1,055 research outputs found

    Profiling of Myositis Specific Antibodies and Composite Scores as an Aid in the Differential Diagnosis of Autoimmune Myopathies

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    Autoantibodies; Dermatomyositis; DiagnosisAutoanticuerpos; Dermatomiositis; DiagnósticoAutoanticossos; Dermatomiositis; Diagnòstic(1) Background: Myositis specific antibodies (MSA) represent important diagnostic and stratification tools in idiopathic inflammatory myositis (IIM) patients. Here we aimed to evaluate the clinical performance of MSA profiled by a novel particle based multi-analyte technology (PMAT) in IIM and subsets thereof. (2) Methods: 264 IIM patients and 200 controls were tested for MSA using PMAT (Inova Diagnostics, research use only). Diagnostic performance was analyzed and composite scores were generated. (3) Results: The sensitivity/specificity of the individual MSA were: 19.7%/100% (Jo-1), 7.2%/100.0% (Mi-2), 3.0%/99.0% (NXP2), 3.8%/100.0% (SAE), 2.7%/100.0% (PL-7), 1.9%/99.5 (PL-12), 1.1%/100.0% (EJ), 15.5%/99.5% (TIF1γ), 8.3%/98.5% (MDA5), 6.1%/99.0% (HMGCR) and 1.9%/98.5% (SRP). Of all IIM patients, 180/264 tested positive for at least one of the MSAs. In the individual control group, 12/200 (6.0%) tested positive for at least one MSA, most of which had levels close to the cut-off (except one SRP and one PL-12). Only 6/264 (2.3%) IIM patients were positive for more than one antibody (MDA5/HMGCR, EJ/PL-7, 2 x MDA5/TIF1γ, EJ/SAE, SAE/TIF1γ). The overall sensitivity was 68.2% paired with a specificity of 94.0%, leading to an odds ratio of 33.8. The composite scores showed good discrimination between subgroups (e.g., anti-synthetase syndrome). (4) Conclusion: MSA, especially when combined in composite scores (here measured by PMAT), provide value in stratification of patients with IIM

    Comportamiento mecánico en función de la temperatura de aleaciones wolframio-vanadio.

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    En esta investigación se evalúa el comportamiento mecánico del wolframio puro y de dos de sus aleaciones con contenidos de 2% y 4% de vanadio, fabricadas mediante prensado isostático en caliente (HIP). La caracterización mecánica se ha realizado mediante ensayos de flexión en tres puntos en atmósfera oxidante a distintas temperaturas comprendidas entre temperatura ambiente y 1000 ºC. Adicionalmente, se han realizado ensayos en inmersión en nitrógeno líquido para los de -197 ºC. Estos últimos valores pueden servir para una determinación más precisa de la temperatura la transición dúctil-frágil en éstos materiales, y de su posible comportamiento plástico o frágil a temperatura ambiente. Mediante estos ensayos ha sido posible obtener la tenacidad de fractura, la resistencia mecánica, el límite elástico y el módulo de elasticidad en función de la temperatura. Así mismo, se ha determinado la densidad y la dureza Vickers para dos cargas distintas, lo que permitido determinar la influencia de este parámetro en la medida realizada. Adicionalmente, se han examinado mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido las superficies de fractura. De esta forma ha sido posible determinar el modo de rotura y analizar la relación de las propiedades mecánicas macroscópicas con los micromecanismos de fallo involucrados

    Anti-TIF-1γ Antibody Detection Using a Commercial Kit vs In-House Immunoblot: Usefulness in Clinical Practice

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    Càncer; Dermatomiositis; ImmunoassaigCáncer; Dermatomiositis; InmunoensayoCancer; Dermatomyositis; ImmunoassayObjectives: Anti-TIF-1γ autoantibody detection is important for cancer screening in patients with dermatomyositis. The gold standard for anti-TIF-1γ detection, immunoprecipitation, is only available from a few specialized laboratories worldwide, so commercial ELISA/immunoblot tests have emerged in recent years. To analyze their usefulness in diagnosing cancer-associated dermatomyositis, we compared Euroimmun Euroline profile with our previously validated in-house immunoblot assay with human recombinant TIF-1γ. Methods: We included 308 adult patients from Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau and Vall Hebrón Hospital (Barcelona, Spain) tested for anti-TIF-1γ autoantibodies using the Euroline profile and an in-house immunoblot assay. Results: A total of 27 anti-TIF-1γ were detected by the Euroline and 12 by the in-house assay. Fair agreement was observed between Euroline and the in-house immunoblot Cohen’s kappa 0.3163. Expected prevalence of anti-TIF-1γ autoantibodies was observed for the two methods for dermatomyositis and undifferentiated connective tissue diseases, but unexpectedly high prevalence of anti-TIF-1γ autoantibodies was detected by Euroline compared to the in-house immunoblot for other diseases (16.5% Euroline vs 0.8% in-house immunoblot, p<0.01). The in-house IB compared to Euroline more reliably detected cancer in patients with DM with anti-TIF-1γ antibodies (p=0.0014 vs p=0.0502 for in-house immunoblot vs Euroline). Conclusion: We recommend using a second validated method to confirm Euroline-detected anti-TIF-1γ antibodies when the dermatomyositis diagnosis is not definitive. Furthermore, in the context of definite DM diagnosis with negative anti-TIF-1γ antibodies by Euroline and no other myositis specific antibody, is also recommendable to confirm by a second validated metho

    The Presence of ANCA in IgA Crescentic Nephropathy Does Not Lead to Worse Prognosis with Intensive Rescue Treatment

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    Nefropatía por IgA; Autoanticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilosIgA nephropathy; Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodiesNefropatia per IgA; Anticossos anticitoplasma de neutròfilsBackground: Immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common glomerulonephritis worldwide. The concomitant presence of both crescentic proliferation and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA) in this pathology represents a rare coincidence. However, it is not clear to what extent the presence of ANCA (IgA or IgG) in these patients could have any clinical significance. The aim of the current work is to describe the presence of ANCA (IgA or IgG) in patients with IgAN and crescentic proliferation and its possible clinical implications. Methods: We retrospectively recruited all patients in our center with a histological diagnosis of IgAN with crescentic proliferation between January 2013 and December 2020. The main demographic and clinicopathologic data, fundamental histological characteristics, as well as the treatments implemented and main kidney outcomes, were collected and analyzed at a 6 and 12-month follow-up. Results: Between January 2013 and December 2020, a total of 17 adults were diagnosed with concomitant crescentic proliferation through a kidney biopsy of IgAN. Five (29.4%) patients showed ANCA, three (60%) showed IgA-ANCA and two (40%) showed IgG-ANCA. All ANCA-positive patients had some degree of crescentic proliferation. At diagnosis, the mean age of patients was 48 years old (range: 27–75). Nine of them were women (52%) and the most common clinical presentation was hypertension (71%). At the time of biopsy, the mean serum creatinine and proteinuria were 2.2 mg/dL (DS 1.42) and 3.5 g/mgCr (DS 1.22), respectively, with no statistical differences between ANCA-positive and -negative patients. Histological analyses showed that 11 out of the 12 (91%) ANCA-negative IgAN patients displayed less than 25% cellular crescents, whereas 100% of ANCA-positive IgAN patients displayed more than 25% cellular crescents (p = 0.04). Notably, five (30%) patients displayed fibrinoid necrosis, with four of them (80%) being IgAN-ANCA-positive (p = 0.01). Only one ANCA-negative patient needed renal replacement therapy (RRT) upon admission (5%). The mean serum creatinine and proteinuria were 1.94 mg/dL (DS 1.71) and 1.45 g/gCr (DS 1.78), respectively, within 6 months of immunosuppressive therapy. At 12-month follow-up, the mean creatinine was 1.57 mg/dL (DS 1). Four (23.5%) patients needed RRT at the end of the follow-up and four (23.5%) patients died. Conclusions: Probably due to the limited number of IgAN-ANCA-positive and IgAN-ANCA-negative patients, no significant differences were found between the clinical and laboratory characteristics. IgAN-ANCA-negative patients seemed to display less extracapillary proliferation than IgAN-ANCA-positive patients, who tended to show significantly higher fibrinoid necrosis. There were no differences regarding renal prognosis and patient survival after aggressive immunosuppressive therapy within 6 and 12 months when comparing the two samples

    Montelukast in paediatric asthma and allergic rhinitis : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    We aim to assess the impact of montelukast on paediatric patients with asthma/allergic rhinitis, measured using patient-reported outcome measures, compared with other treatments or placebo. Protocol registration CRD42020216098 (). MEDLINE and Embase databases were used to conduct the search. Two authors independently selected studies and extracted data, and a third reviewer resolved discrepancies. Meta-analyses were constructed to estimate the standardised mean difference (SMD) using a random-effects model. Out of 3937 articles identified, 49 studies met the inclusion criteria, mostly randomised clinical trials (sample sizes: 21-689 patients). The SMD of change pooled estimators for the global, mental and physical domains of health-related quality of life were not statistically significant. For daytime and night-time symptoms scores, the SMD (95% CI) was in favour of inhaled corticosteroids (−0.12, −0.20- −0.05 and −0.23, −0.41- −0.06, respectively). The pooled estimator for global asthma symptoms was better for montelukast when compared with placebo (0.90, 0.44-1.36). The synthesis of the available evidence suggests that, in children and adolescents, montelukast was effective in controlling asthma symptoms when compared with placebo, but inhaled corticosteroids were superior in controlling symptoms, especially at night-time. These findings of our systematic review concur with current guidelines for asthma treatment. This is the first systematic review focused on the impact of montelukast on children and adolescents with asthma, from the patients' perspective, measured with patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs

    Estudio para la implantación de Programas en Inglés en los títulos de grado de la ETSI Agrónomos

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    El proceso actual de convergencia entre instituciones universitarias europeas ha promovido los Programas Académicos en Inglés como un marco fructífero para su internacionalización con el fin de desarrollar la movilidad de estudiantes y la cooperación institucional dentro y fuera del EEES. El objetivo es alcanzar la Internacionalización de la Universidad a través de dos ejes de actuación: la mejora del nivel de inglés de los alumnos egresados y la captación de alumnos extranjeros. En España, la práctica totalidad de las Universidades Públicas ofrecen algún tipo de Programa en Inglés, existiendo una variada tipología de propuestas. En este contexto, se realizó un estudio para la implantación de Programas en Inglés en los títulos de grado de la ETSI Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Para ello se analizaron las diferentes experiencias existentes en Programas en Inglés en las Universidades Españolas, haciendo especial hincapié en los estudios del ámbito agrario. Se evaluó la opinión de alumnos y profesores de la ETSI Agrónomos sobre tres cuestiones: interés en participar en un Programa en Inglés, tipo de programa en el que estaría dispuesto a participar y autoevaluación del nivel de inglés. También se examinó el interés de los alumnos de bachillerato y del mundo laboral, empresas e instituciones del ámbito agroalimentario, en los Programas en Inglés. Por último, se exploraron las implicaciones administrativas y necesidades de recursos que conlleva la implantación de un Programa Académico Universitario en Inglés. Las conclusiones del trabajo destacan la dispar oferta nacional en programas en inglés y en requerimientos lingüísticos a profesores y alumnos. Existe un gran interés tanto por parte de profesores y alumnos de la ETSI Agrónomos como de alumnos de Bachillerato por participar en este tipo de programas

    Barriers of mental health treatment utilization among first-year college students: First cross-national results from the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative.

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    BACKGROUND: Although mental disorders and suicidal thoughts-behaviors (suicidal thoughts and behaviors) are common among university students, the majority of students with these problems remain untreated. It is unclear what the barriers are to these students seeking treatment. AIMS: The aim of this study is to examine the barriers to future help-seeking and the associations of clinical characteristics with these barriers in a cross-national sample of first-year college students. METHOD: As part of the World Mental Health International College Student (WMH-ICS) initiative, web-based self-report surveys were obtained from 13,984 first-year students in eight countries across the world. Clinical characteristics examined included screens for common mental disorders and reports about suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Multivariate regression models adjusted for socio-demographic, college-, and treatment-related variables were used to examine correlates of help-seeking intention and barriers to seeking treatment. RESULTS: Only 24.6% of students reported that they would definitely seek treatment if they had a future emotional problem. The most commonly reported reasons not to seek treatment among students who failed to report that they would definitely seek help were the preference to handle the problem alone (56.4%) and wanting to talk with friends or relatives instead (48.0%). Preference to handle the problem alone and feeling too embarrassed were also associated with significantly reduced odds of having at least some intention to seek help among students who failed to report that they would definitely seek help. Having 12-month major depression, alcohol use disorder, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors were also associated with significantly reduced reported odds of the latter outcome. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of first-year college students in the WMH-ICS surveys report that they would be hesitant to seek help in case of future emotional problems. Attitudinal barriers and not structural barriers were found to be the most important reported reasons for this hesitation. Experimental research is needed to determine whether intention to seek help and, more importantly, actual help-seeking behavior could be increased with the extent to which intervention strategies need to be tailored to particular student characteristics. Given that the preference to handle problems alone and stigma and appear to be critical, there could be value in determining if internet-based psychological treatments, which can be accessed privately and are often build as self-help approaches, would be more acceptable than other types of treatments to student who report hesitation about seeking treatment.status: publishe

    Grupo español de cirugía torácica asistida por videoimagen: método, auditoría y resultados iniciales de una cohorte nacional prospectiva de pacientes tratados con resecciones anatómicas del pulmón

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    Introduction: our study sought to know the current implementation of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for anatomical lung resections in Spain. We present our initial results and describe the auditing systems developed by the Spanish VATS Group (GEVATS). Methods: we conducted a prospective multicentre cohort study that included patients receiving anatomical lung resections between 12/20/2016 and 03/20/2018. The main quality controls consisted of determining the recruitment rate of each centre and the accuracy of the perioperative data collected based on six key variables. The implications of a low recruitment rate were analysed for '90-day mortality' and 'Grade IIIb-V complications'. Results: the series was composed of 3533 cases (1917 VATS; 54.3%) across 33 departments. The centres' median recruitment rate was 99% (25-75th:76-100%), with an overall recruitment rate of 83% and a data accuracy of 98%. We were unable to demonstrate a significant association between the recruitment rate and the risk of morbidity/mortality, but a trend was found in the unadjusted analysis for those centres with recruitment rates lower than 80% (centres with 95-100% rates as reference): grade IIIb-V OR=0.61 (p=0.081), 90-day mortality OR=0.46 (p=0.051). Conclusions: more than half of the anatomical lung resections in Spain are performed via VATS. According to our results, the centre's recruitment rate and its potential implications due to selection bias, should deserve further attention by the main voluntary multicentre studies of our speciality. The high representativeness as well as the reliability of the GEVATS data constitute a fundamental point of departure for this nationwide cohort

    WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project: Prevalence and Distribution of Mental Disorders

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    Increasingly, colleges across the world are contending with rising rates of mental disorders, and in many cases, the demand for services on campus far exceeds the available resources. The present study reports initial results from the first stage of the WHO World Mental Health International College Student project, in which a series of surveys in 19 colleges across 8 countries (Australia, Belgium, Germany, Mexico, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Spain, United States) were carried out with the aim of estimating prevalence and basic sociodemographic correlates of common mental disorders among first-year college students. Web-based self-report questionnaires administered to incoming first-year students (45.5% pooled response rate) screened for six common lifetime and 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders: major depression, mania/hypomania, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, alcohol use disorder, and substance use disorder. We focus on the 13,984 respondents who were full-time students: 35% of whom screened positive for at least one of the common lifetime disorders assessed and 31% screened positive for at least one 12-month disorder. Syndromes typically had onsets in early to middle adolescence and persisted into the year of the survey. Although relatively modest, the strongest correlates of screening positive were older age, female sex, unmarried-deceased parents, no religious affiliation, nonheterosexual identification and behavior, low secondary school ranking, and extrinsic motivation for college enrollment. The weakness of these associations means that the syndromes considered are widely distributed with respect to these variables in the student population. Although the extent to which cost-effective treatment would reduce these risks is unclear, the high level of need for mental health services implied by these results represents a major challenge to institutions of higher education and governments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).status: publishe
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