503 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we present some proposals carried out in university classrooms Grade Primary Education based on using the environment as a central axis to generate learning. We support that in teacher training is critical to experiencing both the holistic approach that should be adopted in primary education as the interdisciplinary that characterizes the scientific field. We consider that for new learning to be generated, emotions and attitudes toward science and values themselves, conditioned by one's own personal and social experiences, are as important as academic skills. These premises have led us to redefine our own method to teaching in university classrooms Grade Primary Education. We seek learning content of both experimental and social sciences, which have a sense for students. The goal is that students could learn to think and think to act as well as discover the problems of our world, a challenge that calls to engage in their resolution.En este artículo, presentamos unas propuestas de trabajo, desarrolladas con el alumnado del Grado de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Educación de Palencia, que se centran en la utilización del entorno como eje central para generar aprendizajes. Nuestras propuestas parten de la convicción de que en la formación de maestros es fundamental experimentar y vivenciar tanto el enfoque globalizador que se pretende adoptar en la enseñanza Primaria, como el interdisciplinar que caracteriza al ámbito científico. Para generar nuevos aprendizajes consideramos que tan importantes como los conocimientos académicos son las emociones, las actitudes hacia la ciencia y los propios valores; condicionados por las propias experiencias personales y sociales. Estas premisas nos han llevado a redefinir nuestro modelo de enseñanza buscando que los contenidos de aprendizaje, tanto de las ciencias experimentales como de las ciencias sociales, tengan un sentido para los estudiantes, de modo que les permitan aprender a pensar y pensar para actuar, descubriendo en los problemas de nuestro mundo actual un reto que llama a comprometerse en su resolución

    Reformar a través del empleo. Una investigación acerca del papel que juega el CEIMJ y las empresas de inserción en este colectivo: los menores infractores

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    “Reformar a través del empleo” centra la atención en los menores infractores y en dos de las salidas laborales que se les presentan: un empleo dentro del Centro de Menores y las empresas de inserción. A partir de un análisis de datos obtenidos en el propio Centro se va a conocer si existe o no un perfil determinado para obtener el puesto que ofrecen, y a través de la entrevista a las empresas de inserción de Aragón se va a indagar en su funcionamiento, sus objetivos y el papel que juegan dichos menores. Esta investigación hará reflexionar sobre la relevancia que tiene este colectivo dentro de la sociedad actual y la relación existente entre dos recursos indispensables como son el CEIMJ y las empresas de inserción.<br /

    Experiència de millora contínua als indicadors del programa d’atenció domiciliària al centre de salut de Sant Antoni

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    La reforma de l’atenció primària del sistema sanitari iniciada a Espanya els anys 80, va suposar la posada en marxa als equips d’atenció primària (EAP) de programes d’atenció domiciliària (PAD) per a pacients immobilitzats. L’envelliment progressiu de la població va acompanyat d’un augment de la taxa de dependència i fa que cada vegada sigui més freqüent la necessitat d’ajuda per desenvolupar les activitats bàsiques de la vida diària. Els EAP atenen el voltant del 8% dels més grans de 65 anys en programes d’atenció domiciliària. L’EAP de Sant Antoni dóna atenció a 3.863 persones més grans de 65 anys ubicades tant en zones rurals com en nuclis urbans, i s’estén sobre el 44 per cent de la superfície de l’illa d’Eivissa. Suposa un repte per a les organitzacions sanitàries dissenyar indicadors que permeten mesurar el producte infermer i la qualitat de l’atenció sanitària que reben els ciutadans inclosos al PAD. Aquesta dificultat és encara major si volem marcar estàndards de qualitat als indicadors. Una possibilitat és aplicar el benchmarking, entès aquest com a procés continu de mesura i comparació amb els millors. La hipòtesi de sortida d’aquest treball consisteix a demostrar que la metodologia de millora contínua de qualitat i el benchmarking poden ser útils per millorar els resultats dels indicadors del PAD. L’objectiu principal és millorar la qualitat de l’atenció que reben els usuaris d’un PAD.La reforma de la atención primaria del sistema sanitario, iniciada en España en los años 80, supuso la puesta en marcha en los Equipos de Atención Primaria (EAP en adelante) de Programas de Atención Domiciliaria (PAD en adelante) para pacientes inmovilizados. El envejecimiento progresivo de la población va acompañado de un aumento de la tasa de dependencia y hace que cada vez sea más frecuente la necesidad de ayuda para desarrollar las actividades básicas de la vida diaria. Los EAP atienden en torno al 8% de los mayores de 65 años en programas de atención domiciliaria. El EAP de Sant Antoni atiende 3.863 personas mayores de 65 años ubicadas tanto en zonas rurales como en núcleos urbanos, extendiendose sobre el 44% de la superficie de la isla de Ibiza. Constituye un reto para las organizaciones sanitarias diseñar indicadores que permitan medir el producto enfermero y la calidad de la atención sanitaria que reciben los ciudadanos incluidos en PAD. La dificultad es aún mayor si queremos además marcar estándares de calidad en dichos indicadores. Una posibilidad es aplicar el benchmarking entendido éste como proceso continuado de medida y comparación con los mejores. La hipótesis de partida de este trabajo consiste en demostrar que la metodología de mejora continua de calidad y el benchmarking puede ser útil para mejorar los resultados en los indicadores del PAD. El objetivo principal es mejorar la calidad de la atención que reciben los usuarios de un PAD

    An automated method for the analysis of food intake behaviour in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The study of mechanisms that govern feeding behaviour and its related disorders is a matter of global health interest. The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans is becoming a model organism of choice to study these conserved pathways. C. elegans feeding depends on the contraction of the pharynx (pumping). Thanks to the worm transparency, pumping can be directly observed under a stereoscope. Therefore, C. elegans feeding has been historically investigated by counting pharyngeal pumping or by other indirect approaches. However, those methods are short-term, time-consuming and unsuitable for independent measurements of sizable numbers of individuals. Although some particular devices and long-term methods have been lately reported, they fail in the automated, scalable and/or continuous aspects. Here we present an automated bioluminescence-based method for the analysis and continuous monitoring of worm feeding in a multi-well format. We validate the method using genetic, environmental and pharmacological modulators of pharyngeal pumping. This flexible methodology allows studying food intake at specific time-points or during longer periods of time, in single worms or in populations at any developmental stage. Additionally, changes in feeding rates in response to differential metabolic status or external environmental cues can be monitored in real time, allowing accurate kinetic measurements.España MINECO BFU2012-3550

    Predicting walking as exercise in women with fibromyalgia from the perspective of the theory of planned behavior

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    Based on the theory of planned behavior, this study examined factors related to the intention to adhere to an unsupervised walking program and the intention-behavior gap in relation to walking adherence in women with fibromyalgia. We also accounted for specific variables: fear of movement, pain intensity, distress and disability. TPB constructs, walking behavior and the above-mentioned variables were assessed in 274 women aged 18 to 70 years old (mean 51.8, range 25.5–69.1 years) at baseline and seven weeks later (n = 219) during 2012. Intention to adhere to a walking program showed medium scores at baseline and was associated with attitude and perceived behavioral control (PBC). Self-reported walking adherence at Time 2 was only predicted by perceived behavioral control. The intention-behavior gap was present in 33% of participants. Logistic regression analysis showed PBC associated with being a successful intender. Women with fibromyalgia were motivated to walk; however, they did not act on their intentions, and PBC appeared as the main explanation. Women who perceived high control in comparison to those who perceived low control, increased their likelihood of adhering to a walking program about three-fold. Women with fibromyalgia should increase their perceived control through different strategies

    Parabens and Methylisotiazolinone (MIT): Preservatives with Different Behaviors When Subjected to Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Treatments

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    [EN] The influence that contaminants exert on the degradation of other substances commonly found in the same water bodies drives this study, which aims to investigate the simultaneous degradation of preservatives such as parabens and methylisothiazolinone (MIT). Mixtures of five parabens, MIT solutions, and mixtures of all five parabens plus MIT (each at 5 mg/L) were treated using 254 nm UV light, ozone treatments, and simultaneous ozone and UV light treatments at three different pH levels (3, 5, and 9). Regardless of pH, UV light is inefficient in degrading parabens, whereas MIT is efficiently degraded under this radiation. On the other hand, ozone treatments rapidly degrade the paraben mixture at any pH, with a basic pH resulting in faster degradation due to the predominance of the indirect mechanism. MIT, due to its structural characteristics, reacts minimally with ozone, and the process is enhanced at basic pH when hydroxyl radicals are involved. The simultaneous treatment with ozone and UV light proves to be the fastest method for eliminating both parabens and MIT at any pH. However, when treating joint mixtures of parabens and MIT, behaviors change notably, particularly for processes involving UV light due to the interfering effect of MIT. Both parabens and MIT require more time to degrade, except at an acidic pH. Only MIT reduces its ozone treatment time when treated alongside parabens due to the distinct degradation mechanisms that each type of contaminant has in the presence of ozone.This research was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (COSMETICFARMA Project, AICO/2021/014) and Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (AQUAENAGRI) Project, PID2021-126400OB-C31).López-Timoner, R.; Duarte-Alvarado, V.; Castillo, MÁ.; Santos-Juanes Jordá, L.; Arqués Sanz, A.; Amat Payá, AM. (2023). Parabens and Methylisotiazolinone (MIT): Preservatives with Different Behaviors When Subjected to Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Treatments. Water. 15(21):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15213837116152

    Do women with fibromyalgia adhere to walking for exercise programs to improve their health? Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Walking is recommended for fibromyalgia, but the rate of adherence to this exercise is not known. Poor adherence to physical exercise can limit the effectiveness in health benefits. Objectives: To examine adherence to interventions that include walking for fibromyalgia and to explore its moderators among the characteristics of patients, of the walking prescription and of the interventions. Data sources: References from 2000 to 2016 have been collected through PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane, and Teseo. Study selection: We included quasi-experimental and randomized controlled trials in adults with fibromyalgia that involved walking for exercise. Two authors screened records independently and disagreements were resolved by discussion. Data extraction: Independently extracted by two assessors. Methodological quality of the studies was assessed using an ad hoc scale. Data synthesis: Nineteen trials, 32 experimental groups, recruited a total of 983 participants (96.78% women) with mean ages between 45 and 60.60. Adherence to the intervention program was reported in 19 of 32 experimental groups and ranged, on average, from 73 to 87.20% depending on the type of assessment. Most relevant moderators of adherence were the recruitment of participants through physicians and the nurses as supervisors of exercise. Conclusion: Adherence rates (attendance at sessions) to programs with walking were high. However, a lack of information precludes knowledge of whether participants sustained walking between sessions or after the treatment. Further work is required to examine in greater depth such contextual variables of interventions as the professional-participant relationship or to explore other possible moderators such as patient expectations of the treatment

    Effect of methylisothiazolinone on biological treatments: Efficiency of SBRs and Bioindicative Studies

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    Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) is widely used as biocide in hair and skin care products and in high concentrations, more than 150 mg/L, in cooling towers in the paper mill and refinery industry. This product has been recognized as a potent contact allergen and is discharged to the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) from industrial processes or domestic usages. However, the role of MIT in biological treatment has not been characterized, and therefore, the effect of MIT on the composition and performance of activated sludge has been analyzed. For this purpose, a sequential batch reactor was fed with a synthetic solution containing 5 mg/L of MIT. Addition of MIT had shown no significant effect on organic matter metabolization (dissolved organic carbon [DOC] removal remained constant at 80-90%). On the contrary, a loss of efficiency in the nitrification process occurred (ammonium removal decreased from 90% to 20% per cycle throughout the experiment), first affecting the nitrite oxidizing bacteria and, after around 40 cycles, also the ammonium-oxidizing bacteria disappeared, as shown by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. Bioindicative studies based on counts of protozoa and sludge biotic index indicated that, at the end of the process, a stable and well-colonized protozoa community was obtained. Finally, respirometric tests indicated some acclimatization of the heterotrophic bacteria to MIT, as shown by shorter lag periods when the sludge was previously fed with MIT. The role of MIT in biological treatment has been characterized to increase the knowledge about this pollutant effects on activated sludge to improve WWTP performance.We would like to thank the financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad AQUAFOTOX (CTQ2012-38754-C03-02).Amat Payá, AM.; Arques Sanz, A.; López Pérez, MF.; Nácher Pastor, M.; Palacios Guillem, S. (2015). Effect of methylisothiazolinone on biological treatments: Efficiency of SBRs and Bioindicative Studies. Environmental Engineering Science. 32(6):479-485. https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2014.0283S47948532

    Airplane materials compatibility with blends of fossil kerosene JET A1 with biokerosenes from babassu, palm kernel and coconut oils

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    The aviation companies are facing some problems that argue in favor of biofuels: Rising cost of traditional fuel: from 0.71 USD/gallon in May 2003 to 3.09 USD/gallon in January 2012. Environmental concerns: direct emissions from aviation account for about 3 % of the EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) forecasts that by 2050 they could grow by a further 300-700 %. On December 20th 2006 the European Commission approved a law proposal to include the civil aviation sector in the European market of carbon dioxide emission rights (European Union Emissions Trading System, EUETS

    Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Una aportación desde la realidad gallega

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    El análisis del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en dos instituciones educativas de la Comunidad Gallega permite destacar la importancia de la integración de las mismas en el proyecto de centro, desde una perspectiva sistémica y señalando aportaciones que requieren de un trabajo colaborativo en el que deben participar los distintos agentes, sectores e instituciones al servicio de la educación