394 research outputs found

    Redesign of Squared-Profile Wood Sanding Machine for Work-Position and Productivity Improvement (Case study on Abu Production Handycraft, Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta)

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    Abu Production Handycraft was a small and medium enterprise (SME) that produced various types of handicraft products, such as tissue boxes, lamp cups, ashtrays, fruit baskets, flowerpots, flower vases, plaques, trays, souvenirs, and other types of wooden craft product. One of production processes was sanding process which was performed by the operator while in sitting position on a small bench for long time. It caused the worker worked with the back in bent position, head bowed, elbows and both legs include knees folded. Standardised Nordic Questionnaires (SNQ) revealed that the worker suffered from pain in the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, buttock, and knee. So, it could effect on the work productivity. The objective of this research was to redesign of squared-profile wood sanding machine for Work-position and Productivity Improvement. The concept of ergonomics was applied for work facilities designing. The discomfort perceived, standard time, and work productivity would be measured for comparing between pre and post redesigning conditions on this research. The anthropometric data was taken as reference for the dimension of sanding machine design which matched to the body dimension of the worker. SolidWorks software was used in this research for sanding machine designing. The result showed a decrease on the level of discomfort of 70% into 10%. Regarding to the standard time, the result showed 20.96 minutes/unit and 7.99 minutes/unit for initial and final condition, respectively. It indicated a decrease of 61.88% in term of standard time. Related to the standard output, it showed 3.00 units/minute for initial condition and 8.00 units/minute for final condition. It indicated that there was an increase of 166.67% in term of productivity when compared to the initial condition


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    Salah satu poin penting bagi kehidupan suatu perusahaan, baik itu perusahaan dagang maupun perusahaan manufaktur yaitu dengan optimalnya manajemen persediaannya. Apabila persediaan telah terkontrol dengan baik, maka akan dicapai kestabilan dalam produktivitas suatu perusahaan. PT Baja Menara Inti merupakan Perusahaan transportasi perlu menjaga kelancaran operasional perusahaannya dengan melaksanakan manajemen persediaan serta menata ulang spare part berdasarkan prioritasnya Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sistem manajemen persediaan dengan analisis ABC untuk mengetahui persediaan prioritas dan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) untuk menentukan jumlah pesanan paling ekonomis sehingga dapat meminimalisir kerugian yang dialami perusahaan dan  menentukan frekuuensi pemesanan serta mengetahui total biaya persediannya. Hasil dari pengolahan dari 63 spare part ada 7 spare part yang masuk kelas A merupakan jenis barang yang paling diprioritaskan dibandingkan dari barang lainnya, PT. Baja Menara Inti sebelum menggunakan metode EOQ mengeluarkan biaya sebesar Rp 5.640.000 untuk kelas A, setelah menggunakan EOQ mengeluarkan biaya sebesar Rp 4.081.814 Jadi PT. Baja Menara Inti bisa menghemat biaya sebesar Rp 1.534.186 untuk total biaya pemesanan dan total biaya penyimpanan per tahunnya

    An analysis of tourist carbon footprint in Indonesia – The case of D.I. Yogyakarta

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    Tourism is one of Indonesia’s largest economic sectors contributing significantly to the republic’s current development . However, there is a price to pay for developing tourism, namely, the increased generation of CO2 produced by touris and tourism activities which can lead to climate change. To gauge the extent to which this is happening in the country a field study was conducted in D.I. Yogyakarta to determine the amount of carbon produced by individual tourists through tourism activities, and to map the amount of carbon produced by tourists at a tourist destination. The results showed that a) of the total amount of 1,218,416.05 kg of CO2 produced by tourists in the Province of Yogyakarta about 45 percent or 542,971.48 kg CO2 was produced by foreign tourists as compared to 55 percent or 675,444.57 kg CO2 produced by domestic tourists; b) accommodation air conditioning was the biggest carbon contributor with respect to domestic tourists; c) at 5,728.17 kg of CO2 domestic tourists dominated the amount of transportation carbon produced during their stay in D.I. Yogyakarta; and d) the greatest amount of carbon, viz. 236,648.7 kg or 20% of the total CO2 generated by tourists was at the heritage tourism sites


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keberadaan industri keripik pisang di Provinsi Lampung yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan dan memiliki peluang usaha cukup besar bagi para pelaku ekonomi karena proses pengolahan yang tidak terlalu rumit namun memiliki nilai ekonomi yang cukup besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor yang mendukung eksistensi industri keripik pisang, kondisi sosial ekonomi pengusaha (pengrajin) industri keripik pisang, dan mengidentifikasi sistem mendapatkan bahan baku serta strategi pemasaran industri keripik pisang di Provinsi Lampung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor fisik (iklim, lahan, aksesibilitas), faktor sosial (pendidikan, tenaga kerja, pendapatan, teknologi, tempat tinggal, kesehatan, kebijakan pemerintah), faktor ekonomi (modal, pemasaran, bahan baku, transportasi). Variabel terikatnya adalah eksistensi industri keripik pisang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi lapangan, wawancara berstruktur, studi dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu populasi wilayah (seluruh wilayah Provinsi Lampung dimana terdapat 141 home industri keripik pisang, dan seluruh wilayah perkebunan pisang yang berada di Provinsi Lampung) dan populasi manusia pengusaha (pengrajin) home industri keripik pisang. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 15 wilayah perkebunan pisang, dan 37 pengusaha. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis statistik (persentase). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan industri keripik pisang di Provinsi Lampung tetap dapat bertahan dan menjaga eksistensinya karena dipengaruhi faktor fisik yang mendukung dalam pengadaan sumber bahan baku, dan jaringan jalan. Faktor lain yang mendukung diantaranya modal, tenaga kerja, dan pemasaran. Selain itu pendapatan yang diperoleh dapat mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga dan lapangan kerja tercipta dengan adanya industri keripik pisang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian eksistensi industri keripik pisang dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan modal, bahan baku, jaringan jalan mendukung, serta pemasaran yang mencakup wilayah-wilayah di pulau Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Research was triggered by the existence of banana industry chips in Lampung Provincial that has the potential to be developed and having business opportunity quite big advantage to the economic agents for processing that is not too complicated but have economic value that big enough. This research aims to identify factors that support the existence of banana chips industry, socio-economic conditions of the entrepreneur (handicrafts) banana chips industry, and identify the system get the raw materials as well as banana chips industry marketing strategy in the Province of Lampung. Method research used is method descriptive.Variable free in this research is factor physical ( climate, land accessibility ), factors social ( education, labor, income, technology, shelter, health, government policy ), economic factors ( capital, marketing- raw materials, transportation ). Variable bound is the existence of industry chips the banana.The technique of collecting data used in this research is observation lapangan, presently, an interview the study of documentation and the study of literature.The population in research is the population wilayah ( all areas where there are Lampung Provincial chips banana industry, 141 home and all the plantation banana who was in Lampung Provincial ) and the human population businessman ( handicraftsman ) home industry chips the banana.The number of samples to be taken as many as 15 banana, a region of the plantation and 37 entrepreneurs. Analysis of data used is descriptive analysis and statistic analysis ( percentage ).The result showed that the industry chips banana in Lampung Provincial bank could endure and maintain their existence because influenced factor physical support in procuring source of raw materials, and road network. The other factors that support of them capital, labor, and marketing.Besides income gained may fulfill the needs of the family and employment opportunities created by the presence of industry chips the banana.Based on the research existence industry chips pisang affected by the availability of capital, raw materials, the road network supporting, and marketing which includes the region on the island of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara


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    This study aims to determine the effect of excellent service training and management information systems on employee performance at the Surabaya Parahita Diagnostic Center Laboratory. By using a sample of 32 respondents, the type of data used is primary data. This study examines two independent variables, namely excellent service training and management information systems that affect the dependent variable, namely employee performance. Testing is done using multiple linear regression. The results showed that simultaneous training of excellent service has a significant effect on employee performance, management information systems have a significant effect on employee performance, and partially training in excellent service and management information systems have a significant effect on employee performance. &nbsp

    Islamic economic thoughts according to Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and Al-Syatibi

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    Purpose – This article explores Islamic economic thought according to Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and Al-Syatibi. One of Ibn Khaldun's thoughts that is very prominent and very important to discuss is economics.Method – The research used qualitative methods by analyzing the direction of thought and the construction of the Islamic economic system from Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and AL-Syatibi using the maqashid sharia concept.Result – The importance of discussing Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on economics is because his thoughts have great significance for developing Islamic economics in the future.Implication – The concept of maqashid sharia put forward by Asy-Syatibi should be a reference in every analysis process related to economic behavior. The system and science currently being formulated can be a solution to the increasingly acute economic complex.Originality – This study compares the Islamic economic thoughts of three prominent figures, i.e., Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and Al-Syatibi

    Islamic economic thoughts according to Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and Al-Syatibi

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    Purpose – This article explores Islamic economic thought according to Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and Al-Syatibi. One of Ibn Khaldun's thoughts that is very prominent and very important to discuss is economics.Method – The research used qualitative methods by analyzing the direction of thought and the construction of the Islamic economic system from Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and AL-Syatibi using the maqashid sharia concept.Result – The importance of discussing Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on economics is because his thoughts have great significance for developing Islamic economics in the future.Implication – The concept of maqashid sharia put forward by Asy-Syatibi should be a reference in every analysis process related to economic behavior. The system and science currently being formulated can be a solution to the increasingly acute economic complex.Originality – This study compares the Islamic economic thoughts of three prominent figures, i.e., Ibn Khaldun, Al-Maqrizi, and Al-Syatibi


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    Abstrak Dalam pembangunan perumahan diperlukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang menjadi dasar hukum, kebijakan publik, arahan, dan pedoman dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan perumahan dan menjadi dasar hukum dalam penyelesaian masalah, kasus dan sengketa dibidang perumahan. Dalam rangka pelaksanaan kebijakan publik, Pemerintah Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan memberlakukan Peraturan Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman. Pelaksanaan pembangunan perumahan dan kawasan pemukiman melalui proses dan tahapan penyediaan tanah untuk pembangunan rumah, perumahan, dan kawasan pemukiman dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Dengan rumusan masalah yang dikemukakan adalah (1) Bagaimanakah implementasi Otonomi Daerah terhadap kebijakan publik dihubungkan dengan Peraturan Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman di Wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan ? (2) Bagaimanakah kendala dan penyelesaian pelaksanaan kebijakan publik dihubungkan dengan Peraturan Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman di Wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan ? Dalam menjawab rumusan permasalahan tersebut digunakan pendekatan secara yuridis sosiologis yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder dan data primer melalui studi perpustakaan dan  wawancara kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Dalam pelaksanaan Pembangunan perumahan dan kawasan pemukiman di Kota Tangerang Selatan terdapat kendala seperti kasus pengembang yang meninggalkan begitu saja perumahannya sebelum menyerahkan sarana, prasarana dan utilitas umum kepada pihak Pemerintah Daerah bahkan sampai ada yang menjual lahan yang sebelumnya dalam rencana tapak (site plan) menjadi lahan untuk sarana, prasarana dan utilitas umum, permasalahan ini biasanya terjadi pada pengembang skala kecil, walaupun di dalam peraturan yang ada dikatakan bahwa tidak diperbolehkan lahan tersebut untuk diperjualbelikan, karena lahan tersebut merupakan aset daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan.Penyelesaian kendala dalam permasalahan ini dapat ditempuh dengan beberapa cara, yaitu musyawarah mufakat, penyelesaian melalui jalur pengadilan / litigasi, dan penyelesaian diluar pengadilan/non litigasi yang berbentuk arbitrase, konsultasi, negosiasi, mediasi, konsiliasi, dan/atau penilaian ahli sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan.Kata Kunci : Kebijakan Publik, Penyelenggaraan Perumahan, Kendala, Sanksi

    Pengaruh Orientasi Pasar Dan Orientasi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Kecil Menengah (Survey Pada UKM Kerupuk Kemplang Di Kota Palembang)

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    This Study aimed to test the effect market orientation and entrepreneurship orientation on the performance of small and medium enterprises. Population in this research is all small and medium enterprises Kerupuk Kemplang in Palembang city. Samples on this reaseach is manager or business owner. Sample using convenience sampling from 100 respondents. Testing done use SPSS Ver. 17. This research has been qualified validity, reliability, normality test, multicolineary test, heterokedastisitas test, and multiple regression analysis and F test and T test. The results showed that the first hypothesis (H1) and the third hypothesis (H2) stated that the orientation of market and the orientation of entrepreneurship had a positive effect on the performance of small and medium enterprises

    The Role of the School in Developing Student Development Tasks

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    The development of student life is the responsibility of the parents who gave birth to it. If we empathize and can live the dynamics of a student's psychic life, we as adults will regret having treated a child or student incorrectly. This shows that we need to know about the world of children or students both at home and at school. So that we know how necessary parents, teachers, and anyone who is engaged in the field of education understand the stages and tasks of child or student development. In this study only focused on the role of educators and teachers for student development. The purpose of this paper discusses the school efforts to achieve student development into a better person. The method used in this research is literature studies with a focus on student development. The results show the role of the school is very important for the development of students to face the world of work in the future. The explanation presented in this paper, still seems to be dominated by the opinions or findings of experts from the West. Therefore, for further research, it is necessary to conduct a more comprehensive study, both textually and contextually
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