: Mechanisms, Determination, Serial Number, Legislative Candidate


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    Abstrak Pandai Sikek merupakan sentral produksi songket terkemuka di Sumatera Barat. Songket Pandai Sikek yang tergolong berkualitas tinggi tersebut dibuat menggunakan alat tenun tradisional yang dikenal dengan panta. Meskipun bisa menghasilkan songket yang berkualitas, namun panta memiliki keterbatasan-keterbatasan, antara lain: proses bertenun yang membutuhkan waktu lama, tingginya resiko kesalahan, dan sebagainya. Dihadapkan pada keterbatasan itu, Pemerintah Pusat melalui Departemen Perindustrian RI memperkenalkan alat tenun baru, yaitu ATBM, serta ATBMTT yang merupakan produk beberapa pengrajin (penenun) setempat. Hanya saja kedua peralatan baru itu (ATBM & ATBMTT) ditolak kehadirannya oleh penenun setempat, buktinya lebih dari 98% penenun tetap menggunakan panta.Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa penenun menolak (rejection) ATBM dan ATBMTT sebagai pengganti panta adalah sebagai berikut: (1) keterbatasan informasi tentang esensi ATBM & ATBMTT sebagai alat inovasi; (2) tingginya kerumitan dan keterbatasan alat inovasi; (3) rendahnya kualitas produk ATBM dibandingkan produk panta sehingga harga jual produk rendah; (4) khusus ATBMTT, adanya hambatan agen pembaru (keengganannya untuk menyebarkan ATBMTT kepada penenun lain); dan, (5) adanya nilai sistem yang tertanam dalam diri adopter (penenun). Nilai sistem tersebut yaitu pemahaman tentang menenun merupakan keterampilan sakral dan identitas serta jati diri sebagai orang Pandai Sikek

    Field of Struggle Platform Millennial Lokal Kota Padang Panjang di Tengah Krisis Pandemi Covid-19

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    Artikel ini menjelaskan peran millennial lokal Padang Panjang berjuang dalam ranah sosial. Hal itu terkait geliat agen sosial dalam merespon kemunculan anomaly di tengah masyarakat akibat keberadaan pandemi Covid-19 khususnya di Kota Padang Panjang. Aktifitas yang biasanya dapat dilakukan masyarakat di ruang publik dengan bebas, seketika bergeser hanya dapat dilakukan dalam batas ruang privat. Aktifitas perkantoran, pendidikan, keagamaan dan juga perekonomian hanya bisa dilakukan dalam ruang lingkup terbatas. Berbagai pro kontra, ketegangan dan juga kesenjangan tidak dapat dihindari, semua disebabkan keterbatasan akses dan distribusi kapital yang berbeda di tengah masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, bersumber dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi dan studi literatur. Berpijak pada perspektif Bourdieu, maka diketahui bahwa dengan mengakumulasi berbagai capital yang dimiliki para agen, lahirlah platform e-commerce bernama Sayurmayur.id berbasis android sebagai bentuk dari field of straggle millennial local menjawab tantangan dan krisis di tengah pandemi. Keberadaannya turut menjadi solusi dan alternatif bagi masyarakat dalam menghadapi pandemi. Selain itu, Sayurmayur.id berkontribusi dalam proses memutus penyebaran virus, sebab secara tidak langsung dapat terwujudnya physical distancing. Selain itu juga mampu menjaga sistem perekonomian masyarakat agar tetap berjalan khususnya untuk keperluan pangan sehari-hari dalam masa pandemi di daerah Padang Panjang

    Cyber Harassment: Fenomena Hate Comment Di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Akun Tik-Tok @Y***Q

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    The era of the covid-19 pandemic, the popularity of social media shows an increasingly significant trend, especially in Indonesia. This fact is directly proportional to the emergence of various kinds of social media that offer various interesting features, one of which is the Tik-Tok application. Along with its development, many internet citizens (netizens) have used the comment feature on the content presented in the Tik-Tok application. However, this feature is used as a vehicle for self-existence through comments that are vulnerable to being included in the cyber-harassment category. This article tries to elaborate on the case of cyber harassment in the Tik Tok application in the form of hate comments on the @y***q account that occurred during the covid-19 pandemic era. Based on the theoretical framework of Social Identity, it can be explained how the phenomenon of cyber harassment is present as a consequence of technological developments which ultimately leads to Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online (KBGO). Tik-Tok as social media is not friendly in presenting a gendered space that is used by women to express themselves through video content wrapped in the existence of self-identity, opposing discrimination, and denying the perpetuation of the definition of beautiful women based on other people's constructions (netizens)


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan teknologi yang menyebabkan internet menjadi sebuah kebutuhan sehari-hari bagi kebanyakan orang, akan tetapi tidak hanya sebatas media informasi saja tetapi juga telah merambah ke bidang game online. Akan tetapi pada Nagari Guguak Kuranji hilir ditemukan adanya orang tua yang mendukung atau mensupport anaknya dalam bermain game online. Dukungan ini disebabkan karena adanya dampak positif yang timbul akibat bermain game online. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk tindakan rasionalitas orang tua dalam mensupport remaja dalam bermain game online di Nagari Guguak Kuranji Hilir Kecamatan Sungai Limau Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan jumlah informan 22 orang diambil melalui teknik purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen, adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan yakni model Milles dan Huberman yaitu melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori tindakan sosial dari Max Weber. Teori tindakan sosial yaitu tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seorang individu yang memiliki sebuah makna dan tujuan bagi dirinya (yang melakukan) dan diarahkan kepada tindakan bagi orang lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada lima bentuk dukungan utama yang diteliti adalah pemberian handphone, dukungan finansial untuk turnamen game online, mengizinkan penggunaan warung sebagai tempat bermain game online, memberikan pengawasan terhadap anak dalam bermain game online, dan mengingatkan tentang prioritas pendidikan. Tindakan rasionalitas orang tua dalam mendukung remaja bermain game online mencerminkan upaya mereka menggabungkan dunia digital dengan pembelajaran dan pengembangan pribadi. Sehingga menegaskan bahwa dukungan orang tua tidak hanya tentang pengawasan, tetapi juga tentang memberikan kesempatan kepada anak-anak untuk berkembang dalam lingkungan pertemanan anak mereka

    Strengthening the Religious Moderation through Innovation of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) based Civic Intelligence and the Values Clarification Technique (VCT)

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    In Indonesia, the dissemination of religious radicalism not only occurs in educational institutions but has also spread into other social institutions. In the scope of higher education, the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) released the results of their research in 2018, indicate the emergence of radicalism in several state universities. Although several other parties questioned the details of BNPTโ€™s findings, the research made โ€œpolitics of fearโ€ after explicitly labelling seven well-known state universities exposed to radical ideology. This research is directed to formulate the learning innovation on Islamic Religious Education (IRE) based Civic Intelligence using the Values Clarification Technique (VCT) learning model as an effort to strengthen religious moderation. This research is classified into the research and development (R&D) model which conducted at State University of Malang (UM) and the development model used the ADDIE model. The result revealed that the mapping for religious moderation after getting treatment can be grouped into five categories (very high: 9.97%, high: 9.30%, moderate: 51.82%, low: 26.57% and very low: 2.32%). Keywords: Civic Intelligence, Moderation, Islamic Religious Educatio

    Aplikasi TikTok: Interpretasi dan Representasi Diri Remaja

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    Eksistensi media sosial TikTok telah mempengaruhi interpretasi dan representasi remaja khususnya di RT 04/RW 12, Kelurahan Pagambiran Ampalu Nan XX, Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung, Kota Padang. Adapun tujuan dari tulisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana interpretasi dan representasi diri remaja di RT 04/RW 12, Kelurahan Pagambiran Ampalu Nan XX, Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung, Kota Padang dalam penggunaan media sosial TikTok. Berlandaskan pada teori interaksionisme simbolik Herbert Blumer serta menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif peneliti menentukan informan dengan teknik purposive, dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menemukan bentuk interpretasi remaja terhadap TikTok adalah sebagai sarana eksistensi diri, sarana upgrade diri dan sarana menambah relasi. Adapun bentuk representasi diri yang dilakukan remaja adalah mengunggah video, menggunakan barang-barang yang dibelinya melalui media sosial TikTok, mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang lagi trending, mempraktekkan apa yang telah dilihatnya melalui media sosial TikTok seperti memakai make up, memasak, dan lain sebagainya. Dari penelitian tersebut memperkuat bahwa interpretasi remaja terhadap media sosial TikTok telah mempengaruhi bentuk representasi diri yang ditampilkannya melalui media sosial TikTok, hal itu turut mempengaruhi kehidupan nyata yang ditampilkannya, dan bahkan terjadinya degradasi moral pada remaja.  The existence of TikTok social media has clarified the interpretations and representations of teenagers, especially in RT 04 / RW 12, Pagambiran Ampalu Nan XX Village, Lubuk Begalung District, Padang City. The purpose of this paper is to find out how the interpretation and self-representation of teenagers in RT 04 / RW 12, Pagambiran Ampalu Nan XX Village, Lubuk Begalung District, Padang City in using TikTok social media. Based on Herbert Blumer's symbolic interactionism theory and using a descriptive qualitative approach, the researcher determines informants using purposive techniques, where data collection is carried out by means of observation, interviews, and document studies. The results of the study found that the form of teenagers' interpretation of TikTok is as a means of self-existence, a means of upgrading themselves and a means of adding relationships. The forms of self-representation carried out by teenagers are uploading videos, using items they buy through TikTok social media, visiting trending places, practicing what they have seen through TikTok social media such as wearing makeup, cooking, and so on. From this research, it reinforces that adolescents' interpretations of TikTok social media have influenced the form of self-representation they display through TikTok social media, it also affects the real life they display, and even moral degradation in teenagers

    Optimization of zinc electrodeposition from zinc-air cell discharge performance

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    Porous zinc electrodes were prepared from an acidic, chloride electrolytic bath for application in zinc-air microbattery. The aim is to produce a high specific surface area zinc coating in order to obtain high storage capacity and high limiting current density of the microbattery. The electrolytic bath consists of zinc chloride as the metal source and ammonium chloride as the supporting electrolyte. The concentration of the supporting electrolyte was varied from 1 to 6 M, while the concentration of zinc chloride was fixed at 2 M. The electrodeposition was performed at a constant current density of 100mAcm-2. No electrolyte agitation was attempted. SEM micrographs revealed unique cross-stitch porous network morphology of zinc electrodeposits. As the ammonium chloride concentration increases, flake microstructure appeared and later becomes predominant. A thin alkaline zinc-air cell was fabricated utilizing the various qualities of the zinc electrodeposits. The effect of the qualities of the zinc electrodeposits on the cell discharge performance was monitored. The zinc-air microbattery of 1 cm2 area x ca. 305 ยตm thick was able to produce a maximum limiting current density of 35 mA cm-2 and possessed a specific capacity of 327 mAh g-

    Preparation and characterization of inorganic MCM-41 membrane for zinc-air microbattery

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    Zinc-air microbatteries have been fabricated utilizing novel nanoporous inorganic MCM-41 membrane. MCM-41 material consists of hexagonally-ordered pore structure and characterized by its large surface area and pore volume, narrow pore size distribution, tuneable pore size, adjustable hydrophobicity and very good thermal stability. The dimension of the fabricated zinc-air microbattery was 1 cm2 area and ca. 300 ฮผm thick. MCM-41 membrane was synthesized on the electrodeposited zinc electrode by dip-coating method from a pregnant solution consisting of cethyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS), hydrochloric acid, ethanol and distilled water. its thickness was ca. 5 ยตm. Due to the hydrophilic nature of the as-synthesized MCM-41, it serves both as the cellโ€™s separator and the electrolyte matrix. The Zn/MCM-41/air microbattery was able to deliver a maximum power density of 32 mW cm-2

    Solid state, dry zinc/MCM-41/air cell as relative humidity sensor

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    A zincโ€“air cell utilizing an inorganic MCM-41 membrane separator, in its dry form, reveals a unique behavior in response to relative humidity variation. The open circuit voltage (OCV) of the cell shows a linear dependence on relative humidity content. This is due to water adsorptionโ€“desorption characteristics of the mesoporous MCM-41 material. Comparison between relative humidity data obtained from commercial digital humidity sensor with data deduced from the OCV readings of Zn/MCM-41/air cell shows good sensitivity and high reliability