496 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the universe with disformal coupling between the dark sectors

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    We use the dynamical analysis to study the evolution of the universe at late time for the model in which the interaction between dark energy and dark matter is inspired by disformal transformation. We extend the analysis in the existing literature by supposing that the disformal coefficient depends both on the scalar field and its kinetic terms. We find that the dependence of the disformal coefficient on the kinetic term of scalar field leads to two classes of the scaling fixed points that can describe the acceleration of the universe at late time. The first class exists only for the case where the disformal coefficient depends on the kinetic terms. The fixed points in this class are saddle points unless the slope of the conformal coefficient is sufficiently large. The second class can be viewed as the generalization of the fixed points studied in the literature. According to the stability analysis of these fixed points, we find that the stable fixed point can take two different physically relevant values for the same value of the parameters of the model. These different values of the fixed points can be reached for different initial conditions for the equation of state parameter of dark energy. We also discuss the situations in which this feature disappears.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Designing research on personal information management : the "guided tour" technique

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    Zasadniczym celem artykułu było sformułowanie listy dylematów, które należy rozstrzygnąć w procesie projektowania badań, aby umożliwić wykorzystanie techniki oprowadzania (ang. guided tour) w badaniach indywidualnego zarządzania informacją. Najpierw przedstawiono koncepcję i podstawy epistemologiczne techniki oprowadzania oraz zaproponowano jej definiowanie poprzez wskazanie koniunkcji cech konstytutywnych. Przeanalizowano dotychczasowe zastosowania tej techniki w badaniach indywidualnego zarządzania informacją oraz omówiono wybrane podobne techniki stosowane także w innych dyscyplinach i obszarach badawczych. W konsekwencji za proponowano wspomniane wcześniej dylematy i zasygnalizowano podstawowe możliwości ich rozwiązywania.The main goal of this article was to formulate a list of dilemmas that need to be addressed to enable the use of the guided tour technique in individual information management research. First, the concept and epistemological basis of this technique were introduced and the conjunction of its constitutive features was proposed. Then the applications of this technique in individual information management research were discussed and some similar techniques used in other disciplines and research areas were analysed. As the result, the list of the aforementioned dilemmas was proposed and some basic ways of solving them were suggested

    The potential of online library catalogues for supporting opportunistic acquisition of information pertaining scholarly literature

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    The article includes a description and analysis of empirical research, which by comparative means looked to determine the potential of various solutions for academic libraries in configuring the interfaces of online catalogues in support of opportunistic acquisition of information pertaining to scholarly literature. The research consisted of experiments using 22 different search instructions and an analysis of the results of other encountered sources. The research was carried out from May to July 2007 in 33 Polish libraries based on 8 different computer systems. The research allowed for the establishing of links between applied solutions in OPAC, the form of search instruction and the chances of discovering publications which are not able to satisfy the needs of an intentional and deliberate search, but can satisfy or even inspire other information needs of library users

    Conflicts within the area of mediation in scholarly communication : business and ideology

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    Celem artykułu jest zachęcenie do szerszej i racjonalnej refleksji na temat reguł funkcjonowania systemu komunikacji naukowej i konsekwencji rozwoju otwartego dostępu. Obszar pośredniczenia, czyli przestrzeń między nadawcą i odbiorcą komunikatu naukowego, jest potraktowany jako niezbędna strefa pozytywnych działań, w której w trakcie i przy okazji transferu wiedzy dokonuje się wiele ważnych dla nauki procesów, wymagających nakładu środków, pracy i kompetencji. Zwrócono uwagę na względność otwartości dostępu i historyczne uwarunkowania rozwoju tej formy udostępniania dorobku nauki. Przedstawiono podstawowe modele biznesowe publikowania w trybie otwartego dostępu. Na tym tle omówiono najważniejsze skutki (już widoczne oraz potencjalne) rozwoju otwartego dostępu dla zmian podmiotów funkcjonujących w obszarze pośredniczenia i dla relacji między nimi, a w konsekwencji także dla całego systemu komunikacji naukowej.The main goal of the paper is to foster wider and rational consideration regarding the rules the system of scholarly communication is based on as well as the consequences of open access developments. The area of mediation – the sphere between senders and recipients in scholarly communication – is seen as an indispensable area where some important value is added while data, information and knowledge is transferred through space and time, which requires financing, work and competency to work properly. The relativity of the adjective „open” in „open access” phrase is stressed and a little historical background of open access is provided. Furthermore, three prevalent types of open access business models are presented and some important consequences (both noticeable today and potential) of their implementation for relations among subjects operating within the area of mediation in scholarly communication are shortly discussed

    Antiarrhythmic activity of novel S-enantiomers of pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with adrenolytic properties

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    A six new analogs of MG-1(S), 1-[2-hydroxy-3-(4-phenyl-1-piperazinyl)propyl]-pyrrolidin-2-one, with adrenolytic properties were tested for electrocardiographic and antiarrhythmic activity in model ventricular arrhythmias associated with coronary artery occlusion and reperfusion in the non-working isolated perfused rat heart and additionally in barium chloride - induced arrhythmia in vivo. All tested compounds slightly decreased the heart rate, prolonged P-Q, Q-T intervals and QRS complex. The antiarrhythmic effects of all tested compounds were weaker than the reference compound MG-1(S)

    Technological Resources versus Non-Technological Resources

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    The purpose of this study is to help show that using technology as an instructional strategy will benefit students’ knowledge on certain concepts. Improving focus and engagement will lead to increased knowledge of students. This study’s participants included ten randomly selected second-graders. They focused on the concept of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. At the beginning of this study, they were given a pre-assessment (see Appendix A) to show their current knowledge. When this study was completed, a post-assessment (see Appendix B) was given. Comparing the results of these two assessments helped to show that using technology, during teacher-led instruction, benefited the subjects’ focus and understanding

    The impact of microfinance in the development of micro and small enterprise owned by women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    Poor people benefit from microfinance and positively improve their poverty and socio-economic conditions. Microfinance support serves as development tool to redress the exclusion of the poor from the development process and outcomes in the mainstream intervention frameworks. As developing countries and poverty context are diverse and contextual, comprehensive knowledge about and empirical evidence on the impact of microfinance is scant. Specifically, the impact of microfinance services on the development of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) owned by women is scant. The findings of available studies and policy practice reports on microfinance in Ethiopia are not holistic in terms of a theoretical lens and methodological pluralism. Available studies do not consider the impact of microfinance and non-financial services on women-owned MSEs at household, individual and enterprise levels thereby reducing the poverty context and holistic empowerment at these levels. This study used multiple theoretical and conceptual frameworks: Hulme’s (2000, p. 79 - 81) microfinance impact assessment tool, debates on survivalist and growth-orientation perspectives of MSEs (Harvie, 2003, p. 27; Snodgrass & Biggs, 1996, p. 43; Hallberg, 2001, p. 19; Nichter & Goldmark, 2005, p. 67), women empowerment continuum model of interpretation (Filmon, 2009, p. 87) and policy practice at the epicenter of governance and policy decision-making (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital). The assessment considered three elements of microfinance impact assessment, generating primary evidence from 120 micro and small business owners (women entrepreneurs) whose firms stayed two years and above in the market and as clients of selected microfinance institutions. The clients considered were those who accessed at least two loan cycles and above. The respondents were randomly selected from three randomly selected microfinance institutions and a survey questionnaire was administered. The data sets were analysed using multiple tests (non-parametric statistical tests such as Pearson Correlation, Paired-Sample, Chi-Square, Wilcoxon Rank and McNemar tests) as well as parametric tests were conducted using logit econometric model. These tests were conducted to determine statistical difference of microfinance services after program intervention and the contribution of total loans taken on expenditure and businesses investment. The results indicated both developmental or survivalist firms. The result also indicated the empowerment of the women (MSEs owners). A significant number of women entrepreneurs owning MSEs improved their living house, cash savings, household income, child education, household health, household food and diet, business investment, and decision making status in their households. In terms of policy support, the study identified that there were specific affirmative interventions (as stipulated in the policy documents) to support women entrepreneurs owning MSEs in terms of targeted financial service, provision of working and selling premises, designing and implementing training and skill development programs, market networking and tax support on their products and sales. The study recommends that different institutions that work on women empowerment and women associations have to design women focused affirmative policy and strategy interventions to scale-up the positive results (growth-orientation of the MSEs) and address the bottlenecks that limit women entrepreneurs who own MSEs from accessing services that can transform the survivalist MSEs to profitable and empowering businesses for women. The recommendations are proposed to link women empowerment with working policy support.Development StudiesD. Ph. (Development Studies

    Diffusion in Cauchy Elastic Solid

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    It is commonly accepted that a starting point of the science of diffusion is the phenomenological diffusion equation postulated by German physiologist Adolf Fick inspired by experiments on diffusion by Thomas Graham and Robert Brown. Fick’s diffusion equation has been interpreted decades later by Albert Einstein and Marian Smoluchowski. Here we will show that the theory of diffusion has its elegant mathematical foundations formulated three decades before Fick by French mathematician Augustin Cauchy (~1822). The diffusion equation is straightforward consequence of his model of the elastic solid - the classical balance equations for isotropic, elastic crystal. Basing on the Cauchy model and using the quaternion algebra we present a rigorous derivation of the quaternion form of the diffusion equation. The fundamental consequences of all derived equations and relations for physics, chemistry and the future prospects are presented

    Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka: Efektifkah Mewujudkan Akuntan 5.0 (Studi Kasus Pada Universitas ABC)

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    The purpose of this research is to find out whether the MBKM program can realize accounting 5.0 or not. The research method used a qualitative approach with informants from the campus and students participating in the MBKM program. Data collection through interviews. The results of the study show that it is necessary to improve the quality of human resources in facing the 5.0 era. Including for accountants who compete with current technological developments. Thus, the existence of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka policy can help accounting students face and transform. This is because the freedom given to students in participating in various things can develop soft skills and hard skills. In addition, students also gain various knowledge through the experiences of the MBKM programs they participate i

    Individual websites of historians and mathematicians in modern scholarly communication

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